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Ghostwriter is a person who is employed by people to write blogs, speeches, essays, books, articles or
any kind of writing content. The key idea behind being a ghostwriter is that you are not credited for
the work you do for your client. This means that the credit of writing the content goes to the client or
the business that hired the ghostwriter. A ghostwriter is not allowed to share the content of his client
in public. However, if the client gives the permission to share the work, then a ghostwriter may share
the work depending upon the agreement signed with the client. Further, the content that a ghostwriter
produces will never has his name associated with the writing anywhere, which implies a ghostwriter is
an anonymous personality for the public.

How to hire a ghostwriter

A ghostwriter can be hired by anyone. It could be big businesses, teachers or solopreneurs. Nowadays,
even ghost blogging is also very common. However, hiring a ghostwriter is in a way a tedious
process. A person must be ready to put a lot of time and effort in order to hire an appropriate
ghostwriter. Nevertheless, the effort you will put in finding a ghost writer will always be worth it. The
process of hiring a ghost writer can be divided into following steps

Defining of goals for the assignment

The first and foremost step is to define the goals for your assignment or project. You must be clear
with your expectations from your project. This is necessary because if you are not clear with the idea
behind your assignment, how will you explain to the ghostwriter what you want in your project. Goal
defining for your assignment will help you to explain your project to your ghost writer. For example-
you might want an assignment to get done for your project or it may be a book you want to get done
for the public, or it could be a blog writing that you want to get done from a ghost writer, If it is a
school assignment, the ghostwriter will approach your assignment as a student but if it is a blog, the
ghostwriter has to work more and think more deeply and would get it done that way only. But if it is a
book you want to get written from a ghostwriter, you must be explaining to him what aspects you
want to bring in front of the public or what message you want to give to the public through your book.
After explaining all this, ghostwriter will approach your book from that perspective only.

Search for ghostwriters

It’s not an easy task to find ghostwriters online. They usually mention less number of projects in their
profile than what they have already handled. For this reason matchmaking companies (e.g. Reedsy)
seems to be one of the best choices to start your search. Ghostwriting marketplace can be reviewed
and one can mention their top choices. There you can see their profile and the projects they have
handled. The works that align with your requirement can be picked up and shortlisted.

Assessment of skills of ghostwriters

A good writer is defined by his excellent ability to process and handle a large amount of information,
problems-solving skills, strong writing and storytelling abilities. The kind of writer you want for your
assignment depends upon your expectations and goals from your project. A perfect ghost writer would
be the person who can convert the thoughts and ideas of the client into a written document.

Going through previous projects of ghostwriters

You can check on the website two key questions about the ghostwriter. How much work they have
done as a ghostwriter and what kind of work they have done. The second one is easy to find but the
first one is probably not. The reason behind this is that a ghostwriter has both kinds of works, one that
their client has permitted them to show to other prospective clients and there could be some works
that they might have done but the agreement between the client and the writer does not allow them to
share the kind of work they have done. This might not give an appropriate idea to you what kind of
work they have handled till now. However, visiting the websites will give you atleast a rough idea
about the work they have done e.g. several ghostwriters mention the name of the book in which they
have worked. Though they might not mention what role they played in that. Suppose you want to hire
a ghostwriter for writing a book, it’s always advisable to hire the person who has atleast two books
that have been published traditionally.

Ghostwriter should be able to bring out the voice and style of the client in front of the public.

As ghostwriters work for several people, they have the ability to write in different tones and voices in
ficition as well as non-fiction. If you are not a good writer and searching for a person who can give a
voice to your thoughts, you must go to a well established ghostwriter who works for different people
and has an experience in writing for different kinds of fiction as well as non-fiction projects.

Once you are done with finding a ghost writer for yourself the next step is to have a clear conversation
with the writer about the license of the work. It’s always considered best to discuss all these aspects
much before the work starts. You can also discuss with the ghost if he is allowed to add some of his
ideas to your work or he must rely to the content and information that you have provided to the
ghostwriter. Secondly, you must find a ghostwriter who is flexible with your way of working i.e. there
are some ghostwriters who would love to gather a large amount of information from you before they
actually start working on your project and there are others who do not communicate much with the
author. Further, one must never rush in finding a good ghostwritier for their assignment. Always give
some time to find an apt writer for your project. Usually the writers who work on short projects will
be more easily available than the ones who work on longer projects.

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