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MFGE 148F SECTION: B3 Quiz 2


Student Number: 2016131929

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1. Why is Uranium good substitute in making/producing electricity? Technically explain it.

Answer completely.
ANS. Nuclear power uses uranium to produce electricity because of its huge power output and
low greenhouse gas emissions. Nuclear power plants can be compared to gas powerplants in
terms of cost, the nuclear power plant has a high initial cost but the electricity it generates is
huge compared to gas power plants. Gas powerplants have a low initial cost but it has a
greenhouse effect and has low energy output. Uranium is a good substitute because the energy
released through nuclear fission is greater than the energy released through the process of
burning similar amounts of fossil fuels. This makes nuclear power a very effective way of
supplying power on a utility-scale. Nuclear energy originates from the splitting of uranium atoms
a process called fission. This produces heat to produce steam, which is used for power
generation by a turbine generator. They do not produce greenhouse gas emissions because
nuclear power plants do not burn fuel. Nuclear energy is an important part of the energy mix
needed to meet the demand for electricity by efficiently generating power 24 hours a day. And it
will remain an essential renewable energy option for the future with no carbon emissions.
2. From the video, explain ALL the security features that exist in these Nuclear Power Plants?
Answer completely.
ANS. The video shows different parts of the nuclear power plant. Nuclear powerplants are use
uranium as fuel and because of this the nuclear power plant should have many security
features. Nuclear power plants are built near bodies of water, these bodies of water are used to
supply the powerplant with water which is used as a coolant for the nuclear powerplant to
manage the heat that is produced by the uranium. The uranium is safely stored in clean and
protected areas which are supervised by the Canadian safety commission and the international
atomic energy organization so that the facilities are up to standards. To deter the transfer of
radioactive materials when individuals or facilities pass from zone to zone, the station shall be
divided into zones according to the position of the structures and facilities, to ensure that no
radioactivity is transmitted. Each zona is controlled and operated by trained personnel to
prevent mistakes. For visitors, people have to walk into a security building that functions pretty
much like a protective system for an airport. There is the equipment used to inspect explosive
devices, x-ray machines, and metal detectors. To supplement highly-trained security officers,
visitors must pass through the turnstile where any person and anything entering and leaving the
station must always be checked with their identity card and individual hand bone structure.
People who operate the power plant and visitors are required to wear the proper PPE to protect
themselves from the radiation of the uranium fuel.

3. Explain spent fuel? What is it? Where? why? How? it was stored? Do you think people will be
safe in future? How long do the nuclear materials in storage stay radioactive? Answer
ANS. When the nuclear reactor uses the uranium fuel for 5 years this becomes
irradiated and would be considered as spent fuel, the spent fuel will be replaced and will be
disposed of. When the uranium fuel is disposed it will either be stored on the site by using a
special pool to protect the personnel from the radiation or it can be stored in Spent Fuel Storage
Installations. When installations are used the spent fuel is placed in a dry cast that is made out
of steel and concrete, with the concrete providing radiation shielding, and are stored at U.S.
reactors outdoors on concrete pads The main purpose of this is to lower the radiating heat from
the spent fuel. Even if the spent fuel is irradiated it is still dangerous for humans because it is
still highly radioactive that can cause skin burns and acute radiation syndrome. If we're are going
to compare nuclear power plants to gas power plants, people would be safer in the future by
using nuclear power plants. The damage of gas power plants is a lot more dangerous compared
to nuclear power plants where the waste can be stored. Also, nuclear power plants have a lot of
safety measures that make it a lot safer not only for the people operating the plant but also for
the environment. After being stored in a pool or a dry cast for 40 years, the fuel can be stored in
a deep environment that allows it to decay for a hundred years.

4. Describe in detail what happened in the Chernobyl? Can it be avoided? How? Answer
ANS. Reactor 4 of the nuclear power plant in Chernobyl, Ukraine, exploded in April 1986.
Staff at Chernobyl reactor 4 were conducting a test to see whether the generators could
supply adequate energy to maintain the coolant pumps working if electricity was lost and if they
could keep them going before the diesel emergency generator kicked in. The test was
postponed so that the core was operating at half power for 10 hours, so nuclear fission
generates xenon that stalls the reaction of the nucleal fission. It has stalled and becomes zero as
they begin to turn down the power of the reactor. Dyatlov decided to carry out the test and
demanded that the electricity be put back on. At the time, protocol suggested that burning off
the xenon had to be performed slowly over a 24-hour period to securely bring the main power
back up. Through manually removing most of the control rods that govern the reaction, 200
megawatts was the most they could bring out of the reactor. They were told to start the test
regardless of what the rules were. The flow of water that kept the core cold and the xenon were
the only things that held the core in check. When the evaluation commenced, the pumps were
switched off. Xenon immediately burned off. From the water that remained in the middle, steam
was generated. Power soon started to rise. By pressing AZ-5, which drops all the control rods
back into the core, they attempted to shut down the core, stopping the reaction due to the
power surge. The issue with that is the control rods tipped with graphite that speed up fission
reactions. Because of the already rising amount of power, steam, and fire. A pressure spot was
created that prevented the control rods from being further inserted. The power increased to
more than 30,000 megawatts, but the heart is only built for 3,000 megawatts that blew off the
top right center. Oxygen raced in in unison with the flaming graphite, sparking a monumental
The incident can be avoided if the staff were better trained at their job. During the trials,
the head engineer at night shift was a new recruit and because of this, he does not have the
experience that is required to do the test of Dyatlov. The nuclear power plant is not regulated by
authorities and because of this, the Soviet government has underfunded the construction of the
nuclear power plant making the safety rods dangerous to use at a critical level. The incident can
be avoided if the staff is better educated at handling problems and has more experience. Also,
this can be avoided if the Dyatlov did not force the nuclear reactor to operate at an unsafe level.
This can be done if there is a group that is regulating the safety of nuclear power plants. The
personnel working for the power plant does not have the proper PPE in operating the power
plant and as a result, most of them died because of exposure to radiation.

5. Enumerate completely and explain completely all the engines/machines that you saw in
Daimler-Detroit factory virtual tour. Give the specifications of each with matching pictures.
The tour started at the welcome center of the factory where it greets the tourist and
shows the expertise of the company. The welcome center contains the enginesDD5, DD16,
DD15, and DD13. The specifications of the DD16 engines are:
 Turbo compounding to recover heat from the exhaust
 Wide, flat torque curve pulls strong all the way down below 1000 RPM
 optimize combustion control
 quieter engine braking
 enhanced downhill control
 shorter stopping distances
 all with reduced wear on the service brakes
 Meets 2016 OBD (OBD16) and 2017 Greenhouse Gas (GHG17) regulations.
The specifications of the DD15 engines are:
 1750 lb-ft torque at 1075 RPM, which pulls down to 975 RPM
 400 horsepower at 1625 RPM, with usable power from 1100 RPM
 Lower RPMs at cruise speed reduces friction
 higher efficiency AND reliability
 New 6-blade cooling fan design draws less power
 engine doesn’t burn as much fuel
The specifications of a DD13 engine are:
 increased fuel efficiency
 A B50 life of 1 million miles
 A robust rear gear train
 quieter engine braking
 superior braking power
 remote diagnostic system
 turbocharger to improve performance

The specifications of the DD5 engines are:

 Simple, fixed-geometry, dual-stage turbo for performance, efficiency and reliability

 An optional high-performance integrated engine brake
 A B10 life of 400,000 miles

After the welcome center there are many machines that is shown in the tour. These machines have
different purpose that test different components of trucks. These machines are:

 Customer Support center computers to help customers by providing information

about their company and products
 Leak tight test is used to check air pressure and oil are used to ensure our
assembled transmissions have no leaks.

 Gentle giant this is used for quality control

 Transmission Dyno Testing this will test the transmission dyno by doing all
executable practicable functions of transmission, railing, ramping, including
reverse and splits.

 Automated axel quality machine- lubricates the axle this makes it saves more fuel
 Pinion Machine - dry cut and precision ground to produce quieter, longer-lasting

 Automated quality gate this checks the quality of work that is done to the engine
 Engine Dyno Testing is a machine that test the power,torque and speed of the

 Forklift is the machine used to transfer different products of the company, this is
used so that heavy components of the truck can be easily transferred
6. Completely compare factory automation systems of Mercedes S Car Sindelfingen, Tesla and
Toyota. Cite detailed & obvious SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES of each factory setup. Answer
ANS. The car companies have their way of creating cars, and because of this, it can affect their
price and production. Car companies are similar in the way that they use machines to do
repetitive work and load heavy work. When the car is needed to be lifted or weld. The car
companies use machines to do the work. This machine is automated and only requires a few
people to manage and supervise the work. When the material is transported to the factories,
machines are used to form the material into cars or other different components. Also, machines
are used to help different staff that is working for the company. This is where the three
companies are similar but there are also aspects of the company that is different from one
another. Based on the video, Mercedes is different from tesla and Toyota in terms of using
robots in some segments. The company Mercedes treats the car as an art that’s why they still
use humans to do the work in some of the processes. While Tesla and Toyota use machines in
most of the work done on the cars. Toyota is different from Mercedes and tesla because they
use laser technology to cut different things. Lazers are precise and accurate making it cut faster
and better. Additionally, this laser is guided by a computer and because of that human mistakes
are prevented. The difference between Tesla to Toyota and Mercedes is that the company does
not use a line assembly. The company tesla uses different zones or sections to assemble the

7. Enumerate Toyota TMMK President Susan Elkington mentioned during the Q&A interview?
Answer completely.
 Susan Elkington talked about how axels and engines were built in their falility at Toyota
Motor Manufacturing Kentucky and how their facility has a powertrain facility.
 Susan Elkington mention that Toyota was the first plant that was constructed in
 Susan Elkington mention that there are many engines that is made in the factory in
 Susan Elkington mentioned that the factory would be making the improved bersion of
the hybrid engine.

 Susan Elkington mentioned that the factory is versatile and because of this they have
the ability to create different engines.
 Susan Elkington mentioned that the company has the ability to manufacture different
engines that can compete with the global market.
 Susan Elkington mentioned that the company plans on including modern technology to
their industrial machines.
 Susan Elkington mentioned on funding education that is related to STEM
 Susan Elkington also mentioned Andon. He is the person that is contected when the
team is in a emergency or requires a team leader.
 Susan Elkington mentioned that the Toyota Kentucky division has a partnership with
Toyota japan.
 Susan Elkington talked about different variables that helps the company be recognized
in the market

8. BASED from the TOYOTA videos, how will Toyota move forward into the FUTURE of
automobile design and production? Answer completely.
ANS. The company Toyota will be moving forward into the future by introducing A. I
to the company and increasing the robots that are working for the company. By increasing
the robots there would be fewer workloads for the workers of the company. This will ensure
that they would have a safe work environment and making the work environment a lot more
ergonomic. The A.I would be able to make efficient decisions that would optimize the
production of products. The A.I. would also collect data and this data would be used to
determine the inefficiencies of the company. The data would also be uses to analyze
different files and predict failures in the company. It also boosts efficiency as the company
manufactured more when doing it cost-effectively, increased data collection as thin
machines became connected to the internet, reliability, and mobility, improved customer
support, provided more plant creativity and enhanced protection as A.I. It can detect issues
in a production line that an operator can not see. The company also decided that the workers
should work in a safe and comfortable workplace because this affects the quality of work of
their workers.
9. “How it’s Made” video. Explain completely each FINAL product generated by EACH factory and
its EFFECT (if effect is not mentioned then research it!) to the consumer mentioned in week 6
with matching pictures. Answer completely.

a.) Cements

To create structures, such as buildings and bridges, much of the development uses
concrete. Cement is a powder used for the manufacture of concrete mixed with water and other
compounds. Cement is harvested from the quarry, where minerals such as silica iron and
aluminum oxide are rich.

b.) Marine Plywood

Marine plywood is manufactured from durable face and core veneers with few flaws, so
it lasts longer under wet and wet environments, avoiding delaminating and fungal attacks. The
architecture is such that it can be used in areas where it is exposed to humidity for long periods
since it is made of tropical hardwood and bonded with water-resistant glue. Some uses include
the building of ships and ports that are uncovered in damp environments, as well as furniture
decoration and construction.
c.) Beer
Beer is one of the world's oldest and most commonly consumed alcoholic drinks and is the third
most popular drink after water and tea[3] overall. The products are primarily cereal grains, such
as malted barley, which is used for breakfast, while wheat, maize (corn), and rice are used. And
the grains will be fermented and refined before they meet the ideal drinkable commodity.

d.) Glass
Glass bottles are glass bottles that are used for the containment of liquid, such as drinks
or other chemicals. Glass bottles can range greatly in size, but are seen most often in sizes
varying from around 200 milliliters to 1.5 liters. It uses abundant materials in the manufacture of
glass which can be recycled from other glasses and is more energy-efficient than the processing
of metals and plastics.
e.) Feed Mill

Feeds, more generally referred to as animal feeds, are foods, such as dogs, cats, fish,
and many more, provided for animals under domestic control. Since they no longer live in their
natural environments, it is also impossible for them to produce feed because of the way they
get natural food.

f.) Stainless Steel

Stainless steel is an alloy of both iron and carbon. From being a key ingredient in the
manufacturing of containers or even a different entity, they have a variety of applications. All of
which is possible because of the longevity of the metal. It is considered to be one of the world's
most inexpensive metals. The business, not to mention the corrosive properties that decide its
longevity. Not only is it resistant to rust, but it is also simple to make, able to survive severe
weather changes, low maintenance, and, most importantly, environmentally safe and
recyclable. Any stainless steel uses include kitchen products, tubing, tanks, and so on.
10. “How it’s Made” video. Explain each WASTE product (if NOT mentioned in the video research it!)
generated by EACH factory and its EFFECT to the ENVIRONMENT mentioned in week 6 with
pictures. Answer completely. ANS.

a.) Cements

Solid waste, which is collected from the bottom of the dust filter, called cement bypass
dust, is the main source of pollution created by the cement industry. If cement dust is emitted
into the atmosphere, because of its size, it poses a major pollution threat, causing air pollution

b.) Marine Plywood

Since the plywood comes from hard tropical forests, it can lead to deforestation and
global warming can add to development. When cutting forests, soil erosion will result and fewer
trees in the air will absorb carbon dioxide and the forest will be desertified.

c.) Beer
There are many considerations in the manufacturing of beers that can consume the
whole environment; water use and waste generation, energy conservation, pollution control,
the environmental effects of the brewing process, and best practices of environmental
management that do not sacrifice beer quality.
d.) Glass
During the processing of glass, high temperatures and greenhouse dioxide are extracted
into the atmosphere. However, the video said that glass manufacturing is environmentally
sustainable where it is possible to recycle products that may need less digging for the plant.

e.) Feed Mill

Solid waste, noise and unpleasant odor were the main adverse negative concerns.
Environmental impacts were predicted as a result of the feed mill facility. Via adequate waste
disposal, building plans, radiation safety of workers, etc., these concerns can be handled and
f.) Stainless Steel
Solid metallurgical processes during iron mining and steelmaking. Waste is produced
according to the form of slag, dust and sludge, wastewater sludge, metalworking factory size, and
refractory works discarded. In a treatment facility for wastewater, sludge is used. And if inox steel is
not recycled and joins a deposition or disposal site, it does not have any adverse impact on the
atmosphere or on groundwater. Global warming will also have an impact as heat will be created and
toxic gases will also form as the material is made.
 Detroit Engines | Demand Detroit. (2021). Retrieved 9 February 2021, from
 fuel, M. (2021). Management of spent fuel | ENSREG. Retrieved 9 February 2021,
 Nuclear Energy - How Energy Works - Duke Energy. (2021). Retrieved 9 February
2021, from
 Spencer, S. (2021). Chernobyl explained: Could Chernobyl have been prevented?.
Retrieved 9 February 2021, from
 Uranium, Explained. (2021). Retrieved 9 February 2021, from

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