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Complete with the right demonstrative

1. (Talking about a book in your hand) How could you buy something like

 ?
 (With a bowl of cherries on your lap)
 cherries are delicious!
 (During a long walk) I should have worn shoes I bought in Greece last year;
 have never been comfortable.
 Could you bring me
 book I left in the garden?
 (From the marriage vows) To have and to hold from
 day forward.
 I hate books which tell you: "
 is what you have to do to become rich.".
 (About a picture hanging on the wall)
 are my children.
 (About a picture you've just taken from your wallet) is my wife.

1. That is surely incorrect.

2. This is very yummy.
3. I like those very much.
4. I am sure about that.
5. These are really very comfortable.
6. Could you please give me that?
7. This is really a crazy act.
8. Those are very funny.
9. Could you please help me to get out of these?
10. That is mine and not yours.
11. I want all those.
12. This tastes very yummy.
13. Have you ever seen this?
14. These are my good times.
15. Do you like eating those.
16. That is amazingly beautiful.
17. Those were really nice.

 dentifying Reflexive and Intensive Pronouns

Identify the reflective and intensive pronouns in each of the following sentences and indicate
whether each is reflexive or intensive.
1. I bought myself a new pair of sunglasses for our trip to the beach.

2. The soldiers themselves do not want to attack the enemy fort.

3. You can choose a lawyer yourself or one will be selected for you.

4. Charles himself will be piloting this aircraft across the Atlantic.

5. Because she wanted to be like her sister, Renee forced herself to practice each day.

6. I suggest that you yourselves figure out how to resolve this dispute.

7. After rescheduling three meetings, the president herself conducted the meeting.

8. The accountants perjured themselves when testifying before Congress.

9. When Tim saw the battleship itself, he knew that he had chosen the right profession.

10. I consider myself fortunate to have escaped before the house collapsed.

11. Alan made this dish

12.  .
13.  Laura sent the email
14.  .
15.  We shall not quarrel easily among
16.  , and forget our common objective.
17.  Sara, did you write this poem
18.  ?
19.  Yes, I called her
20.  .
21.  He cut
22.  with the knife while he was sharpening it.
23.  My computer often crashes and turns off by
24.  .
25.  She often talks to
26.  when she is upset
27.  John and Alan, I am not going to do the homework for you. You have to do it
28.  .
29.  The students were so noisy. Even Nancy and Leila were making a lot of noise
30.  .
31.  Did the children behave
32.  ?
33.  I caught sight of in the mirror.

Directions: Choose the correct pronoun for each sentence below. Read the entire sentence before
making your choice. When you are finished, click on the "Check My Work" button at the bottom
of the page to check your answers.

1. Five of ( we   us   ourselves ) took a cab to the play.

2. Are you and ( they   them   themselves ) attending the meeting.

3. No one is more concerned about the matter than ( she   her   herself ) .

4. ( Who   Whom ) can I go out with tonight?

5. Margaret and ( I  me   myself ) hope to be roommates.

6. The committee told Smith and ( they   them   themselves ) to write a new

7. Is he the one for ( who   whom ) the note is intended.

8. We discovered that it was ( they   them   themselves ) who started the fire.

9. Everyone asked Joan and ( he   him   himself ) to speak at the convention.

10. A person as young as ( she   her   herself ) should not be given too much
dentifying Case.
Write the case of each underlined pronoun on each line to the
Soon after starting out, we had a flat tire.
1. The doctor cannot see you until next week.
2. Gail has misplaced her keys again.
3. Foster broke his bat on that hit.
4. The Jacksons took the dog with them on vacation.
5. Surely this bike is yours.
6. Occasionally I enjoy a horror movie.
7. Edison returned to his laboratory.
8. Louise said that someone invited her.
9. The boat was turned over on its side.
10. Kevin asked us for directio

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