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Dr. Berkeley Digby: Instructions for using Radionic cards or images on

smartphones to make remedies

Radionic treatment with sound and light patterns

If you are reading this then I have sent you on WhatsApp Radionic healing
and balancing information to run through you mobile smartphone

Follow these instructions

First - it is Important to go to phone settings and turn on airplane mode 

then turn your phone off and let the static discharge for a few mins before
again turning on ...
You should find that it now turns on automatically in airplane mode. 

You need this airplane mode to ensure there is no interference and

signaling going out or coming in.. which may pollute the image of the
healing pattern you are going to transmit into pure filtered water.

Now click on the Radionic Picture that you received. Tap on this image in
your smartphone so that it is the ONLY thing appearing on smartphone
You can adjust in settings how long the phone screen will remain on before
switching off.. adjust to at least 3 minutes..

Next place a glass one third full of pure water with a clear glass bottom on
the illuminated image for a minute or two  (60 seconds) - then you may
pour it into a dropper bottle to take a squirt of drops into your mouth a few
times a day or you may choose to keep it in the glass and have 3 or 4 small
sips per day.. holding water in mouth for a few seconds.. 
VERY IMPORTANT - Your phone screen may turn off after 30 seconds or
one minute so if you want to impress the image into water or a face cream
for 2 minutes - then do the following 
First go to settings and make sure low power mode is switched off
 then also go to settings and click on 'display and brightness' and then find
'auto-lock' which gives you times to keep the display lit up... click on 2
minutes so the image can run for a full minute without turning off... Now go
back to your card image and double click on it a couple of times - so that it
is the only thing that remains on the screen for a whole 2 minutes... to
For long term conditions it is best stored in a glass dropper bottle which
you can purchase from your chemist. Then you take about 10 drops under
tongue a few times a day

If you use a card or paper printed laminated card image then leave the
glass of water standing on it for 10 minutes in a lighted place 

Some people reported putting the South Pole up of a circular magnet

placed under the card effectively delivers it into water to make a remedy or
onto a Photo and hair (DNA) of a person to deliver it immediately and
directly into their Quantum field

If you are a sensitive person - then You may also try this...

turn on airplane mode then turn off phone - and then on again and it will be
in airplane mode 
Now put the image up on your mobile screen - and then hold to within a few
centimeters of forehead
It’s like taking a dose!!!

You may also broadcast with this method ...

Put hair or witness on screen and run the card for five mins to broadcast

Berkeley Digby - from my iPhone

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