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Treatment Protocol for FLU/ Viral Fever/ Corona

Timings Remedy Method Comments

6:00 AM Gargles ¾ tsf salt and ½ tsf turmeric in 1 glass of hot water
Sniff small quantity of Take small pinch of saunth and sniff in both nostrils
6:15 AM
Dried Ginger/ Saunth turn by turn
6:25 AM Anulom Vilom Pranayam
Expose yourself to sun light including Sun-
Turmeric-1/2-1 tsf + 2 pinches of black pepper boil Gazing (sun gazing for not more than 20
Kahda / concoction
6:30 AM for 5 minutes cover and let it cooladd jaggery seconds at a stretch)
and ½ tsf of ghee/oilsip it
7:30 AM Coconut Water To be followed for 7-15 days
Cut pieces of Peepal leaves boiled in water till 50%
Kadha of Peepal leaves
water is boiled. Filter the water and drink. (For severe
8:00 AM (only for patients with
problems, use Peepal bark instead of leaves and
breathing difficulty)
repeat every hour)
8:30 AM Green Juice Cucumber / Lauki / Ash Gourd
Kahda / concoction
9:30 AM Giloy (3-4 leaves or 4 inch stem) or Tulsi (15-20 leaves)
(Kashaya) To be followed for 3 days after which fresh
10:30 AM Coconut Water fruits (10 gm / kg of body weight) to be eaten
11:30 AM Fruit Juice Any seasonal fruits
11:45 AM Keep ¼ tsf of Ginger/ Saunth on the tongue and let it dissolve there-swallow To be followed for 7-15 days
Kahda / concoction
1:00 PM Turmeric-1/2-1 tsf-same as above To be followed for 3 days after which salad
should be eaten (5 gm / kg of body weight)
2:00 PM Coconut Water
followed by millet khichdi
3:00 PM Fruit Juice Any seasonal fruits
To be followed for 3 days after which salad
Kahda / concoction
4:00 PM Giloy (3-4 leaves or 4 inch stem) or Tulsi (15-20 leaves) should be eaten (5 gm / kg of body weight)
followed by millet khichdi
Pieces of Madar / Ark (Calotropis Gigantea) leaves
Massage with Madar dipped in mustard oil to be heated till they become
4:30 PM Continue till cough releases from lungs
leaves lukewarm and to be used for a light massage on
chest, back and feet.
To be followed for 3 days after which salad
5:00 PM Coconut Water
should be eaten (5 gm / kg of body weight)
followed by millet khichdi - 3rd day onwards
6:00 PM Fruit Juice Any seasonal fruits
also millet khamir/khichdi can be eaten
3 – 4 tender leaves of Adusa (Justicia Adhatoda), a
small cut piece of ginger (not more than 1cm), 5
7:00 PM Adusa juice
leaves of Tulsi manually crushed and juice mixed with
3 drops of honey
Cut pieces of Peepal leaves boiled in water till 50%
Kadha of Peepal leaves
water is boiled. Filter the water and drink. (For severe
8:00 PM (only for patients with
problems, use Peepal bark instead of leaves and
breathing difficulty)
repeat every hour)
Repeat gargles followed by steam inhalation followed by Banana Kashaya which is prepared in the same way as other kashayas
7-9 PM
but boil along with the peel. Sip it and go to sleep.

Please note:

1. This protocol is tentative for guidance. You can modify it as per your convenience but keeping the principles intact.
2. Three day Protocol is be used only for treatment when fever and other acute symptoms are there. For prevention and after-treatment
another protocol is to be used.
3. If acute symptoms persist we can extend 3rd day protocol for few days till fever persists.
4. Always use Plant-based whole food. No animal food to be used.
5. Don’t lower fever by using fever lowering drugs. If fever crosses 104 degree in adult and 102 in kids we can lower it to safe limit by
6. Don’t take symptom suppressive drugs.
7. Don’t take antibiotics or steroids.
8. In case of breathing difficulty adapt Prone- Ventilation Method for relief.
9. Keep yourself in a place where there are lots of trees and plants and fresh and free flowing air is available.
10. You can use a toy fan or table fan so that air in front of your mouth is quickly changing.
11. Keep a watch on your CBC (Complete Blood Count) so that secondary bacterial infection and fall in the platelets count is timely
12. If there are unexplained symptoms or breathing difficulty is too much, consult your family physician and discuss with him/her.

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