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This is the main directory for various programs provided in the book

"Flight Vehicle System Identification: A Time-Domain Methodology, Second Edition"

Author: Ravindra V. Jategaonkar

Published by AIAA
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.
Reston, VA 20191, USA

This software is copyright � 2015 by Ravindra V. Jategaonkar. Published by the
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc., with permission.

You should carefully read all of the terms and conditions of this agreement
before downloading these materials. If you download the materials, the publisher
will assume you have read, understood, and agreed to our warranty terms.


AIAA and Author provide this documentation and the accompanying software for use
"as is" without warranty of any kind. AIAA and author assume no responsibility
for errors, omissions or damage, including, without limitation, damages caused
by these computer programs or from the use of information contained therein.
The software is guaranteed to perform correctly on the test cases described in
the accompanying book "Flight Vehicle System Identification: A Time-Domain
Methodology, Second Edition." The entire risk of performance of the accompanying
software is assumed by the user.

Government: Please note that if this software is purchased by, or on behalf of,
a unit or agency of the United States Government, this license agreement still
applies. This software was developed without U.S. government funds and in all
respects is proprietary data copyrighted solely to the author.

If you are unable to accept this usage agreement, please contact AIAA for
clarification. Requests for network licenses or other permissions
should be addressed to the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.

The programs are tested with Matlab versions:
1) Version 6.0.0, Release 12,
2) Version 6.5.1, Release 13 (Service Pack 1),
3) Version 7.0.0, Release 14,
4) Version, Release 14, Service Pack 3,
5) Version (R2007b), and
6) Version (R2013a).

The various programs are sorted out chapter wise: /FVSysID/chapterxx/

chapter02: Data Gathering

chapter03: Model Postulates and Simulation

chapter04: Output Error Method

chapter05: Filter Error Method

chapter06: Equation Error Methods

chapter07: Recursive Parameter Estimation

chapter08: Artificial Neural Networks

chapter09: Unstable Aircraft Identification

chapter10: Data Compatibility Check (Empty folder)

chapter11: Model Validation (Empty folder)

chapter12: Selected Advanced Examples

The flight data used in the test cases is found in the directory /FVSysID/flt_data/
fAttasAil1.mat Aileron input (Test aircraft ATTAS)
fAttasAilRud1.mat Aileron and rudder input (Test aircraft ATTAS)
fAttasAilRud2.mat Aileron and rudder input (Test aircraft ATTAS)
fAttasElv1.mat Elevator 3211 input (Test aircraft ATTAS)
fAttasElv2.mat Elevator 3211 input (Test aircraft ATTAS)
fAttasRud1.mat Rudder input (Test aircraft ATTAS)
fAttas_qst01.asc Quasi-steady stall (Test aircraft ATTAS)
fAttas_qst02.asc Quasi-steady stall (Test aircraft ATTAS)
hfb320_1_10.asc Elevator multistep and longer duration pulse input
(Test aircraft HFB-320)
unStabAC_sim.asc Simulated unstable aircraft response data (Pitching motion)

y13aus_da1.asc Simulated data with turbulence (Lateral-directional motion)


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