Mwe 18u01030

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Tutorial: 1

1. The longitudinal magnetic field in a rectangular air filled waveguide is given as-
HZ=0.1 COS (31.4 x) COS (15y) e - jkzZ A\m
Where x, y, z are measured in meters. Determine (a) cut-off frequency of the mode and
(b) Minimum possible dimension of the waveguide.

2. An air-filled rectangular waveguide of inside dimensions 7 x 3.5 cm operates in the dominant

TE10 mode as shown in Fig.

a) Find the cutoff frequency.

b) Determine the phase velocity of the wave in the guide at a frequency of 3.5 GHz.
c) Determine the guided wavelength at the same frequency.

3. An airfilled waveguide with across section 2 x 1 cm transports energy in the TE10

mode at the rate of 0.5 hp. The impressed frequency is 30 GHz. What is the peak value
of the electric field occurring in the guide?

4. A TE11 mode is propagating through a circular waveguide. The radius of the guide is
5 cm, and the guide contains an air dielectric.
a) Determine the cutoff frequency.
b) Determine the wavelength in the guide for an operating frequency of 3 GHz.
c) Determine the wave impedance in the guide

Sol.1 In a rectangular waveguide the HZ field equation given as

mπ nπ
HZ=Hmm cos ( x ) cos( y )e-jβmnZ
a b
Comparing the equation, we get


( )=31.4

( )=15

(a) Cut-off frequency of the mode given as

c 2 2 1\2
fc, mn= ¿ ) +¿) ]

putting the values, we get
fc= [(31.4)2 + (15)2]1\2

3 x 108
fc = [34.8]

fc = 1.67 GHZ Ans.

(b) Minimum possible dimension of the waveguide

Rectangular guides ordinary have dimension of a = 2b ratio. The mode with the lowest cut-
off frequency in a particular guide is called the dominant mode.
In dominant mode, cut-off frequency is given as
c 3 x 108
or a= =
2 f c 2(1.67 x 109 )
a= 0.09 m = 9 cm
a 9
and b= = = 4.5 cm
2 2

Tutorial: 2

3. An air-filled circular waveguide has a radius of 2 cm and is to carry energy at a frequency of 10

GHz. Find all the TEnp and TMnp modes for which energy transmission is possible.

4. Given a rectangular waveguide 3×1 cm operating at a frequency of 9 GHz in TE 10 mode.

Calculate the maximum power handling capacity of the waveguide if the maximum potential
gradient of the signal is 3 kV/cm.

5. A hollow rectangular waveguide is to be used to transmit signals at a carrier frequency of 6 GHz.

Choose its dimensions so that the cutoff frequency of the dominant TE mode is lower than the
carrier by 25% and that of the next mode is at least 25% higher than the carrier.

6. A TE wave propagating in a dielectric-filled waveguide of unknown permittivity has dimensions

a = 5 cm and b = 3 cm. If the x-component of its electric field is given by

a) the mode number,
b) r of the material in the guide,
c) the cutoff frequency, and
d) the expression for Hy.

Tutorial: 3

7. A waveguide filled with a material whose r = 2.25 has dimensions a = 2 cm and b = 1.4 cm. If
the guide is to transmit 10.5-GHz signals, what possible modes can be used for the transmission?

8. A waveguide, with dimensions a = 1 cm and b = 0.7 cm, is to be used at 20 GHz. Determine the
wave impedance for the dominant mode when

a) the guide is empty, and

b) the guide is filled with polyethylene (whose r = 2.25).

9. A rectangular air – filled waveguide has a cross section of 4 𝑐𝑚 × 10 𝑐𝑚 The minimum

frequency which can propagation in the waveguide is
a. 1.5 GHz
b. 2.0 GHz
c. 2.5 GHz
d. 3.0 GHz

10.A rectangular metal wave guide filled with a dielectric material of relative permittivity 𝜀𝑟 = 4
has the inside dimensions 3.0 𝑐𝑚 × 1.2 𝑐𝑚. The cut off frequency for the dominant mode is
a. 2.5 GHz
b. 5.0 GHz
c. 10.0 GHz
d. 12.5 GHz


Sol.4 Waveguide dimensions (inner)
𝒂 = 𝟑 𝒄𝒎 = 𝟑 × 𝟏𝟎−𝟐𝒎

𝒃 = 𝟏. 𝟐 𝒄𝒎 = 𝟏. 𝟐 × 𝟏𝟎−𝟐𝒎
Dominant mode is the mode having lowest cut off frequency and is denoted by
TE10 .Cut off frequency for Dominant mode is given by

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