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Re-Writing Simple Sentences Worksheet

Re-write each group of words to form a statement that makes

sense. Use end marks and capitalization correctly.

in the morning we went to school

We went to school in the morning.

1. Jason on Gloria Rd. lives

2. he shot the basketball

3. english he enjoys learning

4. from the United States is Aaron

5. history she is good at

6. she likes to play the piano

7. gave the award to the boy the teacher

8. back home she walked after school

Re-Writing Simple Sentences Worksheet


1. Jason lives on Gloria Rd..

2. He shot the basketball.
3. He enjoys learning English.
4. Aaron is from the United States.
5. She is good at history
6. She likes to play the piano.
7. The teacher gave the award to the boy.
8. She walked back home after school.

Re-Writing Simple Sentences Worksheet

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