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So buddy what’s your instagram id? What, you don’t use insta….that’s strange .
Do you actually belong to this planet or not. This is the way we judge someone
when we meet for the very first time.

'Using the internet is almost synonymous with using social media.'

Undoubtedly this is one of the most controversial topics which are equally loved
and hated depending on the individual opinion. For some it's must and for few,
it’s a curse. Infact we all are aware that social media is empowering ourselves, our
lives and especially it’s taking a strong control over mindset.

Just giving a thought the number of ways social media is actually beneficial to us
and thousands of thoughts crosses our minds within a few seconds. Within a blink
of an eye it can spread information, images, and videos. Its grand design is to
connect people expression and for learning. It has empowered so many and
inspired many individuals.

But all that glitters is not good that hold true for social media as well.Social media
has literally overtaken us. Actually the young generation is the core targeted
group due to social media. It is not only destroying our future but it’s like a slow
poison which is surely going to have a destructive effect on our future . It is
actually stopping our thinking process and our grasping speed . Initially we don't
realise it but then at the end we are the actual sufferers of it.

The biggest risk is vulnerability to crime. Criminals use social media to commit
crime, robbers know when you are away from your home on vacations and
stalkers get information about your where about via social media. At the same
time we need to aware what we are posting on social media . It should be
something that inspires others and not that it is recognized as pretty or sexy or
Instead of wishing someone on their birthdays and anniversaries via phone call,
what we do is simply post our wishes and tag them. It is something which does
not create memories . Life on social media is completely different than the reality.
We actually post everything to impress the society .we live the way the society
wants us to.

Therefore the topic remains controversial it is both ban and a boon .it is
completely dependent on an individual whether to take the best advantage of
social media or allow it to overtake us.

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