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Project Report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
award of the Degree of



Reg. No. MB190901

Under the guidance of




Bengaluru City University


I hereby declare that “Biomass Energy Resources: Utilization and Management” is the result
of the project work carried out by me under the guidance of Mrs. Archana N in partial
fulfillment for the award of Master’s Degree in Business Administration by Bengaluru City

I also declare that this project is the outcome of my own efforts and that it has not been
submitted to any other University or Institute for the award of any other degree or Diploma
or Certificate.

Place: Bangalore Name: Rayyan Khan

Date: / /2020 Register Number: MB190901


This is to certify that the Project Report title “Biomass Energy Resources: Utilization and
Management” Submitted by (Rayyan Khan MB190901) to Bengaluru City University,
Bangalore for the award of Degree of MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION is a
record of work carried out by he/her under my guidance.

Place: Bangalore
Date: Signature

Presentation Inspiration and Motivation have always played a key role in the success of any

I take the opportunity to express our gratitude to all the concerned people who have directly
or indirectly contributed towards completion of this project. I extend my sincere gratitude
TECHNOLOGY, for providing the opportunity and resources to work on this project.

I am extremely grateful to Dr. Anitha Ramachander, our Director and Principal and my
guide Mrs. ARCHANA N, Assistant Professor Department of MBA, whose insight
encouraged me to go beyond the scope of the project and this broadened me learning on this

I also want to show my gratitude to whose insight helped me to complete this project.






 Introduction about Topic

 Statement of the problem
 Need and relevance of the Study


CHAPTER 3: Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Challenges

(SWOC) of the Research.

CHAPTER 4: Outcomes of the Study 23-32

CHAPTER 5: Experiences, Learnings and Conclusion 33-38




At present, energy assumes an important function in socio-economic development and raising

living quality. India has a wealth of sustainable power sources yet has not assessed them
sufficiently for technical and financial reasons. In addition, satisfying energy needs is fundamental
for having the option to proceed with manageable development in the economy and improving the
everyday environments of mankind. Moreover, India can provide all energy demand from
renewable power sources, particularly biomass. Biomass can shape a huge portion of it due to its
wide availability in India. In the event that local energy sources like biomass are assessed
sufficiently and efficiently, energy dependence on other nations will decline drastically. The
presence of energy importation into the nation will likewise disappear. Biomass can be utilized to
meet a variety of energy needs, including creating power, warming homes, energizing vehicles,
and giving heat for industries.

This project is bringing out a live problem of how inexpensive and sustainable energy can be used
to provide efficient energy in the environment. This energy should be able to curb pollution in an
economic fashion. This kind of energy should be used in every nook and corner of the nation,
furthermore, this kind of energy should be given more priority in rural areas. Biomass energy has
vast scope for innovation, it has wonderful potential that can be utilized as our nation has the ability
and enormous resources to convert and extract power from biomass. The upcoming technologies
can help to reduce the cost of using energy and will be environment friendly. To make the earth
pollution free we people are responsible for the upcoming generation, we should be sustaining
limited resources for the future. The usage of biomass energy is socially beneficial as it doesn't
destroy nature and is cost-efficient. The outcome of the project is to influence people on
implementing and promoting biomass energy resources.

So let us come to an important question what is biomass?

It is the energy that can be produced from plant or animal waste material, it can be wood remains,
waste from agriculture, animal waste, human waste or some plants that can be grown solely for
this purpose. So biomass is used in the production of energy from organic waste such as expired
plant, dead animal material, animal dung and kitchen waste which can be converted to a gaseous

The population in India is constantly increasing which increases waste material simultaneously,
which needs to be managed. Biomass energy comes to rescue with the secondary intention of
cleaning our nature, this utilization of waste that would otherwise have been disposed of now can
be used to produce a renewable and widely available source of energy. Utilization of biomass
energy makes us reduce the dependence on fossil fuel that means less carbon production and lesser
greenhouse effect. When compared to wind energy and solar energy biomass energy is slightly

better in terms of setup cost and maintenance cost whilst this can also be economically beneficial
in the sense of providing new job opportunities in the sustainable energy industry. Biomass energy
utilization aims to provide a cleaner environment and implement waste management.

In biomass energy production there are a few methods that are used to produce energy. One of the
methods is thermal conversion where it is used as an important mechanism to convert biomass into
a sustainable and usable fuel the other method involves the usage of chemical processes to convert
biomass into different matters that can be used to store transport and utilize. Finally, biomass can
be directly converted into electrical energy by the process of using electrochemical oxidation of
material where former converts Biomass into CO2 and H2O before it is consumed as fuel.

Statement of the problem

Humankind has deteriorated the environment for their greed. The key points towards the relevance
of climate change are due to the usage of non-renewable sources of energy, deforestation, and
unconventional farming where biomass energy resources can be utilized and replaced with this
adverse obstacle to a cleaner environment is missing.

People have been throwing away waste for millions of years, in the present day world these waste
are usually placed in some kind of container which will be later destroyed or recycled. Some items
such as metals, wood, glass, paper, etc. can be reused and few of these materials can be recycled
and converted into a cheap and efficient source of profit. For example, rice and sugarcane
agriculture need a huge amount of energy to be produced simultaneously this crop leaves a
significant amount of residue which can be used to produce energy that can be used again to
produce this crop.

Need and Relevance of the study

Biomass is one of the most growing energy sources viewed as an option in contrast to traditional
energy sources, for example, oil, petroleum, gas and so on, biomass is a local asset for India.
Biomass sources are essentially forests and agricultural plantations, and crop residue like straw,
leaves and plant stems, processing this waste like dust, bagasse, nutshell and husk and domestic
waste such as food waste and sewage are also used. The principle reasons why Biomass can
diminish oil-based energy source being a sustainable part of total energy production. It is a clean
sustainable energy source that
could drastically improve our
environment, economy and
energy production. Biomass
energy produces far less carbon
emissions than petroleum
products. And also diminish the
measure of waste send to
landfills and decreases our
dependence on imported oil.
Furthermore, biomass energy
will likewise make numerous job
options available and help renew
rural communities.

Energy is important in the development and assessing the standards of people in the country. India
is a quickly developing nation, the two-factor population and economy are going up every year,
so its energy request builds correspondingly and this expanding request must be met for keeping
manageable advancement in the economy and raising day to day environment needs of humankind.
Even though India has enormous energy sources, it is a major energy importer, it has a ton of
potential to grow its energy resources. Biomass is one of the most promising energy sources to be
used as an option in contrast to regular ones. This study also signifies the importance of biomass
energy in rural areas of India i.e. the capability of biomass and its utilization in the country. India
has been consistently been one of the major rural countries of the world, and importance of
horticulture is expanding because of biomass energy being a significant asset of the country.




Review of literature

A literature review demonstrates prior research summary and how connected the project is to the
research. It summarizes what has been learnt from others and also gives credibility to the project.
I reviewed previous literature to identify key findings as well as shortcomings, those are as follows:

1) Gupta, A (1997), Renewable Energy in India - Progress, Policy, and Prospects, in Rural
and Renewable energy: perspectives from developing countries - Ed. Ramana, P.V,
TERI, New Delhi, India.

He studied biomass supply at competitive cost that require highly proficient biomass creation
system. Supply of biomass waste materials is restricted by the degree of activities creating the
waste. Present day biomass energy applications would require the supply to be driven by the
elements of energy market. Ensuring biomass supply at competitive cost would require
exceptionally profitable biomass framework. To upgrade biomass profitability the government
made a plan to create bundles of practices of quickly developing, high yielding and short rotation
(5-6 years) fuel wood tree species for the degraded waste grounds in these zones. Proposition for
biomass based power generation are moderately more driven. It is focused to set up 500 MW
biomass power limit during the time frame. Noteworthy allotments are proposed for R&D
exercises (Rs. 770 million) and specialized help and public support (Rs. 90 million). It is
additionally proposed to assess the biomass potential in various areas in India to control the
innovation advancement exertion.

2) Meshram, J.. (2003). The recent development of biomass energy in India: An overview.
International Journal of Energy Technology and Policy.

He examined the various technology including gasification, combustion and cogeneration which
are being actively evolved to sell conversion of biomass substances inclusive of agricultural,
forestry and agro‐business residues into electric powered strength. The advertising of scientifically
designed fashions of wood/biomass fired cook stoves may have an immediate effect at the welfare
of women, in addition to of rural families within villages. The strain for the usage of kerosene and
LPG may additionally be reduced. Higher cost addition to biomass may be finished through
utilizing it for strength generation. There is a nicely hooked up functionality for the producers of
boilers, generators and associated equipment to be used with inside the manufacturing of biomass

3) Yadav, Yogender & Yadav, Yogender. (2016). Biomass Supply Chain Management:
Perspectives and Challenges.

They studied bioenergy and biofuel made from biomass is dependable which give eco-friendly
energy supply under easy development mechanism however it additionally relies upon many
reasons which additionally consists primarily as biomass evaluation and supply chain
management. Biomass-based bioenergy is having primary emphasis for capability solution in
renewable electricity programmes throughout India. Characteristic of biomass supply chain is
generally constituted of a few wonderful methods as harvesting, collection, transportation,
pretreatment, storage and end use, that's essential for fulfillment of bioenergy manufacturing.
There are numerous problems on this thing especially for transportation and storage consisting of
seasonal availability, manufacturing fee and efficient conversion technologies. Research and
development is crucial to optimize the biomass supply chain control for maximize the utilization
ability with minimizing the inputs.

4) Shukla, Priyadarshi. (2007). Biomass energy strategies for aligning development and
climate goals in India.

He explored the implementation of bio-energy programs in India must comply with a three-degree
strategy. First, in the near-time period, there's a want to make certain that the sustainability of
conventional biomass with the aid of improved supply of local biomass and enhancing the

performance of conversion technologies. In the second degree, in the medium time period, the
point of interest must be to increase the national marketplace and supply capacity for bio-energy
fuels and services, to fulfill power safety and improvement objectives. In the third degree, the long-
time period strategy must be to increase linkages with global bio-fuel and generation markets and
to assist create a competitive global energy marketplace that incorporates the cost of carbon

5) Sharma, Atul & Srivastava, Jaya & Kumar, Anil. (2015). Renewable energy: A
comprehensive overview of renewable energy status in India. Environmental
Sustainability: Role of Green Technologies.

They highlighted how to compete up with such a tremendous demand for energy resources in the
future. Indian needs to build a successful framework that creates energy from Biomass comparing
to the need for energy requirements in India. Biomass is the product of green plants converting
sunlight into plant material through photosynthesis and it includes land-based as well as water-
based vegetation and all-natural waste. The Biomass assets can be taken as a natural issue in which
the energy of sunlight is put away in chemical bonds at the point when the connection between
adjoining carbon hydrogen and oxygen particles are broken by absorption, combustion for
decomposition that discharge their energy that is stored in the chemical form. Biomass has
consistently assumed a significant part of the energy for humanity and nature by 10 to 14% of
energy originates from biomass that is supplied to our country.

Purpose of Study

Biomass for energy, especially biofuels, has high-quality attributes that contribute to a healthy
surrounding and economy. Biomass usage can lessen forest control costs, assist reduce climate
change, lessen dangers to lifestyles and property, and offer a secure competitive energy source.
Shifting to a homegrown renewable energy economy affords possibilities for growth and

expansion, especially for rural groups as those renewable feed stocks are at once linked to
agricultural and forestry lands. A few other objectives which compliments are as follows:


Dependence on oil is an environmental problem and

dependence on overseas oil weakens our countrywide
security and our economic system. Oil imports and costs
have climbed to record high. India can't maintain to rely
upon overseas wells and centers for petroleum, particularly
for our transportation fuels.

India is a mobile country – our economic system is

constructed on transportation systems; our high-satisfactory
of existence is depending on access to low-value
transportation. Currently, except for hydropower, best approximately 4% of our strength is from
renewable assets and in most cases produces electricity and heat. About 10% of biomass energy is
being used for transportation fuels and that is broadly speaking from corn ethanol.

We have long used agricultural and forestry biomass, primarily forest and wood waste, to generate
electricity, supply heat and steam electricity, and to heat homes. The vital opportunity before us is
to displace petroleum consumption by using bio based merchandise and biofuels from biomass.
Additionally, energy may be conserved by way of means of using greater energy-efficient housing
products and manufacturing processes.


India’s overall greenhouse gas emissions in 2014 had been 3,202 million metric tons of carbon
dioxide, totaling 6.55% of worldwide greenhouse gas emissions. The largest part of this effects
were from fossil fuel combustion. More carbon is isolated through the forests through progressed
forest control including replanting, thinning, forest productivity improvements, low impact
harvesting, handling the forest products pool, species choice and optimizing rotation length. The

use of the material in old wood products and as energy offsets had been proven to be a low-cost
carbon mitigation measure.

Removing immoderate tiers of forest

biomass can lessen fire threat which ends up
in improved air quality and decreased
greenhouse fuel emissions in other words
managing biomass can enhance
productiveness and enhance forest fitness
and habitat.

The use of biomass in bio based products or

for bioenergy can offer CO2 offsets and decrease greenhouse gases and air pollutants.

The country has to ensure sustainable manufacturing systems that shield and enhance the
environment, which is a hurdle for transitioning the country to bio based nation, finally renewable
fuels in enough portions be maintained to noticeably reduce fuel imports and advantage our
economy This can be achieved by maintaining crucial ecosystem dependent on maintaining our
farms and forests.


Developing alternatives for creating value

from biomass rather than consistently
treating it as a waste has significant
economic and social values, along with
potentially enhancing air quality through
decreasing fire risks, decreasing landfill

charges, reducing disposal charges, decreasing fire suppression costs, and growing public safety.

There are numerous components to the position of dealing with biomass in our forests and
developing a bio based economy. The excessive costs of getting rid of excessive biomass may be
decreased or reversed through effective use of biomass. Further, reducing biomass can offer
tangible and intangible values to landowners and the overall public increasing the economic value.

Technical advances are still needed to reduce charges for feedstock manufacturing and conversion
to biofuels and different products resulting in creating jobs in rural areas and preserving our forest
infrastructure can be the final results of the bio based revolution. This is the factor competing
effectively in the international market and a vital thing of a future green economy.

Research Objectives

• To understand the concept of biomass energy resources and its utilization.

• To analyze the impact of waste management.
• To study how biomass energy resources help in mitigating climate change.

Data Sources

The data used in this project were collected from different online sites. Numerous sources that
were used to collect secondary data:

• Research Papers

• Blogs and web sites

• Articles and journals

• Government published reports

Limitations of the Research

 As the data collected is originated from secondary data, the validity of the information
is questionable, must take extra efforts to assess the reliability of information.
 Extra steps must be undertaken as the data should be extracted from different sources
to complete the work.
 The data is generally collected way before i.e. outdated and may not be valid at present.

Chapter Scheme

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: Review of literature and methodology

Chapter 3: Strength, weakness, opportunities and challenges of research

Chapter 4: Outcomes of the study

Chapter 5: Experience, learnings, and Conclusion


SWOC Analysis

1. Strength of Biomass Resources

• No greenhouse gas emissions: Burning fossil fuels like coal, oil, and gas have
consequences like carbon pollution which causes weather change. So if we need to prevent weather
change and keep away from devastating excessive weather, sea level rise wiping out communities,
international conflict and instability, etc., we have to prevent burning fossil fuels. At present, more
or less 30% of the incoming sun radiation is reflected lower back to area through the clouds,
aerosols, and the surface of Earth. Without evidently taking place greenhouse gases, earth's
average temperature could be close to 0°F (or -18°C) rather than the lot hotter 59°F (15°C).

• Lowering energy imports: The affiliation among national security and the availability of
natural resources for electricity consumption is energy security. Access to reasonably-priced
electricity has come to be critical to the functioning of cutting-edge economies. Using more
renewable electricity should assist India reap electricity independently— the ability to satisfy
electricity needs domestically, thereby lowering dependence on foreign countries and
susceptibility to converting remote places electricity expenses lower.

• New Energy Strategy for the Country: Installing renewable energy centers calls for
substantial premature investment, however after installation, they're reasonably-priced to operate.
This is in huge component due to the fact they do not require you to buy fuel. Eliminating fuel
prices lowers the fee of the electricity produced. It also means the rate of electricity is not at risk
of changes in the rate of fuels, like it is with natural gas or coal. This can also additionally cause
extra strong electricity expenses over the long term.

• Agricultural Roots: Renewable energy additionally offers an extra source of earnings for
rural landowners and farmers. Wind farms offer rural landowners with extra income to host wind
farms on their property. Farmers also can grow waste vegetation deliberately for use as biofuels.

Corn ethanol is presently the main avenue by which farmers take part in the energy sector, however
different biofuels are beginning to get extra attention.

• More work places: More than 10 million people work in the renewable energy sector
worldwide, with extra than 500,000 new jobs introduced in 2017. The sector offers many special
kinds of jobs, together with positions in manufacturing, installation, engineering, sales, advertising
and more. Renewable energy jobs are anticipated to keep growing quickly into future. The
renewable energy sector may be the biggest employee in the future in Indian power sector. In 2020,
264,000 supplementary renewable energy jobs were created. Extra 3.2 million people could be
hired in the renewable energy sector by 2050. Biomass and solar energy may be the most important
drivers of employment, with up to two million and 1.1 million employees, respectively, through

• Biomass potential: The current availability of biomass in India is expected at

approximately 500 million metric tons per year. Studies backed through the Ministry has expected
surplus biomass availability at approximately 120-150 million metric tons per annum covering
agricultural and forestry residues similar to an ability of approximately 18,000MW. This apart,
approximately 7000 MW additional electricity might be generated through bagasse primarily
based totally cogeneration within the country’s 550 Sugar turbines, if those sugar turbines have
been to undertake technically and economically optimal levels of cogeneration for extracting
electricity from the bagasse produced by them is efficiently possible.

2. Weaknesses of Biomass Resources

• Lack of concrete government approach: Government policy is the most important thing
behind the loss of funding in bio power zone in states with excessive biomass capacity.
Defragmented nature of agricultural lands do now no longer permit excessive mechanization
which results in reduction of performance and increase in procurement price.

• Lack of bio-fuel production plan: Energy from biomass is free from fluctuation unlike
electricity and wind. It cannot be stored for using at period of unavailability similar to solar energy.
Even till now it is not the most wanted renewable power supply, the reason being the cons of
desired supply chain.

• Lack of advanced technology for bio-power: Transportation price constitutes a massive

element of the charges related to the established order and running of biomass electricity plants.
From more than a particular distance there is want of processing the type of biomass onsite before
transportation to increase its density while purchase is completed. For electricity plant of size 10-
15MW transportation in any
type or form from greater
than 50 Km will become
useless for power generation.
For satisfying the
requirement of the large bio
electricity plants European
power plants are uploading
their biomass in shape of
pellets from different nations.

• Lack of land-use coverage for biomass: Some of the Indian states leading the ranks in
organizing biomass-based power initiatives are Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, and Maharashtra.
Ironically, states having agricultural-based economic system have not properly been able to make
use of the possibility and determine how biomass power utilization is executed. Only Uttar
Pradesh, has applied huge a part of the biomass capacity in north Indian States and this is
particularly because of the sugarcane industry and the co-generation electricity plants.

• Lack of a cost –gain analysis: The power generation will be inexpensive than coal if
biomass will be sourced economically however a few established biomass power plants generally
tend to misuse the restrict of coal use supplied to them (usually 10-15% of biomass use) to maintain
it operational in lean period of biomass supply.

• Lack of coordination amongst selection making and producers: Biomass availability

isn't certain for complete year. Biomass from agriculture is available best after harvesting period
that may stretch best for 2-3 months in a year. So there may be a want you obtain and then store
required amount of biomass inside this stipulated time.

• Backward technology utilized in agriculture: Biomass power plants in India are

primarily based totally on agricultural wastes. Gasifier-based power plants are presenting a high-
quality solution for off-grid decentralized power and are lighting homes in numerous Indian states.
While for providing grid-based electricity 8-15 MW thermal biomass power plants are appropriate
for Indian conditions, they stand nowhere while as compared to power plants being set up in
Europe which might be at the least 20 times larger.

• Lack of encouragement from Government: Lack of mechanisms and incentives like tax
exemption are missing. As human mind goes, waste is nothing but a heap of ash for the farmer till
someone unearths a way to make earnings out of it, and from there on the demand of waste will
increase and so its price. Though there may be not anything incorrect in transferring benefits to

the farmers and presenting them a competitive price of the agro-waste however operations will
become more and more unviable with time.

3. Opportunities of Biomass Resources

• Energy efficiency: Biomass energy produces much less carbon than fossil fuel energy.
Levels of the greenhouse gases methane and carbon dioxide can also be reduced through the usage
of biomass energy sources, as those gases are produced by natural matter, if left to decay without
getting used for a purpose such as this. Biomass energy is that it may be used for a variety of
various functions, along with heat production, gas for motors and the manufacturing of electricity.

• New incentives for R&D: Government of India announced new policy on Biofuels and an
indicative target of blending 20% ethanol in petrol and 5% biodiesel in diesel is proposed by 2030,
was recently announced in June 2018. With major focus on 2nd generation biofuels department
has taken significant efforts in this direction. For connecting more than 200 Scientists working in
Biofuel area a platform is created.

• Foreign Direct Investment: To achieve the ambitious 175 GW target by 2022 given the
huge requirement for funds, the government had opened FDI up to 100% is permitted in the
renewable energy sector under the automatic route, and no prior government approval is required
in India. The sector saw an investment of $1446.16 million from foreign sources, a 20.1 percent
growth over the previous year in Fiscal Year 2019.

• Changing the consumption culture: The past trend in household energy usage pattern
shows that 77% of rural houses in India depend on solid biomass fuel for cooking. Further, during
last 30 years, only 2% of rural households moved from solid biomass fuel to cleaner fuels. For the

transition towards cleaner fuel for household energy there is a need for effective user-behavior
focused interventions.

• To increase biodiesel export: The Indian government has lifted its restrictions on the
export of biofuels for non-fuel purposes when they are manufactured in SEZ and export-oriented
units following protest from producers when
biofuel export was prohibited. The lifting of
restrictions was due to the realization that
biofuels produced in those zones used
imported feed stocks. Biodiesel exports roseto
$5.36 million last year compared to $2.73
million the year prior. Biofuel imports in
addition to exports are also restricted.

4. Threats of Biomass Resources

• Climate Change: By the end of the century if climate change continues at its current pace
there will be huge loss to environment. These economic losses are the result of extreme weather
events, worsened air quality, rising sea levels and other effects. Switching from fossil fuels to
renewables could help slow down climate change and avoid some of these potential economic
losses. There are a few reasons for usage of higher renewable energy and less fossil fuel can be
beneficial. It's advantageous for the nature and people’s health, and it also has various positive
economic impacts. To sum up, all these advantages build a very appealing point for investing more
in renewable energy.

• Land Availability: A major disadvantage of less-intensive systems is that more land is

generally required to generate a given amount of energy than would be required by more-intensive
systems to use fertilizer, pesticide, and monocultures of high-yield cultivars to maximize
productivity in these land.

• Dried Biomass Only: For most energy applications low moisture content is required for
fuel wood and biomass. This can be achieved in a
few different manner. Without the use of external
energy source biomass can be dried passively. For
drying actively external heat such as fans are
required. A maximum of 15% water content can
be permitted.

• Government Factors: Bureaucratic hurdles still exist for new projects despite government
support initiatives for biomass. Political interest and monopolization of biomass production
provides subsidies for other biomass uses, making bio refining uneconomic. Hence, some process
chains may turn out to be not implementable economically.

• Commercial Factor: Biomass has better economic performance at large scales, but higher
risk for unsustainable biomass supply in big plants and fast development of large scale bio
refineries does not leave time to react on unpredicted negative effects thus resulting in lower
acceptance for non-standard products, which functionally replace chemically different
conventional products. This may require a modification of further processing steps.



Biomass Utilization and Waste Management
The key element of efficient biomass utilization is proper and effective waste management. The
methods of waste management that are modified to provide bioenergy is developing tremendously.
The people of India can be made accountable for building up more than 200 million tons of waste
annually. Since the population of India is more than any other country the quantity of waste
increases simultaneously, The Indian government and environmental protection associations have
devised various ways to solve this rising issue.

These management can be said as all the steps and activities require to handle waste from it’s
initiation to its final disposal. This includes collection, treatment, transport, regulation, monitoring
and disposal of waste. It also includes formulating programs and legal policies that leads to waste
management guidance on recycling.

We can find that in the waste management methods there are eight major groups each group can
be divided into various categories. Those grooves include animal feeding, recycling, source
reduction and reuse, composting, incineration, landfills fermentation, and land application.

Being the responsible citizen of the country we can start using a few techniques at home like reuse
and reduction which works to decline the quantity of disposable material used.

 Benefits of Waste Management

There are numerous advantages to managing and treating waste. In the following will be taking a
closer look at them:

i) Fresh Air nature

The biggest benefit of treating waste is that it gradually leads to a better and fresher environment.
Waste disposal units also lead to better health of people by making them free of disease. All this
happens with a simple step of disposing the waste in a sanitary and proper manner.

ii) Eliminating pollution

When waste is treated the right way it will not only reduce the subsequent waste but also reduces
the effect and the strength of harmful greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and
gases that are often produced from collected waste in landfills. For the managing waste in our
home declines our dependence on landfills which also importantly cut down huge impact to our

ii) Energy saver

Reusing is one of the top factor of waste management and over time it helps to conserve energy.
One of them best example of this benefit can be given by the practice of recycling paper.

We all acknowledge that lakhs of trees are cut to manufacture paper. When a used paper is recycled
to create fresh paper, the necessity of cutting trees is hugely declined. This helps in reducing our
carbon footprints and conserving energy.

iv) Provides employment

The recycling sector alone provides for thousands of livelihood. On the daily basis more people
adopt this environment friendly culture. Companies selling and manufacturing recycled products
come to the highlight. This helps in creating employment as well as boost their business.

v) Helps to be part of change

By treating waste you're also making a change to the society and the whole environment also. It is
not possible for us to completely get rid of waste, we can pick environment friendly practice of
reusing and reducing waste. We will be able to motivate people around us by giving this example
who in turn will embrace a sustainable approach.

 Different methods of waste disposal

Well there are various methods of treating waste but we will look at some of the general methods
used that we should know about waste management.

1. Landfills

Disposing of day-to-day garbage in the landfills is the most popular method of waste disposal in
the recent time. The process of burying the waste in the land is the main focus of waste disposal
here. These landfills are generally found in developing countries. The harmful substances and
smell of the garbage is eliminated before it is placed into the ground. Usage of landfills can give
raise to water pollution and air pollution which can extremely effect the nature and can be
responsible to death of humans and animals.

2. Combustion

Conversion is a matter of disposing waste in which solid waste are burned at relatively high
temperatures. The process will gradually convert the waste into gaseous and residue products. The
primary objective of using this method is to reduce the volume of waste by 20 to 30% of its original
quantity. Further, it reduces the space required to be filled in landfills. Incinerators are basically
used to convert solid waste into heat, gas, steam and ash in thermal treatment. Landfills are largely
adopted in countries like Japan and US where landfill space is no longer available.

3. Recycling and recovery

The process of extracting significant rejected items for a particular next use is called resource
recovery. These rejected items are then processed to recover or extract resources and material or
convert them to other forms of energy like usable heat electricity or fuel.

The process of converting waste material into fresh material to decline further usage of energy and
conception of new raw material is called recycling. In the hierarchy of waste management
recycling is the third factor that is reduce, reuse and recycle.

The concept behind recycling is to reduce the quantity in the landfills, reduce energy consumption,
reduce greenhouse gas emissions, reduce air and water pollution and save natural resources for
future use.

4. Plasma gasification

Gasification of plasma is another aspect of waste treatment. Plasma is basically highly ionized gas
or electrically charged gas. An instance of one type of plasma is lighting that produces
temperatures exceeding 12,600 Fahrenheit.

In this, a container uses particular plasma fire operating at temperature more than 10,000 degree
Fahrenheit which manufactures gasification zone till 3,000 degree Fahrenheit for the conversion
of liquid or solid waste into a syngas in this method of waste disposal.

With the help of this process the treatment of

dangerous and waste materials are discovered.
Dismitter of waste disposal gives us with
renewable energy and heap of other wonderful

5. Composting

There is a natural and easy biological decaying

process that takes organic waste like kitchen
waste, garden waste, plant waste and convert into to

healthy food for your plants. Composting is done by permitting organic contents to remain at one
place for various months until microorganisms decompose it, this is normally done under organic

The problem with composting is that some people find it a slow process whereas some people
highlight that it takes a huge space. At the same time composting is considered to be one of the
best way a of disposing waste because it converts dangerous organic material into safe compost.

6. Recover energy

Recover energy or waste-to- energy is the mode of energy in the form of electricity or heat from

The process of waste-to-energy includes conversion of waste which are non-recyclable into fuel,
electricity, usable heat by applying various steps. Wastes which are non-recyclable can be used
again and again to create renewable energy source.

For the purpose of reducing global warming and making our environment better waste-to-energy
can be used to reduce emissions of carbon by neutralizing the demand for energy from Fossil

7. Hazardous waste disposal

There are a kinds of waste that are considered dangerous which cannot be simply disposed of
without giving special attention to its handling. It should be treated in such a way that the
contamination is prevented from occurring. One of the instance of hazardous waste is biomedical
waste. This type of waste are produced generally in health care facilities and chemical companies.

8. Minimization or avoidance of waste

The easiest method of managing waste is by reducing the production of waste objects which can
result to minimizing the quantity of waste going to landfills.

The reduction of waste can be normally done through reusing old materials like bags, bottles, etc.
and repairing damaged product instead of buying a fresh one, ignoring the usage of disposable
products like plastic bags, additional usage of used items, and procurement of items that use less

 Learning from waste Management

Composting and recycling is one of the largely adopted way off treating of waste. Composting
presently is applicable only on small scale either by local individuals or in locations where waste
can be used for landscaping areas or mixed with farming soil.

Whereas recycling can be generally found in every corner of the world. With paper, plastic, glass
and metal topping the most recyclable items list. Mostly of the recycled products is reused for its
primary purpose but in some cases it can be used for selling and making profit out of it.

 Findings
1) Karnataka government has planned to cultivate bamboo for biomass energy. The
department of forest plans to produce bamboo at large scale on waste land, this biomass
production can help to reduce the power usage. The government is finding the area of land
that can be used for bamboo cultivation and simultaneously produce energy. The
government further plans to manufacture bheema variety of bamboo for biomass
production. In this way income of two thousand rupees per ton can be earned, which is
high compared to the income earned from sugarcane cultivation. The statistics provides
that to fulfill the need of power plant with a capacity of 1MW a bamboo cultivation of 2000

acres would be required. And according to the plans of Karnataka government 30,000 acres
of waste land would be introduced for bamboo cultivation.

2) In the business world every location and industry have the capacity to make contribution
by providing for investment in technologies that researchers on renewable energy and
formulate policies to help reduce it.

3) With the help of making changes in behavior patterns and changes in our lifestyle, it can
reduce power carbon footprint which can lead to climate change mitigation.

4) The need of the situation is to reduce the usage of vast land, reduce the accidents coming
from renewable energy sources and the danger of resource competition for instance in
bioenergy production competing with food for conception. This can be solved by
introducing research into innovations and technologies.

5) Increasing international co-ordination and co-operation for countries that are in developing
stage for development of infrastructure and technology upgrade for economical energy
service with latest supply as a way of reducing climate change and its effects.

 Suggestions

Observing the findings the following suggestions can be made to help improve the
concerns of renewable energy economically and also decline the rate of ozone layer
depletion with greenhouse gas emission such as carbon dioxide:

1) Various discussions and policies framework in industrial sector aiming at development of

innovations and technologies in the renewable energy sector for survival.

2) Take steps that aim towards enhancing the part of renewable energy and clean fossil fuel
technologies into global energy with help the impact arising from climate change.

3) Programs aiming at energy efficiency should be implemented internationally which can

give exemptions in tax to organization who themselves provide energy efficiency products
and designs.

4) More of energy efficiency initiatives like energy efficient homes, energy efficient
equipment, industrial combined heat and power should be motivated by the government.

5) For the promotion of energy-efficient behavior usability, adaptability and accessibility

concept should be introduced in energy dependent product design.

6) R&D in the sector of renewables should be increased so that the risk of depletion of
renewables in the future can be reduced.

7) Provide for awareness raising efficient education and campaigns on climate change
mitigation should be improved.

8) Countries which are developed should implement strategies and policies of decarbonisation
into the sectors like energy, forest, transport, health, industry, agriculture, water resource
and other factors that have the ability of increasing greenhouse gas emissions.

9) Increasing the capacity and improving institutional internship in developing countries for
increase in research on climate change will increase knowledge, promote adaptive
flexibility and sustainable development.

10) The countries which are underdeveloped should invent and test techniques and manners
with international support that direct strategies and decision making for early warnings,
adaptation and climate change mitigation.

11) Supporting international dialogue through global partnership and coordination with
developing, underdeveloped and developed countries will promote the expansion and

12) Transfer and sharing of eco-friendly e-technologies to share among others will increase
coordination of nations towards fighting climate change and its effects.

In case suggestions are applied and implemented it will help in in ensuring access to latest
inexpensive, independent and efficient energy for everyone and combat the effects of climate





My experience in making in this project began with finding the basics of Biogas. As my time in
the progressed I understood more about the utilization and management of the resource through
various online material. This research helped me to strengthen my fundamental knowledge taught
in high school science classes. As the project is to be done independently there were no
contributions other than my research and with use of secondary data only. I learned a great deal
about the relevant live problem in our environment making use of number of sources to find the
information which has been already published.

The research papers, thesis, articles, journals, news and facts has established that Biogas energy
can be taken to new heights but is underrated and underutilized, further there is negligible research
made on how the utilization can be improved and the program be promoted. The only possibility
of biomass depleting will be when we stop producing waste. Biogas is easy to install and needs
comparatively low capital investment on small scale. In fact, a single cow produces enough waste
daily that can power a light bulb for an entire day.

My project guide Prof. Arcahana provided me a strong base to initiate the groundwork, help in
selecting appropriate source for collecting data, and clear the questions in hand. I have been
fortunate to be under her mentorship, she was crystal clear with the project objectives and results,
while my role was to gather information and place under desired format. Furthermore, during this
Covid 19 pandemic, I also worked part time to meet financial expenditures. Working and
completing the academic demands helped me manage my time as well as improve my
communication skills. As I was required to communicate with my guide to clear the doubts and
handle the business, which helped me to understand how to prioritize tasks and manage both.


There is a tremendous change in the energy market, monopolies has been beaten up by stiff
competition of small players. It is difficult to assess the needs of future, but the research and
development department in the industry are making effective experiments for supportive
production and utilization of energy. The time has changed from using renewable energy for
economic reasons to using it for mitigating climate change. Biogas energy alone cannot emerge
as a breakthrough of future, all the renewable energy got to go hand in hand for overall
development. In the 70s, remarkable ideas on renewable energy coined up which were transformed
in the 80s with the computer technology giving a helping hand. The improvements in the 90s
helped to meet the requirements of the market by introducing chp and gasification.

Biomass energy to climb the ladder needs to be clubbed with other energy sources to prove its
significance and meet the challenges. The social and environmental benefits can be highlighted
when it is produced and utilized sustainably. The statistics show how research and development in
fossil fuel energy overtakes the initial stage of biomass energy experiments by huge margin, thus
increase in biomass R&D is needed quite rapidly.

Biomass has the capacity to provide sustainable and efficient energy to the world, but with the help
of private and public sector ensuring to utilize and grow more of biomass energy, simultaneously
making international pacts of meeting the greenhouse gas reduction target. Additionally, by
pyrolysis and gasification chemically liquid fuel gases such as methane, hydrogen or carbon
monoxide can be produced and from hydrolysis of cellulose into sugar solution and fermentation
to ethanol and distillation bioethanol can be produced. Biodiesel is chemically converted from
vegetable oil like soybean oil and canola oil.

In the present petroleum refineries, renewable and fossil fuel are mixed during its hydro process
to create a renewable diesel blend, which can be developed to pure renewable diesel. Renewable
diesel can reduce CO2 emission around additional 25%-60%. While processed ethanol mix can
also be used in traditional gas vehicles up to 10% and developers believe latest gasoline vehicles
can have more than 15% ethanol capacity by volume.


There is a serious need to substitute fuels derived from petroleum, which can be liquid biofuels
like ethanol and biodiesel. The technology for ethanol conversion is under development, which
will result in making it from residues of forest and agriculture. Even using one-third of the surplus,
biomass could produce about 2,000 million liters of ethanol, summing up, it can replace the entire
gasoline of the country. Further, biodiesel production from advanced feedstock microalgae has a
very promising role in the country. The produced biodiesel for commercial purpose is mostly sold
to unorganized rural sector and experimental projects.

Solar technologies like solar water heating system, solar generation system and solar cooker are
the most popular among the renewable energy sources. The government formulates policies and
allocate funds for protection of solar energy.

Biogas however is a better substitute of fossil fuels, which is manufactured from organic wastes.
In India, the biogas produced from the waste of animals particularly cow dung has been followed
up by three generations now. The conversion of organic waste into biogas and fertilizer from
efficient management and low carbon output is biogas production. It has a huge role in curbing
soil, air and water pollution locally and internationally.

In today’s world, pollution seems to be a bigger problem in every nooks and corner of the country.
This pollution destroys the beauty of any given place. Air pollution of CO2 produced by human
factors leads to global warming. The plants used in making biomass energy does not produce

carbon dioxide so it helps reduce or avoid climate change. Biomass energy plant also helps in
increasing the income for rural people.

Applications for biogas are growing because the technology to make use of it receives better focus. It
may be used to provide energy and for the cause of heating as well. Compressed Natural Gas (CNG)
is biogas that has been compressed and may be used as a gasoline for vehicles. Production may be
done through many small plants or one big plant.

This project will help people to focus more in the biogas sector and recognize it as a better source of



Renewable Energy Magazine
Biomass and Biomass Energy Magazine

Energy Technology, by O.P Gupta



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