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Vaastu shastra 

is an ancient science which helps one to get the natural benefits freely
offered by the five basic elements of the universe in which we all live. These basic
elements are Akash (SKY), Prithvi (EARTH), Paani (WATER), Agni (FIRE), and Vayu
(WIND). Vastu Shastra can be applied by keeping in harmony with these basic five
elements of nature. It is an edifice science that was developed by our learned people
thousands of years ago. Its application today is purely architectural and its principles are
based on becoming one with nature. Like astrology and palmistry it is a vast &
complicated science, easily misunderstood by most people.

Most people all over the world will not think twice before spending huge amounts of cash
on designing their houses and they should rightly do so. But when the house does not
bring them peace and harmony and instead the ill effects of vaastu are experienced the
same people consult astrologers, palmists, tarot card readers and some blame their
destiny or luck.

Vaastu is essentially the art of correct settings one can place himself in such a manner
as to derive maximum benefits.

The ancient relics say that Vaastu is based on two forces "positive" and "negative" which
are constantly interacting with each other on the surface of the land. These forces should
get disturbed whenever any structure is erected on a vacant land, to maintain a balance.

If there are more positive energies (forces) than the negative energies, the result of
such a construction would yield more benefits to the inmates leading to a more
successful, healthy, wealthy and peaceful life, contrary to this if the negative energies
dominate the premises the effects could be negative.
The length of the land should not be more than twice the breadth. The land should not
be too porous i.e. should not absorb water very fast. The slope of the land should be
such that water flows towards North-East. The slope of the roof should be such that
water should flow towards North or East. The house should not be constructed on the
land which is a dead end. Select a site where the land is fertile and not dry and rocky.
Avoid water logged land or land at the end of a road. Avoid land too close to graveyards,
cemeteries, hospitals, etc... Ideally the plot should be rectangular or square in shape.
Square is best. If it is a rectangle, the ratio of length to breadth should be 1:1.5
Natural features
Plots should be with higher levels in the South & West and lower levels in the North and
East. Water bodies like rivers, canals, etc. should be towards the North, East or
Northeast and the mountains towards the South and West.
House design
Avoid U-shaped, V-shaped, L-shaped and triangular shaped houses. The angles are not
conducive to attracting positive energy.
Prayer Room
The Puja Room should be located in the North East direction. Alternatively, it can located
in the North or East direction. While worshipping, the person should face the East. Idols
should not exceed 6 inches in height. One should not sleep in the Puja Room. This
direction is ideal for Water storage. Thus underground water tanks, filter etc. should be
kept in this direction. Room for prayer and meditation is recommended to be in the
north-east corner of the house.
Deity or image of god should not face the south direction. Ideal positions are such that
you face east or west while praying.
If the steps leading to the entrance are damaged or broken, then the master of the
house will face problems with his career and his expenses will soar. The staircase should
ascend clockwise. The total no. of steps should be such that on division by 3, a
remainder of 2 should be obtained for eg. 7, 11, 17 etc.
Number of columns in a building
Columns in a building should be in even numbers.
Columns in the north-east corner should not be circular.
When columns are exposed for architectural purposes, the number of exposed columns
also should be even.
Children's Room: - The children are future of the nation. If the parents are able to give
right direction to the children at their tender age then tomorrow they will turn into
disciplined citizens. The children's room, too, should be constructed in the North-West
corner but the bathroom should be arranged in above noted direction only. Children's
room can be located in this corner i.e. the North West. The study room can also be
located in this direction. Water Tank on the Roof of the house should located in this
direction. This direction is also ideal for Cattle and Granary store.
Doors: - The Main-Gate should have two panels. The main door should not open inside
the house. The doors in the house should not be noisy. The total number of doors,
windows and ventilators in the house should be even in number for eg. 2, 4, 6 etc. but
should not end with a 0 i.e. 10, 20 etc. If the front door frame is painted black, then the
owner might have to face hardship. If the door has cracks or is too old, then the owner
will have a tough time gaining respect in society.
Drawing Room: - It should be in North-West, South or west direction. In the traditional
drawing rooms mattresses, covered with white sheets of cloth are spread in the entire
room and round pillows are kept in South and West walls. Similarly, in the modern
drawing room, the furniture should be kept in South and West directions. As far as
possible the open space should be maximum in North and East directions.
Dining Room: - In olden days the meals were taken in the kitchen itself but now the
dining room has become an integral part of the drawing room.  Dining Room should be
towards the West as it is ruled by Saturn and it is in the way of Bhooteshwara, the
symbolic representation of the hungry. It trees are to be planted in the premises, they
can be planted in this direction i.e. the West.
Guest Room: - It should be in North-West corner.

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