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. . . . . .. - STUDY OF GAS LAWS

· - - - - - - - - - - -- - ~ - - SYLLABUS
(i) The behavi~ur of gases und er changes of temperature and pressure; explanation in terms of molecular
motion (particles: atoms, molecules); Boyle's Law and Charles' Law; absolute zero; gas equation ; simple
relevant calculations.
• The behavio_u r of gases under changes of temperature and pressure, explanation in term if molecular
motion (particles, atoms, molecules) • Boyle's Law: statement, mathematical form, simple
calculations. • Charles' Law: statement, mathematical form, simple calculations. • Absolute zero
Kelvin scale of temp_erature. • Gas equation p 1 v1 I r 1 = p 2 v2 / T simple relevant calculations
based on gas equation.
(ii) Relationship between Kelvin scale and Celsius Scale of temperature; Standard temperature and pressure.
Conversion of temperature from Celsius Scale to Kelvin scale and vice versa.
Standard temperature and pressure. (Simple calculations)
7.1 INTRODUCTION restricted only by the walls of the container: Thus,
The state of matter in which inter-particle they attain the shape of the containing vessel.
attraction is weak and inter-particle space is so large (3) Gases exert pressure in all directions: The
that the particles become completely free to move moving ·particles (molecules) of a gas collide with
randomly in the entire available space is known as each other and also with the walls of the container.
Gas. Gas occupies the entire space of the vessel in Due to these collisions, gas molecules exert pressure.
which it is kept and so takes the shape of the vessel. It has been found, that at a given temperature, time
All gases show uniform behaviour under similar and area, the same number of molecules of a gas
conditions of temperature and pressure irrespective strike against the walls of the container. Thus, gases
of their chemical nature or colour or odour. exert the same pressure in all directions.
7.2 BEHAVIOUR AND CHARACTERISTIC (4) Gases are highly compressible : There are
PROPERTIES OF GASES large inter-particle (inter-molecular) spaces between
Gases are composed of molecules (particles) gas molecules, and this accounts for the high
that are in constant random motion. Kinetic theory compressibility of gases. On applying pressure, the
helps in explaining the simple relationship that _molecules come closer, thus decreasing the volume
exists between the pressure, the volume, and the of the gas. ·
temperature of a gas. (5) Gases are highly expansible .: Gases
The kinetic molecular theory, explains the increase in volume on decrease in pressure and
behaviour and characteristic properties of gases: increase in temperature.
(1) Composition of gases : Gases are made up When pressure on an enclosed gas is reduced,
of tiny particles (molecules) moving in all possible its particles (molecules) move apart, thus increasing
directions at all possible speeds. The molecules are their inter-molecular spaces. As a result, the volume
negligibly small in size as compared to the volume of the gas increases.
occupied by the gas. When an enclosed gas is heated, kinetic energy
(2) Gases have neither a fixed volume nor a of its molecules increases. Thus, the molecules start
fixed shape : There is negligible force of attraction moving faster and farther apart from each other,
between the particles (gas molecules). Therefore, the resulting in an increase in the volume of the gas.
Particles (gas molecules) are free to move in the (6) Gases have low density : The number of
entire space available to them, their movement is molecules per unit volume in a gas is very small as
compared to solids and liquids. Gases have large The temperature at which the molecuJar
. completely ceases (theoretical concept) lllotj on
mter-molecular space between th eir molecules.
Kelvin scale, is called absolute zero. ' on Ille
Therefore gases have very low density.
' t
(7) Gases have a natural tendency . o Absolute zero or zero kelvin is
mix with one another (diffusion) : Inter-particle -273°C. Obviously, temperatures 1 equaJ to
(inter-molecular) spaces in a gas are very large. "J:e~ ower th an
absolute zero, 1·.e., - 273°C are not possibl
two gases are brought in contact with each other, err e.
When a gas is enclosed in a vessel .
molecules mix with each other in such a manner that uniform pressure on the walls of the ' it eicens
a homogeneous gaseous mixture is fonned. . contain·1
vessel. The reason 1s that the particles (tn ng
Diffusion is the process of gradual mixing ~f two of the gas collide with each other and with etules)
of the containing vessel. Since a large nu e WalJs
substances, kept in contact, by molecular monon.

If you open a jar of chlorine or ammonia in a large

particles (molecules) suffer collisions with :her of
an appreciable force acts on the Wall. Thee WaJJ,
room, the odorous presence of the gas can be detected
exerted on a unit area of the wall 0 r the force
in every part of the room within a _feV: seco nd s. 'J vessel is
equal to the pressure of the gas.
Although chlorine is heavier than arr, it does not
remain at the floor but spreads throughout the room. But, when the temperature of the .
. d k . . gas is
The particles (molecules) of ~hlorine coming mcrease , eepmg its volume constant, the
kinetlc f average
out of the jar collide with air partic~es (molecules) energy o the gas molecules increas·
es and
and due to the collisions of the particles, they start therefore average speed of the molecul
. 1
moving in a haphazard ma~ner i~ all pos~ible mcreases. The molecules now strike the walls f th
. 'th o e
directions. This process contmues till there 1s an contamer wi greater momentum (momentutn is the
equal concentration of chlorine particles (molecules) product of mass and velocity) and the rat f
throughout the room. collision of the particles (molecules) also incr e
, (8) Gases can be liquefied :_On cooling, the kinetic Thus, the force exerted on the walls of the coneastaines.
mcreases, wh'1ch results in an increase in the er
energy of the molecules of a gas is reduced and on
applying pressure on a cooled gas, the molecules come pressure exerted by the gas.
closer. Hence, the inter-molecular space gets reduced If one of the walls of the container is movable
and there is an increase in the number of molecules per then, due to the increased pressure, that wall i~
unit volume. Thus, the gas liquefies. pushed back and the gas expands. Thus, volume also
7.3 MOLECULAR MOTION: RELATIONSHIP OF increases with the increase in molecular motion.
According to the kinetic model, particles The behaviour of a gas under known
(molecuies) of a substance are in constant random conditions of pressure, volume and temperature is
motion, so they possess kinetic energy. described by laws known as Gas Laws.
The average kinetic energy of a particle Standard variables for gas laws :
(molecule) is directly proportional to its absolute The physical behaviour of gases can be
temperature. described by three standard variables :
As temperature increases, molecular motion (i) volume (V) (ii) pressure (P)
increases, and when temperature decreases molecular (iii) temperature (1).
motion also decreases. This suggests tha~ when the All gases are similar in their physical behaviour;
temperature is zero, molecular motion ceases
they expand and contract equally under similar
(theoretical concept). This fact is applied in defming conditions of temperature and pressure. For a given
a scale of temperature called Kelvin scale*.
mass of a gas, a change in one or more than one
* Kelvin s al · al variable, i.e., pressure, volume and temperature,
c e ts so called the absolute scale of temperature.
results in a change in the remaining variables.
r (a), The volume (V) of a gas is the space that it is not possible to have temperature below
ied by that gas. The space occupied by a gas -273°C. This fact has led to the formulation of
0 ccuP ual to the vo lume oif its
. container.
. another scale known as Kelvin scale. The zero on
is eq .
Voi~ of volume : this scale corresponds to -273°C.
Io SJ. system, volume of a gas is measured Relationship between Kelvin (K) and degree
. cubic metre (m3). Other units are: Celsius ( °C)
(i) cubic centimetre (cm3) Celsius scale values can be converted to
(ii) millilitre (mL) Kelvin scale values by adding 273 to degree
(iii) cubic decimetre (dm3) Celsius values.
(iv) litre (L) Kelvin (K) = °C + 273.
Relationship between units :
1 m3 = 1000 dm3 = 1000 litres
1 Litre= 1000 rilL = 1000 cm3• Experiment - Take a 10 mL syringe fitted
(b) The pressure (P) of a gas is the force that with a piston. Raise the latter to the 10 m~
mark and wrap an adhesive tape over its nozzle. Fit
the gas exerts per unit area on the walls of its
the wrapped nozzle tightly into a hole, bored half way
container. through a rubber stopper (Fig. 7.1).
Our planet is surrounded by a thick blanket of
air known as atmosphere. The pressure exerted by Observation On WEIGHTS
placing some weight on
air (present in the atmosphere) on the surface of
the piston (to put pressure),

the earth is called atmospheric pressure.
it moves downward and PISTON
Standard pressure of one atmosphere (1 atm) is reduces the volume of
defined as the pressure exerted by 76 cm of mercury at air. Gradually, put some more SYRINGE
0°C and at standard gravity of 9·8 m s-2 (density weight. The piston moves
of mercury= -13-5951 g cm- 3). further downward and the
volume of the air is further
The S.I. unit of pressure is Pascal. (Pa) reduced.
Pascal (Pa) is defined as the pressure exerted Now remove the weights
when a force of 1 Newton acts on an area of 1 m 2• one by one. You will notice that,
Units of pressure : on decreasing the pressure,
(i) Pascal (Pa) RUBBER
piston moves upwar~, as such, STOPPER
(ii) Atmosphere (atm) the volume, of the air increases. Fig. 7.1 Pressure-
(iii) (a) in centimetre (cm Hg), volume relationship
Conclusion :
(b) in millimetre (mm Hg),
1. An increase in pressure at constant temperature
(c) in torr (named after Torricelli), causes a decrease in the volume of a gas;
Relationship between these units : conversely, if the volume of a fixed mass of a
1 atm = 76·0 cm Hg = 760 mm Hg gas at constant temperature is decreased, the
= 760 torr pressure of the gas increases.
(c) The temperature (T) of a gas is de.fined 2. A decrease in pressure at constant temperature
as the degree of hotness of that gas. causes an increase in the volume of a gas;
The more commonly used scale of temperature conversely, if the volume of a fixed mass of a
is Celsius scale, formerly known as the Centigrade gas at constant temp{!rature is increased, the
scale. The .zero on Celsius scale is purely arbitrary. pressure of the gas decreases.
In other words, temperature of a substance may go 7 .5.1 Boyle's law
below zero i.e. a substance can have negative Robert Boyle systematically studied the
temperatures too. The behaviour of gases show relationship between pressure and volume of gases.
In 1662, he found that, at constant temperature, the (ii) v vs p : a hyperbolic curve in the first quad
volume of a fixed mass of a dry gas decreased by half is obtained (Fig. 7.3). l"lltit
when the pressure on it was doubled, and it became Note ·: !be term -isotherm (~eaning at cons1an
four times its original volume when its pressure was temperature) is used to descnbe such graph 1
decreased to one-fourth. He described this behaviour S,

in the form of a law, known as Boyle's law. .

Boyle's law : Volume of a given mass of a dry gas TEMPERATURE IS
is inversely proportional to its p ressure at 1' 3 CONSTANT
constant temperature. >

Mathematical expression of Boyle's law :

Suppose a gas occupies volume V1 when its
pressure is P 1; then 2 3 4

vi oc
or vi = RkI Fig. 7.3 Variation in volume (VJ plotted against pressure (P)
at cpnstant temperature.
or P1V1 = k = constant
(iii) PV vs p : a straight line is obtained Parallel to
If V2 is the volume occupied when the pressure is the pressure axis (Fig. 7.4).
P 2 at the same temperature, then
. k
V2 oc nr21 or V2 = p,
2 1' 3
or P2V2 = k = constant > 2 --L_ _,.__....,.._ _ T
:. P1V1 = P2V2 = k; at constant temperature. 1
This is called Boyle's law equation.
1 2 3 4 5
Boyle's law may also be stated as : . the product of
volume and pressure of a given mass of a dry gas at
Fig. 7.4 Variation in PV plotted against P at a
a constant temperature is constant. constant temperature
. .
7.5.2 Graphical verification of Boyle's law 7.5.3 Explanation of Boyle's law in terms · of
molecular motion (kinetic theory). ·
The law can be verified by plotting a graph
According to the kinetic theory of gases, number
(i) V vs j; (ii) V vs P (iii) PV vs P of particles (molecules) present in a given mass and
the average kinetic energy possessed by the particles
(i) V vs j; :a ~traight line passing through the origin . is constant.
is obtained (Fig 2.2). If volume of a given mass of a dry gas is reduced
to half its original volume, the same number of
4 - 4 - - - - -- -,r particles (molecules) will have half the space to
move. As a result, the number of molecules striking
1' 3 -4-_ __.;._--,1
at unit area of the walls of the container at a given
I 2-4----/. CONSTANT time will get doubled and so the pressure also-gets
doubled. Conversely, if the volume of a given mass
of a gas i~ doubled at constant temperature, the same
number of molecules will have .double the sp~ce to
2 3 4 ~ove about. Consequently, the.number of molecules
striking at unit area of the walls of the container at a
Fig. 7.2 Variation in volume (V) plotted against
1/P at constant temperature
given _time will become one half of the origii;ial v~ue.
Thus, pressure of the gas will be reduced to half of
11'1 ~
· ·ts original pressure. Hence it is seen that if pressure By Boyle's law, P 1V1 = P2 V2
:ncreases, the volume of a given mass of Substituting the values,
gaS decreases at constant temperature. (BOYLE'S 700 X 600 = P2 X 480
p = 700x600 = 875 mm Hg
7.5.4 Significance of Boyle's Law 2
On increasing pressure, volume decreases. The Ans. : The required pressure is 875 mm Hg.
gas beco_mes denser. at constant t~mperature, Example 3 : Two cylinders, both containing carbon
the density of a gas 1s directly proportlonal to its dioxide, are connected together by a tube fitted with a
pressure. tap. The capacity of one cylinder ~s 4 dm 3 and that of
Atmospheric pressure is low at high altitudes, the other is 1 dm3; the pressure in the first cylinder is
so air is less dense. Hence, a lesser quantity of 560 mm Hg and that in the second is 1000 mm Hg.
oxygen is available for breathing. This is the reason What will be the final pressure in either cylinders on
why mountaineers have to carry oxygen cylinders opening the tap if the temperature remains constant ?
with them. Solution:
Note : When air is blown into a balloon, Total volume of carbon dioxide (after opening the
volume and pressure inside the balloon increase. tap)= 4 + 1 = 5 dm3 •
Here, Boyle's law is not violated as the law is valid For the first cylinder
for a definite mass, whereas mass increases when P1V1 = P2V2
more air is blown into the balloon.
560 X 4 = P2 X 5
Solved examples
Example 1 : A gas occupies 800 cm 3 under P2 = 560x4 =448 mm Hg
760 mm Hg pressure. Find under what pressure the gas For the second cylinder
will occupy 380 cm3, the temperature remaining
constant. P1V1 = P2V2
Solution : lOOOxl = P 2 x5
P1 = 760 mm Hg; V1 = 800 cm3 IO00xl
P2 = ? mm Hg; V2 = 380 cm3 P2 = 5
=200 mm Hg
By Boyle's law, P 1V1 = P 2 V2 Ans. : Final pressure = 448 + 200 =648 mm Hg
Substituting the values, E xample 4 : The volume of a given mass of a
gas with some pieces of marble in a container at
760 X 800 = P2 x 380
760 mm Hg pressure is 100 mL. If the pressure is
p _ 760x800
= 1600 changed to 1000 mm Hg, the new volume is 80 mL.
2 - 380
Find the volume occupied by the marble pieces, if the
= 1600 mm Hg = 160 cm Hg temperature remains constant.
Ans.: The required pressure is 160 cm Hg.
Solution : Let the volume occupied by the marble
Example 2 : A gas occupies 600 cm3 under a pressure pieces= V mL
of 700 mm Hg. Find under what pressure the volume
of the gas will be reduced by 20 per cent of its original At 760 mm Hg, the volume occupied by the
volume, the temperature remaining constant throughout? gas= (100- V) mL
Solution : At 1000 mm Hg, the volume occupied by the
600x20 gas = (80 - V) mL
20% of 600 cm3 = = 120 cm3
100 By Boyle's law, P 1V1 = P 2 v2
:. The new volume of the gas
:. 760 X (100 - V) = 1000 X (80 - V)
== 600 - 120 = 480 cm3
or 24 V = 400mL
pl :: 700 Hg; V1 = 600 cm 3
or V = 16-6 mL
P2 == ? mm Hg; V2 = 480 cm3
· Ans. : The required volume = 16·6 mL.
In 1787, Jacques Charles stu~oo the t e ~
Numericals based on Boyle's law
volume relationship of gases. His work was furth
1. Volume of certain amount of a gas at 25°C and extended by Joseph Gay-Lussac in 1802. er
100 cm Hg pressure is 80 mL. The gas is
expanded to 160 mL keeping the temperature Experimentally, it was found that a fixed rnass
constant. Calculate the pressure of the expanded of any gas expands or contracts respectively b
gas. (Ans. 50 cm of Hg) 1/273 of its volume at O °C for each degree Celsiuy
2. At a particular temperature, a certain quantity of
rise or fall in temperature, provided the press11r:
gas occupies a volume of 74 cm3 at a pressure remains constant.
of 760 mm. If the pressure is decreased to
Charles's law :
740 mm, what will be the volume of the gas at
Pressure remaining constant, the volume of a given
the same temperature ? (Ans. 76 cm3)
mass of a dry gas increases o: d~creases by 11273 of
3. A student perfonned an experiment to •measure its volume at 0°C for each 1 C increase or decrease
pressure and volume of a gas at coµstant in temperature respectively.
temperature and noted the foll~wing :
Pressure (mm of Hg) Volume (cm 3)
Mathematical expression of Charles's law
100 80 Let v0 be the volume of a fixed mass of a gas
125 X at O °C, and let V be its volume at temperature
200 40 ' t °C at constant pressure. Then, according to
1! y 32 Charles's law,
Calculate the value of x and y. Which law was
used in the calculations ? Draw a suitable graph. V = V0 + ~ t (when Pis constant)
(Ans. x = 64 cm3, y = 250 mm)
4. At a constant temperature, volume of a gas
was fo und to be 400 cm 3 at a pressure of
v= vo(l+-t-) = 273
... (1)

760 mm Hg. If the pressure of the gas is

increased by 25%, find the new volume. V = ~3 T where T =273 + t
(Ans.- 320 cm3)
For a given mass of a gas,
5. A vessel of capacity 600 cm3 contains hydrogen
gas at a pressure of 304 cm Hg. What will Vo - constant
be the pressure of hydrogen gas, when the · 273 -
vessel is connected to another vessel of 300 cm3 V = k x T (where k is constant)
capacity ? V
(Ans. 202·67 ·c m of Hg) or V oc T and - = k
6. At constant temperature, a gas is at a pressure
of l 080 mm Hg. If the volume is deereased Charles's law Jl!ay be restated as : Volume of- a
by 40%, find the new pressure of the gas. given mass of a dry gas is dzrectly proportional to
(Ans. 1800 mm of Hg) its absolute (K,elvin) temperature, if the pressure
-remains constant.
IN GASES Suppose, a gas occupies V1 cm3 at T temperature
3 1
This relationship is seen easily when an inflated and V2 cm at T2 temperature, then by Charles's law,
balloon, is left in bright sun and it bursts. This is V1 oc T
because the air inside the balloon expands with the or V1 = kT1 (k is constant)
rise in temperature.
½ V2
In general, an ' increase in temperature at or 7i =k and V2 oc T2 or T- =k
constant pressure causes an increase in volume; 2

and a decrease in_temperature at constant pressure V1 V2

:. r1 = 7 = k (at constant pressure)
causes -. a decre~e; in volume. 2
r '[llis is called the Charles's law equation. 7.7 ABSOLUTE ZERO

ding- to this equation : From equation (1) V = v0 ( 273
. h tem'Perature is doubled, ·rhe volume would
(1.) be
if! e
•t ·s reduced by half, the volume would also
Volume at -273°C = V0 ( 273-273)
273 = 0.
·) zif ! I
(11 be reduced by half. Thus, it can be concluded that the volume of a
. l representation of Charles's law : gas would be reduced to zero at -273°C.
GraP bi ca
The relationship between volume and tempera~ According to Lord Kelvin, if temperature of an
an be pfotted on a graph, as shown m enclosed gas at 0°C is lowered to -273°C, its
fa gas c . . d
i . 15 _A straight line 1s obtame . volume becomes zero. However, this is not possible,
Fg The general term isobar (constant pressure) is because gas is one of the states of matter and hence,
must have some definite mass and volume.
asst·gned to such graphs.
The temperature -273°C is called absolute
80.0 zero. All gases liquefy or solidify before reaching
t this temperature.
.§. Theoretically, this is the lowest temperature that
can ever be reached. At this temperature, all
molecular motions cease. However, practically
, , ''20.0 speaking, this temperature is impossible 'to attain.
-273'C-200"C -100'C o·c 100°c 200°c 300'C 400'C TEMPERATURE
Temperature (°C) The temperature scale with its zero
Fig. 7.5 Graph showing volume - temperature at -273-J5°C (for convenience in calculations, -
relationship in a gas (at constant pressure) 273°C is used) and whose each degree is equal to
7.6.1 Explanation of Charles's law in terms of one degree on the Celsius scale, is called the Kelvin
molecular motion (kinetic theory). or absolute scale of temperature.
According to the kinetic theory of gases,

the average kinetic energy of gas particles (molecules) °C K

is directly proportional to its absolute temperature. UPPER FIXED

Thus: when the temperature of a gas is increased,

the particles (molecules) would move faster
(kinetic energy is the energy by virtue of its
motion), and will strike the walls of the container

100 K

more frequently and vigorously. If the pressure is kept

constant, volume increases proportionately. Hence, at
~~tant pressure, volume of a given mass of a gas
18 directly proportional to temperature (CHARLES'S
LAW). Fig. 2.6 Celsius and Kelvin thermometers
7,6.2 Significance of Charles's law
Volume. of a, given mass of a gas is directly CELSIUS SCALE TO KELVIN SCALE AND
:oportional to its temperature, hence density VICE-VERSA
th creases with an increase in temperature. This is The value on the Celsius scale can be converted to
t e reason why hot air is filled into balloons used Kelvin scale by adding 273 to it.
or meteorological purposes. 0°C = 0 + 273 = 273 K
=zo + 273 = 293 K Vi _ Vz
20oc Ji - T2
21 oc =27 + 273 =300 K Substituting the values,
_ 2730c = _ 273 + 273 = 0 K
500 250
Kelvin scale values can be conv~rted to degree 293 = 273+t
Celsius values by subtracting 273 from it.
or 500 (273 + t) = 250 x 293
oK = o_ 273 = -273°C .
or 2 (273 + t) = 293
K = 273 _ 273 = 0°c (freezing point of water
273 293
or ice point) or 273 + t = = 146.5
13 K = 13 - 273 = -260°C
or t = 146.5 - 273 = -126.5°C
373 K = 373 - 273 = 100°C (boiling point of water) Ans. : The gas wo11ld occupy half i~
Note: vo1ume at-1 26 _5'C
1. No degree sign is written for absolute temperature Example 7: The volume of a given mass of a gas ·
15°C 1s 100 cm3. To what temperature should it beat
2. Toe size of 1 degree on the Kelvin scale is the heated under the same pressure so that it occupies a
same as the size of 1 degree on the Celsius scale volume of 125 cm3 ?
i.e. unit si~e on Kelvin scale is equal to the unit
size on Celsius scale.
3. The real advantage of Kelvin scale is that it Let the required temperature be t °C.
makes application· and use of gas laws simple. V = 100 cm3; T= (273 + 15) K = 288 K
Even more significantly, all values on Kelvin
V' = 125 cm3; T' = (273 + t) K
scale are positive.
By Charles's law,
Example S : 120 cm 3 of a gas is taken at 27.3 K. ' V V' V'
Toe temperature is then raised to O °C. What is the new or T'= - xT
T T' V
volume of tlie gas ? The pressure is kept constant.
Substituting the values,
Solution :
T' = 125x288 = 360 K
V1 = 120 cm3; T1 =27.3 K; V2 = ? cm3 100
T2 = 273 K, since O°C =273 K Kelvin temperature can be converted to Celsius
By Charles's law, temperature by subtracting 273, i.e.
½. _ Vz 360 K = (360- 273)°C = 87 °C
1i - Tz Ans. : The gas would occupy 125 cm3 at 87°C.
Substituting the values, Example 8 : At what centigrade temperature will
120 _ _5_ the volume of a gas at 0°C triple itself if the
27.3 - · 273
pressure remains constant ?
..; v2 -_ 120x273
27 3
- 1200 cm
Ans. : The gas at OOC would occupy Let the volume at D°C = V mL.
a volume of 1200 cm3.
V1 =V mL; V2 = 3 V mL
Examples 6 : At what temperature will 500 cm3 of a
gas measured at 20 °C occupy half its volume ? The r1 = 0° or 273 K; T2 = ?
pressure is kept constant. By Charles's ,law,
-Solution: Vi V2 __£_ = 3V
Let the required temperature be t °C. Ti = T2 or 273 T2
vl = 500 cm3; Tl = (273 + 20) K = 293 K; or . T2 = 3 x 273 = 819 K
V2 250 cm3 ; T2 = (273 + t) K or T2 = (819-273)°C = 546 °C
By Charles's law, Ans: : The required temperature is 546"C. '
r ericals based on Charles's law a gas changes from V1 to V2, its pressure from P to
convert the following :
. P2, and its temperature from T1 to r 2, then t
1· (i) 37 K to °C (ii) 273 K to °C
(iii) _z7°C to K (iv) 27°C to K
mL of hydrogen gas at I 5°C is heated to 35°c
2, at constant pressure. Find the new volume of The above mathematical expression is called the
hydrogen. (Ans 21-39 mL) gas equation. This equation is used for calculating
At what temperature in degree centigrade will the changes in gas volume when both its pressure and
3. lulTle of a gas at 0°C double itself, pressure temperature change.
:rnaining constant. (Ans. 273 °C) 7.11 STANDARD TEMPERATUREAND PRESSURE
C (culate the volume (in cm 3)
of air expelled (S.T.P.)
4· fa a vessel containing 0-4 litres of it at Since volume of a gas changes remarkably
~o;K, when it is heated to 27°C at the same with change in temperature and pressure, it
2 (Ans. 480 cm 3) becomes necessary to choose standard values of
What will be the volume of a gas when temperature and pressure to which gas volumes
5· litres of it is cooled down from 15°C to -_73°C can be referred.
at constant pressure. (Ans. 2·0833 htres) The standard values chosen are 0°C or 273K
To what temperature must ad gas .at 300 K be for temperature, and 1 atmospheric unit (atm) or
6· cooled down in order to re uce its vo 1m~e. to 760 mm Hg for pressure. These standard values are
rd of its original volume, pressure remammg known as standard temperature and pressure
113 ? (Ans. 100 K)
constan t • (S.T.P.).
. Prove that the volume of a gas at 273°C is twice
7 Remember:
its volume at 273 K, at constant pressure.
Standard temperature =0 °C =273 K
THE GAS EQUATION (PRESSURE, Standard pressure = 760 mm Hg
= 76 cm Hg
= 1 atm.
If both pressure and temperature of a fixe_d
mass of a gas are varied, a combination of Boyle :, Any change in pressure or temperature is likely
and Charles's laws gives us a fixed rela ri o;, ';; change the volume of a gas. Thus, while expressing
amongst its volume, pressure and temperature. .' specific volume of a gas, it is necessary to specify
1 · :, its pressure and its temperature.
According to Boyle's law, V oc P :•·fot.e : By increasing pressure on the volume of
and according to Charles's law, V oc T an e11closed gas, its volume decreases, whereas by
increasing temperature, its volume increases. Thus, ·
Now, on combining the two laws, volume of a
by keeping equilibrium between an increase in
given mass of a gas varies inversely with pressure
pressure and an increase in temperature, it is
and directly with absolute temperature.
possible to kefp the volume constant.
T Certain gases, like nitrogen and hydrogen are
or V = P x constant collected over water as shown in the Fig. 7. 7.
PV When the gas is collected over water, it is moist
or T = constant and contains water vapour. The total pressure
Accordingly, if the volume of a given mass of exerted by this moist'8,as is equal to the sum of

the partial pressures* of the dry gas and the pressure Tz = (273 + 24) K = 297 K.
exerted by water vapour. Partial pressure of water
Applying the gas equation,
vapour is also known as aqueous tension.
Pi v, -Pz-Vz-
T, Tz
Substituting the values,
725x572 792x V2
Q; : 286 = 297
1--\\c--.iQ:.: , ,,, ,
<~ :::: :
::~ :: or
. . . ::
. . :...
Vz = 286x792
. . . ... . . . .
= 543.75 cm 3
Fig. 7. 7 Collection of gas over water Ans. : The required volume of gas is 543.75 cm3.
ptotal = pgas + pwater vapour Example 11 : One litre of a gas at ID°C is heated till
pgas = ptotal - pwater vapour both its volume and pressure are tripled. Find the new
Actual Pressure of gas = temperature.
Total pressure - Aqueous tension Solution :
Example 9 : 87 cm 3 of moist nitrogen is measured at Initial condition Final condition
9°C and 659 mm Hg pressure. Find the volume of dry pl =P P2 =3 P
nitrogen at STP. The vapour pressure of water at 9°C
VI= 1 L V2 =3 L
is 9 mm Hg.
Solution : T1 =(273 + 10) K =283 K; - ?
Pressure due to dry nitrogen alone From the gas equation,
= 659 - 9 = 650 mm Hg P.I V.I P2 Vz
P1 = 650 mm; V1 = 87 cm 3; T1 = (273 + 9) K; T, = TzI
P2 = 760 mm; V2 =? cm3; T2 = 273 K Pxl _ 3Px3
283 - Tz
By the gas equation,
r T. _ 3P x 3 x 283
1'i V1 Pz Vz O 2 - . Pxl
T1 Tz = 2547 K =(2547 - 273)°C =2274°C
Substituting the values, Ans. : The new temperature is 2274°C.
650x87 _ 760xV2 650x87 _ 760x V:! · •le 12 : Gas is enclosed in a cylinder under
(273 + 9) - or 282 - 27:s · ··
-. •:onditions. At what temperature does the volume
650x87x273 ,.:nclosed gas become I/6th of its initial volume,
or Vz,,; 282x760 ...;-,• remaining constant ?
V2 = 72-03 cm 3 · ;,otution :
Ans. : The volume of dry nitrogen at
S.T.P. would be 72-03 cm3•
Let the initial volume be V1 final volume = jV,
Initial temp. T1 = 273 K final temp. T2 = ?
Example JO : A given mass of a gas occupies
By Charles's law,
572 cm3 at 13°C and 725 mm Hg pressure. What will
be its volume at 24°C and 792 mm Hg pressure? \'i = Vz
Solution : 7i Tz
\'i \'i/6 Vi 273
pl = 725 mm Hg; V1= 572 cm3; 273 or Tz = 6 x Vi =45.5 K
Tl = (273 + 13) K = 286 K;
= 45.5 - 273 = -227.5~C
Pz = 792 mm Hg; V2 ;,. ? cm3;
Ans . : The temperature at which the volume of
* Partial pressure is the pressure, the gas would exert if it alone the enclosed gas is I/6 th of its initial volume
filled the containing vessel at the same temperature and pressure. is -227.5 °c.
1-,n ""1.
, 13 : pres sure of. a gas at S.T.P. is doubled
. the gas, if the molecular mass (molar mass) of any
• .0,,,ple ture is raised to 546 K. What 1s the
fr! the tempera ?
gas occupies 22.4 litres at S.T.P.
ood Junie of the gas . Solution:
(toal ~o . Oxygen (02) is a diatomic gas.
SO[ltftOII • P2 =2x760mmHg Its molar mass is 16 x 2 = 32 g
Pi= 760 nun Hg
T2 = 546 K So, 32 g of oxygen occupies 22.4 dm3 at S.T.P.
Ti :::273 K
. 22.4
16 gof oxygen will occupy TI x 16 = l 1.2 dm3
!J.5- = P2 Vz Thus,
T, Tz P 1 =1atm P2 =?
2x760xV2 V1 = 11.2 dm3 V2 = 1 dm3
= 546 T1 =273 K T2 = 273 + 25 = 298
760XV1X546 By gas equation
Vz = 2x760x273 Pi v, PzVz
:. Vz = v,
r;--- r;=
Ans. : The volume of the gas remains the same. PiV1T2 lxll.2x298
P2 = I'iY2 = 273xl = 12.2 atm
,n le 14 : 16 g of oxygen gas is enclosed in a

sxa t1ask at 25°C. Calculate the pressure exerted by
Ans. The pressure exerted by the gas is 12·2 atm
. ---------------:,-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:_-:__,- - - - - - -- -----
--- - - - - - - - - - - 1 1 CHAPTER AT A GLANCE ' ) - - - - - - - - - - - ,
, Gases neither have a definite volume nor shape. The constituent particles are far away from each other
and are free to move in any direction at high speed. .·
, The behaviour of gases is described by volume V, pressure P and temperature T.
, Boyle's Law : Volume of a given mass of a dry gas is inversely proportional to its pressure at
constant temperature I P1V1 = P2v2.1
Charles' Law : Pressure remaining constant, volume of a given mass of a dry gas increases or
decreases by of its volume ,,: 0°C for each 1°C increase or decrease in .temperature.
Volume of a given mass of a · 6irectly proportional to its absolute temperature (Kelvin) if the
pressure is kept constant.
V1 V2
T1 T2

• The temperature -273°C is called ABSOLUTE ZERO.

' Value on the celsius scale can be converted to Kelvin scale by adding 273 to it. Kelvin scale values
can be converted to degree celsius values by subtracting 273 from it.
' Standard temperature = 0°C = 273 K
Standard pressure = 760 cm= 76 cm Hg = 1 atm.

• Ideal Gas Equation : A mathematical expression describing the simultaneous effect of chan_ges
in temperature and pressure on volume of a given mass of a gas is called the Ideal Gas Equation.
1. What do you understand by gas ? 16. (a) What is the relationship between the Celsius anct
2. Give the assum ti . Kelvin scales of temperature ? the
. P ons of the kinetic molecular theory.
3 . Dunng the practi al . (b) Convert (i) 273°C to Kelvin (ii) 293 K to oc.
gas h . c 10 the lab when hydrogen sulphide
avmg offensive odour is prepared for some test, we 17. State the laws which are represented by the follow·1
chan smell the gas even 50 metres away. Explain the graphs. ng
P enomenon. (a)
4. Describe
. an expenment
· to show the pressure-volume
relationship in gases. T,
5 . How is molecular motion related with temperature ?
6. State (i) the three variables for gas laws (ii) S.I. units of
these variables. -300 -200 -100 0 100

7. (a) State Boyle's Law.

Temperature °C Volume 1N
(b) Give its
(i) mathematical expression, pl< P2 < P3 T3 > T2 > Tl
(ii) graphical representation and 18. Give reasons for the following :
(iii) significance. .(a) All temperatures in the absolute (Kelvin) scale are in
positive figures.
8. Explain Boyle's Law on the basis of the .kinetic theory
(b) Gases have lower density compared to that of solids
of matter.
or liquids.
9. The molecular theory states that the pressure exerted by (c) Gases exert pressure in all directions.
a .gas in a closed vessel results from the gas molecules
(d) It is necessary to specify the pressure and temperature
striking against the walls of the vessel. Ho w will the
of a gas while stating its volume.
pressure change if :
(e) Inflating a balloon seems to violate Boyle's law.
(a) the temperature is doubled h e :-.i ·,
(f) Mountaineers carry oxygen cylinders with them.
(g) Gas fills completely the vessel in which it is kept.
(b) the volume is made half of its orig:,: ng
19. How did Charles's law lead to the concept of absolute
the temperature constant ?
scale of temperature ?
10. (a) State Charles's law.
20. What is meant by aqueous tension ? How is the pressure
(b) Give its exerted by a gas corrected to account for aqueous tension?
(i) graphical representation,
21. State the following :
(ii) mathematical expression and
(a) Volume of a gas at O Kelvin.
(iii) significance. (b) Absolute temperature of a gas at 7°C.
11. Explain Charles's law on the basis of the .kinetic theory (c) Gas equation.
of matter. (d) Ice point in absolute temperature.
12. Define absolute zero and absolute scale of temperature. (e) S.T.P. conditions
Write the relationship between °C and K.
22. Choose the correct answer :
13. (a) What is the need for the Kelvin scale of
(a) The graph of PV vs P for a gas is
temperature ? (i) parabolic
(b) What is the boiling point of water on the Kelvin (ii) hyperbolic
scale ? Convert it into centigrade scale.
(iii) a straight line parallel to X-axis
14. (a) Define S.T.P. or N.T.P. (iv) a straight line passing through origin
(b) Why is it necessary to compare gases at S.T.P. ? (b) The absolute temperature value that corresponds to
lS . Write the value of: 27°C is .
(a) standard temperature in : (i) 200 K (ii) ; 00 K
(iii) 400 K (iv) 246 K
(i) °C (ii) K
(b) standard pressure in : (c) V~lume-temperature relationship is given by
(i) atm (ii) mm Hg (iii) cm Hg (iv) torr -~~) Boyle (ii) Gay Lussac
(m) Dalton (iv) Charles
If ressure is doubled for a fixed mass of a gas, its (a) Plot the following graphs :
1. P vs V 2. P vs IN 3. PV vs P.
(d) p will become
volume .. Interpret each graph in terms of a law.
(i) 4 times ~n) ½ times
(iii) 2 times (1v) No change (b) Assuming that the pressure values given above are
correct, find the correct measurement of the volume.
' ' atch the following 4. 800 cm 3 of gas is collected at 650 mm pressure. At
23• JYl Column B
coiumnA what pressure would the volume of the gas redu~e .by
3 (i) pressure 40% of its original volume, temperature rema1mng
(a) Cm
(ii) temperature constant ? [Ans. 1083.33 mm of Hg]
(b) Kelvin
(iii) Volume S. A cylinder of 20 litres capacity contains a gas at 10~
(c) Torr. atmospheric pressure. How many flasks of 200 cm
. V V1 . capacity can be filled from it at 1 atmosphere pressure,
(d) Boyle's law (1v) T = 1i_
temperature remaining constant? [Ans. 10,000 flasks]

(e) Charles's law <v) rPV = Ti

.f\V1 6. A steel cylinder of internal volume 20 litres is filled with
hydrogen at 29 atmospheric pressure. If hydrogen is used
(vi) PY= P1V1 to fill a balloon at 1-25 atmospheric pressure at the same
temperature, what volume will the gas occupy ?
24. Correct the following statements.
[Ans. 464 litres]
(a) Volume of a gas is inversely proportional to its
pressure at constant temperature. 7. 561 dm 3 of a gas at S.T.P. is filled in a 748 dm
(b) Volume of a fixed mass of a gas is directly container. If temperature is constant, calculate the
proportional tp its temperature, pressure remaining percentage change in pressure required.
constant. [Ans. 25% decrease]
(c) 0°C is equal to zero Kelvin. 8. 88 cm 3 of nitrogen is at a pressure of 770 mm
(d) Standard temperature is 25°C. mercury. If the pressure is raised to 880 mm Hg, find
by how much the volume will diminish, temperature
(e) Boiling point of water is 273 K. 3
remains constant. [Ans. 11 cm ]
25. Fill in the blanks : 9. A gas at 240 K is heated to 127°C. Find the percentage
(a) The average kinetic energy of the molecules of a gas change in the volume of the gas (pressure remaining
is proportional to the ...................... . constant). [Ans. 66.6%]
(b) Tot\ temperature on the Kelvin scale at which mo!wtlar l.O. Certain amount of a gas occupies a volume of 0•4 litre at
motion completely ceas~s is called ............ ..... J7°C:. To wh,\t temperature should it be heated so that its
(c) If temperature is reduced to half, ....................... would vak ,•;c ;-·,·c• '. •1) doubled (b) reduced to half, pressure
also reduce to half. ,,:v ,;;tant? [Ans. (a) 307°C, (b) -128°C]
(d) The melting point of ice is .................... Kelvin. c: s 3 litres at 0°C. What volume will it
:·,, . , ,·C, pressure remair!ing constant ?
Numericals [Ans. 2.78 litres]
l. What will be the rnirtimum pressure required to compress P ,pies 500 cm3 at normal temperature. At what
500 dm3 of air at l bar to 200 dm3 temperature remaining · ,:i,tre will the volume of the gas be reduced by
constant. [Ans. 2·5 bar] ~J its orlginal volume, pressure being constant ?
2. 2Htres o~ a gas is enclosed iri a vessel at a pressllte of [Ans. 218.4 K]
760 mm Hg. If temperature remains ctmstail.t, caicula:te
13. Calculate the final volume of a gas 'X', if the original
pressure when volume changes to 4 ctm3.
Ans. 380 mm Hg pressure of the gas, at S.T.P. is doubled and its
temperature is increased three times.
3. At constant temperature, the effect of change of pressure 1
[Ans. 1 times the original volume]
on volume of a gas was as given below : 2
Pressure in atmospheres Volume in litres 14. A sample of carbon dioxide occupies 30 cm3 at l5°C and
0.20 112 740 mm pressure. Find its volume at S.T.P.
[Ans. 27.7 cm3]
0.25 89.2
0.40 56.25 15. SO cm3 of hydrogen is collected over water at 17°C and
0.60 37.40 750 mm Hg pressure. Calculate the volume of dry gas at
S.T.P. The water vapour pressure at 17°C is 14 mm Hg.
0.80 28.10 [Ans. 45.6 cm3]
1.00 22.4
!6. At o•c and 760 mm Hg pressure, a gas occupies a 22. A gas is to be filled from a tank of ~apacity W.000
into cylinders each having capacHy of 10 htres. The
~o 1ume of 100 cml. Kelvin temperature of the gas is
condition of the gas in the tank is as follows .
mcreased by one-fifth and the pressure is increased one
and a half times. Calculate the final volume or the gas. (a) pressure inside the tank is 800 m.m of Hg.
[Ans. 80 cm 3J (b) temperature inside the tank IS -3 C.
When the cylinder is filled, the pressure gauge reads 400
17 . It is found, on heating a gas, its volume increases by 50%
mm of Hg and the temperature IS O"C. Find the number
and _pressure decreases to 60% of its original value. If the
on?m~ temperature was -l5°C, find the temperature to of cylinders required to fill the gas.
(Ans. 2022 cylinders)
which It was heated ? [Ans. -40.S"C]
18. A cenain. mass of a gas occupies 2 litres at 27 "C and I00 23. Calculate the volume occupied by 2 g of hydrogen_ at
pascal. Fmd tbe temperature when volume and pressure oc and 4 atmosphere pressure. if at S.T.P. tt occ~p1es
27 . litres.
become half of their initial values. [Ans. 6· 15 litres)
22 4
[Ans. -198°C] _ What temperature would be necess~ry to double t~e
24 volume of a gas, initially at S.T.P., if the pressure 1s
19. 25W cm 3_of hydrogen is taken at S.T.P. The pressure of
this gas 1s funher increased by two and a half times decreased to 50%. [Ans. 273K]
(temperature remaining constant). What volume will 25. Which will have greater volume when the following gases
hydrogen occupy now ? are compared at S.T.P.
[Ans. 5000n cm3)
(a) 1·2 / N at 25°C and 748 mm Hg
20. Taking the volume of hydrogen as calculated in Q.19, (b) 1,25 Io, al s.T.P.? [Ans. (b)]
what change must be made in Kelvin (absolute)
26. Calculate the volume of dry air at S.T.P. that occupies
temperature to return the volume to 2500 cm3 (pressure
28 cm3 at I4°C and 750 mm Hg pressure when saturated
remaining constant).
with water vapour. The vapour pressure of water at 14°C
[Ans. Kelvin temperature increase to 3.5 times] 3
is 12 mm Hg. (Ans. 25.9 cm ]
21. A given amount of gas A is confined in a chamber
27. L.P.G. cylinder can withstand a pressure of 14.9
of constant volume. When the chamber is immersed
atmosphere. The pressure gauge of the cylinder indicates
in a bath of melting ice , the pressure of the gas is
12 atmosphere at 27°C. Due to a sudden fire in the
100 cm Hg.
building the temperature rises. At what temperature will
(a) What is the tempcra t1:re . when the pressure is
the cylinder explode. [Ans, 99.5°C]
28. 22.4 litres of a gas weighs 70 g at S.T.P. Calculate the
(b) What will t e th~ oresst,H', r-1h P.n :b drnmha is
weight of the gas if it occupies a volume of 20 litres at
broughr to l :J0°C. -
!A•H. i::-,} L.7·.1 ', (b) L :·t-,.~ ·nm Hgj 27°C and 700 mm Hg of pressi:· · [Ans. 52.38 g)

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