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Lily Mae

I was born in a LEGION facility to Carolyn Viridian in 1995. She had signed up for LEGION’s testing with the newly made meta drug, and didn’t know she was pregnant
until after she was given it. The powers she received were shapeshifting, telepathy, and healing, which we all passed onto me. My father is Tony Stark, but i wasn't
told this until after my mother died. My mother was loyal to LEGION, till i was born. She was very protective of me, and when she stopped cooperating with LEGION
when i was about 13, they killed her. I showed promising skills, so they kept me alive. I was going to be trained as an assassin right away, but when they discovered
my powers, they changed their mind.

Seeing as i was never allowed outside, technology was my only connection to the outside world. I was taught by multiple people how to hack, spy, and research just
by online. They would at some point let me outside, but it was important that i learned this too. Now it's like muscle memory for me, i know how to hack into any
database on various forms of technology, and i became an excellent spy.

In 2013, when i was 18 years old, i began training with the Winter Soldier, as they assumed this would better my skills. We stayed in the same facility together for just
over a year, and became very close. We would talk about things our lives in both HYDRA and LEGION, and even after memory wipes, he never seemed to forget me.
We developed a strong bond with each other, and slowly fell in love. In 2014, Bucky stopped coming back to my facility, i assumed he was dead and it destroyed me.
They continued my training and started working with my powers. They developed a collar designed to shut down all enhancements, which they used on both me
and my mother. They thought i wasn't strong enough, so they gave me the super soldier serum. I became a more efficient soldier. Late 2014, they put me in cryo
freeze until i was needed.

I was woken in 2021 for testing, they wanted to try and remake the super soldier serum from my genetic code. Dawson would convince agents to take off my collar
from time to time because it would burn my neck. In April, she found a way to help me escape. She got fed up with how i was treated, and planned an escape. She
had powers of her own from testing, and she teleported me to the apartment. I wasn't told anything else.

The apartments in pretty good shape, nothing really interesting about it. Previously, Tony Stark got a message talking about a daughter. There was a file attached,
with everything about me and my time with LEGION. He wasn't sure if it was true, but he looked into it and got the address of my apartment. He came with Peter,
seeing as he was my age and maybe having a kid would make me less afraid. He knocks on my door and tells me everything. I eventually loosen up, and he takes
me to the compound to meet everyone and to do blood tests on me.
healing//shapeshifting//omnikinesis//immortality//superhuman//telepathy//force fields//mind control.
healing: if i touch someone, any wounds or illnesses on/in their body will heal. Anything from bullet wounds to poison will heal and leave the body.

shapeshifting: i have 2 and a half forms; human, wings, and ymbryne. To sprout my wings, i must say “alas” and they will immediately apparate on my back. My wings are
somewhat made up of my own energy, not skin and bones. The feathers are soft and real, but i cannot feel pain in them. The phase directly through my clothing when i say
my trigger word and what i am wearing doesn't affect them.. My wingspan is 10 feet on each wing To phase into my ymbryne form, i must say “lupus” and i will
immediately phase into that form. In this form, am about 8 feet tall and can run up to 200 mph. Nothing can pierce my ymbryne skin, making me extremely lethal. To
phase back to human form or get rid of my wings, i must say “accio” my trigger words always work and there is no delay.

omnikinesis: this power makes me utterly unbeatable. I can manipulate any matter ever known, mental and physical. I can
manipulate time, thoughts, matter, energy, beings, etc. it is very simple and requires little to no effort. Any thought that
crosses my mind, given a little effort and focus, will happen. I can bend water, making it do what i want, i can open up rifts in
space (portals), i can make myself fly (although i have wings for that) i can speak to any species including animals through
my mind, it just requires a bit of focus. If i focus on a cup of water, i can make the liquid jump out and fly through the air if i
want, i can do literally anything with just a little bit of focus. I can heat up my body temperature to start a fire or just to boil
some water, i can do just about anything.

superhuman: the serum i was given was identical to the winter soldiers, and every part of me was enhanced. I can lift up to 6 tons and can run up to 80 mph. I heal
extremely fast and my body is very durable. I have increased endurance, flexibility, reflexes, focus, and combat skills.

telepathy: i can access anyone's mind i want to see their memories, hear their thoughts, and tell if they're lying, i just need to focus on the person and search for what i
need (i don't just hear thoughts constantly)

force fields: these are also created with my energy. I can create shields for myself, walls around things, or huge domes to protect myself and others.

mind control: combining my telekinesis and omnikinesis abilities, i can take control of people's minds and make them see, think, or do anything i want, as well as being
able to make them see their worst nightmare. I can do this by either touching their heads or being in close proximity to them.
in depth on my powers
omnikinesis has never been recognized in anyone at LEGION until i came along. With this power, i can hypothetically do anything. I can create life from nothing, manipulate anything,
take control of anything, and so much more. It all is possible because of my mind. I am connected to everything around me, from the people and animals, to the earth and soil. I could
increase someone's heart rate to the point of heart attack, i could heat my body temp up to boil some water or ignite a campfire, i could pause time to grab something from the other
side of the room without anyone knowing, i could open a portal in space and walk to the other side of the world, i could control objects and make them do what i want, i could contain
an explosion like wanda did in cacw, i can even make myself fly like carol, the possibilities are basically endless. All any of this takes is the smallest amount of thought and focus. My
hands dont always glow while using this power, but on the occasion that they do, my powers colors are white and periwinkle (purple)
I cannot shapeshift into various beings like loki or the skrulls, my abilities are limited to my 3 forms; human, fey, and ymbryne. My wings protrude from my back at the moment i say
my trigger word, but they don't just pop out of nowhere. It's quite a beautiful experience to see unless you are the enemy. They start at the base, and slowly show themselves like you
are pulling an invisibility cloak off of them lol, and while doing so usually have a faint purple glow. No matter what i am wearing, they aren't delayed and simple phase through
whatever clothing i have on (like how vision phases through walls). It only takes about 3-5 seconds for them to develop completely. As for my ymbryne form, it's a bit similar. Think of
how antman changes sizes, its like that. I will start off normal, i'll say my trigger word, and in just 3 seconds i'll shift into my ymbryne body. Again, my clothing will not disappear, as it is
somewhat magic, not my entire body being changed into a wolf. And turning back human or getting rid of my wings is the same as these, just backwards. When my wings go away it
will look like they are turning into a mist and falling away.
force fields Healing seems complicated but it's probably the easiest power telepathy/mind control
My force fields are actually just to use because i don't need to focus on something or have any
My mind control and telepathy works like wandas. Telepathy is less
a product of my omnikinesis, intent at all. If i touch a wound, my hand sends signals to their
complicated, i just focus on someone with the intent to know what
but deserve their own section. body to heal it. It doesn't have to be an open wound either, if
they are thinking, and i will. I don't just constantly hear voices of people
These force fields are quite someone has just been poisoned and i touch them, the poison
and their inner thoughts, i actually have to try. I don't just use this for
literally unbreakable, not even or venom will leave their body, same with any sickness they
hearing thoughts, i can also access the mind and memories and they'll
wanda's powers could break have. Because of this power, none of my wounds last long and
never know. Mind control is a bit more complicated and requires more
them. Again, they just need a heal based on their severity. A simple cut from an animal will
focus. Like telepathy, i just need to focus on the person or persons, and
little thought put into them, heal in about 5 minutes, a gunshot would take about a day,
think what i want them to think, do, or see. An interesting side to this
and with a swish of my hands, and extremely severe wounds could take up to a few days to a
power is being able to see someones dream by touching their head as
they're done. week, but i can always just use my hands to heal it myself if i
they are sleeping.
❏ I have no period & this doesn't affect me
❏ I cannot get pregnant
Name: Lily Mae Raeken-Stark ❏ I cannot get bloated
Age: 19 yrs old bio, 26 chrono. ❏ I can feel almost no pain
Eyesight: 20/20 ❏ No hip dips or cellulite
Birthday: May 9, 1995 ❏ I always smell good
Birthplace: Berlin, Germany ❏ My breath always smells good
❏ I heal very fast
❏ My muscles are toned and not flabby
❏ I have no body hair below my shoulders

❏ no double chin
❏ i'm a pretty sleeper
❏ I cant get acne
❏ my hair is never greasy Safeword: ‘shazam’
❏ my teeth are always white Personality: bold, witty, sarcastic, kind, loyal, distrustful, loving.
❏ my lips never get chapped Dislikes: bugs, deep water, seaweed.
❏ I have soft skin and lips Specialties: shooting, hand-to-hand combat, lying, sarcasm.
❏ I look good from every angle Hobbies: walks, power training, writing, watching tv, car trips.
Height: 5’4
Weight: 125 lbs
Species: human [enhanced], hybrid.


❏ bulletproof ❏ 8 feet tall
❏ easy to maneuver & take off the ground ❏ Soft fur
❏ very strong and durable ❏ Gentle demeanor
❏ phase through my clothing when they come out ❏ Terrifying growl
❏ soft feathers ❏ Paws are webbed
❏ cannot be torn off or broken ❏ Trigger word is “lupus”
❏ each wing is 10 feet long ❏ Incredibly sharp teeth & claws
❏ trigger word is “alas”
❏ Cant feel pain in them
Tony was sent an anonymous message from the Dawson saying

Anthony Stark, Tony gives me some time to myself, to let everything sink in and explore
a bit. I get more familiar with my powers and what i can do. News gets
I have information on your daughter, Lily. meet at 15th street 4325
out about Stark's sudden daughter, and i'm inevitably famous in about
#604, Queens, New York, NY. proof involved, just the two of us. 5 p.m April 2nd.
24 hours. Tony introduces me to Morgan, my half-sister, who is now 4
Agent Dawson years old. I get along great with everyone, and at some point get a tour
of New York, seeing as i had never been anywhere but hydra and my
apartment. Bucky and i get closer, and we bond all over again after not
on April 2nd, at 5 pm, i get a knock on my seeing him for 7 years. Over time, me and Tony also get close, and i
door from Tony and Peter. Tony got the letter spend a lot of time with Morgan, mostly babysitting her when Pepper
only a day before, and only told a few people and Tony are out. After some time, Tony offers to make me an Avenger,
about it (peter, pepper, and bruce) he's a bit and have me go on missions with everyone. Being Starks daughter, i of
cautious of me after reading my file so he course get a lot of public attention and we get to go to fancy events and
has his nanotech suit ready under his clothes. talk shows. Tony makes me my own suit and he lets me sit in his lab
After i tell him that dawsons dead, he catches with him when he's tinkering, sometimes even letting me help or
me up to speed and basically explains who he teaches me how to do some things.
and the avengers are, and says he wants to
bring me to the compound. I get in his car
that he's driving, with peter in the passenger
seat and jasper in the back with me. It takes
only 30 minutes to drive to the compound.
STARK, 05-09-1995
DOB: __________________________
AGENT: _______________________________
STATUS: _________________________________
ADDRESS: ____________________________ N/A
ADDRESS: _____________________________



CITIZENSHIP: _____________________________________ SOLDIER/AGENT
TITLE: ________________________________ THREAT LVL: 13 [DO NOT ENGAGE]

PLACE OF BIRTH: _____________________________________ 5’4
HEIGHT: ________________________________ ALIAS: the Rogue Soldier

RACE: _____________________________________
125 LBS
WEIGHT: ________________________________ EMPLOYMENT: trained assassin

GENDER: _____________________________________ BROWN
HAIR: ________________________________ ENHANCEMENTS: meta drug,
superhuman abilities, shapeshifter,
LANGUAGES: _____________________________________
EYES: ________________________________ omnikinesis, healing, mind control,
telepathy, flight.
DENTAL: ______________________________________
Tony Stark, father
FAMILY: ________________________________ STRENGTHS: speed, agility, strength, reflexes, master marksman,
IDENTIFIABLE DECEASED 04-23-2008 hand-to-hand combat, manipulation over matter, persuasion,
MARKINGS: ______________________________________
Caroline Raeken, mother
________________________________ multilingual, stamina, spying, researching, most forms of combat.
Most of the avengers live in the
compound including; Vision, There's an empty field behind
Wanda, Bucky, Steve, Natasha, the warehouse that i use for
Tony, Pepper, Morgan, Bruce, Loki, flight runs, phase testing, and
Peter, Thor, and Pietro. sometimes fight training

Each room has its own bathroom.

The kitchen(s) are/is always
The 2nd and 3rd floor of the stocked with snacks for the
main building is the bedrooms team, and i like to cook/bake
when i'm sad so its useful

My bedroom is on the second floor,
After my addiction to monster next to Bucky and wandas.
becomes apparent, Tony keeps a
mini fridge filled with my favorite My rooms layed is the same as
flavors in his lab wandas, just very empty. I have a
queen size bed.

The compound has a private outdoor There are a lot of break rooms for
pool and hottub that everyone uses, just chilling out after missions
mostly after long missions to relax or and they give the compound
to mess around. more of a homey feel
Ultron’s system was
completely destroyed by
Vision and Pietro didn't die.
There were casualties but
overall a win.
Civil War
In 2016, when Zemo provoked
the Avengers, Tony, Cap, and
Steve fought each other. When
Bucky was taken to wakanda,
and got his new arm, the WS
code was taken out of his head.
When the asgardians are flying back
to earth and Thanos stops them,
Thor, Loki, valkyrie, and Banner are
the only ones who survive. When
the hulk is down and Heimdall calls
the bifrost, it brings Loki with him to
earth. Thor is blasted into space, but
survives and is rescued by the
Guardians. Loki and Banner land in
New York with each other.
Infinity War
Everything goes as planned, and
when on the planet Titan, Mantis
holds thanos under and peter is
able to get the gauntlet off. They
return the stones and kill thanos,
and no one dies. Loki is now on the
avengers side. Bucky comes back
to the compound with everyone
including Loki and Thor.
room and wardrobe
My room has the same layout of tony gives me a Tony makes me my
wandas, and the only things in there credit card that i own suit made out
when i arrive are a bed, empty can use whenever i of a comfortable
shelves, a tv, desk, and a closet half want (basically material on the
limitless) and i can inside, but
filled with some clothes.
buy whatever i bulletproof on the
want with it. outside. The shoes
are comfortable
and moveable with
thick soles for
running & fighting
bucky barnes
Me and bucky met in 2013, when i was 18. I was showing exceptional growth and strength, so they decided to bring in the
winter soldier to train me. Everything went along as usual, but as soon as training was done and we were sent back to our
cells, our entire personas would change. Bucky would be softer and would often apologize about going to hard on me. Our
cells were directly next to each other and there was a window that connected our cells, we would spend night upon nights
just talking and reassuring each other, making each other feel safe. After a few months, we trusted one another with our
lives. When he disappeared late 2014, i thought he was dead, and I never saw him again after that.

When i show up at the compound, he recognizes immediately. I'm quite baffled to see him, but he's just as ecstatic as ever.
Seeing as we are familiar with each other, tony gives me a room right next to bucky's. Bucky helps me a lot, getting me
familiar with everything and learning how to use and control my powers. He trains with me a lot and explains how missions
work. Bucky isn't shy around me, and he almost always will make the first move, we have a slow burn.

A bit after i arrive and we spend more time together, Bucky develops feelings for me again and so do I. Bucky loves
everything about me, and i'm absolutely perfect in his eyes. He gives me sweet little nicknames that he secretly hates when
other people use. I usually call him James, but get used to calling him bucky again. I never feel nervous around him, it's just
like i've known him my entire life. Bucky has a couch in his room that quickly becomes the area where i run to if hes asleep
and im scared from nightmares or storms.. Sometimes i go in and fall asleep on it, mostly when i don't want to feel alone or
if my nightmares get really bad. He was born March 10, 1925, so he is biologically 20 and looks like it.

I'm not awkward around him and don't stumble over my words, it's really easy to just be myself with him. Because of HYDRA
and him being used to the war, bucky can't sleep in the quiet so he constantly has a fan going when he goes to bed. The fan
isn't squeaky or too loud, it just makes it easier for him to sleep. His nightmares stopped a few years ago after the infinity
war, and he sleeps just fine now.
Apart from bucky, wanda is one of the only
people i really connect with on a personal
level. My powers seemed fairly similar to
hers so Tony asked her to teach me to use
them. She helps me learn about my powers
and what i can do with them. After not too
long, we become the best of friends and
even have little sleepovers in each others
rooms, and sometimes go into the city for
shopping trips. I even get her to talk to me
about her and Vision- on my first mission
we stay close to each other so what
happened in 2016 with wanda won't happen
to me, but she always reassures me that
everything will go fine.

❏ Her room is next to mine

❏ She cant read my mind
❏ We have common interests
❏ Born January 11, 1999
He's not the best at comforting people, so
he gives me some time to myself at first.
When i come around, he acts normal, like
he's known me forever, other than the
occasional questions. I definitely inherited
his sense of humor. We get along great,
and he introduces me to Morgan who is 4
years old now. Like any dad, he gets
pretty protective of me. He builds me my
own suit, stocks a fridge with monster,
and even lets me work on suits with him.
Having dealt with similar things himself,
he comforts me when i have my anxiety
attacks. He teaches me how to fix suits
and keeps me up to date on the world,
since i've only ever lived with LEGION.

❏ Born May 29, 1970

Me and peter get along great from the start,
goofing off around town and catching petty
little crimes in the act. If peter does
something wrong i usually get the blame for
it, but he's like a brother to me so it's fine. He
is much more confident than he was in high
school, but still pretty awkward. He lives at
the compound and is still with MJ, who also
comes around from time to time. He shows
me around New York a lot (he's very
passionate) him and I have a sibling type
relationship and Tony treats us like children.

❏ Born August 10, 2001

❏ Calls me ‘pigeon’ as a joke
after i call him ‘buggie’
❏ Aunt may loves me
Steve had heard about me
before from Bucky, so he
was rather easy on me. Him,
bucky, and nat are my main
training mentors when it
comes to hand-hand, as well
as training me for field
missions. We get along well,
and we bond over our love
for baking hehe. He's like a
mix of a father and brother
to me.

❏ Born July 4, 1923

Even though nat is kind of known to
get along with teammates, she
especially takes a liking to me. My
story is similar to hers (practically
orphaned at a young age, forced to
kill, imprisoned.) natasha sees me as
her own daughter after we get to
know each other. She helps me train
for missions and tries to teach me
how to hack, although i’m not
exactly a perfectionist in that field.
Her and steve try to make the team
wake up at the crack of dawn to go
on runs and training sessions, which
usually don't work out but when
they do it's a hassle.

❏ Born November 22, 1984

Like Tony, hes amused by my rude
humor and jokes (i can be a mean
person, maybe he's into that or
something) We get along like siblings at
first, and when he introduces me to Thor
were like brother and sisters, always
messing around with the avengers and
playing pranks. Seeing as i'm the first girl
to not hate him, he likes me quite a bit.
Using his shapeshifting abilities, he likes
to transform into his own version of an
ymbryne with me but cant really
perfecte the design, he looks more like a
demented cow with wings. He lets me
wear his horns around as long as i let him
ride on my back during a flight run.
Bucky gets jealous and protective when i
spend time with Loki, still not fully
trusting him even after 6 years since
New York.
Me and pietro get along pretty
quickly, he introduces himself to
me in his normal playful manner.
It's pretty obvious he develops a
crush on me, but we stay friends.
Me and him are the compounds
main pranksters, our target is
usually steve or clint. He likes to
mess with Bucky and tries to make
him jealous by little things like
kissing my hand or calling me
nicknames that Bucky gives me.

❏ Born January 11, 1999

He's very laid back around the
compound, and isn't called into
missions much because the daily
robbery doesn't really need the god
of thunder. He unironically calls me
‘lady lily’ and we always fight over
the pop tarts. He thinks im too
innocent for his brother, and
apologies for loki quite a bit. His
ego is a little bit smashed when we
discover i can lift mjolnir, but he's
fine with it.
Pepper and morgan
Pepper is my stepmom and morgan is
my half sister. Morgan was born
November 8, 2018. Morgan ironically
thinks i'm the best thing to come to the
world, and immediately starts calling
me ‘sissy’ and ‘birdie’ because of Bucky.
Pepper is sweet as always and loves
me like a real daughter. Im often made
to babysit morgan and do all sorts of
things with her.
audrey dawson
dawson was given the meta drug when she was 19
years old, but never showed any sort of abilities or
enhancements. Over a couple years, she moved up
ranks and started working for LEGION as an agent and
guard. She was very well trusted and kept LEGION
from being discovered a number of times. She had a
soft spot for the enhancement, and didn't approve of
the way we were treated. She and my mom got along
well, and dawson was my mothers cell guard. When i
was born, dawson was made my godmother. Dawson
protected me the best she could, and often even
begged the soldiers to leave me be or stop hurting me.
Dawson started a rule that i could have my collar off
for 1 hour each day, just to stop my neck from hurting
for a bit. She's the one who had the idea of putting me
in cryo in 2014. When i was woken in 2021, she spent 4
months planning my escape. On April 3rd, she revealed
her ability to transportate things, and she sent me to
her apartment in Queens. Later that day, she was killed
in LEGION for getting me out.
jasper and alpine
jasper is a german shepherd that i accidentally created when i
was 19, out of sadness. He was first a figment of my imagination,
but i created him from my own energy. Me and him are
biologically linked, so whatever i think, he will obey. Ex: i just need
to think “sit” and he will sit, or think “attack” and he will attack
said target. He is incredibly intelligent, and knows full english. We
are best friends, and he's protective of me when there are
unfamiliar people around. He doesn’t do anything like chase
people, bark, or attack without me telling him and is very well
disciplined. He isn't scared of anything, and doesn't shy away
from a fight. When i am in ymbryne form, he still recognizes it as
me and is comfortable with it. Because he was made by me and
solely my own energy, he doesn't have a real body system which
means he doesn't need to eat, drink, use the bathroom, or even
breathe oxygen to live. he doesn't shed & cant feel pain. His
lifespan will be about 12 yrs.

Alpine is bucky's cat that he got in 2019. They're the best of buds,
and alpine literally only likes me, jasper, and bucky. When jasper
meets him, he doesn't even register that alpine is a cat, and they
get along like brothers. Like jasper, alpine is well disciplined and
isn't scared of anything. Alpine doesn't have a litter box, and goes
outside when he has to “go”.
Core memories
It had been 11 months after i met Bucky Barnes, we 2008 2014
trusted each other with our lives. Bucky had to go on a When my mother was killed, i learned i had the Bucky had a feeling that his newest
dangerous mission for HYDRA, and had no say in the ability to detect poisons. Anything that is lethal to mission wouldn't go very well, and he
matter. He made up a saying for when we had to leave the body; cyanide, arsenic, methanol, etc. will glow might never come back. On the last
each other, ‘may we meet again’ and the other person green no matter where, if its poured into another day i saw him in 2014, he kissed me
would always return it with, ‘we will’. This became liquid i’ll see stray lines of it. and told me he loved me. The last
something we said every time one of us left, and it's the thing he said to me was “i love you
last thing he said to me in 2014. I remember this very birdie, may we meet again” birdie is
2013 his nickname for me, and i said “we
vividly. I learned how to fight, shoot, and use all sorts of will james” im the only person who
weapons. The winter soldier taught me everything, really calls him james, even tho he
2012 and i quickly mastered all of my skills. Now it's like introduced himself as Bucky. This is
I mastered my omnikinesis abilities, and figured out i muscle memory, i don't even have to think when my most vivid memory, and it comes
could do anything i wanted, before they put my collar fighting, my reflexes and instincts take over to to my mind quite often like a treat, to
back on. I learned how to bend matter, move objects, protect myself. Im exceptionally good with a gun, make me smile on a sad day.
manipulate reality and control anything. I learned how i’ll never miss my shot, its actually impossible
simple it was to use my powers, and my favorite trick is
walking on steps of my own energy, like walking on air. 2014
The only other thing i really have
nightmares about is the day after
I learned how to hear any language in english. I can't
bucky left. I was treated much more
necessarily speak every language, but if someone is
harshly because he wasn't there to
speaking in a foreign language, my brain will
beat up guards, and i couldn't sleep
immediately translate it to english (including groot)
without him there.
and that's what i will hear while everyone else hears
the given language.
I was born in a LEGION cell, and my mother was extremely protective of me. They wanted to kill me when i was small, but when i showed promising skills and
abilities, they chose to keep me alive. LEGION partnered with HYDRA in the winter soldier program, which i was meant to be apart of, but i couldn't be controlled like
them so i was named ‘the Rogue Soldier’. I grew up with agent Dawson, and she always had a soft spot for me and my mother. Dawson had a pretty good amount of
control over the facility, so when she was around i wasn't treated as harshly. She made sure i got at least a bit of an education, and gave me books teaching me
everything from colors and shapes, to history and literature. I was so unaware of what my abilities could do for so long, that i was even allowed to run around the
facility like it was home-sweet-home. I wasn't allowed to go or even see actual pictures of outside, so learning about trees and the sun was usually done with
cartoon-y drawings. Im very good at annoying people, so a lot of the time when Dawson wasn't around i was given my control collar, not only stopping my abilities,
but also causing immense pain. When i was 14 i began combat training. We quickly discovered an ability that gave me the nickname “deadshot”, no matter if i'm
looking or not, or even shooting in the right direction, i will ALWAYS hit my target, as if the ammo is enchanted or something. I was 18 when i was transferred to
HYDRA for training with Bucky, he improved my hand-to-hand combat skills as well as blade. From early 2013-2014, me and Bucky formed our bond. I can now
match a supersoldier in a fight, most of the time even being able to win because of my strength and reflexes. Back at LEGION In 2015, i was 20 years old and put into
cryo sleep. I was woken in 2021 for my first missions out of hydra, but Dawson got me out before it happened, and I arrived at the apartment on April 3rd.
L: logistics LEGION was founded in 1954 after HYDRA became very public. LEGION was originally created to destroy all
enhanced beings, but soon after saw that they could make a profit off of them. Similar to HYDRA, they took in
E: energy volunteers and made them into lethal supersoldiers. LEGION had the tesseract in their possession for long
enough to harness its powers, and use it on individuals. The tesseract showed much more promising results
G: generating then just the serum, but they didn't have it in their power for long. My mother and Agent Dawson are the only
people who were directly affected by the tesseract, and i simply got my powers when they were passed on
I: intervention through my mother. After the tesseract, they made a new serum that gave people completely random
mutations, this is how I got my wings, and they called it the meta drug. LEGION partnered with HYDRA for
O: obligatory things like ‘the winter soldier program’, soldier combat training, etc. but LEGION always stayed in the shadow of
HYDRA, never revealing themselves to the public. LEGION tends to be a bit more gentle with their enhanced,
N: network but if needed they used brutal force. The worst thing they did to me personally was the collar.
April 3rd is the day i wake up on, and the day that tony comes to
the apartment. This is what i am wearing when i wake: April 3rd 2021

A soft cotton shirt with a

comfy sports bra and socks My apartment is 1 door
White cargo pants with chunky over from peters, and has
white converse, worn down a bit. the same layout. The only
differences are the
My hands are bandaged from my knuckles to
furniture, because there
my forearm, the fabric is soft but durable and I wake up in my bed, and get used to my
is little to none. There's a
wrapped within itself surroundings. Its 4pm, an hour before Tony small dining table by the
will get there. Jasper is next to me on the bed, kitchen, a couch in the
All of these items are hand me downs sleeping. I have this time to get used to living room with a small
from dawson and aren't in the best everything and work out everything. The tv, and a twin size bed in
shape, the shirt has a few rips and the room in on the top (6th) floor at the end of the bedroom. Other than
shoes are dirty. the hall next to peters. that, it's very empty.
address: 15th street
4325 #704
My backpack, given to me
only moments before beretta 92A1 9MM 10 rounds,
dawson sent me to the magazine is empty
A karambit knife,
apartment (it has all of
protection purposes. Also
these items in it)
has a thigh holster

An iphone 12 set up
A wallet with $500
with my own
cash inside and a credit
information, and the An extra roll of
card with an infinite
only thing in it is a wrapping
amount of money on it,
picture of my mother
as well as a driver's
and Dawson's phone
license and ID for me

A leather journal, dawson

thought i should have
somewhere to write A collar for jasper
down my thoughts.
main operating avengers lesser operating avengers
- me - tony
- bucky - rhodey
- pietro - clint
- peter - scott
- sam - thor
- wanda - loki
- natasha - vision
- steve - bruce

we take care of the less “world ending” they aren't as active and quite frankly
events and are called into missions more don't care about the missions as
than the rest of the team. missions much, mostly because there aren't
too many alien invasions these days.
my pairing They handle missions that require
- me extra help.
- bucky
- peter pairing
- pietro - tony, rhodey, scott, bruce
- clint, loki, thor, vision
Everyone is paired with 3 other team
members, this happens to be my pairing. very chaotic.
(the other pairing is; steve, wanda, sam,
and nat, like cw)
- I do not have any mental illnesses or disorders (maybe a bit of anxiety) - all of the avengers get along for the most part
- I am not awkward with people i fancy - SHIELD is still a thing and it has good pay
- I naturally know how to fly and use my powers - there is no racism or political drama in the world
- No coronavirus
- I have all of my memories from LEGION and HYDRA
- All of our fights are recorded by civilians and put on youtube
- Im worthy to lift mjolnir - It's very easy for me to look people in the eyes
- neither me or bucky snore - People don't find me annoying or irritating
- I'm very lucky - I'm not obnoxious
- I always happen to escape death - I have good ideas
- I'm a good singer - I have the mindset of an adult, i'm not immature
- If my bare skin touches earth, flowers will start to grow where I am - I have the same humor as tony
- I don't freak out in bad situations
- I always have good responses
- We’re allowed to have social medias and post about whatever
- I'm scared of thunderstorms - I'm a very good liar
- I can't wink properly - Alcohol tastes like water
- My cheeks don't get red when im embarrassed - I can never forget my safe word
- I'm not afraid to talk in front of crowds - The world is pretty similar to this one, regarding gen z humor & tiktok
- I don't have a superhero alias, the public comes up w one for me - My credit card never runs out of money & no one questions it
- I'm a good kisser - I'm good with kids
- Im very easy to talk to
- everyone thinks i'm pretty
- I'm not afraid to speak my mind
- I have an attractive laugh - My feet never hurt from running/walking
- I dont ever have bad breath - I don't get tired from fighting, running, or training easily
extras (◕‿‿◕)
- My phone has all of my cr spotify playlists in it, and there are no ads ever.
- Im allowed to post videos (tiktoks) about my wings and powers, just nothing about confidential or important matters
- When fighting, my body just takes full control and protects me, i don't even have to think half of the time.
- I know how to work almost any technology and can hack into various networks.
- In LEGION i was never taught about basic things like trees, oceans, cars, animals, etc. i was only taught about their enemies (avengers) so when i
leave the apartment and see all of these things, its like im seeing it all for the first time.
- I have fresh wounds on my wrists from electric handcuffs, which burned into my skin whenever i moved (that's what the bandages are for)
- Each room at the compound is soundproof, so i can play my music however loud.
- I look pretty while doing anything
- Because of my immortality, I don't need to eat or drink, but if i do it turns into energy instead of waste, so i never have to use the restroom
- I know how to whistle properly
- All animals love me and are never scared to approach
- I'm a really good baker/chef
- Whenever someone lies there will be a small red flash in their eyes, and whenever they tell the truth there will be a green flash.
- James is protective of me, but understands boundaries
- No one snores
- Im in very good shape and have good upper/lower body strength
- I get along with almost everyone
- Tony starts working on my suit immediately but doesnt show me until we get to know each other.
- Buck has pretty much come to terms with his past and no longer has nightmares, he's a bit touchy about some things but opens up with me.
- Im super comfy with James and can be myself without feeling awkward
reality rules
- I cannot die
- I cannot get pregnant
- I can feel little to no pain. ex: being shot would feel like someone pricked me with a pencil
- No one knows i am not from this reality, not even dr.strange
- No one i care for can die (friends, family, loved ones, etc.)
- Everyone looks the way they do in the movies/like they do in my cr
- By saying “shazam” i will immediately leave my dr
- I do not have a period
- 1 hour in my current reality equals 1 month in my desired reality
- I cannot be stuck with my wings or stuck as an ymbryne
- My magic always works and does what i want
- Time will pause when i leave my dr and will resume when i return
- I will remember everything from my dr
- I cannot bring trauma from my dr into my cr
- I never miss my target
- No one can read or control my mind
tony throws parties at the compound every now and then

I get scared from thunderstorms and run to bucky's room and he lets me stay for cuddles <3

Loki transforms into a wolf so we can rough house

The avengers do a fundraiser type thing and the kids put magnets on bucky's arm and hang from my wings

Every time we have a party we each take turns trying to lift mjolnir and i can on the first try (queen shi)

Me and bucky go stargazing

Me and sam compete on who can fly the fastest

I watch a movie for the first time and tony chooses the 2017 version of “IT”

Me and bucky get to do an interview together where you play with puppies while answering questions

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