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Class: BK ST5-CT7 _ Group: 7



In the lecture about the Benefits of Single-Sex Education for Girls, Dr. Mary Frosch shows both

the advantages and disadvantages of this sort of education. According to her, this kind of

schooling is criticized firstly for being outdated because it does not obtain education equality

between boys and girls. Secondly, single-sex education does not assure the development of

interaction between genders so boys and girls are hard to compete or be relaxed with others.

Thirdly, single – sex education can not prepare students for the world of adults. Despite these

strong arguments, Dr. Mary Frosch still believes that single-sex education brings advantages for

girls. The first thing is that she emphasizes girls’ exceptional qualities valued such as higher-

level abstruse thinkings concentration or well team-working. Another thing is that girls get self

– esteem enough to challenge the rules when they are separated from boys. She holds the

beliefs that girls can develop a place for both sexes.

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