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EXERCISE-I - Page – 6
EXERCISE-II - Page – 7
KEY CONCEPTS - Page – 13
EXERCISE-I - Page – 17
EXERCISE-II - Page – 19
EXERCISE-III - Page – 20
KEY CONCEPTS - Page – 26
EXERCISE-I - Page – 31
EXERCISE-II - Page – 32
EXERCISE-III - Page – 34
ANSWER KEY - Page – 39

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A conic section, or conic is the locus of a point which moves in a plane so that its distance from a fixed point
is in a constant ratio to its perpendicular distance from a fixed straight line.
 The fixed point is called the FOCUS.
 The fixed straight line is called the DIRECTRIX.
 The constant ratio is called the ECCENTRICITY denoted by e.
 The line passing through the focus & perpendicular to the directrix is called the AXIS.
 A point of intersection of a conic with its axis is called a VERTEX.


The general equation of a conic with focus (p, q) & directrix lx + my + n = 0 is:
(l2 + m2) [(x  p)2 + (y  q)2] = e2 (lx + my + n)2  ax2 + 2hxy + by2 + 2gx + 2fy + c = 0


The nature of the conic section depends upon the position of the focus S w.r.t. the directrix & also upon the
value of the eccentricity e. Two different cases arise.
In this case D  abc + 2fgh  af 2  bg2  ch2 = 0 & the general equation of a conic represents a pair of straight

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lines if:
e > 1 the lines will be real & distinct intersecting at S.
e = 1 the lines will coincident.
e < 1 the lines will be imaginary.
a parabola an ellipse a hyperbola rectangular hyperbola
e = 1; D  0, 0 < e < 1; D  0; e > 1; D  0; e > 1; D  0
h² = ab h² < ab h² > ab h² > ab ; a + b = 0

A parabola is the locus of a point which moves in a plane, such that its distance from a fixed point (focus) is
equal to its perpendicular distance from a fixed straight line (directrix).
Standard equation of a parabola is y2 = 4ax. For this parabola:
(i) Vertex is (0, 0) (ii) focus is (a, 0) (iii) Axis is y = 0 (iv) Directrix is x + a = 0

The distance of a point on the parabola from the focus is called the FOCAL DISTANCE OF T HE POINT.

A chord of the parabola, which passes through the focus is called a FOCAL CHORD.

A chord of the parabola perpendicular to the axis of the symmetry is called a DOUBLE ORDINATE.

A double ordinate passing through the focus or a focal chord perpendicular to the axis of parabola is called
the LATUS RECTUM. For y2 = 4ax.
 Length of the latus rectum = 4a.
 ends of the latus rectum are L(a, 2a) & L' (a,  2a).

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Note that: (i) Perpendicular distance from focus on directrix = half the latus rectum.
(ii) Vertex is middle point of the focus & the point of intersection of directrix & axis.
(iii) Two parabolas are laid to be equal if they have the same latus rectum.
Four standard forms of the parabola are y2 = 4ax ; y2 =  4ax ; x2 = 4ay ; x2 =  4ay


The point (x 1 y1) lies outside, on or inside the parabola y 2 = 4ax according as the expression
y12  4ax1 is positive, zero or negative.


The line y = mx + c meets the parabola y2 = 4ax in two points real, coincident or imaginary according as a 

c m  condition of tangency is, c = .

 4 
7. Length of the chord intercepted by the parabola on the line y = m x + c is :  2
a (1  m 2 )( a  mc) .
m 
Note: length of the focal chord making an angle  with the x axis is 4aCosec² 

The simplest & the best form of representing the coordinates of a point on the parabola is (at2, 2at).

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The equations x = at² & y = 2at together represents the parabola y² = 4ax, t being the parameter. The
equation of a chord joining t1 & t2 is 2x  (t1 + t2) y + 2 at1 t2 = 0.
Note: If the chord joining t1, t2 & t3, t4 pass through a point (c, 0) on the axis, then t1t2 = t3t4 =  c/a.


a  a 2a 
(i) y y1 = 2 a (x + x1) at the point (x1, y1) ; (ii) y = mx + (m  0) at  , 
m m2 m 
(iii) t y = x + a t² at (at2, 2at).
Note : Point of intersection of the tangents at the point t1 & t2 is [ at1 t2, a(t1 + t2) ].


(i) y  y1 = 
y1 (x  x ) at (x y ) ; (ii) y = mx  2am  am3 at (am2,  2am)
1 1, 1
(iii) y + tx = 2at + at3 at (at2, 2at).

Note : Point of intersection of normals at t1 & t2 are, a (t 12 + t 22 + t1t2 + 2) ;  a t1 t2 (t1 + t2).


(a) If t1 & t2 are the ends of a focal chord of the parabola y² = 4ax then t1t2 = 1. Hence the co-ordinates at the

a 2a 
extremities of a focal chord can be taken as (at2, 2at) &  2 ,  .
t t 
(b) If the normals to the parabola y² = 4ax at the point t1, meets the parabola again at the point t2, then

 2 
t2 =   t  .
 1
t1 

(c) If the normals to the parabola y² = 4ax at the points t1 & t2 intersect again on the parabola at the point 't3' then
t1 t2 = 2 ; t3 =  (t1 + t2) and the line joining t1 & t2 passes through a fixed point (2a, 0).

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General Note :
(i) Length of subtangent at any point P(x, y) on the parabola y² = 4ax equals twice the abscissa of the point P.
Note that the subtangent is bisected at the vertex.
(ii) Length of subnormal is constant for all points on the parabola & is equal to the semi latus rectum.
(iii) If a family of straight lines can be represented by an equation 2P + Q + R = 0 where is a parameter and
P, Q, R are linear functions of x and y then the family of lines will be tangent to the curve Q2 = 4 PR.

12. The equation to the pair of tangents which can be drawn from any point (x1, y1) to the parabola y² = 4ax is
given by : SS1 = T2 where :
S  y2  4ax ; S1 = y12  4ax1 ; T  y y1  2a(x + x1).


Locus of the point of intersection of the perpendicular tangents to the parabola y² = 4ax is called the DIRECTOR
CIRCLE. It’s equation is x + a = 0 which is parabola’s own directrix.


Equation to the chord of contact of tangents drawn from a point P(x1, y1) is yy1 = 2a (x + x1).
Remember that the area of the triangle formed by the tangents from the point (x1, y1) & the chord of contact

is (y12  4ax1)3/2 ÷ 2a. Also note that the chord of contact exists only if the point P is not inside.


Equation of the Polar of the point P(x1, y1) w.r.t. the parabola y² = 4ax is,

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y y1= 2a(x + x1)
 n 2am  .
The pole of the line lx + my + n = 0 w.r.t. the parabola y² = 4ax is  ,

1 
(i) The polar of the focus of the parabola is the directrix.
(ii) When the point (x1, y1) lies without the parabola the equation to its polar is the same as the equation to the
chord of contact of tangents drawn from (x1, y1) when (x1, y1) is on the parabola the polar is the same as the
tangent at the point.
(iii) If the polar of a point P passes through the point Q, then the polar of Q goes through P.
(iv) Two straight lines are said to be conjugated to each other w.r.t. a parabola when the pole of one lies on the
(v) Polar of a given point P w.r.t. any Conic is the locus of the harmonic conjugate of P w.r.t. the two points is
which any line through P cuts the conic.


Equation of the chord of the parabola y² = 4ax whose middle point is

(x1, y1) is y  y1 = (x  x1). This reduced to T = S1
where T  y y1  2a (x + x1) & S1  y12  4ax1.

The locus of the middle points of a system of parallel chords of a Parabola is called a DIAMETER. Equation to
the diameter of a parabola is y = 2a/m, where m = slope of parallel chords.
(i) The tangent at the extremity of a diameter of a parabola is parallel to the system of chords it bisects.
(ii) The tangent at the ends of any chords of a parabola meet on the diameter which bisects the chord.
(iii) A line segment from a point P on the parabola and parallel to the system of parallel chords is called the
ordinate to the diameter bisecting the system of parallel chords and the chords are called its double ordinate.

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(a) If the tangent & normal at any point ‘P’ of the parabola intersect the axis at T & G then
ST = SG = SP where ‘S’ is the focus. In other words the tangent and the normal at a point P on the parabola
are the bisectors of the angle between the focal radius SP & the perpendicular from P on the directrix. From
this we conclude that all rays emanating from S will become parallel to the axis of the parabola after reflection.
(b) The portion of a tangent to a parabola cut off between the directrix & the curve subtends a right angle at the
(c) The tangents at the extremities of a focal chord intersect at right angles on the directrix, and hence a circle
on any focal chord as diameter touches the directrix. Also a circle on any focal radii of a point P (at2, 2at) as
diameter touches the tangent at the vertex and intercepts a chord of length a 1  t 2 on a normal at the
point P.
(d) Any tangent to a parabola & the perpendicular on it from the focus meet on the tangtent at the vertex.
(e) If the tangents at P and Q meet in T, then :
 TP and TQ subtend equal angles at the focus S.
 ST2 = SP. SQ &  The triangles SPT and STQ are similar.
(f) Tangents and Normals at the extremities of the latus rectum of a parabola


y2 = 4ax constitute a square, their points of intersection being (a, 0) & (3 a, 0).
Semi latus rectum of the parabola y² = 4ax, is the harmonic mean between segments of any focal chord of

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2bc 1 1 1
the parabola is ; 2a = i.e.   .
bc b c a
(h) The circle circumscribing the triangle formed by any three tangents to a parabola passes through the focus.
(i) The orthocentre of any triangle formed by three tangents to a parabola y2 = 4ax lies on the directrix & has the
co-ordinates  a, a (t1 + t2 + t3 + t1t2t3).
(j) The area of the triangle formed by three points on a parabola is twice the area of the triangle formed by the
tangents at these points.
(k) If normal drawn to a parabola passes through a point P(h, k) then
k = mh  2am  am3 i.e. am3 + m(2a  h) + k = 0.

2a  h k
Then gives m1 + m2 + m3 = 0 ; m 1m 2 + m 2m 3 + m 3m 1 = ; m1 m2 m3 =  .
a a
where m1, m2, & m3 are the slopes of the three concurrent normals. Note that the algebraic sum of the:
 slopes of the three concurrent normals is zero.
 ordinates of the three conormal points on the parabola is zero.
 Centroid of the  formed by three co-normal points lies on the x-axis.

(l) A circle circumscribing the triangle formed by three conormal points passes through the vertex of the
parabola and its equation is, 2(x2 + y2)  2(h + 2a)x  ky = 0

Suggested problems from Loney:

Exercise-25 (Q.5, 10, 13, 14, 18, 21, 22),
Exercise-26 (Important) (Q.4, 6, 7, 17, 22, 26, 27, 28, 34),
Exercise-27 (Q.4,), Exercise-28 (Q.2, 7, 11, 14, 23),
Exercise-29 (Q.7, 8, 19, 21, 24, 27),
Exercise-30 (2, 3, 18, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 30)
Note: Refer to the figure on Pg.175 if necessary.

Vibrant Academy (I) Pvt. Ltd. "B-41" Road No.2, IPIA, Kota (Raj.) Ph. 06377791915 ( [5]
1. Show that the normals at the points (4a, 4a) & at the upper end of the latus ractum of the parabola
y2 = 4ax intersect on the same parabola.

2. Prove that the locus of the middle point of portion of a normal to y2 = 4ax intercepted between the curve & the
axis is another parabola. Find the vertex & the latus rectum of the second parabola.

3. Find the equations of the tangents to the parabola y2 = 16x, which are parallel & perpendicular respectively
to the line 2x – y + 5 = 0. Find also the coordinates of their points of contact.

4. A circle is described whose centre is the vertex and whose diameter is three-quarters of the latus rectum of
a parabola y2 = 4ax. Prove that the common chord of the circle and parabola bisects the distance between
the vertex and the focus.

5. Find the equations of the tangents of the parabola y2 = 12x, which passes through the point (2,5).

6. Through the vertex O of a parabola y2 = 4x , chords OP & OQ are drawn at right angles to one another.
Show that for all positions of P, PQ cuts the axis of the parabola at a fixed point. Also find the locus of the

middle point of PQ.

7. Let S is the focus of the parabola y2 = 4ax and X the foot of the directrix, PP' is a double ordinate of the curve
and PX meets the curve again in Q. Prove that P'Q passes through focus.


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Three normals to y² = 4x pass through the point (15, 12). Show that if one of the normals is given
by y = x  3 & find the equations of the others.

Find the equations of the chords of the parabola y2 = 4ax which pass through the point (–6a, 0) and which
subtends an angle of 45° at the vertex.

10. 'O' is the vertex of the parabola y2 = 4ax & L is the upper end of the latus rectum. If LH is drawn perpendicular
to OL meeting OX in H, prove that the length of the double ordinate through H is 4a 5 .

11. The normal at a point P to the parabola y2 = 4ax meets its axis at G. Q is another point on the parabola such
that QG is perpendicular to the axis of the parabola. Prove that QG2  PG2 = constant.

12. If the normal at P(18, 12) to the parabola y2= 8x cuts it again at Q, show that 9PQ = 80 10

13. Prove that, the normal to y2 = 12x at (3, 6) meets the parabola again in (27, 18) & circle on this normal chord
as diameter is x2 + y2  30x + 12y  27 = 0.

14. Find the equation of the circle which passes through the focus of the parabola x2 = 4y & touches it at the
point (6, 9).

15. P & Q are the points of contact of the tangents drawn f rom the point T to the parabola
y2 = 4ax. If PQ be the normal to the parabola at P, prove that TP is bisected by the directrix.

16. From the point (1, 2) tangent lines are drawn to the parabola y2 = 4x. Find the equation of the chord of
contact. Also find the area of the triangle formed by the chord of contact & the tangents.

17. From a point A common tangents are drawn to the circle x2 + y2 = a2/2 & parabola y2 = 4ax. Find the area
of the quadrilateral formed by the common tangents, the chord of contact of the circle and the chord of
contact of the parabola.

18. Show that the locus of a point, such that two of the three normals drawn from it to the parabola
y2 = 4ax are perpendicular is y2 = a(x  3a).

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19. Prove that the two parabolas y2 = 4ax & y2 = 4c (x  b) cannot have a common normal, other than the axis,
unless > 2.
(a  c )
20. Find the condition on ‘a’ & ‘b’ so that the two tangents drawn to the parabola y2 = 4ax from a point are
normals to the parabola x2 = 4by.

1. In the parabola y2 = 4ax, the tangent at the point P, whose abscissa is equal to the latus ractum meets the
axis in T & the normal at P cuts the parabola again in Q. Prove that PT : PQ = 4 : 5.

2. Two tangents to the parabola y 2 = 8x meet the tangent at its vertex in the points P & Q. If
PQ = 4 units, prove that the locus of the point of the intersection of the two tangents is y2 = 8 (x + 2).

3. A variable chord t1 t2 of the parabola y2 = 4ax subtends a right angle at a fixed point t0 of the curve. Show that
it passes through a fixed point. Also find the coordinates of the fixed point.

4. Two perpendicular straight lines through the focus of the parabola y 2 = 4ax meet its directrix in

T & T' respectively. Show that the tangents to the parabola parallel to the perpendicular lines intersect in the
mid point of T T '.

Two straight lines one being a tangent to y2 = 4ax and the other to x2 = 4by are right angles. Find the locus

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of their point of intersection.

A variable chord PQ of the parabola y2 = 4x is drawn parallel to the line y = x. If the parameters of the points
P & Q on the parabola are p & q respectively, show that p + q = 2. Also show that the locus of the point of
intersection of the normals at P & Q is 2x  y = 12.

7. Show that an infinite number of triangles can be inscribed in either of the parabolas y2 = 4ax & x2 = 4by
whose sides touch the other.

8. If (x1, y1), (x2, y2) and (x3, y3) be three points on the parabola y2 = 4ax and the normals at these points meet
x1  x 2 x  x3 x  x1
in a point then prove that  2  3 = 0.
y3 y1 y2

9. Show that the normals at two suitable distinct real points on the parabola y2 = 4ax (a > 0) intersect at a point
on the parabola whose abscissa > 8a.

10. If Q (x1, y1) is an arbitrary point in the plane of a parabola y2 = 4ax, show that there are three points on the
parabola at which OQ subtends a right angle, where O is the origin. Show furhter that the normal at these
three points are concurrent at a point R.,determine the coordinates of R in terms of those of Q.

11. A quadrilateral is inscribed in a parabola y2 = 4ax and three of its sides pass through fixed points on the axis.
Show that the fourth side also passes through fixed point on the axis of the parabola.

12. Prove that the parabola y2 = 16x & the circle x2 + y2  40x  16y  48 = 0 meet at the point P(36, 24) & one
other point Q. Prove that PQ is a diameter of the circle. Find Q.

13. A variable tangent to the parabola y2 = 4ax meets the circle x2 + y2 = r2 at P & Q. Prove that the locus of the
mid point of PQ is x(x2 + y2) + ay2 = 0.

14. Find the locus of the foot of the perpendicular from the origin to chord of the parabola y2 = 4ax subtending an
angle of 450 at the vertex.

Vibrant Academy (I) Pvt. Ltd. "B-41" Road No.2, IPIA, Kota (Raj.) Ph. 06377791915 ( [7]
15. Show that the locus of the centroids of equilateral triangles inscribed in the parabola y2 = 4ax is the
parabola 9y2  4ax + 32 a2 = 0.

16. A fixed parabola y2 = 4 ax touches a variable parabola. Find the equation to the locus of the vertex of the
variable parabola. Assume that the two parabolas are equal and the axis of the variable parabola remains
parallel to the x-axis.

17. Show that the circle through three points the normals at which to the parabola y2 = 4ax are concurrent at the
point (h, k) is 2(x2 + y2)  2(h + 2a) x  ky = 0.

18. Prove that the locus of the centre of the circle, which passes through the vertex of the parabola y2 = 4ax &
through its intersection with a normal chord is 2y2 = ax  a2.

1. Find the equations of the common tangents of the circle x2 + y2  6y + 4 = 0 and the parabola y2 = x.
[ REE '99, 6 ]
2. (a) If the line x  1 = 0 is the directrix of the parabola y2  k x + 8 = 0, then one of the values of ' k ' is

(A) 1/8
(A) 3
(B) 8

(B) 9
(C) 4
If x + y = k is normal to y2 = 12 x, then ' k ' is :
(C)  9
(D) 1/4

(D)  3
[JEE'2000 (Scr), 1+1]

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Find the locus of the points of intersection of tangents drawn at the ends of all normal chords of the parabola
y2 = 8(x – 1). [REE '2001, 3]

4. (a) The equation of the common tangent touching the circle (x – 3)2 + y2 = 9 and the parabola y2 = 4x above
the x – axis is
(A) 3 y = 3x + 1 (B) 3 y = –(x + 3) (C) 3y=x +3 (D) 3 y = –(3x + 1)
(b) The equation of the directrix of the parabola, y2 + 4y + 4x + 2 = 0 is
(A) x = –1 (B) x = 1 (C) x = – 3/2 (D) x = 3/2
[JEE'2001(Scr), 1+1]

5. The locus of the mid-point of the line segment joining the focus to a moving point on the parabola
y2 = 4ax is another parabola with directrix [JEE'2002 (Scr.), 3]
(A) x = –a (B) x = – a/2 (C) x = 0 (D) x = a/2

6. The equation of the common tangent to the curves y2 = 8x and xy = –1 is [JEE'2002 (Scr), 3]
(A) 3y = 9x + 2 (B) y = 2x + 1 (C) 2y = x + 8 (D) y = x + 2
7. (a) The slope of the focal chords of the parabola y 2 = 16x which are tangents to the circle
(x – 6)2 + y2 = 2 are [JEE'2003, (Scr.)]
(A) ± 2 (B) – 1/2, 2 (C) ± 1 (D) – 2, 1/2
(b) Normals are drawn from the point ‘P’ with slopes m1, m2, m3 to the parabola y2 = 4x. If locus of P with m1
m2 =  is a part of the parabola itself then find . [JEE 2003, 4 out of 60]

8. The angle between the tangents drawn from the point (1, 4) to the parabola y2 = 4x is
(A) /2 (B) /3 (C) /4 (D) /6 [JEE 2004, (Scr.)]

9. Let P be a point on the parabola y2 – 2y – 4x + 5 = 0, such that the tangent on the parabola at P intersects

the directrix at point Q. Let R be the point that divides the line segment PQ externally in the ratio :1.
Find the locus of R. [JEE 2004, 4 out of 60]
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10. (a) The axis of parabola is along the line y = x and the distance of vertex from origin is 2 and that of origin from

its focus is 2 2 . If vertex and focus both lie in the 1st quadrant, then the equation of the parabola is
(A) (x + y)2 = (x – y – 2) (B) (x – y)2 = (x + y – 2)
(C) (x – y) = 4(x + y – 2) (D) (x – y)2 = 8(x + y – 2) [JEE 2006, 3]
(b) The equations of common tangents to the parabola y = x2 and y = – (x – 2)2 is/are [JEE 2006, 5]
(A) y = 4(x – 1) (B) y = 0 (C) y = – 4(x – 1) (D) y = – 30x – 50
(c) Match the following
Normals are drawn at points P, Q and R lying on the parabola y2 = 4x which intersect at (3, 0). Then
(i) Area of PQR (A) 2
(ii) Radius of circumcircle of PQR (B) 5/2
(iii) Centroid of PQR (C) (5/2, 0)
(iv) Circumcentre of PQR (D) (2/3, 0) [JEE 2006, 6]

 x2
11. Statement-1: The curve y = + x + 1 is symmetric with respect to the line x = 1.
Statement-2: A parabola is symmetric about its axis.

(A) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true; statement-2 is correct explanation for statement-1.
(B) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true; statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for statement-1.
(C) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is false.

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(D) Statement-1 is false, statement-2 is true. [JEE 2007, 4]

Comprehension: (3 questions)
12. Consider the circle x2 + y2 = 9 and the parabola y2 = 8x. They intersect at P and Q in the first and the fourth
quadrants, respectively. Tangents to the circle at P and Q intersect the x-axis at R and tangents to the
parabola at P and Q intersect the x-axis at S.
(a) The ratio of the areas of the triangles PQS and PQR is
(A) 1 : 2 (B) 1 : 2 (C) 1 : 4 (D) 1 : 8
(b) The radius of the circumcircle of the triangle PRS is
(A) 5 (B) 3 3 (C) 3 2 (D) 2 3
(c) The radius of the incircle of the triangle PQR is
(A) 4 (B) 3 (C) 8/3 (D) 2 [JEE 2007, 4+4+4]

13. Let P(x 1, y1) and Q(x 2, y2), y1 < 0, y2 < 0, be the end points of the latus rectum of the ellipse
x2 + 4y2 = 4. The equations of parabolas with latus rectum PQ are

(A) x2 + 2 3 y = 3 + 3 (B) x2 – 2 3 y = 3 + 3
(C) x2 + 2 3 y = 3 – 3 (D) x2 – 2 3 y = 3 – 3 [JEE 2008, 4]

14. The tangent PT and the normal PN to the parabola y2 = 4ax at a point P on it meet its axis at points T and
N, respectively. The locus of the centroid of the triangle PTN is a parabola whose [JEE 2009]

 2a  2a
(A) vertex is  ,0  (B) directrix is x = 0 (C) latus rectum is (D) focus is (a, 0)
 3  3

15. Let A and B be two distinct points on the parabola y2 = 4x. If the axis of the parabola touches a circle of radius
r having AB as its diameter, then the slope of the line joining A and B can be [JEE - 2010]
(A) – 1/r (B) 1/r (C) 2/r (D) –2/r

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16. Let (x, y) be any point on the parabola y2 = 4x. Let P be the point that divides the line segment from (0, 0) to
(x, y) in the ratio 1 : 3. Then the locus of P is [JEE 2011]
(A) x2 = y (B) y2 = 2x (C) y2 = x (D) x2 = 2y
17. Let L be a normal to the parabola y2 = 4x. If L passes through the point (9, 6), then L is given by
(A) y – x + 3 = 0 (B) y + 3x – 33 = 0 [JEE 2011]
(C) y + x – 15 = 0 (D) y – 2x + 12 = 0
18. Consider the parabola y2 = 8x. Let 1 be the area of the triangle formed by the end points of its latus rectum
1 
and the point P  , 2  on the parabola, and 2 be the area of the triangle formed by drawing tangents at P
2 
and at the end points of the latus rectum. Then is [JEE 2011]

19. Let S be the foucs of the parabola y2 = 8x and let PQ be the comon chord of the circle x2 + y2 – 2x – 4y = 0
and the given parabola. The area of the triangle PQS is [JEE 2012]

20. Given : A circle, 2x2 + 2y2 = 5 and a parabola, y2 = 4 5 x. [IIT JEE Main - 2013]

Statement-1 : An equation of a common tangent to these curves is y = x + 5.

Statement-2 : If the line, y = mx +
(m  0) is their common tangent, then m satisfies m4 – 3m2 + 2 = 0.

(A) Statement-1 is false ; Statement-2 is true.

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(B) Statement-1 is true ; Statement-2 is true ; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1
(C) Statement-1 is true ; Statement-2 is true ; Statement-2 is not a correct explanation for Statement-1
(D) Statement-1 is true ; Statement-2 is false

Comprehension (Q.21 to Q.22) [IIT JEE Advance - 2013]

Let PQ be a focal chord of the parabola y2 = 4ax. The tangents to the parabola at P and Q meet at a point
lying on the line y = 2x +a, a > 0.
21. If chord PQ subtends an angle  at the vertex of y2 = 4ax, then tan  =

2 –2 2 –2
(A) 7 (B) 7 (C) 5 (D) 5
3 3 3 3

22. Length of chord PQ is

(A) 7a (B) 5a (C) 2a (D) 3a

23. A line L : y = mx + 3 meets y-axis at E(0, 3) and the arc of the parabola y2 = 16x, 0  y  6 at the point
F(x0, y0). The tangent to the parabola at F(x0, y0) intersects the y-axis at G(0, y1). The slope m of the line L
is chosen such that the area of the triangle EFG has a local maximum.
Match List I with List-II and select the correct answer using the ocde given below the lists :
List-I List-II [IIT JEE Advance - 2013]
(P) m= 1. 1/2
(Q) Maximum area of EFG is 2. 4
(R) y0 = 3. 2
(S) y1 = 4. 1
(A) P  4 ; Q  1 ; R  2 ; S  3 (B) P  3 ; Q  4 ; R  1 ; S  2
(C) P  1 ; Q  3 ; R  2 ; S  4 (D) P  1 ; Q  3 ; R  4 ; S  2
24. The slope of the line touching both the parabolas y2 = 4x and x2 = –32y is [JEE Main - 2014]
2 1 3 1
(A) (B) (C) (D)
3 2 2 8

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25. The common tangents to the circle x2 + y2 = 2 and the parabola y2 = 8x touch the circle at the points P, Q
and the parabola at the points R, S. Then the area of the quadrilateral PQRS is :
[IIT JEE Advance - 2014]
(A) 3 (B) 6 (C) 9 (D) 15

Comprehension (Q.26 to Q.27)

Let a, r, s, t be nonzero real numbers. Let P(at2, 2at), Q, R(ar2, 2ar) and S(as2, 2as) be distinct points on the
parabola y2 = 4ax. Suppose that PQ is the focal chord and lines QR and PK are parallel, where K is the point
(2a, 0). [IIT JEE Advance - 2014]
26. The value of r is :
1 t2  1 1 t2  1
(A) – (B) (C) (D)
t t t t
27. If st = 1, then the tangent at P and the normal at S to the parabola meet at a point whose ordinate is
( t 2  1) 2 a( t 2  1) 2 a( t 2  1) 2 a( t 2  2) 2
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2t 3 2t 3 t3 t3
28. Let O be the vertex and Q be any point on the parabola, x2 = 8y. If the point P divides the line segment OQ
internally in the ratio 1 : 3, then the locus of P is: [JEE Main - 2015]


(A) x2 = 2y (B) x2 = y (C) y2 = x (D) y2 = 2x
Let P and Q be distinct points on the parabola y2 = 2x such that a circle with PQ as diameter passes through
the vertex O of the parabola. If P lies in the first quadrant and the area of the triangle OPQ is 3 2 , then

 
 
(A) 4, 2 2
which of the following is(are) the coordinates of P?

  (B) 9, 3 2
1 1 
(C)  4 ,

[IIT JEE Advance - 2015]

(D) 1, 2

30. Let the curve C be the mirror image of the parabola y2 = 4x with rescpect to the line x + y + 4 = 0. If A and B
are the points of intersection of C with the line y = –5, then the distance between A and B is
[IIT JEE Advance - 2015]
31. 2
If the normals of the parabola y = 4x drawn at the end points of its latus rectum are tangents to the circle
(x – 3)2 + (y + 2)2 = r2, then the value of r2 is : [IIT JEE Advance - 2015]

32. Let P be the point on the parabola, y2 = 8x which is at a minimum distance from the centre C of the circle,
x2 + (y + 6)2 = 1. Then the equation of the circle, passing through C and having its centre at P is :
(A) x2 + y2 – 4x + 8y + 12 = 0 (B) x2 + y2 – x + 4y – 12 = 0 [JEE Main - 2016]
(C) x2 + y2 – + 2y – 24 = 0 (D) x2 + y2 – 4x + 9y + 18 = 0
33. The circle C1 : x2 + y2 = 3, with centre at O, intersects the parabola x2 = 2y at the point P in the first quadrant.
Let the tangent to the circle C1 at P touches other two circles C2 and C3 at R2 and R3, respectively. Suppose

C2 and C3 have equal radii 2 3 and centres Q2 and Q3, respectively. If Q2 and Q3 lie on the y-axis, then

(A) Q2Q3 = 12 (B) R2R3 = 4 6 [IIT JEE Advance - 2016]

(C) area of the triangle OR2R3 is 6 2 (D) area of the triangle PQ2Q3 is 4 2

34. Let P be the point on the parabola y2 = 4x which is at the shortest distance from the center S of the circle
x2 + y2 – 4x – 16y + 64 = 0. Let Q be the point on the circle dividing the line segment SP internally. Then
(A) SP  2 5 [IIT JEE Advance - 2016]

(B) SQ : QP  ( 5  1) : 2
(C) The x-intercept of the normal to the parabola at P is 6
(D) The slope of the tangent to the circle at Q is 1/2

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35. If a chord, which is not a tangent, of the parabola y2 = 16x has the equation 2x + y = p, and midpoint (h, k),
then which of the following is(are) possible value(s) of p, h and k? [JEE Advanced - 2017]
(A) p = –2, h = 2, k = –4 (B) p = 5, h = 4, k = –3
(C) p = –1, h = 1, k = –3 (D) p = 2, h = 3, k = –4

36. Tangent and normal are drawn at P(16, 16) on the parabola y2 = 16x, which intersect the axis of the parabola
at A and B, respectively. If C is the centre of the circle through the points P, A and B and CPB = , then a
value of tan is : [JEE Main - 2018]

4 1
(A) (B) (C) 2 (D) 3
3 2

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Standard equation of an ellipse referred to its principal axes along the co-ordinate axes is
x 2 y2
  1.
a 2 b2
Where a > b & b² = a²(1  e²)  a2  b2 = a2 e2.
Where e = eccentricity (0 < e < 1).
FOCI : S  (a e, 0) & S ( a e, 0).

a a
x= & x = .
e e


A ( a, 0) & A  (a, 0) .


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The line segment A A in which the foci
S & S lie is of length 2a & is called the major axis (a > b) of the ellipse. Point of intersection of major axis
with directrix is called the foot of the directrix (z).

The yaxis intersects the ellipse in the points B  (0,  b) & B  (0, b). The line segment BB of length 2b
(b < a) is called the Minor Axis of the ellipse.

The major & minor axis together are called Principal Axis of the ellipse.

The point which bisects every chord of the conic drawn through it is called the centre of the conic.

C  (0, 0) the origin is the centre of the ellipse

x 2 y2
 2  1.
a b
A chord of the conic which passes through the centre is called a diameter of the conic.

FOCAL CHORD : A chord which passes through a focus is called a focal chord.

A chord perpendicular to the major axis is called a double ordinate.
The focal chord perpendicular to the major axis is called the latus rectum. Length of latus rectum

2b 2 ( minor axis ) 2
(LL ) =   2a (1  e 2 ) = 2e (distance from focus to the corresponding directrix)
a major axis

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(i) The sum of the focal distances of any point on the ellipse is equal to the major Axis. Hence distance of focus
from the extremity of a minor axis is equal to semi major axis. i.e. BS = CA.

x 2 y2
(ii) If the equation of the ellipse is given as
 2  1 & nothing is mentioned, then the rule is to assume that
a b
a > b.

x12 y12
The point P(x1, y1) lies outside, inside or on the ellipse according as ;   1 > < or = 0.
a2 b2
A circle described on major axis as diameter is
called the auxiliary circle.
Let Q be a point on the auxiliary circle x2 + y2 = a2 such
that QP produced is perpendicular to the x-axis then P &
Q are called as the CORRESPONDING POINTS on the ellipse

& the auxiliary circle respectively ‘’ is called the ECCENTRIC
ANGLE of the point P on the ellipse (0  < 2 ).

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Note that
( PN ) b Semi minor axis
 
 (QN ) a Semi major axis
Hence “ If from each point of a circle perpendiculars are drawn upon a fixed diameter then the locus of the
points dividing these perpendiculars in a given ratio is an ellipse of which the given circle is the auxiliary

x 2 y2
The equations x = a cos  & y = b sin  together represent the ellipse 2  2  1 .
a b
W here  is a parameter. Note that if P(  )  (a cos  b sin  ) is on the ellipse then ;
Q()  (a cos  a sin ) is on the auxiliary circle.


x 2 y2
The line y = mx + c meets the ellipse   1 in two points real, coincident or imaginary according as
a 2 b2
c2 is < = or > a2m2 + b2.

x 2 y2
Hence y = mx + c is tangent to the ellipse   1 if c2 = a2m2 + b2.
a 2 b2
The equation to the chord of the ellipse joining two points with eccentric angles  &  is given by

x  y    .
cos  sin  cos
a 2 b 2 2

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x x1 y y1
(i)   1 is tangent to the ellipse at (x1, y1).
a b2
2a 2
Note :The figure formed by the tangents at the extremities of latus rectum is rhoubus of area
(ii) y = mx ± a 2 m 2  b 2 is tangent to the ellipse for all values of m.

Note that there are two tangents to the ellipse having the same m, i.e. there are two tangents parallel to any
given direction.

x cos  y sin 
(iii)   1 is tangent to the ellipse at the point (a cos , b sin ).
a b
(iv) The eccentric angles of point of contact of two parallel tangents differ by . Conversely if the difference
between the eccentric angles of two points is p then the tangents at these points are parallel.

cos  2  sin  2 
(v) Point of intersection of the tangents at the point  &  is a ,b .
cos  2  cos  2 


Equation of the normal at (x1, y1) is

a 2x b 2 y

= a²  b² = a²e².


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Equation of the normal at the point (acos , bsin ) is ; ax. sec   by. cosec  = (a²  b²).

Equation of a normal in terms of its slope 'm' is y = mx 

(a 2  b 2 ) m
a 2  b2m 2
Locus of the point of intersection of the tangents which meet at right angles is called the Director Circle.
The equation to this locus is x² + y² = a² + b² i.e. a circle whose centre is the centre of the ellipse & whose
radius is the length of the line joining the ends of the major & minor axis.

9. Chord of contact, pair of tangents, chord with a given middle point, pole & polar are to be interpreted as they
are in parabola.
The locus of the middle points of a system of parallel chords with slope 'm' of an ellipse is a straight line
passing through the centre of the ellipse, called its diameter and has the equation y =  x.
a 2m
x 2 y2
11. IMPORTANT HIGHLIGHTS : Refering to an ellipse   1.
a 2 b2
H1 If P be any point on the ellipse with S & S as its foci then  (SP) +  (SP) = 2a.

H2 The product of the length’s of the perpendicular segments from the foci on any tangent to the ellipse is b2 and
the feet of these perpendiculars Y,Y lie on its auxiliary circle.The tangents at these feet to the auxiliary circle
meet on the ordinate of P and that the locus of their point of intersection is a similiar ellipse as that of the
original one. Also the lines joining centre to the feet of the perpendicular Y and focus to the point of contact
of tangent are parallel.

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H3 If the normal at any point P on the ellipse with centre C meet the major & minor axes in G & g respectively,
& if CF be perpendicular upon this normal, then
(i) PF. PG = b2 (ii) PF. Pg = a2 (iii) PG. Pg = SP. S P (iv) CG. CT = CS2
(v) locus of the mid point of Gg is another ellipse having the same eccentricity as that of the original ellipse.
[where S and S are the focii of the ellipse and T is the point where tangent at P meet the major axis]

H4 The tangent & normal at a point P on the ellipse bisect the external & internal angles between the focal
distances of P. This refers to the well known reflection property of the ellipse which states that rays from one
focus are reflected through other focus & viceversa. Hence we can deduce that the straight lines joining
each focus to the foot of the perpendicular from the other focus upon the tangent at any point P meet on the
normal PG and bisects it where G is the point where normal at P meets the major axis.

H5 The portion of the tangent to an ellipse between the point of contact & the directrix subtends a right angle at
the corresponding focus.

H6 The circle on any focal distance as diameter touches the auxiliary circle.

H7 Perpendiculars from the centre upon all chords which join the ends of any perpendicular diameters of the

ellipse are of constant length.

If the tangent at the point P of a standard ellipse meets the axis in T and t and CY is the perpendicular on it
from the centre then,

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(i) T t. PY = a2  b2 and (ii) least value of Tt is a + b.
Suggested problems from Loney: Exercise-32 (Q.2 to 7, 11, 12, 14, 16, 24), Exercise-33 (Important) (Q.3, 5, 15,
18, 24, 25, 26), Exercise-35 (Q.4, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 15)

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1. (a) Find the equation of the ellipse with its centre (1, 2), focus at (6, 2) and passing through the
point (4, 6).
(b) An ellipse passes through the points ( 3, 1) & (2, 2) & its principal axis are along the coordinate
axes in order. Find its equation.
2. The tangent at any point P of a circle x 2 + y 2 = a 2 meets the tangent at a f ixed point
A (a, 0) in T and T is joined to B, the other end of the diameter through A, prove that the locus of the
intersection of AP and BT is an ellipse whose ettentricity is 1 2.
3. The tangent at the point  on a standard ellipse meets the auxiliary circle in two points which subtends a
right angle at the centre. Show that the eccentricity of the ellipse is (1 + sin²)1/2.
4. If any two chords be drawn through two points on the major axis of an ellipse equidistant from the centre,
   
show that tan · tan · tan · tan  1 , where , , ,  are the eccentric angles of the extremities of
2 2 2 2

the chords.

If the normal at the point P( ) to the ellipse

x 2 y2

14 5
 1 , intersects it again at the point Q(2),
show that cos = – (2/3).

6. Online Classes
If the normals at the points P, Q, R with eccentric angles  on the ellipse
sin  cos  sin 2

1 are concurrent,

then show that, sin  cos  sin 2 = 0.

sin  cos  sin 2 
x 2 y2
7. Prove that the equation to the circle, having double contact with the ellipse   1 (having
a 2 b2
eccentricity e) at the ends of a latus rectum, is x2 + y2 – 2ae3x = a2 (1 – e2 – e4).

x 2 y2
8. Find the equations of the lines with equal intercepts on the axes & which touch the ellipse   1.
16 9

 16 
9. The tangent at P  4 cos , sin   to the ellipse 16x2 + 11y2 = 256 is also a tangent to the circle
 11 

x2 + y2  2x  15 = 0. Find . Find also the equation to the common tangent.

4 x 2 y2
10. A tangent having slope  to the ellipse   1 , intersects the axis of x & y in points A & B
3 18 32
respectively. If O is the origin, find the area of triangle OAB.

11. ‘O’ is the origin & also the centre of two concentric circles having radii of the inner & the outer circle as ‘a’ &
‘b’ respectively. A line OPQ is drawn to cut the inner circle in P & the outer circle in Q. PR is drawn parallel
to the y-axis & QR is drawn parallel to the x-axis. Prove that the locus of R is an ellipse touching the two
circles. If the focii of this ellipse lie on the inner circle, find the ratio of inner : outer radii & find also the
eccentricity of the ellipse.

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12. ABC is an isosceles triangle with its base BC twice its altitude. A point P moves within the triangle such that
the square of its distance from BC is half the rectangle contained by its distances from the two sides. Show

that the locus of P is an ellipse with eccentricity 2 3 passing through B & C.

x 2 y2
13. Let d be the perpendicular distance from the centre of the ellipse   1 to the tangent drawn at a
a 2 b2

2 b2 
point P on the ellipse.If F1 & F2 are the two foci of the ellipse, then show that (PF1  PF2)2 = 4a 1  2  .
 d 

14. Common tangents are drawn to the parabola y2 = 4x & the ellipse 3x2 + 8y2 = 48 touching the parabola at A
& B and the ellipse at C & D. Find the area of the quadrilateral.

15. If the normal at a point P on the ellipse of semi axes a, b & centre C cuts the major & minor axes at G & g,
show that a2. (CG)2 + b2. (Cg)2 = (a2  b2)2. Also prove that CG = e2CN, where PN is the ordinate of P.

x 2 y2
A circle intersects an ellipse 2  2 = 1 precisely at three points A, B,
a b
C as shown in the figure. AB is a diameter of the circle and is perpendicular

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to the major axis of the ellipse. If the eccentricity of the
ellipse is 4/5, find the length of the diameter AB in terms of a.

x 2 y2
17. The tangent at a point P on the ellipse   1 intersects the major axis in T & N is the foot of the
a 2 b2
perpendicular from P to the same axis. Show that the circle on NT as diameter intersects the auxiliary circle

x 2 y2
18. The tangents from (x1, y1) to the ellipse   1 intersect at right angles. Show that the normals at the
a 2 b2
y x
points of contact meet on the line  .
y1 x1

x 2 y2
19. If the tangent at any point of an ellipse 2  2  1 makes an angle  with the major axis and an angle 
a b
with the focal radius of the point of contact then show that the eccentricity 'e' of the ellipse is given by the

cos 
absolute value of .
cos 

20. An ellipse has foci at F1(9, 20) and F2(49, 55) in the xy-plane and is tangent to the x-axis. Find the length of
its major axis.

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1. PG is the normal to a standard ellipse at P, G being on the major axis. GP is produced outwards to Q so that

a 2  b2
PQ = GP. Show that the locus of Q is an ellipse whose eccentricity is & find the equation of the
a 2  b2
locus of the intersection of the tangents at P & Q.

2. P & Q are the corresponding points on a standard ellipse & its auxiliary circle. The tangent at P to the ellipse
meets the major axis in T. Prove that QT touches the auxiliary circle.

x 2 y2
3. The point P on the ellipse   1 is joined to the ends A, Aof the major axis. If the lines through P
a 2 b2
perpendicular to PA, PA meet the major axis in Q and R then prove that
l(QR) = length of latus rectum.

( x  3) 2 ( y  4) 2

4. Given the equation of the ellipse + = 1, a parabola is such that its vertex is the lowest
16 49
point of the ellipse and it passes through the ends of the minor axis of the ellipse. The equation of the
parabola is in the form 16y = a(x – h)2 – k. Determine the value of (a + h + k).

5. Online Classes
A tangent to the ellipse
x 2 y2

a 2 b2
 1 touches at the point P on it in the first quadrant & meets the coordinate

axes in A & B respectively. If P divides AB in the ratio 3 : 1 reckoning from the x-axis find the equation of the
x 2 y2
6. Prove that the length of the focal chord of the ellipse   1 which is inclined to the major axis at
a 2 b2
2ab 2
angle  is 2 .
a sin 2   b 2 cos 2 
7. A tangent to the ellipse x2 + 4y2 = 4 meets the ellipse x2 + 2y2 = 6 at P & Q. Prove that the tangents at P &
Q of the ellipse x2 + 2y2 = 6 are at right angles.

8. Rectangle ABCD has area 200. An ellipse with area 200 passes through A and C and has foci at B and D.
Find the perimeter of the rectangle.

9. Consider the parabola y2 = 4x and the ellipse 2x2 + y2 = 6, intersecting at P and Q.

(a) Prove that the two curves are orthogonal.
(b) Find the area enclosed by the parabola and the common chord of the ellipse and parabola.
(c) If tangent and normal at the point P on the ellipse intersect the x-axis at T and G respectively then find the
area of the triangle PTG.
x 2 y2
10. A normal inclined at 45° to the axis of the ellipse   1 is drawn. It meets the x-axis & the y-axis in P &
a 2 b2
(a 2  b 2 ) 2
Q respectively. If C is the centre of the ellipse, show that the area of triangle CPQ is sq. units.
2(a 2  b 2 )

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x 2 y2  a2 2

11. Tangents are drawn to the ellipse   1 from the point  , a  b . Prove that they
a 2 b2  2 2 
 a b 

intercept on the ordinate through the nearer focus a distance equal to the major axis.

x 2 y2
12. A straight line AB touches the ellipse   1 & the circle x 2 + y2 = r 2; where a > r > b.
a 2 b2
A focal chord of the ellipse, parallel to AB intersects the circle in P & Q, find the length of the perpendicular
drawn from the centre of the ellipse to PQ. Hence show that PQ = 2b.

13. A ray emanating from the point ( 4, 0) is incident on the ellipse 9x2 + 25y2 = 225 at the point P with abscissa
3. Find the equation of the reflected ray after first reflection.

x 2 y2
14. If p is the length of the perpendicular from the focus ‘S’ of the ellipse 2  2  1 on any tangent at 'P', then
a b

show that
p 2

 (SP )

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Variable pairs of chords at right angles and drawn through any point P (with eccentric angle /4) on the

 y 2 = 1, to meet the ellipse at two points say A and B. If the line joining A and B passes through
4 m
a fixed point Q(a, b) such that a2 + b2 has the value equal to , where m, n are relatively prime positive
integers, find (m + n).

1. (a) If x1, x2, x3 as well as y1, y2, y3 are in G.P. with the same common ratio, then the points (x 1, y1),
(x2, y2) & (x3, y3) :
(A) lie on a straight line (B) lie on on ellipse (C) lie on a circle (D) are vertices of a triangle.
(b) On the ellipse, 4x2 + 9y2 = 1, the points at which the tangents are parallel to the line 8x = 9y are :

2 1  2 1  2 1 2 1
(A)  ,  (B)   ,  (C)  ,  (D)  , 
5 5  5 5  5 5  5 5
(c) Consider the family of circles, x2 + y2 = r2, 2 < r < 5. If in the first quadrant, the common tangent to a circle
of the family and the ellipse 4 x2 + 25 y2 = 100 meets the coordinate axes at A & B, then find the equation
of the locus of the midpoint of AB. [ JEE '99, 2 + 3 + 10 (out of 200) ]
2. Find the equation of the largest circle with centre (1, 0) that can be inscribed in the ellipse
x2 + 4y2 = 16. [ REE '99, 6 ]
3. Let ABC be an equilateral triangle inscribed in the circle x2 + y2 = a2. Suppose perpendiculars from A, B, C
x2 y 2
to the major axis of the ellipse,  2 = 1, (a > b) meet the ellipse respectively at P, Q, R so that P, Q,
a2 b
R lie on the same side of the major axis as A, B, C respectively. Prove that the normals to the ellipse drawn
at the points P, Q and R are concurrent. [ JEE '2000, 7]
4. Let C 1 and C 2 be two circles with C 2 lying inside C 1 . A circle C lying inside C 1 touches
C1 internally and C2externally. Identify the locus of the centre of C. [ JEE '2001, 5 ]

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x 2 y2
5. Find the condition so that the line px + qy = r intersects the ellipse 2  2 = 1 in points whose eccentric
a b

angles differ by . [ REE '2001, 3 ]
6. Prove that, in an ellipse, the perpendicular from a focus upon any tangent and the line joining the centre of the
ellipse to the point of contact meet on the corresponding directrix. [ JEE ' 2002, 5]

x2 y2
7. (a) The area of the quadrilateral formed by the tangents at the ends of the latus rectum of the ellipse   1 is
9 5

(A) 9 3 sq. units (B) 27 3 sq. units (C) 27 sq. units (D) none

(b) The value of  for which the sum of intercept on the axis by the tangent at the point 3 3 cos  , sin  , 
0 <  < /2 on the ellipse  y 2 = 1 is least, is : [ JEE ' 2003 (Screening)]
   
(A) (B) (C) (D)
6 4 3 8
The locus of the middle point of the intercept of the tangents drawn from an external point to the ellipse x2 +
2y2 = 2, between the coordinates axes, is
1 1 1 1 1 1
[JEE 2004 (Screening) ]
1 1

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(A) 2
 2 1 (B) 2
 2 1 (C) 2
 2 1 (D) 2
 2 1
x 2y 4x 2y 2x 4y 2x y

x 2 y2
9. (a) The minimum area of triangle formed by the tangent to the ellipse  = 1 and coordinate axes is
a 2 b2

a 2  b2 (a  b ) 2 a 2  ab  b 2
(A) ab sq. units (B) sq. units (C) sq. units (D) sq. units
2 2 3
[JEE 2005 (Screening) ]
(b) Find the equation of the common tangent in 1st quadrant to the circle x2 + y2 = 16 and the ellipse

x2 y 2
 = 1. Also find the length of the intercept of the tangent between the coordinate axes.
25 4
[JEE 2005 (Mains), 4 ]
10. The line passing through the extremity A of the major axis and extremity B of the minor axis of the ellipse
x2 + 9y2 = 9 meets its auxiliary circle at the point M. Then the area of the triangle with vertices at A, M and
the origin O is [JEE 2009]
31 29 21 27
(A) (B) (C) (D)
10 10 10 10

11. The normal at la point P on the ellipse x2 + 4y2 = 16 meets the x-axis at Q. If M is the mid point of the line
segment PQ, then the locus of M intersects the latus rectums of the given ellipse at the points
[JEE 2009]

 3 5 2  3 5 19   1  4 3 
   
(A)   2 , 7  (B)   2 , 4  (C)   2 3 ,  (D)   2 3 , 7 
     7   

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Paragraph for questions 12 to 14 [JEE 2010]

x2 y2
Tangents are drawn from the point P(3, 4) to the ellipse   1 touching the ellipse at points A and B.
9 4
12. The coordinates of A and B are

 8 2 161   9 8
 
(A) (3, 0) and (0, 2) (B)   5 , 15  and   5 , 5 
   

 8 2 161   9 8
 
(C)   5 , 15  and (0, 2) (D) (3, 0) and   , 
   5 5

13. The orthocentre of the triangle PAB is

 8  7 25   11 8   8 7 
(A)  5,  (B)  ,  (C)  ,  (D)  , 
 7 5 8   5 5  25 25 

The equation of the locus of the point whose distances from the point P and the line AB are equal, is
(A) 9x2 + y2 – 6xy – 54x – 62y + 241 = 0 (B) x2 + 9y2 + 6xy – 54x + 62y – 241 = 0

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(C) 9x2 + 9y2 – 6xy – 54x – 62y – 241 = 0 (D) x2 + y2 – 2xy + 27x + 31y – 120 = 0

x2 y 2
15. The ellipse E1 :   1 is inscribed in a reactangle R whose sides are parallel to the coordinate axes.
9 4

Another ellipse E2 passing through the point (0, 4) circumscribes the reactangle R. The eccentricity of the
ellipse E2 is [JEE 2012]

2 3 1 3
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2 2 2 4

x2 y 2
16. The equation of the circle passing through the foci of the ellipse   1 , and having centre at (0, 3) is:
16 9

(A) x2 + y2 – 6y + 5 = 0 (B) x2 + y2 – 6y – 7 = 0 [IIT JEE Main - 2013]

(C) x2 + y2 – 6y + 7 = 0 (D) x2 + y2 – 6y – 5 = 0

x2 y 2
17. A vertical line passing through the point (h, 0) inersects the ellipse   1 at the points P and Q.
4 3

Let the tangents to the ellipse at P and Q meet at the point R. If (h) = area of the triangle PQR,

1 = 1/max
(h) and  =
min (h) , then  1 – 8 2  [IIT JEE Advance - 2013]
1/ 2h1 5

18. The locus of the foot of perpendicular drawn from the centre of the ellipse x2 + 3y2 = 6 on any tangent to it is
(A) (x2 + y2)2 = 6x2 – 2y2 (B) (x2 – y2)2 = 6x2 + 2y2 [IIT Main - 2014]
2 2 2 2
(C) (x – y ) = 6x – 2y 2 2 2 2 2
(D) (x + y ) = 6x + 2y 2

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19. List - I List - II [IIT JEE Advance - 2014]

(P) Let y(x) = cos(3 cos–1x), x  [– 1, 1], x   . (1) 1

1  2 d 2 y( x ) dy( x ) 
Then y( x)  ( x – 1) x 
 dx 2 dx  equals

(Q) Let A1, A2,....., An (n > 2) be the vertices of a (2) 2

regular polygon of n sides with its centre at the

origin. Let ak be the position vector of the point

n –1 n –1
Ak, k = 1,2,...., n. If  k 1
(ak ak 1 ) =  (a k . ak 1 ) ,
k 1

then the minimum value of n is

(R) If the normal from the point P(h, 1) on the ellipse (3) 8

x2 y 2


 1 is perpendicular to the line x + y = 8, then

the value of h is

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Number of positive solutions satisfying the equation

 1 
 

1 

–1  2 
tan–1  2x  1   tan  4 x  1   tan  2  is
x 
(4) 9

Code :
(A) 4 3 2 1
(B) 2 4 3 1
(C) 4 3 1 2
(D) 2 4 1 3
20. The area (in sq. units) of the quadrilateral formed by the tangents at the end points of the latera recta to the
x2 y2
ellipse   1 , is : [JEE Main - 2015]
9 5
27 27
(A) 27 (B) (C) 18 (D)
4 2
21. Let E1 and E2 be two ellipses whose centers are at the origin. The major axes of E1 and E2 lie along the
x-axis and the y-axis, respectively. Let S be the circle x2 + (y – 1)2 = 2. The straight line x + y = 3 touches
2 2
the curves S, E1 and E2 at P, Q and R, respectively. Suppose that PQ  PR  . If e1 and e2 are the
eccentricities of E1 and E2, respectively, then the correct expression(s) is(are) : [IIT JEE Advance - 2015]

2 2 43 7 2 2 5 3
(A) e1  e 2  (B) e1e2  (C) e1  e 2  (D) e1 e 2 
40 2 10 8 4

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x2 y 2
22. Suppose that the foci of the ellipse   1 are (f 1, 0) and (f2, 0) where f1 > 0 and f2 < 0. Let P1 and P2
9 5
be two parabolas with a common vertex at (0, 0) and with foci at (f1, 0) and (2f 2, 0), respectively. Let T1 be a
tangent to P1 which passes through (2f2, 0) and T2 be a tangent to P2 which passes through (f1, 0). If m1 is the
 1 2

slope of T1 and m2 is the slope of T2, then the value of  2  m2  is : [IIT JEE Advance - 2015]
 m1 
Paragraph-(Q.23 to Q.24)

x2 y 2
Let F1(x1, 0) and F2(x2, 0), for x1 < 0 and x2 > 0, be the foci of the ellipse   1 . Suppose a parabola
9 8

having vertex at the origin and focus at F2 intersects the ellipse at point M in the first quadrant and at point N
in the fourth quadrant. [IIT JEE Advance - 2016]

23. The orthocentre of the triangle F1MN is

 9  2   9  2 
(A)  – , 0 (B)  , 0  (C)  , 0  (D)  , 6 
 10  3   10  3 

If the tangents to the ellipse at M and N meet at R and the nomal to the parabola at M meets the x-axis at Q,
then the ratio of area of the triangle MQR to area of the quadrilateral MF1NF2 is
(A) 3 : 4 (B) 4 : 5 (C) 5 : 8 (D) 2 : 3

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The eccentricity of an ellipse whose centre is at the origin is
. If one of its directrices is x = – 4, then the

 3
equation of the normal to it at 1,  is : [JEE Main - 2017]
 2

(A) 4x + 2y = 7 (B) x + 2y = 4 (C) 2y – x = 2 (D) 4x – 2y = 1

26. Consider two straight lines, each of which is tangent to both the circle x2 + y2 = and the parabola y2 = 4x.
Let these lines intersect at the point Q. Consider the ellipse whose center is at the origin O(0, 0) and whose
semi-major axis is OQ. If the length of the minor axis of this ellipse is 2 , then which of the following
statement(s) is (are) TRUE? [JEE Advance 2018]
(A) For the ellipse, the eccentricity is and the length of the latus rectum is 1
1 1
(B) For the ellipse, the eccentricity is and the length of the latus rectum is
2 2
1 1
(C) The area of the region bounded by the ellipse between the lines x  and x = 1 is (  – 2)
2 4 2
1 1
(D) The area of the region bounded by the ellipse between the lines x  and x = 1 is (  – 2)
2 16

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27. Define the collections {E1, E2, E3,......} of ellipses and {R1, R2, R3,......} of rectangles as follows :

x2 y2
E1 :   1;
9 4

R1 : rectangle of largest area, with sides parallel to the axes, inscribed in E1;

x2 y2
En : ellipse   1 of largest area inscribed in R
an2 bn2 n–1, n > 1;

Rn : rectangle of largest area, with sides parallel to the axes, inscribed in En, n > 1.
Then which of the following options is/are correct? [JEE Advanced - 2019]

(A) The distance of a focus from the centre in E9 is

(B)  (areaof Rn ) < 24, for each positive integer N
n 1

(C) The eccentricities of E18 and E19 are NOT equal

(D) The length of latus rectum of E9 is

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The HYPERBOLA is a conic whose eccentricity is greater than unity. (e > 1).


Standard equation of the hyperbola is

x 2 y2
 2  1 . Where b2 = a2 (e2  1)
a b

or a2 e2 = a2 + b2 i.e. e2 =1+ 2
 C.A 
=1+  
 T.A 
S  (ae, 0) & S  ( ae, 0).


& x=
e e

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VERTICES : A (a, 0) & A ( a, 0).

2b 2 C.A.
l (Latus rectum) =  = 2a (e2  1).
a T.A.

Note : l (L.R.) = 2e (distance from focus to the corresponding directrix)

T RANSVERSE AXIS : The line segment AA of length 2a in which the foci S & S both lie is called the T.A.
CONJUGATE AXIS : The line segment BB between the two points B (0,  b) & B (0, b) is called as the C.A.
The T.A. & the C.A. of the hyperbola are together called the Principal axes of the hyperbola.
The difference of the focal distances of any point on the hyperbola is constant and equal to transverse axis

i.e. PS  PS  2a . The distance SS' = focal length.

Two hyperbolas such that transverse & conjugate axes of one hyperbola are respectively the conjugate & the
transverse axes of the other are called CONJUGATE HYPERBOLAS of each other.

x 2 y2 x 2 y2
eg.  1 &    1 are conjugate hyperbolas of each.
a 2 b2 a 2 b2
Note That : (a) If e1& e2 are the eccentrcities of the hyperbola & its conjugate then e12 + e22 = 1.

(b) The foci of a hyperbola and its conjugate are concyclic and form the vertices of a
(c) Two hyperbolas are said to be similiar if they have the same eccentricity.

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The particular kind of hyperbola in which the lengths of the transverse & conjugate axis are equal is called an
EQUILATERAL HYPERBOLA. Note that the eccentricity of the rectangular hyperbola is 2 and the length of itss
latus rectum is equal to its transverse or conjugate axis.
A circle drawn with centre C & T.A. as a
diameter is called the AUXILIARY CIRCLE of
the hyperbola. Equation of the auxiliary circle
is x2 + y2 = a2.
Note from the figure that P & Q are called
the "C ORR ESPON D IN G P OI N TS " on the
hyperbola & the auxiliary circle. '' is called
the eccentric angle of the point 'P' on the
hyperbola. (0 2).

x 2 y2
Note : The equations x = a sec & y = b tan  together represents the hyperbola  1

where is a parameter. The parametric equations :
y = b sin h  also represents the same hyperbola.
x = a cos h ,
a 2 b2

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General Note :
Since the fundamental equation to the hyperbola only differs from that to the ellipse in having
– b2 instead of b2 it will be found that many propositions for the hyperbola are derived from those for the
ellipse by simply changing the sign of b2.


x12 y12
The quantity   1 is positive, zero or negative according as the point (x1, y1) lies within, upon or
a2 b2
without the curve.


x 2 y2
The straight line y = mx + c is a secant, a tangent or passes outside the hyperbola  2  1 according
as: c2 > = < a2 m2  b2.
a b



x 2 y2 x x1 y y1
(a) Equation of the tangent to the hyperbola   1 at the point (x1, y1) is  2  1.
a 2 b2 a2 b
Note: In general two tangents can be drawn from an external point (x1 y1) to the hyperbola and they are
y  y 1 = m 1(x  x 1) & y  y 1 = m 2(x  x 2), where m 1 & m 2 are roots of the equation
(x12  a2)m2  2 x1y1m + y12 + b2 = 0. If D < 0, then no tangent can be drawn from (x1 y1) to the hyperbola.

x 2 y2 x sec θ y tan θ
(b) Equation of the tangent to the hyperbola
 2  1 at the point (a sec , b tan ) is   1.
a b a b

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1  2  
cos sin 1 2
2 ,y=b 2
Note : Point of intersection of the tangents at 1 & 2 is x = a   
  cos 1 2
cos 1 2 2
x 2 y2
(c) y = mx  a 2 m 2  b 2 can be taken as the tangent to the hyperbola   1.
a 2 b2
Note that there are two parallel tangents having the same slope m.
(d) Equation of a chord joining  &  is

x   y    
cos  sin  cos
a 2 b 2 2

x 2 y2 a 2x b2y
(a) The equation of the normal to the hyperbola
 2
 1 at the point P(x1, y1) on it is   a 2  b 2 = a2 e2.
a b x 1
x 2 y2

(b) The equation of the normal at the point P (a sec  , b tan) on the hyperbola   1 is
a 2 b2
ax by
  a 2  b 2 = a2 e2.
sec  tan 

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Equation to the chord of contact, polar, chord with a given middle point, pair of tangents from an external
point is to be interpreted as in ellipse.

The locus of the intersection of tangents which are at right angles is known as the DIRECTOR CIRCLE of the
hyperbola. The equation to the director circle is :
x2 + y2 = a2  b2.
If b2 < a2 this circle is real; if b2 = a2 the radius of the circle is zero & it reduces to a point circle at the origin.
In this case the centre is the only point from which the tangents at right angles can be drawn to the curve.
If b2 > a2, the radius of the circle is imaginary, so that there is no such circle & so no tangents at right angle
can be drawn to the curve.


x 2 y2
H1 Locus of the feet of the perpendicular drawn from focus of the hyperbola   1 upon any tangent is
a 2 b2
its auxiliary circle i.e. x2 + y2 = a2 & the product of the feet of these perpendiculars is b2 · (semi C ·A)2

H2 The portion of the tangent between the point of contact & the directrix subtends a right angle at the corresponding

H3 The tangent & normal at any point of a hyperbola bisect

the angle between the focal radii. This spells the
reflection property of the hyperbola as "An incoming
light ray " aimed towards one focus is reflected from
the outer surface of the hyperbola towards the other
focus. It follows that if an ellipse and a hyperbola have
the same foci, they cut at right
angles at any of their common point.

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x 2 y2 x2 y2
Note that the ellipse   1 and the hyperbola   1(a > k > b > 0) Xare confocal and
a 2 b2 a 2 k 2 k 2  b 2
therefore orthogonal.

H4 The foci of the hyperbola and the points P and Q in which any tangent meets the tangents at the vertices are
concyclic with PQ as diameter of the circle.

Definition : If the length of the perpendicular let fall from a point on a hyperbola to a straight line tends to zero
as the point on the hyperbola moves to infinity along the hyperbola, then the straight line is called the
Asymptote of the Hyperbola.

To find the asymptote of the hyperbola :

x 2 y2
Let y = mx + c is the asymptote of the hyperbola   1.
a 2 b2
Solving these two we get the quadratic as
(b2 a2m2) x2 2a2 mcx  a2 (b2 + c2) = 0 ....(1)
In order that y = mx + c be an asymptote, both roots

of equation (1) must approach infinity, the conditions
for which are :
coeff of x2 = 0 & coeff of x = 0.
b &

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b2  a2m2 = 0 or m = 

a2 mc = 0 c = 0.

x y
 equations of asymptote are  0
a b

x y
  0.
a b
x2 y2
combined equation to the asymptotes   0.
a2 b2
When b = a the asymptotes of the rectangular hyperbola.
x2  y2 = a2 are, y = ± x which are at right angles.
Note :
(i) Equilateral hyperbola  rectangular hyperbola.
(ii) If a hyperbola is equilateral then the conjugate hyperbola is also equilateral.
(iii) A hyperbola and its conjugate have the same asymptote.
(iv) The equation of the pair of asymptotes differ the hyperbola & the conjugate hyperbola by the same constant
(v) The asymptotes pass through the centre of the hyperbola & the bisectors of the angles between the asymptotes
are the axes of the hyperbola.
(vi) The asymptotes of a hyperbola are the diagonals of the rectangle formed by the lines drawn through the
extremities of each axis parallel to the other axis.
(vii) Asymptotes are the tangent to the hyperbola from the centre.
(viii) A simple method to find the coordinates of the centre of the hyperbola expressed as a general equation of
degree 2 should be remembered as:
Let f (x, y) = 0 represents a hyperbola.

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f f f f
Find & . Then the point of intersection of =0& =0
x y x y
gives the centre of the hyperbola.


H1 If from any point on the asymptote a straight line be drawn perpendicular to the transverse axis, the product
of the segments of this line, intercepted between the point & the curve is always equal to the square of the
semi conjugate axis.

H2 Perpendicular from the foci on either asymptote meet it in the same points as the corresponding directrix &
the common points of intersection lie on the auxiliary circle.

x 2 y2
H3 The tangent at any point P on a hyperbola 2  2  1 with centre C, meets the asymptotes in Q and R
a b
and cuts off a  CQR of constant area equal to ab from the asymptotes & the portion of the tangent
intercepted between the asymptote is bisected at the point of contact. This implies that locus of the centre
of the circle circumscribing the  CQR in case of a rectangular hyperbola is the hyperbola itself & for a

standard hyperbola the locus would be the curve, 4(a2x2  b2y2) = (a2 + b2)2.

If the angle between the asymptote of a hyperbola

x 2 y2
  1 is 2 then e = sec.
a 2 b2
13. Online Classes
Rectangular hyperbola referred to its asymptotes as axis of coordinates.
(a) Equation is xy = c2 with parametric representation x = ct, y = c/t, t  R – {0}.

(b) Equation of a chord joining the points P (t1) & Q(t2) is x + t1t2y = c(t1 + t2) with slope m = – .
t1 t 2

x y x
(c) Equation of the tangent at P (x1, y1) is   2 & at P (t) is + ty = 2c.
x1 y1 t

c 2
(d) Equation of normal : y – = t (x – ct)
(e) Chord with a given middle point as (h, k) is kx + hy = 2hk.

Suggested problems from Loney: Exercise-36 (Q.1 to 6, 16, 22), Exercise-37 (Q.1, 3, 5, 7, 12)

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1. Find the equation to the hyperbola whose directrix is 2x + y = 1, focus (1, 1) & eccentricity 3 . Find also the
length of its latus rectum.

x 2 y2
2. The hyperbola   1 passes through the point of intersection of the lines, 7x + 13y – 87 = 0 and
a 2 b2

5x – 8y + 7 = 0 & the latus rectum is 32 2 /5. Find 'a' & 'b'.

x2 y2
3. For the hyperbola   1 , prove that
100 25

(i) eccentricity = 5 / 2 (ii) SA. SA = 25, where S & S are the foci & A is the vertex.

4. Find the centre, the foci, the directrices, the length of the latus rectum, the length & the equations of the

axes of the hyperbola 16x2  9y2 + 32x + 36y 164 = 0.

Find the equation of the tangent to the hyperbola x2  4y2 = 36 which is perpendicular to the line x  y + 4 = 0.

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Tangents are drawn to the hyperbola 3x2  2y2 = 25 from the point (0, 5/2). Find their equations.

x 2 y2
7. If C is the centre of a hyperbola   1 , S, S its foci and P a point on it.
a 2 b2
Prove that SP. SP = CP2  a2 + b2.

8. If  1 &  2 are the parameters of the extremities of a chord through (ae, 0) of a hyperbola

x 2 y2 1  e 1
  1 , then show that tan · tan 2  = 0.
a 2 b2 2 2 e 1

9. Tangents are drawn from the point (, ) to the hyperbola 3x2  2y2 = 6 and are inclined at angles  and
 to the x axis. If tan . tan  = 2, prove that 2 = 22  7.

x 2 y2
10. If two points P & Q on the hyperbola   1 whose centre is C be such that CP is perpendicular to
a 2 b2
1 1 1 1
CQ & a < b, then prove that   2 2.
2 2
CP CQ a b
11. An ellipse has eccentricity 1/2 and one focus at the point P (1/2, 1). Its one directrix is the common tangent,
nearer to the point P, to the circle x2 + y2 = 1 and the hyperbola x2  y2 = 1. Find the equation of the ellipse
in the standard form.

x 2 y2
12. The tangents & normal at a point on   1 cut the y  axis at A & B. Prove that the circle on AB
a 2 b2
as diameter passes through the foci of the hyperbola.

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x 2 y2
13. The perpendicular from the centre upon the normal on any point of the hyperbola   1 meets at R.
Find the locus of R. a 2 b2

x 2 y2
14. If the normal at a point P to the hyperbola   1 meets the x  axis at G, show that SG = e. SP, S
a 2 b2
being the focus of the hyperbola.

15. Show that the locus of the middle points of normal chords of the rectangular hyperbola
x2  y2 = a2 is (y2  x2)3 = 4 a2x2y2.

16. If a chord joining the points P (a sec, a tan) & Q (a sec, a tan) on the hyperbola x2  y2 = a2 is a
normal to it at P, then show that tan  = tan  (4 sec2  1).

x 2 y2
17. Chords of the hyperbola   1 are tangents to the circle drawn on the line joining the foci as diameter..
a 2 b2
Find the locus of the point of intersection of tangents at the extremities of the chords.

x 2 y2
18. Let 'p' be the perpendicular distance from the centre C of the hyperbola   1 to the tangent drawn

at a point R on the hyperbola. If S & S  are the two foci of the hyperbola, then show that

 b2 
(RS + RS)2 = 4 a2 1  2  .

Online Classes  p 
 

Prove that the part of the tangent at any point of the hyperbola
x 2 y2
  1 intercepted between the point
a 2 b2
of contact and the transverse axis is a harmonic mean between the lengths of the perpendiculars drawn from
the foci on the normal at the same point.

20. An ellipse and a hyperbola have their principal axes along the coordinate axes and have a common foci
separated by a distance 2 13 , the difference of their focal semi axes is equal to 4. If the ratio of their
eccentricities is 3/7. Find the equation of these curves.

1. Prove that the locus of the middle point of the chord of contact of tangents from any point of the circle
x 2 y2  x 2 y2  (x 2  y2 )
 
x2 + y2 = r2 to the hyperbola   1 is given by the equation  a 2  b2   r2
a 2 b2  

2. The graphs of x2 + y2 + 6 x  24 y + 72 = 0 & x2  y2 + 6 x + 16 y  46 = 0 intersect at four points. Compute

the sum of the distances of these four points from the point ( 3, 2).

3. Find the equations of the tangents to the hyperbola x 2  9y 2 = 9 that are drawn f rom
(3, 2). Find the area of the triangle that these tangents form with their chord of contact.

4. A line through the origin meets the circle x2 + y2 = a2 at P & the hyperbola x2  y2 = a2 at Q. Prove that the
locus of the point of intersection of the tangent at P to the circle and the tangent at Q to the hyperbola is
curve a4(x2  a2) + 4 x2 y4 = 0.

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5. A tangent to the parabola x2 = 4ay meets the hyperbola xy = k2 in two points P & Q. Prove that the middle
point of PQ lies on another parabola.

x 2 y2
6. The normal to the hyperbola   1 drawn at an extremity of its latus rectum is parallel to an asymptote.
a 2 b2
Show that the eccentricity is equal to the square root of (1  5 ) / 2 .

7. Ascertain the co-ordinates of the two points Q & R, where the tangent to the hyperbola
x 2 y2
  1 at the
45 20
point P(9, 4) intersects the two asymptotes. Finally prove that P is the middle point of QR. Also compute the
area of the triangle CQR where C is the centre of the hyperbola.
8. A point P divides the focal length of the hyperbola 9x2  16y2 = 144 in the ratio SP : PS = 2 : 3 where S &
S are the foci of the hyperbola. Through P a straight line is drawn at an angle of 135° to the axis OX. Find the
points of intersection of this line with the asymptotes of the hyperbola.

x 2 y2
9. Find the length of the diameter of the ellipse   1 perpendicular to the asymptote of the hyperbola
25 9

x2 y2

16 9
 1 passing through the first & third quadrants.

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The tangent at P on the hyperbola
x 2 y2

a 2 b2
the mid point of PQ is a similiar hyperbola.
 1 meets one of the asymptote in Q. Show that the locus of

x 2 y2
11. A transversal cuts the same branch of a hyperbola   1 in P, P'andthe asymptotes in Q, Q'. Prove
a 2 b2
that (i) PQ = P'Q' & (ii) PQ' = P'Q

12. A series of hyperbolas is drawn having a common transverse axis of length 2a. Prove that the locus of a point
P on each hyperbola, such that its distance from the transverse axis is equal to its distance from an
asymtote, is the curve (x2 – y2)2 = 4x2(x2 – a2).

x 2 y2
13. From any point of the hyperbola   1 , tangents are drawn to another hyperbola which has the same
a 2 b2
asymptotes. Show that the chord of contact cuts off a constant area from the asymptotes.

x 2 y2
14. Through any point P of the hyperbola   1 a line QPR is drawn with a fixed gradient m, meeting the
a 2 b2
a 2b 2 (1  m 2 )
asymptotes in Q & R. Show that the product, (QP) · (PR) = .
b 2  a 2m 2
15. If a rectangular hyperbola have the equation, xy = c2, prove that the locus of the middle points of the chords
of constant length 2d is (x2 + y2)(x y  c2) = d2xy.

16. A triangle is inscribed in the rectangular hyperbola xy = c2. Prove that the perpendiculars to the sides at the
points where they meet the asymptotes are concurrent. If the point of concurrence is (x1, y1) for one asymptote
and (x2, y2) for the other, then prove that x2y1= c2.

17. Prove that infinite number of triangles can be inscribed in the rectangular hyperbola, x y = c2 whose sides
touch the parabola, y2 = 4ax.
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18. The normals at three points P, Q, R on a rectangular hyperbola xy = c2 intersect at a point on the curve. Prove
that the centre of the hyperbola is the centroid of the triangle PQR.

x 2 y2
19. Tangents are drawn from any point on the rectangular hyperbola x2  y2 = a2  b2 to the ellipse   1.
a 2 b2
Prove that these tangents are equally inclined to the asymptotes of the hyperbola.

20. P & Q are two variable points on a rectangular hyperbola xy = c2 such that the tangent at Q passes through
the foot of the ordinate of P. Show that the locus of the point of intersection of tangent at P & Q is a hyperbola
with the same asymptotes as the given hyperbola.

1. (a) The curve described parametrically by, x = t2 + t + 1, y = t2  t + 1 represents:
(A) a parabola (B) an ellipse (C) a hyperbola (D) a pair of straight lines

(b) Let P (a sec , b tan ) and Q (a sec , b tan ), where  +  = , be two points on the hyperbola

x 2 y2

a 2 b2
 1 . If (h, k) is the point of intersection of the normals at P & Q, then k is equal to:

 a 2  b2   a 2  b2 
a 2  b2 a 2  b2

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(B)  
 (C)

(D)  

a  b 
a   b  
(c) If x = 9 is the chord of contact of the hyperbola x2  y2 = 9, then the equation of the corresponding pair of
tangents, is :
(A) 9x2  8y2 + 18x  9 = 0 (B) 9x2  8y2  18x + 9 = 0
(C) 9x2  8y2  18x  9 = 0 (D) 9x2  8y2 + 18x + 9 = 0
[JEE '99, 2 + 2 + 2 (out of 200)]

2. The equation of the common tangent to the curve y2 = 8x and xy = –1 is

(A) 3y = 9x + 2 (B) y = 2x + 1 (C) 2y = x + 8 (D) y = x + 2 [JEE 2002 Screening]
2 2
x y
3. Given the family of hyperbols – = 1 for   (0, /2) which of the following does not change
cos  sin 2 

with varying ?
(A) abscissa of foci (B) eccentricity
(C) equations of directrices (D) abscissa of vertices [JEE 2003 (Scr.)]
4. The line 2x + 6 y = 2 is a tangent to the curve x2 – 2y2 = 4. The point of contact is

(A) (4, – 6 ) (B) (7, – 2 6 ) (C) (2, 3) (D) ( 6 , 1) [JEE 2004 (Scr.)]

x 2 y2
5. Tangents are drawn from any point on the hyperbola  = 1 to the circle x2 + y2 = 9. Find the locus of
9 4
midpoint of the chord of contact. [JEE 2005 (Mains), 4]

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x 2 y2
6. If a hyperbola passes through the focus of the ellipse   1 and its transverse and conjugate axis
25 16
coincides with the major and minor axis of the ellipse, and product of their eccentricities is 1, then

x 2 y2 x 2 y2
(A) equation of hyperbola  1 (B) equation of hyperbola  1
9 16 9 25

(C) focus of hyperbola (5, 0) 

(D) focus of hyperbola is 5 3 , 0  [JEE 2006, 5]

Comprehension: (3 questions)
7. Let ABCD be a square of side length 2 units. C2 is the circle through vertices A, B, C, D and C1 is the circle
touching all the sides of the square ABCD. L is a line through A

PA 2  PB 2  PC 2  PD 2
(a) If P is a point on C1 and Q in another point on C2, then is equal to
QA 2  QB 2  QC 2  QD 2
(A) 0.75 (B) 1.25 (C) 1 (D) 0.5

(b) A circle touches the line L and the circle C1 externally such that both the circles are on the same side of the

line, then the locus of centre of the circle is
(A) ellipse (B) hyperbola (C) parabola (D) parts of straight line
(c) A line M through A is drawn parallel to BD. Point S moves such that its distances from the line BD and the

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vertex A are equal. If locus of S cuts M at T2 and T3 and AC at T1, then area of T1T2T3 is
(A) 1/2 sq. units (B) 2/3 sq. units (C) 1 sq. unit (D) 2 sq. units
[JEE 2006, 5 marks each]
8. (a) A hyperbola, having the transverse axis of length 2 sin , is confocal with the ellipse 3x2 + 4y2 = 12. Then its
equation is
(A) x2 cosec2 – y2 sec2 = 1 (B) x2 sec2 – y2 cosec2 = 1
(C) x2 sin2 – y2 cos2 = 1 (D) x2 cos2 – y2 sin2 = 1 [JEE 2007, 3]
(b) Match the statements in Column I with the properties in Column II.
Column I Column II
(A) Two intersecting circles (P) have a common tangent
(B) Two mutually external circles (Q) have a common normal
(C) Two circles, one strictly inside the other (R) do not have a common tangent
(D) Two branches of a hyperbola (S) do not have a common normal
[JEE 2007, 3 + 6]
2 2 2 2
9. (a) Let a and b be non-zero real numbers. Then, the equation (ax + by + c) (x – 5xy + 6y ) = 0 represents
(A) four straight lines, when c = 0 and a, b are of the same sign.
(B) two straight lines and a circle, when a = b, and c is of sign opposite to that of a.
(C) two straight lines and a hyperbola, when a and b are of the same sign and c is of sign opposite to that of a
(D) a circle and an ellipse, when a and b are of the same sign and c is of sign opposite to that of a.

(b) Consider a branch of the hyperbola, x2 – 2y2 – 2 2 x – 4 2 y – 6 = 0 with vertex at the point A. Let B be

one of the end points of its latus rectum. If C is the focus of the hyperbola nearest to the point A, then the area
of the triangle ABC is [JEE 2008, 3+3]

2 3 2 3
(A) 1 (B) 1 (C) 1 (D) 1
3 2 3 2

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10. Match the conics in Column I with the statements/expressions in Column II. [JEE 2009]
Column I Column II
(A) Circle (P) The locus of the point (h, k) for which the line hx + ky = 1
touches the circle x2 + y2 = 4
(B) Parabola (Q) Points z in the complex plane satisfying
|z + 2| – |z – 2| = ± 3
(C) Ellipse (R) Points of the conic have parametric representation

 1 t2  2t
x= 3 
 1 t2 , y=
  1 t2
(D) Hyperbola (S) The eccentricity of the conic lies in the interval 1  x < 
(T) Points z in the complex plane satisfying Re(z + 1)2 = |z|2 + 1

11. An ellipse intersects the hyperbola 2x2 – 2y2 = 1 orthogonally. The eccentricity of the ellipse is reciprocal of
that of the hyperbola. If the axes of the ellipse are along the coordinate axes, then [JEE 2009]
(A) Equation of ellipse is x2 + 2y2 = 2 (B) The foci of ellipse are (±1, 0)

(C) Equation of ellipse is x2 + 2y2 = 4 (D) The foci of ellipse are (± 2 , 0)

Paragraph for Questions 12 to 13

The circle x2 + y2 – 8x = 0 and hyperbola

x2 y2

 1 intersect at the points A and B.
[JEE 2010]

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Equation of a common tangent with positive slope to the circle as well as to the hyperbola is

(A) 2x  5 y  20  0 (B) 2x  5 y  4  0

(C) 3x – 4y + 8 = 0 (D) 4x – 3y + 4 = 0

13. Equation of the circle with AB as its diameter is

(A) x2 + y2 – 12x + 24 = 0 (B) x2 + y2 + 12x + 24 = 0
(C) x2 + y2 + 24x – 12 = 0 (D) x2 + y2 – 24x – 12 = 0

x2 y2
14. The line 2x + y = 1 is tangent to the hyperbola  1. If this line passes through the point of intersection
a2 b2
of the nearest directrix and the x-axis, then the eccentricity of the hyperbola is [JEE 2010]

x2 y2
15. Let P(6, 3) be a point on the hyperbola –  1. If the normal at the point P intersects the x-axis at
a2 b2
(9, 0), then the eccentricity of the hyperbola is [JEE 2011]
5 3
(A) (B) (C) 2 (D) 3
2 2

x2 y2
16. Let the eccentricity of the hyperbola  1 be reciprocal to that of the ellipse x2 + 4y2 = 4. If the

a2 b2
hyperbola passes through a focus of the ellipse, then [JEE 2011]

x2 y2
(A) the equation of the hyperbola is   1 (B) a focus of the hyperbola is (2, 0)
3 2

(C) the eccentricity of the hyperbola is (D) the equation of the hyperbola is x2 – 3y2 = 3

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x2 y2
17. Tangents are drawn to the hyperbola –  1, parallel to the straight line 2x – y = 1. The points of
9 4
contact of the tangents on the hyperbola are [JEE 2012]

 9 1   9 1 
(A) 
2 2
 (B)  –
 2 2
 
(C) 3 3 , – 2 2  
(D) – 3 3 , 2 2 
18. Consider the hyperbola H : x2 – y2 = 1 and a circle S with center N(x2, 0). Suppose that H and S touch each
other at a point P(x1, y1) with x1 > 1 and y1 > 0. The common tangent to H and S at P intersects the x-axis
at point M. If (, m) is the centroid of the triangle PMN, then the correct expression(s) is(are)
[IIT JEE Advance - 2015]
d 1 dm x1
(A) dx  1  2 for x1 > 1 (B)  for x1 > 1
1 3 x1 dx 1 3 x 2  1 
 1 
 

d 1 dm 1
(C) dx  1  2 for x1 > 1 (D) dy  3 for y1 > 0
1 3 x1 1

19. The centres of those circles which touch the circle, x2 – y2 – 8x – 8y – 4 = 0, externally and also touch the

x-axis, lie on :
(A) a circle
(C) a hyperbola
(B) an ellipse which is not a circle
(D) a parabola [JEE Main - 2016]

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The eccentricity of the hyperbola whose length of the latus rectum is equal to 8 and the length of its conjugate
axis is equal to half of the distance between its foci, is : [JEE Main - 2016]

4 4 2
(A) (B) (C) (D) 3
3 3 3

21. A hyperbola passes through the point P ( 2, 3 ) and has foci at (±2, 0). Then the tangent to this hyperbola

at P also passes through the point : [JEE Main - 2017]

(A) ( 3 , 2 ) (B) (– 2,– 3 )

(C) (3 2, 2 3 ) (D) (2 2, 3 3 )

x2 y2
22. If 2x – y + 1 = 0 is a tangent to the hyperbola –  1 , then which of the following CANNOT be sides of
a2 16

a right angled triangle? [JEE Advanced 2017]

(A) a, 4, 2 (B) 2a, 8, 1 (C) 2a, 4, 1 (D) a, 4, 1

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Answer Q. 23, Q. 24 and Q. 25 by appropriately matching the information given in the three columns
of the following table. [JEE Advanced 2017]
Columns 1, 2 and 3 contain conics, equations of tangents to the conics and points of contact, respectively.
Column-1 Column-2 Column-3
 a 2a 
(I) x2 + y2 = a2 (i) my = m2x + a (P)  2 , 
m m 

 – ma a 
(II) x2 + a2y2 = a2 (ii) y  mx  a m 2  1 (Q)  , 

2 2
 m 1 m 1

 – a 2m 1 
(III) y2 = 4ax (iii) y  mx  a 2m 2 – 1 (R)  , 

2 2 2 2
 a m 1 a m 1

 – a 2m –1 
(IV) x2 – a2y2 = a2 (iv) y  mx  a 2m2  1 (S)  , 

2 2 2 2
 a m –1 a m –1

23. For a  2 , if a tangent is drawn to a suitable conic (Column 1) at the point of contact (–1, 1), then which of

the following options is the only CORRECT combination for obtaining its equation?
(A) (II) (ii) (Q) (B) (III) (i) (P) (C) (I) (ii) (Q) (D) (I) (i)(P)

Online Classes
24. If a tangent to a suitable conic (Column 1) is found to be y = x + 8 and its point of contact is (8, 16), then
which of the following options is the only CORRECT combination?
(A) (III) (i) (P) (B) (II) (iv) (R) (C) (III) (ii) (Q) (D) (I) (ii) (Q)

 1
25. The tangent to a suitable conic (Column 1) at  3 ,  is found to be 3 x  2y  4 , then which of the
 2 
following options is the only CORRECT combination?
(A) (IV) (iii) (S) (B) (II) (iv) (R) (C) (IV) (iv) (S) (D) (II) (iii) (R)

26. Tangents are drawn to the hyperbola 4x2 – y2 = 36 at the points P and Q. If these tangents intersect at the
point T(0, 3) then the area (in sq. units) of PTQ is : [JEE Main 2018]

(A) 36 5 (B) 45 5 (C) 54 3 (D) 60 3

x 2 y2
27. Let H:   1 , where a > b > 0, be a hyperbola in the xy-plane whose conjugate axis LM subtends an
a2 b2
angle of 60° at one of its vertices N. Let the area of the triangle LMN be 4 3 . [JEE Advance 2018]
List - I List - II
(P) The length of the conjugate axis of H is (1) 8

(Q) The eccentricity of H is (2)

(R) The distance between the foci of H is (3)

(S) The length of the latus rectum of H is (4) 4

The correct option is :
(A) P  4; Q 2; R 1; S3 (B) P  4; Q 3; R 1; S 2
(C) P  4; Q 1; R 3; S 2 (D) P  3; Q 4; R 2; S1

Vibrant Academy (I) Pvt. Ltd. "B-41" Road No.2, IPIA, Kota (Raj.) Ph. 06377791915 ( [38]
2. (a, 0) ; a 3. 2x  y + 2 = 0, (1, 4) ; x + 2y + 16 = 0, (16, 16)
5. 3x  2y + 4 = 0 ; x  y + 3 = 0 6. (4 , 0) ; y2 = 2a(x – 4a)
8. y = 4x + 72, y = 3x  33 9. 7y ± 2(x + 6a) = 0

14. x2 + y2 + 18 x  28 y + 27 = 0 16. x  y = 1; 8 2 sq. units

17. 15a2/ 4 20. a2 > 8b2

3. [a(t²o + 4),  2ato] 5. (ax + by) (x2 + y2) + ( bx  ay)2 = 0

10. ( (x1 – 2a), 2y1 ) 12. Q(4, 8)

14. (x2 + y2 – 4ax)2 = 16a(x3 + xy2 + ay2) 16 y2 = 8 ax


Online Classes
1. x – 2y + 1 = 0; y = mx + where m = 2. (a) C ; (b) B
4m 10
3. (x + 3)y2 + 32 = 0 4. (a) C ; (b) D 5. C 6. D
7. (a) C ; (b)  = 2 8. B 9. 2(y – 1)2(x – 2) = (3x – 4)2
10. (a) D, (b) A, B, (c) (i) A, (ii) B, (iii) D, (iv) C 11. A 12. (a) C; (b) B; (c) D
13. B, C 14. A, D 15. C, D 16. C 17. ABD
18. 2 19. 4 20. C 21. D 22. B 23. A 24. B
25. D 26. D 27. B 28. A 29. A, D 30. 4 31. 2
32. A 33. A, B, C 34. A,C,D 35. D 36. C
1. (a) 20x2 + 45y2  40x  180y  700 = 0; (b) 3x2 + 5y2 = 32
 5
8. x + y  5 = 0, x + y + 5 = 0 9. = or ; 4x ± 33 y  32 = 0
3 3

1 1 18a
10. 24 sq.units 11. , 14. 55 2 sq. units 16.
2 2 17
20. 85

1. (a2  b2)2 x2y2 = a2 (a2 + b2)2 y2 + 4 b6x2 4. 186 5. bx + a 3 y = 2ab

8. 80 9. (b) 8/3, (c) 4 12. r 2 b 2 13. 12 x + 5 y = 48; 12 x  5 y = 48

15. 19

Vibrant Academy (I) Pvt. Ltd. "B-41" Road No.2, IPIA, Kota (Raj.) Ph. 06377791915 ( [39]
1. (a) A ; (b) B, D ; (c) 25 y2 + 4 x2 = 4 x2 y2 2. (x  1)2 + y2 =
4. Locus is an ellipse with foci as the centres of the circles C1a nd C2.

5. a2p2 + b2q2 = r2sec2 = (4 – 2 2 )r2 7. (a) C ; (b) A 8. C
9. (a) A, (b) AB = 10. D 11. C 12. D 13. C 14. A
15. C 16. B 17. 9 18. D 19. A 20. A 21. A, B
22. 4 23. A 24. C 25. D 26. A, C 27. B,D

1. 7 x2 + 12xy  2 y2  2x + 4y  7 = 0 ; 48 2. a2 = 25/2 ; b2 = 16

(1, 2) ; (4, 2) & (6, 2) ; 5x  4 = 0 & 5x + 14 = 0;

x + 1 = 0 ; 4x  3y + 10 = 0 ; 4x + 3y  2 = 0.
; 6 ; 8 ; y2 = 0 ;

5. Online Classes 
x+y±3 3 =0 6. 3x + 2y  5 = 0 ; 3x  2y + 5 = 0 11.
x  13

y  12

x 2 y2 1
13. (x2 + y2)2 (a2y2  b2x2 ) = x2y2 (a2 + b2)2 17.  4 2 2
a b a b
x2 y2 x 2 y2
20.  1 ;  1
49 36 9 4
5 3
2. 40 3. y x ; x  3 = 0 ; 8 sq. unit
12 4
 4 3 150
7. (15, 10) and (3,  2) and 30 sq. units 8. ( 4, 3) &   ,   9.
7 7 481
 x2 y2  8 2
10. 4 2
  =3 13. ab 20. xy = c
a b2  9
1. (a) A ; (b) D ; (c) B 2. D 3. A 4. A

2 2 2
x 2 y 2  x  y 
5.  =   6. A, C 7. (a) A, (b) C, (c) C
9 4  9 
8. (a) A; (b) (A) P, Q; (B) P ,Q; (C) Q, R; (D) Q, R
9. (a) B; (b) B 10. (A)  P ; (B)  S, T ; (C)  R ; (D)  Q, S 11. A, B
12. B 13. A 14. 2 15. B 16. B, D 17. A, B
18. A, B, D 19. D 20. C 21. D 22. ABD
23. C 24. A 25. B 26. B 27. B
Vibrant Academy (I) Pvt. Ltd. "B-41" Road No.2, IPIA, Kota (Raj.) Ph. 06377791915 ( [40]

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