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Those that do exist are very

CAIRO CITY small and are not concentrated in specific
neighborhoods. The few ethnic minorities
Cairo’s Flag- The white band represents the include Nubians and northern Sudanese,
bloodlessness of the war. The black band at along with refugees from other parts of
the bottom symbolizes the end of the Africa. There are more foreigners from the
oppression of the Egyptian people from the United States, the United Kingdom, and
monarchy. The flag also features the gold several Arab countries.Arabic is the most
outline of the Falcon of Saladin, the national widely spoken language in Cairo, although
emblem. many educated Cairenes speak English,
Italian or French. Egypt has a very young
Cairo city, is the capital of Egypt , and one of population. 75% of Egyptians are under the
the largest cities in Africa . age of 25, and just 3% are over the age of 65,
It was founded in 2,000 B.C and ruled by which makes it one of the youngest countries.
King Menes who united Upper and lower Cairo has an older population compared to
Egypt. Cairo itself was establishes as the city the national average, however, with 36% of
of Fustat by the Fatimids in the 10 th century. the people under the age of 15.

The 12th century brought Saladin. RELIGION- 90-94 % Muslim, most of the
rest are Coptic Christian. Most Muslims are
Then in the mid-13 th century, the Mamluks Sunni, though no specific percentages seem
seized control of Egypt. Under them Cairo to be available. While Copts make up the
became an important Centre of Islamic largest percentage of Christians, there is a
learning. small, declining number of Catholics, and
apparently an increasing number of
Cairo has stood for more than 1000years on protestants, mostly Episcopal.
the same site on the banks of the Nile, it is
also the gateway to the Nile Delta where the NATIONAL ANTHEM
lower Nile separates into the Rosetta and My homeland, my homeland, my homeland,
Damietta branches.
My love and my heart are for thee.
place of physical contrast. Along the well- (repeat previous two lines)
irrigated shoreline, lush vegetation shares the Egypt! O mother of all lands,
landscape with tall skyscrapers. In the older
inland quarters to the east, however, beneath My hope and my ambition,
the foothills of the Eastern desert and the How can one count
rocky promontories of the Muqattam hills and
the Al-Jabal al-Ahmar, brown and others are The blessings of the Nile for mankind?
the dominant hues of land and buildings Egypt! Most precious jewel,
CITY CITE- Cairo is fan-shaped, narrowest Shining on the brow of eternity!
in the south, where the river valley is wedged
between desert escarpments, and widest in O my homeland, be for ever free,
the north, where the valley blends into the Safe from every foe!
Egypt! Noble are thy children,
has a population density of 19,376 people per Loyal, and guardians of thy soil.
square kilometer (50,180/sq mi), which ranks In war and peace
37th in the world.
We give our lives for thy sake.
DEMOGRAPHICS- Cairo is a very
CHORUS (without repeats)
homogeneous city with very few minority
CLIMATE- Cairo has only two seasons: 5.THE GIZA NECROPOLIS-The Giza
Summer and Winter. Necropolis is located on the outskirts of
Cairo, and this is where you will find the
Six months of summer from May to October
Great Pyramids of Giza and the instantly
and also six months of winter from November
recognizable Sphinx.
to April.
The three pyramids, for which the site is famous
LIFE EXPECTANCY- The average life for, are those of Pharaoh Khufu; Pharaoh Kafre
expectancy is 60 to 65 for males, and 63 to and Pharaoh Menkaure, with the pyramid of
68 for females. Khufu being the biggest and oldest.
dialect, though a significant percentage of the
educated population are capable in English, 1.SIMIT-A Classic Turkish baked good that
French and/or Italian. has become a popular Cairene street food.
This sesame-covered bread looks like a cross
between a bagel and a pretzel and has a soft,
MOST NOTABLE CITES fluffy interior. It is usually served with a
1.EL-AZHAR MOSQUE AL AZHAR- El- hard-boiled egg and is most popular around
Azhar Mosque Al Azhar Mosque was the first Easter, when the Egyptians celebrate Sham
Islamic University built in Cairo. It was Ennessim.
constructed around 1,000 years ago and it was 2.HAWAWSHI-Commonly eaten for lunch or
the official mosque for Friday prayer (jummah) dinner, hawawshi is prepared by stuffing pita
for many years in Egypt. It was built by the bread with a minced meat mixture flavored
great Fatimid army leader and the builder of with onions, peppers, and chilies to create a
Cairo, Gawhar El Seqelly, with the orders of the delicious hot and spicy dish.
Fatimid Caliph, Al Mui'z le Din Allah. The
building of Al Azhar began in 970 A.D. and it 3.FUL- Ful is the most common traditional
was finished three years later. breakfast, it’s a staple in every Egyptians’
2.CAIRO TOWER- Cairo Tower is a diet. Ful, pronounced as fool, is made of fava
“thrilling” attraction and offers the opportunity beans cooked with oil and salt. It is
to enjoy spectacular views of the city. commonly eaten as a dish with eggs, cheese,
Interestingly, it has been the tallest free standing pita bread and/or also popular food
tower in Egypt and North Africa for around 50 like ta’meya pods.
years. In fact, at 187 meters in height, it was the 4.FALAFEL- Traditionally served in
tallest tower of its kind on the entire African Egyptian breakfast along with ful, eggs,
continent prior to 1971. cheese and pita bread.
3. CAIRO CITADEL- It is a medieval
Islamic fortification constructed in 1183 CE 5.KOSHARI-A layering of rice, macaroni,
around the ancient city to protect against the lentils, and chickpeas topped off with
invading Crusaders. Citadel of Cairo is also caramelized onions, thick red sauce, and a
called the Mohamed Ali Citadel or Saladin garlic/chili/vinegar/ sauce.
Citadel. 6.MACARONI BECHAMIL-A classic
4.OLD CAIRO- Old Cairo is quite a large Egyptian comfort food that will leave you
district of southern Cairo, stretching from satisfied for a while. Basically, it’s Egypt’s
Garden City to Coptic Cairo, and it is home to version of lasagna or macaroni and cheese.
the Cairo Coptic Christian community. Made with rigatoni noodles, minced meat
Old Cairo is also home to the famous Hanging cooked in chopped onion and tomato paste,
Church of Cairo, one of the oldest and biggest topped with the classic béchamel sauce.
churches ever built in Egypt.

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