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San Jose Community College

San Jose, Malilipot, Albay

College of Education
2nd Semester
SY: 2020-2021

Observation of Teaching Learning

in Actual School Environment
Prof. Ed 11

Submitted by:
BSED- Filipino 3-B
Submitted to:

Date: July 10, 2021

FS 1 Field Study
Learning Episode 2


My Reflection / Insights
1. While you were observing the learners, did you recall your own experiences when you
were their age? What similarities or differences do you have with the learners you
Yes, I remember when I was their age, I’m always active in our class discussion.
Sometimes when I was sited in my friend’s row especially in the last row, we are noise because
we are talking what happened in our life or the trends that day, like in NBA finals who will team
is gone be the Champion. I observed the learners there are similarities like us before when I was
their age. First in class discussion my classmates and I really attentive in the lesson of our
teacher. Second in class participation we are willing in a group participation, like we interpret the
characters in the lesson that are given by our teacher like in the learners that I observed. The
difference is the teacher that I observed he using technology in teaching like laptop, projector
and projector screen, in our time the teacher using only visual aids for the lesson.

2. Think of a teacher you cannot forget for positive or negative reasons. How did she/he
help or not help you with your needs (physical, emotional, social, and cognitive)? How did
it affect you?
Mr. Jose Rogelio Belen, was my former high school English teacher, also my former
coach in Wushu and Taekwondo at the Municipal Meet, and Palarong Panlalawigan. He taught
me not only academics, but also real-life challenges that I may face in the future. Gives me some
advice on my school and family problems because my brother and I are currently living with my
grandparents. My mother died in Manila as a result of complications, and my father stayed to
work there to support us financially. Sir. Belen was also like a great friend to me because we
used to hang together at the Albay Sport Complex in Guinobatan after we finished our training.
We travel to the capital to purchase food and other necessities for our team. I was inspired by
him, which is why I chose to pursue a career as a teacher. If I ever become a teacher, I want to be
like him and be able to soothe children in their issues and meet their needs.
FS 1 Field Study
Learning Episode 2


My Reflection / Insights
1. Imagine yourself organizing your classroom in the future. In what grade/year level do
you see yourself? What routines and procedures would you consider for this level? Why?
If I ever become a teacher, I envision myself managing a Grade 10 class. I'll begin by
developing classroom rules because every teacher's routines, processes, and expectations will
change depending on the student age group, school-wide rules, and basically simply personal
preference. At the high school level, classroom routines and processes will be very different from
those in elementary school. In high school and elementary is different in classroom routines and
procedures because one factor effects are the age gap the older the students are easily to handle;
they know what are the good for the class rather than the young ones that there minds are still want
to play outside of the classroom.

2. Make a list of the rules you are likely to implement in this level. Why would choose these
If I will make the rules in the classroom, it will be the following:
1. If you don't know what to do, always ask questions. Don't be afraid to ask.
2. Respect and listen to your classmates and teacher.
3. Raise your hand before speaking.
4. Arrive on time.
5. Do your assignments.
6. Always participate in class discussions.
7. Don’t use gadget in time of class discussions.
8. Be quiet when the teacher or your classmates are talking.
9. Take care of the school properties.
This set of rules was chosen for the benefit of the class and to maintain a harmonious
relationship until the end of the school year. I will make them a good student and a better citizen
for the community.
3. Should learners be involved in making the class rules? Why?
Yes, students should be included in making a class rules so that they are aware of the dos
and don'ts inside the classroom and are conscious of their own restrictions. If students are
involved in the creation of class rules, they are frightened to break them since they are the ones
who created them, and they are also afraid of being punished if they do. According to Geoff
Petty (1998) in his book “Teaching Today-A Practical Guide”, experienced teachers don’t deal
with problems, they prevent them occurring. Therefore, ground rules are vital for maintaining
classroom order, which is necessary for efficient teaching and learning. Here, we'll look at how
to avoid difficulties in the classroom by establishing suitable classroom rules.

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