Mrs Sani

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Nurse : Good morning, Mrs….

Patient : Good morning, nurse

Nurse : I would like to introduce my self. My name is Nazifa Helfi. I am a nurse

anesthesiologist student at health polytechnic of Jogjakarta. What would you like
to be called?

Patient : Mrs.Sarah, please

Nurse : Ok mrs, I practice here from 8 o’clock to 2 o’clock to take care of you, I
hope you could cooperate so that you could be health again as before. In here, I
work with other health professional such as physician, physiotherapist, dietitian.
You may ask anything about treatment, particularly about something that you don’t

Patient : Thank you nurse

Nurse : I will discuss about you who has an eye strain. It is important to do so that
after the treatment in hospital, you could treat yourself at home, so you will not
suffer from this disease again. It will take about 10 minutes

Patient : It’s okay

Nurse : I will keep the confidentially of some parts of this discussion if you fell
uncomfortable, so would you please not hesitate to express your feeling

Patient : Thank you nurse

Nurse : Is there anything you want to ask or to do before we start

Patient : Not, now

Nurse : Could we start right now mrs Sarah?

Patient : Yes please

Nurse : Mrs. Sarah, have you ever heard eye strain?

Patient : Sorry I don’t know exactly

Nurse : Eye strain is a common condition that occurs when your eyes get tired
from intense use, such as while driving long distances or staring at computer
screens and other digital devices. Eye strain can be annoying. But it usually isn’t
serious and goes away once you rest your eyes or take other steps reduce your eyes
discomfort. To reduce your symptomps you can follow this tips, every 20 minutes
spent using a screen you should try to look away at something that is 20 feet away
from you for a total 20 seconds. Sit farther away from your computer screen to be
at least 25 inches, consider using a matte screen filter to reduce your screen’s glare,
and blink often to help replenish your eye’s own tears. Is there anything that you
don’t understand?

Patient : No thank’s

Nurse : Mrs.Sarah could you explain what we have already discussed,please?

Patient : Yes. To reduce the symptomps I can follow this tips, every 20 minutes
spent using a screen you should try to look away at something that is 20 feet away
from you for a total 20 seconds. Sit farther away from your computer screen to be
at least 25 inches, consider using a matte screen filter to reduce your screen’s glare,
and blink often to help replenish your eye’s own tears.

Nurse : Mrs. Sarah, from the discussion I can make a conclusion that you have
already known about eye strain

Patient : Thanks nurse

Nurse : You were so active while we were discussing about this disease

Patient : My pleasure

Nurse : Mrs. Sarah, I will write the result of this discussion on your status. Thanks
for your attention

Patient : Your welcome

Nurse : Good bye now and see you later

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