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ISSN 1023-1935, Russian Journal of Electrochemistry, 2016, Vol. 52, No. 12, pp. 1095–1121. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.

, 2016.
Published in Russian in Elektrokhimiya, 2016, Vol. 52, No. 12, pp. 1229–1258.

A Brief Review: Past, Present and Future of Lithium Ion Batteries1

Florian Schipper* and Doron Aurbach
Bar-Ilan University, Department of Chemistry, Ramat-Gan, Israel
Received March 28, 2016

Abstract—The review summarizes the development of lithium ion batteries beginning with the research of the
1970–1980s which lead to modern intercalation type batteries. Following the history of lithium ion batteries,
material developments are outlined with a look at cathode materials, electrolyte solutions and anode materi-
als. Finally, with lithium sulfur and lithium oxygen batteries two post intercalation type lithium batteries are
discussed. The focus of the material discussions lies on basic understanding, problems and opportunities
related to the materials.

Keywords: lithium ion batteries, intercalation electrodes, cathode materials, anode materials, lithium-sulfur
batteries, lithium-oxygen batteries

DOI: 10.1134/S1023193516120120

INTRODUCTION which require a battery of high energy density. The

lead acid battery was not suitable for such applications
Electricity is a ubiquitous commodity and life as we and much attention was given to the nickel cadmium
know it is hard to imagine with an absence of conve- system which was eventually overtaken by the lithium
nient power supply. The first battery ever conceived ion batteries (LIB) in the early 1990s. LIB, as a part of
was invented by Alessandro Volta in 1800 to study the our daily life, have been improved constantly over the
findings of Luigi Galvani on “animal electricity” [1]. last 25 years. They have attracted tremendous research
The so called voltaic pile was crucial to early electro- attention with more than 10.000 papers mentioning
chemical experiments paving the way to fundamental LIB in 2015 alone. Followed by the huge successes of
understandings in the field and the synthesis of pure LIB other battery systems (e.g. magnesium and
alkali metals was achieved via electrolysis powered by sodium) have seen increased research interested as
voltaic piles [2]. The primary Leclanche cell, a prede- well making the field ever more fruitful [7, 8]. LIB are
cessor to the zinc carbon cell of today, was used in connected to big promises made by industry and sci-
telegraphy stations and early telephones making it one entists to play a vital role in many fields ranging from
of the first commercial batteries [3]. With the inven- the development of electrical vehicles, load levelling to
tion of the electrical generator in the mid-19th century energy storage of alternative power sources (solar,
the need for a rechargeable storage system arose and wind etc.). With some author even going as far as to
was met by the lead acid battery of Gaston Plante [4]. foreshadowing resource wars hinging on the develop-
Interestingly, combustion engines and electrical ment of adequate batteries [9].
engines competed for some time as means of propul-
sion in cars around the turn of the 19–20th century The text at hand is meant to be a short overview of
[5, 6]. Unfortunately, with more available petroleum the lithium battery field aimed at new students of the
reserves discovered in the early 20th century and the field or interested readers of neighboring disciplines.
development of more comfortable gasoline cars, elec- Emphasis is given to the development of LIB with a
tric vehicles were soon outperformed by internal com- short historical breakdown of the exciting work of the
bustion engines and discontinued. Nonetheless, lead 1970s–1980s. The second chapter deals with some of
acid batteries are still a crucial part in gasoline pow- the more popular cathode intercalation compounds
ered cars as starter battery, making them the most suc- and will deal with basics, problems and opportunities
cessful secondary battery of the last century. of new intercalation materials. Electrolyte solutions
New impulses to the battery field came in the late and anode materials will be covered briefly at the end
20th with the development of portable consumer elec- of the second chapter. The closing chapter is devoted
tronics (cell phones, camcorders, portable computers) to technologies beyond LIB and a very brief descrip-
tion of the lithium sulfur and lithium oxygen battery
1 The article is published in the original.
will be given.


(а) 3.0 (b)


Cell emf, V
Li OR 2.0 10 mA
20 mA

Structure of TiS2 and LiTiS2 0 0.2 0.4 0.5 0.8 1.0

x in LixTiS2

Fig. 1. (a) Intercalation of lithium into the layered structure of TiS2, reprinted with permission from ref. [14], copyright Elsevier
1975. (b) Discharge voltage profile of LixTiS2 in a solution of lithium aluminum chloride in methyl chloroformate, reprinted with
permission from ref. [15], copyright Science 1976.

THE WAY TO LITHIUM ION BATTERIES calation batteries was picked up by EXXON and
(1970–1991) turned into an attempt at secondary lithium batteries
Before the discovery of lithium intercalation into in non-aqueous liquid electrolyte solutions [16]. One
host structures mainly primary lithium batteries were major drawback of TiS2 is the rather elaborate synthe-
of research interest. The investigation of high tem- sis. The material has to be kept under inert conditions
perature molten secondary lithium batteries (e.g. Li/S at all time to avoid the decomposition to titanium
and Li/Cl2) never amounted to any commercial suc- oxide and hydrogen sulfide upon the reaction with
cess due to cost and problems with the inherent highly water. Another problem arises from the metallic lith-
corrosive system [10]. Research into the field of mol- ium anode itself.
ten lithium systems was soon discontinued in favor of Early studies into non-aqueous liquid electrolyte
the more promising sodium sulfur system [11]. How- solutions in combination with alkali metals showed
ever, the combination of a low molecular weight the formation of a surface layer. The so called solid
(MLi: 7 g mol–1), low density (ρLi: 0.534 g cm–3) with a electrolyte interface (SEI) is conductive for alkali met-
very low standard electrode potential (E0, Li: –3.04 V als but is an electrical insulator [17]. In general the SEI
vs. standard hydrogen electrode) makes metallic lith- formation is beneficial and will passivate the lithium
ium an attractive choice as an anode material in bat- surface making metallic lithium stable in water free
teries. The low potential also means that electrolyte organic electrolyte systems. Unfortunately, the SEI is
solutions will react with metallic lithium and early pri- not stable during prolonged cycling and will crack
mary cells focused on solid electrolytes to overcome open which leads to a continuous consumption of
this issue. Unfortunately, solid electrolytes don’t allow electrolyte and lithium for the continuous SEI refor-
for high currents and all solid state primary lithium mation [18]. This leads to rater low Coulomb effi-
batteries were not successful in a wide range. The solid ciency for lithium of around 90% and secondary
state lithium | lithium iodine | iodine (Li | LiI | I2)-sys- metallic lithium batteries have to be designed with an
tem has been a success in cardiac pace makers since adequate excess of lithium metal [18]. Even worse, the
the early 1970’s and is still in use today allowing for a uneven deposition of lithium onto the cracked SEI
compact design of pace makers [12, 13]. leads to the growth of lithium dendrites. The dendrites
In 1975 Wittingham et al. demonstrated via a wet will eventually break off and form nano-sized islands
chemical route (employing n-butyl lithium) the inter- of highly reactive lithium effectively lowering the ther-
calation of lithium into a variety of layered transition mal stability of the cell [19]. In order to overcome the
metal dichalcogenides (sulfides and selenides) [14]. issue of metallic lithium anodes attempts at lithium
Lithium is intercalated between the transition metal alloys were made, e.g. Li/Al [20], Li/Mg [21]. Using
layers at a one mole ratio leading to an expansion of lithium alloys may lower the dendritic growth rate but
the c lattice parameter (Fig. 1a). Out of the range of at the cost of capacity and electrode potential. For
studied compounds TiS2 was particularly interesting Li/Al the deposition potential of lithium is around
since it offers the lowest molecular weight, potentially 0.4 V vs. Li+/Li. This makes the combination with
lowest cost and is an electronic conductor. The elec- TiS2 unappealing due to the resulting low cell voltage
trochemical intercalation of lithium into TiS2 demon- of 1.6 V.
strates an average intercalation voltage of ca. 2 V vs. The need for a high voltage lithium intercalation
Li+/Li reaching nearly the theoretical capacity of cathode material was met by the layered compound
240 mA h g–1 (Fig. 1b) [15]. The idea of lithium inter- LiCoO2 (LCO) which was developed by Goodenough



(а) (b)


Potential, V

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
x in LixCoO2

Fig. 2. (a) Rhombohedral structure of lithium cobalt oxide showing the layered nature, reprinted with permission from ref. [22],
copyright 1980 Elsevier. (b) Voltage profile of LCO with LiPF6 in ethylene carbonate / dimethyl carbonate (2 : 1), reprinted with
permission from ref. [23], copyright 1996 the Electrochemical Society.

et al. in 1980 [22]. The LCO structure is represented by tial swelling and exfoliation of the material and a quick
a R ( 3 ) m space group with alternating layers of lithium capacity fading is observed. By using a solid polymer
oxide and cobalt oxide octahedrons (Fig. 2a). The electrolyte it was possible to demonstrate reversible lith-
large size difference of cobalt and lithium leads to a ium intercalation into graphite. The reported swelling of
perfect layered material with little to no cation mixing only 10% is the value theoretically expected for non-
(rLi = 0.76 Å, rCo = 0.545 Å). This aspect makes the solvated lithium intercalation [34].
synthesis of stoichiometric and phase pure LCO very A decisive discovery into the stability of graphite
easy under various conditions. Lithium can be safely anodes in nonaqueous electrolyte solutions was made
and reversibly removed up to 0.5 mol leading to a com- in 1990 by Dahn et al. [35]. It was shown that by using
position of Li0.5CoO2 and an upper cut off voltage of a solvent mixture of propylene carbonate (PC) and
4.2 V vs. lithium (Fig. 2b) [23–25]. LCO has a poor ethylene carbonate (EC) lithium can be reversible
thermal stability which worsen upon charging beyond intercalated with little fading over the tested 19 cycles
0.5 mol of lithium. Furthermore, structural distor- for graphite. This finding was attributed to the forma-
tions and cobalt dissolution are known to appear in the tion of a stable SEI during the first intercalation cycle
voltage region above 4.2 V vs. lithium [26, 27]. at around 0.8 V vs. Li+/Li facilitated by the presence of
With the high voltage material LCO the only miss- EC. The SEI formation, nature and stability on graph-
ing part was a stable, low voltage anode material which ite anodes was subject of extensive research in the
ideally could intercalate lithium in a similar fashion as 1990’s and is still of great interest today [36–42]. The
TiS2 does. In 1976 Besenhard et al. studied the electro- SEI should be ideally formed before the actual lithium
intercalation takes place. This makes graphite
chemical intercalation of Li+ and NR 4+ into graphite (Li+ intercalation at <0.25 V [43]) favorable over
and found intercalation potentials close to the ther- amorphous carbons (Li+ intercalation <1.5 V [44]). A
modynamic potential of metallic lithium [28]. Using comprehensive review on studies related to the SEI
lithiated graphite instead of lithium as anode material was given by Novák et al. [36]. Solvent mixtures of
seemed very intriguing at the time and a synthesis cyclic ester (e.g. ethylene carbonate (EC), propylene
employing molten lithium was developed by Basu carbonate (PC)) and linear esters (e.g. dimethyl car-
et al. in 1979 [29]. Combining LiC6 and TiS2 in a mol- bonate (DMC), diethyl carbonate (DEC)) with LiPF6
ten electrolyte gave rise to a reversible lithium interca- are commonly used in commercial lithium ion batter-
lation battery which was patented in 1981 by the Bell ies of today.
labs [30]. The operating temperature was dependent
on the employed salt or eutectic and ranged from 375 A battery based on a LCO cathode, a petroleum
to 500°C. Clearly the use of the battery was somewhat coke anode and a non-aqueous electrolyte solution
limited due to the high temperature requirements but (PC:DEC; 1 M LiPF6) was commercialized by Sony
thousands of cycles were claimed. First attempts at in 1991 and has been widely successful [45]. Since no
cycling graphite versus lithium in non-aqueous liquid metallic lithium is present in this configuration the
electrolytes were unsuccessful due to solvent co-interca- name lithium ion battery (LIB) was chosen as a mar-
lation into the lamellar structure of graphite [31–33]. keting term. Assembling the cell in a discharged state
The intercalation of solvated lithium leads to a substan- was a novel idea and has caught on in the lithium ion



0.08 crucial to make full EV’s appealing to the consumer

The time before the first LIB and surely the last
0.04 25 years have seen the development of a number of dif-
Current, mA

ferent lithium intercalation cathodes [50]. The current

chapter will deal with a selected number of those cath-
ode materials which have seen commercialization or
0 are under serious consideration. The very interesting
work on high capacity lithium anodes (e.g. silicon
[51, 52], tin oxide [53] etc.) and the latest develop-
–0.04 ment into new electrolyte solutions will be covered
briefly at the end of the chapter. The interested reader
2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 is referred to the following articles for more detailed
Potential, V reviews on the subject of high capacity anodes and
electrolyte solutions [54–59].
Fig. 3. Cyclic voltammorgam of LiMnO2 showing the first
5 cycles at 10 μV s–1 from 2.0 to 4.6 V vs. Li+/Li; reprinted
with permission from ref. [66], copyright 1999 the Royal Layered Lithium Transition Metal Oxides
Society of Chemistry. Lithium Manganese Oxide LiMnO2
In an attempt to switch to a cheaper and environ-
battery community and is the standard for all com- mentally benign material LiMnO2 was perused as an
mercial LIB nowadays. The stable SEI formation and alternative to LCO. The work on LiMnO2 began in the
absence of graphite exfoliation in EC containing elec- mid 1990’s with various failed attempts to synthesis
trolyte solutions lead to the manufacturing of com- the stoichiometric compound [60, 61]. Unfortunately,
mercial cells with a graphite anode from 1993 onwards. layered LiMnO2 is unstable at elevated temperatures
and an electrochemically inactive orthorhombic phase
is thermodynamically favored [62]. It was inde-
LITHIUM ION BATTERIES pendently established by Bruce and Delmas that an
FROM COMMERCIALIZATION ion exchange of NaMnO2 with lithium salts in organic
TO TODAY 1991–2015 solvents and temperatures below 150°C gives the lay-
After the introduction of LIB to the consumer mar- ered LiMnO2 compound [63, 64]. Another possible
ket the versatility of this new type of battery was soon way to synthesis LiMnO2 was realized via a low tem-
adapted to portable devices. The high volumetric perature hydrothermal (160°C, 3.5 days) approach
energy density of early LIB was around 200 W h L–1. [65]. LiMnO2 is described by a monoclinic lattice with
Twice as high as competing systems at the time, the C2/m space group.
namely nickel cadmium and nickel metal hydride bat- Electrochemical investigation of LiMnO2 showed a
teries [46, 47]. This made LIB an ideal choice for lap- large initial charge capacity of about 220 mA h g–1 but
top computers, digital cameras and cell phones which
rapidly dropped in size and weight in 1990’s which can a significant drop to 130 mA h g–1 was observed for
be partly attributed to LIB. LIB soon outperformed subsequent cycles [66]. The first cycle differs markedly
the competition and are now the leading battery tech- from the following as was analyzed by cyclic voltam-
nology for portable devices with a multi-billion dollar metry (Fig. 3). A peak around 3.6 V is observed which
market and an overall market share of more than 60% is lost for the following cycles. Furthermore, the peak
worldwide [48, 49]. The workhorse amongst the dif- at 4 V diminishes from the first to the fifth cycle. Once
ferent cathode types still is LCO which, owing to its lithium is deintercalated to a stoichiometry of
Li0.5MnO2 a simple rearrangement of the lattice will
high tap density of 2.5 g cm–3, can achieve high vol-
umetric energy densities. The last two decades have lead to LiMn2O4 [66, 67]. This is achieved by manga-
seen an improvement in energy density from nese ions moving to empty octahedral sites in the lith-
~200 W h L–1 to values >400 W h L–1, which was ium layer. The rearrangement is quite significant and
mostly achieved by better cell engineering [47]. After a large portion of the active material is already trans-
the establishment of LIB in the battery market for por- formed to the LiMn2O4 spinel after only 5 cycles [67].
table consumer electronics the next big leap will be the The high initial capacity loss and the spinel forma-
development of adequate LIB for electric vehicles tion render the otherwise interesting material useless
(EV). Even though LCO outmatches other lithium for commercial application. In order to overcome the
intercalation cathodes in terms of volumetric energy structural instability of LiMnO2 a partial substitution
density the low capacity of 135 mA h g–1 leads to a low of Mn3+ with cobalt was pursued by Bruce et al.
gravimetric energy density. High energy densities are [68, 69]. A replacement of 10% of manganese for
necessary to achieve long driving ranges which are cobalt was reported to be enough to prevent the initial



5 (а) 5 (b)

4 4

3 3
E, V

E, V
2 2

1 1

0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200

Q, mA h g–1 Q, mA h g–1
5 (c) 5 (d)

4 4

3 3
E, V

E, V

2 2

1 1

0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200

Q, mA h g–1 Q, mA h g–1

Fig. 4. Voltage profiles of LiNiO2 derived under different synthesis conditions; reprinted with permission from ref. [70], copyright
1993 Electrochemical Society: (a) LiNO3 + NiCO3 in O2 (750°C), R( 3 )m, I(003)/I(104) = 1.32; (b) LiNO3 + NiCO3 in Air
(750°C), R( 3 )m, I(003)/I(104) = 1.25; (c) LiNO3 + Ni(OH)2 in O2 (750°C), R( 3 )m, I(003)/I(104) = 1.39; (d) Li2CO3 + NiCO3
in O2 (750°C), mix of R( 3 )m and Fm( 3 )m, I(003)/I(104) < 0.6.

capacity loss. The LiMn0.9Co0.1O2 material which now If the nickel content in the lithium layer reaches
possess a R ( 3 ) m space group still demonstrates a spi- 50% a new cubic LiNiO2 phase with the Fm ( 3 ) m
nel formation which can be suppressed if higher cobalt space group is formed which is electrochemically
contents are chosen. inactive. A qualitative measure to determine the mag-
nitude of the nickel and lithium mixing is given by the
Lithium Nickel Oxide LiNiO2 intensity ratio of the X-ray reflections I(003)/I(104).
The (003) reflection is prominent in R ( 3 ) m but is
The nickel analogous to LCO was studied as a
cheaper alternative to LCO. LiNiO2 is isostructural to absent in the Fm ( 3 ) m modification of LiNiO2 [72].
LCO with an R ( 3 ) m space group and a theoretical The synthesis temperature, synthesis gas, precursors
capacity of 273 mA h g–1. However, LiNiO2 is difficult as well as the stoichiometry have to be controlled very
to synthesize in a pure state due to the instability of the carefully in order to gain electrochemically active
trivalent nickel at high temperatures [70]. The non- lithium nickel oxide [70, 73] (Fig. 4). The more com-
stoichiometry results in a displacement of nickel and plicated synthesis and poor thermal stability makes
lithium. Even small amounts of nickel within the lith- LiNiO2 less attractive for LIB. Even though full cells
ium layer are known to reduce the discharge capacity with a carbon anode were investigated they never saw
and cycleability considerably [70, 71]. commercialization [74, 75].



(а) (b)
Rate LiCoO2 >180 mA h g–1
160–180 mA h g–1
0 1.0 150–160 mA h g–1
<150 mA h g–1 LiCoO2 LiNiO2 LiMnO2
0.2 0.8 LiNi1/3Co1/3Mn1/3O2
0.4 0.6 Co3+/4+:eg
0.6 0.4 Ni 3+/4+
0.8 Ni3+/4+
:t2g Mn3+/4+:t2g
0.2 2–
Safety Capacity Co :2p 2–
Co :2p Co2–:2p
LiMnO2 1.0 0 N(E) N(E) N(E)
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 LiNiO2
Fig. 5. (a) Phase diagrams of layered lithium NCM with the end members LiNiO2, LiMnO2 and LiCoO2; reprinted with permis-
sion from ref. [87], copyright 2015 WILEY-VCH. (b) Electronic structure of the individual endmembers of NCM: LiCoO2, LiNiO2
and LiMnO2, reprinted with permission form ref. [88], copyright 2008 the Royal Society of Chemistry.

Partially substitution of nickel with manganese was nated in the development of intercalation compounds
studied for LixNi(1 – y)MnyO2 with y up to 0.6 [76]. based on all three transition metals with the general for-
Since pure lithium manganese oxide is not isostruc- mula Li[Ni1 – x – yCoxMny]O2 [86]. The notation most
tural to LiNiO2 higher manganese ratios could not be common in literature is the abbreviation NCM or NMC
realized. Furthermore, the measured capacity with numbers indicating the decimals of the transition
decreased with increasing manganese content which metals (e.g. NCM523 = Li[Ni0.5Co0.2Mn0.3]O2 etc.).
made the material uninteresting for further research at The different traits associated with manganese, cobalt
first. The material was revisited a decade later with and nickel can be summarized as safety, rate/capacity
greater success, it appears that the annealing tempera- retention and capacity, respectively (Fig. 5a).
ture has to be above 800°C to yield an electrochemi-
cally active material [77, 78]. The composition Manganese is electrochemically inactive in the
LiNi0.5Mn0.5O2 is of great interest and has sparked a lot NCM material and can therefore stabilize the struc-
of research. It was discussed to consist either of ture and acts as environmentally friendly and inexpen-
Ni3+/Mn3+ or Ni2+/Mn4+. The high capacity sive filler (Fig. 5b). Cobalt is necessary to facilitate an
(>200 mA h g–1) suggested the latter which was con- easy synthesis with as little structural and stoichiomet-
firmed by in-situ X-ray absorption studies and by first ric impurities as possible (e.g. no cation mixing). But
principle calculations [78, 79]. Problems are arising cobalt is also prone to react with the electrolyte if the
from the synthesis and ca. 10% of Ni2+ can be found in Co3+/4+ redox region is reached which is the case for
the lithium layer impeding the lithium intercalation >0.5 mol of lithium extraction from LiCoO2.
[80, 81]. Materials prepared by ion exchange from The Ni3+/4+ redox eg band shows only a small overlap
NaNi0.5Mn0.5O2 show less cation mixing and good rate with the O2– 2p band and much more lithium can be
capabilities were reported suggesting that extracted from LiNiO2 in theory. In order to achieve a
LiNi0.5Mn0.5O2 is indeed a worthwhile endeavor [82]. viable cathode material the transition metal ratio has
The substitution of nickel with cobalt improves the to be controlled under aspects of high capacity (more
cycling behavior tremendously when the cobalt con- nickel) or better cycle stability (more cobalt) and
tent is ≥ 0.2 in LixNi(1 – y)CoyO2 [74]. This fact was safety (thermal stability)/cost (manganese).
attributed to a better structural stability of the cobalt The symmetrical composition NCM333 was stud-
doped material and stoichiometric compounds are ied by Ohzuku et al. and was found to be cycle stable
easily prepared in stark contrast to pure LiNiO2 with a capacity of ca. 150 mA h g–1 when cycled
[83, 84]. With more cobalt a decrease of nickel/lith- between 2.5 – 4.3 V [89]. Extending the voltage win-
ium mixing was observed which explains the enhanced dow up to 4.6 V will increase the capacity to values
electrochemical performance of the material [85]. above 200 mA h g–1 but at the cost of cycle stability
[90]. NCM333 is simple to synthesis via solid state,
Lithium Nickel Cobalt Manganese Oxide sol–gel or co-precipitation reactions and can be cal-
Li[Ni1 – x – yCoxMny]O2 cined in air at 1000°C without any structural impact
[90–92]. Since NCM333 delivers a higher capacity
The work on doping of the individual endmembers than LCO it is used for LIB in some of the current full
of LiCoO2, LiNiO2 and LiMnO2 eventually culmi- and hybrid electric vehicles.



The urge to increase the capacity of the NCM fam- Surface Interior
ily is usually met by increasing the nickel content to
compositions >50% nickel which are referred to as
nickel rich materials. The compositions NCM622 and
NCM811 are under intense scrutiny and capacities of
160 and 190 mA h g–1 have been reported respectively
[93, 94]. One problem with nickel rich NCM interca-
lation materials arises during the synthesis. An ambi-
ent air atmosphere is detrimental to the material
capacity due to the easy formation of Li2CO3 and
LiOH on the materials surface. Hence, the synthesis = Mn
has to be conducted under an oxygen atmosphere with
low CO2 and water levels. Even storage of the material is = Ni
problematic due to the same reasons. A considerable
increase in electrochemically inactive LiOH and Li2CO3
has been reported to occur after only 7 days of ambient
storage [95]. The extent to which this will occur is Fig. 6. SEM images and schematics of gradient nickel rich
related to the cobalt content with less parasitic reac- NCM materials with a nickel rich core and manganese rich
tions with higher cobalt levels. Cobalt is believed to act shell, reprinted with permission from Ref. [101], copyright
as a structural stabilizer in the material. The formation 2011 the American Chemical Society.
of lithium hydroxide and lithium carbonate is accom-
panied by an oxygen loss in the material which is com-
pensated by a reduction of Ni3+ to Ni2+. One way to rial and hence limits the lithium removal. Aluminum
compensate the surface reactivity is given by surface acts as a structural stabilizer within the nickel layer and
coating, e.g. Al2O3 [95]. Other pursuits to overcome no phase changes occur during cycling leading to an
enhanced cycle stability and greatly increased thermal
these issues can be found in gradient materials. Since
the side reaction occur on the outer surface of the stability [102, 104]. The ion radii for Ni3+ and Al3+ on
material a gradual reduction from a nickel-rich core to octahedral sites are 0.56 and 0.535 Å respectively and it
a nickel-poor shell leads to a more stable material is not unexpected that Li(Ni1 – xAlx)O2 shows a cation
(Fig. 6) [96]. mixing with Al3+ and Ni3+ in the lithium layer [104].
The second drawback found in nickel rich materi- To get the best of both worlds a well ordered lay-
als is the low thermal stability. The onset temperature ered LiNiO2 with little cation mixing via cobalt
of NCM materials is depending on the cobalt content doping and a good thermal stability via aluminum
and reaches values of ca. 250°C for NCM433 and doping, the Li[Ni1 – x – yCoxAly]O2 (NCA) material was
NCM523. With Ni > 50% a rapid decrease to 170°C developed [105]. The popular composition
(NCM622) and ca. 145°C (NCM811) is observed Li[Ni0.8Co0.15Al0.05]O2 was shown to have a better cycle
(all measured in charged state; 4.3 V vs. Li+/Li) [97]. stability and less impedance growth in a full cell setup
Strategies to mitigate the temperature instability are compared to Li[Ni0.8Co0.2]O2 [106]. Quite recently the
ranging from surface coating with AlPO4 [98], AlF3 Li[Ni0.81Co0.10Al0.09]O2 composition was proposed as a
[99] to gradient materials [100]. It is clear that a high viable NCA candidate. A good electrochemically per-
capacity material is attractive for EV’s but consider- formance and improved thermal stability over the
able focus must be paid to its safety aspects. classic Li[Ni0.8Co0.15Al0.05]O2 was demonstrated [107].

Lithium Nickel Cobalt Aluminum Oxide Lithium Manganese Spinel LiMn2O4

Li[Ni1 – x – yCoxAly]O2 Manganese based intercalation materials are quite
Pursuits to stabilize the LiNiO2 structure went attractive due to the low cost and low environmental
beyond the previously discussed manganese and cobalt impact of manganese. LiMn2O4 (LMO) was first pro-
doping. Further attempts included inactive Al3+ as posed by Thackeray in 1983 and subsequently exten-
replacement for Ni3+ with the structure Li(Ni1 – xAlx)O2 sively studied by his group [108, 109]. The spinel con-
[102, 103]. The material shows an initial capacity of figuration is very attractive in terms of lithium interca-
lation. LMO shows a Fd3m space group with oxygen
150 mA h g–1 which is smaller than the usual
forming a cubic closed package while lithium occupies
200 mA h g–1 found for LiNiO2. A short cycling test 1/8 of the tetrahedral (8a) sites and manganese 1/2 of
with 30 cycles renders pure LiNiO2 at ca. 100 mA h g–1 the octahedral (16d) sites (Fig. 7a) [109]. The empty
while Li(Ni3/4Al1/4)O2 still delivers ca. 140 mA h g–1 octahedral (16a) sites share edges with the 8a site and
[102]. The lower capacity is not surprising since Al3+ form a three dimensional pathway for lithium ion
does not partake in the electrochemistry of the mate- intercalation and deintercalation (Fig. 7b). LMO



(а) (b) Mn4+ and Mn2+ the latter of which is readily dissolved
LiO4 8a site (Li+) into the electrolyte. The manganese dissolution is an
16c site inherent problem with manganese containing active
MnO6 materials and is more pronounced at elevated tem-
peratures and voltages [114–117]. Especially condi-
tions which favor the electrolyte decomposition to
HF are known to accelerate the manganese dissolu-
tion [118].
LixMn2O4 Since the dissolution of manganese originates from
0.5 1.0 1.5 the Mn3+ ion efforts to increase the average oxidation
4.5 state of manganese above 3.5 were undertaken.
Replacing a portion of manganese with Li+, Mg2+,
Zn2+ will increase the overall oxidation state of man-
3.5 (I) (II) (III) ganese and was reported to enhance the cycle stability
[119]. However, this increase in stability comes at the cost
Е, V

3.0 of capacity and stable capacities of ca. 100 mA h g–1 were

2.5 achieved. Since the Mn3+/4+ redox couple is the active
species in LMO an increase in oxidation state of man-
2.0 ganese must be accompanied by a reduced capacity if
~ the lower voltage plateau is avoided.
0 50 100 150 200 250 Replacing manganese with Al3+ on the other hand
Q, mA h g–1 will not affect the oxidation state and was shown to
enhance the capacity retention even at 45°C
Fig. 7. (a) Crystal structure of LiMn2O4 spinel with lith-
[120, 121]. The replacement of manganese by alumi-
ium sites in orange and manganese sites in blue adapted num leads to a lower a parameter in the cubic lattice
with permission from ref. [113], copyright 2012 the Royal due to the smaller size of the Al3+ ions compared to
Society of Chemistry; (b) 3D pathway for lithium ion dif- Mn3+ [120]. The composition of LiMn1.7Al0.3O4 was
fusion by linked octahedral vacancies and lithium sites
adapted with permission from ref. [113], copyright 2012 the found to be optimal in terms of capacity retention with
Royal Society of Chemistry; (c) typical discharge profile a capacity of ca. 110 mA h g–1. Increasing the Al con-
for LixMn2O4 from x = 0.3 to x = 1.8 (4.2–2.0 V) reprinted tent further will gradually decrease the capacity since
with permission from ref. [111], copyright 1990 The Elec-
trochemical Society. more and more Mn3+ is replaced by electrochemically
inactive Al3+. The better stability was attributed to a
better structural integrity for the aluminum doped
demonstrates two voltage regimes with two voltage LMO which leads to a more stable unit cell parameter a
plateaus around 4 V and a voltage plateau at ca. 3 V over 50 cycles [120].
(Fig. 7c) [110]. The insertion/extraction of lithium Another approach to enhance the cycle stability
ions in the 8a sites takes place at the 4 V region while can be found in various coatings of the active material.
preserving the initial cubic spinel lattice but two The clear aim here is to minimize the contact area
phases can be identified [111]. The 3 V plateau relates between the material and the electrolyte with electro-
to an insertion of lithium ions into the vacant 16c sites chemically inert materials (e.g. MgO [122], CeO2
accompanied by a change to a tetragonal phase driven [123] ZnO [124], AlF3 [125], AlPO4 [126], LiAlO2
by the Jahn–Teller distortion of the Mn3+ in [127] etc.). Most commonly the coatings are believed
Li2Mn2O4. [111, 112]. The phase change is accompa- to be a HF scavenger which in turn would lead to sup-
nied by a 5.6% increase in unit cell volume which is pression in manganese dissolution. One general prob-
detrimental to the structural integrity of the material lem with wet chemical coatings is the non-uniform
coating of usually nano- and sub micrometer sized
[111]. In addition, the voltage drop of 1 V is consider-
particles onto the active material which leaves a lot of
able and might not be suitable for electronics. Operat- surface area exposed to the electrolyte. Quite recently
ing LMO within the 4 V region gives a capacity of ca. powder atomic layer deposition has become popular in
120 mA h g–1 and leads to a composition in the delithi- various research fields and its viability in case of
ated state of Li0.2Mn2O4. Even if the material is oper- LiCoO2 was already demonstrated [128]. Revisiting
ated solely in the upper 4 V region a rapid capacity fad- some coatings for LMO with a powder ALD process
ing is observed which becomes intolerable at elevated could be an interesting study since a uniform thin layer
temperatures [114‒116]. Several mechanisms are used might be more adequate in shielding the active mate-
to describe the poor cycle stability of LMO with man- rial form the electrolyte.
ganese dissolution being the most prominent. The dis- Despite its shortcomings LMO is commercially
proportionation of Mn3+ leads to the formation of used in power tools were a high power output is



Ni4+ Ni3+ Ni2+

Potential, V vs. Li+/Li 4.5

Discharge capacity, mA h g–1




0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Rate, h–1
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
x in LixNi0.4Mn1.6O4

Fig. 8. Voltage profile for LixNi0.4Mn1.6O4 with rate capability test (inset), reprinted with permission from ref. [136], copyright 2009

required which can be met due to the 3D intercalation showed 3.2% [137]. Nonetheless, even the lower dis-
pathway. The significant reduction in cost makes solution still leads to a capacity fading during cycle and
blended electrodes of LMO and NCM attractive for higher manganese dissolutions are observed in cycled
EV’s Furthermore, better storage capability [129], cells [138, 139]. The high voltage plateau of ca. 4.7 V
enhanced thermal stability [130] and better capacity vs. Li+/Li for LNMO is beyond the stability of current
retention [131] haven been demonstrated for electrolyte solutions Tests monitoring the manganese
LMO/NCM blends. dissolution based on the state of charge (100% SOC
refers to the upper cut off voltage in the delithiated
state) showed an increased Mn dissolution with an
Lithium Nickel Manganese Spinel LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 increase in SOC and temperature [140]. Furthermore,
An interesting offspring of the work on metal doped the formation of NiF2 and MnF2 on the cathode sur-
LMO material (e.g. Ni, Cr, Co) are high voltage spi- face was shown due to the presence of trace HF in the
nels which were missed in the first instance. Several electrolyte solution.
works into LiMxMn0 – xO4 (M = Ni, Cr, Co) type
materials found an increased cycle stability but at the The synthesis of LNMO is a problematic part and
cost of capacity depending on the amount of dopant the material can be found in two space groups namely
[110, 132]. Later studies showed an additional voltage the ordered spinel P4332 or the disordered Fd ( 3 ) m
region around 5 V which was initially missed and gave [136]. The latter was shown in multiple studies to out-
rise to the name 5 V spinels [133, 134]. The length of perform the ordered phase in terms of rate capability
the 5 V region is dependent on the amount of dopant and cycle life [141–143]. Amatucci et al. argued that
and LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 (LNMO) arose as a promising the higher performance in the Fd ( 3 ) m phase is due to
material with a theoretical capacity of 147 mA h g–1 its higher lithium diffusivity and similar findings were
(Fig. 8) [135]. made by Sun et al. for titanium substituted LNMO
The average oxidation state of manganese is Mn4+ [142, 144]. Ways to shift the synthesis towards the dis-
in LNMO and is unchanged during cycling with nickel ordered phase are cation substitution of nickel and
being oxidized from Ni2+ to Ni3+ and finally to Ni4+. manganese with different metals (e.g. Fe, Co, Ti)
Since manganese is pinned in the +IV oxidation state [142, 143], the synthesis of oxygen non-stoichiometric
Jahn–Teller distortions of the Mn3+ cation are avoided compounds LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 – δ by adjusting the calci-
and the manganese dissolution should be negligible. nation temperature [141, 145] or by synthesizing nickel
Indeed, samples stored at 55°C for 7 days showed a deficient (LiNi0.4Mn1.6O4) material [136]. Further-
Mn dissolution of 0.3% for LNMO while LMO more, LixNi1 – xO and NiO impurities are likely to



(a) (b)

Li Capacity, mA h/g
FeO6 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
PO4 5
0.05 mA/cm2, 2.1 mA/g

Cell voltage, V
1st Cycle
a 2 5th Cycle
15th Cycle
25th Cycle
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
у in Li1–yFePo4

Fig. 9. (a) LiFePO4 structure with 1D lithium channels, reprinted with permission from ref. [156], copyright 2000 Elsevier.
(b) Typical voltage profile for LiFePO4 from 3.9 to 2 V, reprinted with permission from ref. [152], copyright 1997 The Electro-
chemical Society.

form during the synthesis. Close attention has to be ficient DLi of 1.8 ×10–14 to 2.2 × 10–16 cm2 s–1 (from
paid to synthesis conditions such as O2 pressure, calci- LiFePO4 to FePO4) [155].
nation temperature and nickel content in order to keep
the impurities to a minimum [133, 143, 146]. A heads on approach to overcome the low electrical
conductivity is given by various carbon coating tech-
The stability of LNMO in electrolyte solution niques. An intimate contact between LFP and a con-
during the high voltage cycling is a problematic aspect. ductive carbon layer leads to an increased electrical
Ways to shield the material were investigated mainly in conductivity. Amongst others resorcinol formalde-
form of surface coatings [147–149]. Liu and Manthi- hyde gels [157], ball milling [158] and sol–gel process
ram recently showed some promising results with self- [159] have been reported to be viable options to
assembled surface layers of Al2O3, ZnO, Bi2O3 and achieve increased performance of LFP. In 2002 Chi-
AlPO4. They form a shell like coating around the ang et al. reported on LFP with an 8 orders of magni-
LNMO particles and enhanced capacity retentions tude higher electrical conductivity [160]. The authors
were reported [150]. used different dopants from Mg, Ti, Zr to Nb with the
highest electrical conductivity for a 1 at % Nb doping
in exchange for lithium in LFP. The tremendous con-
Lithium Iron Phosphate LiFePO4 ductivity increase was attributed to a p-type semicon-
ductor behavior in the doped LFP. A later study by
The olivine LiFePO4 (LFP) was identified as an Nazar et al. suggested the effect originates from a per-
intercalation compound by Goodenoughs group in colating nano-metallic iron phosphide network [161].
1997 (Figs. 9a, 9b) [151, 152]. Initial research demon- The olivine structure of LFP consist of LiO6 octa-
strated only small capacities of less than 120 mA h g–1 hedra, FeO6 octahedra and PO4 tetrahedra with only
but the material gained considerable research interest one dimensional lithium ion channels for intercalation
due to the cheap and benign nature of iron compared (Fig. 9a). The limited diffusion pathways explain the
to cobalt and nickel. Furthermore, LFP demonstrates low DLi which in combination with micron size parti-
a flat voltage profile with a single plateau at ca. 3.55 V cles leads to a poor electrochemical performance of
vs. Li+/Li which makes the material more stable in the material. Nano-sized LFP was shown to approach
non-aqueous electrolyte solutions. Unlike LCO, the the theoretical capacity of 170 mA h g–1 at room tem-
Fe2+/3+ redox couple of LFP does not react with state- perature and a C/10 rate with a decent rate capability
of-the-art electrolyte solutions even in a charged state. [157, 162, 163]. LFP benefited greatly from material
In addition the thermal stability of LFP is excellent engineering and nanotechnology which allows to min-
with no exothermic reactions up to 400°C (powder imize the impact of the low diffusion coefficient by
measurement) [153]. The problems associated with LFP shortening diffusion lengths. One drawback of nano-
are the low electrical conductivity of < 10–9 S cm–1 [154] sized materials is the lower tap density compared to
and the poor lithium diffusivity with a diffusion coef- their micron sized equivalent, hence nano-LFP



(a) (b)
Potential (Li2MnO3 vs. Li), V 5.0 5 1000°C 900°C 850°C 800°C 600°C 400°C

Potential, V vs. Li/Li+

4.0 4
30°С 10 mA/g
2.5 55°С first cycle
2.0 1000°C 900°C 850°C 800°C 600°C 400°C
100 200 300 0
–1 0 100 200 300 400
Capacity, mA h g
(charge removed/inserted per gram of Li2MnO3) Capacity, mA h/g

Fig. 10. (a) First charge/discharge cycle of Li2MnO3 at 30 and 55°C; reprinted with permission from ref. [183], copyright 2003
the American Chemical Society; (b) First charge/discharge cycle of nano-Li2MnO3 at 25°C at various synthesis temperatures
with the 600 and 400°C samples having stacking faults, particle size is increasing with synthesis temperature; reprinted with per-
mission from ref. [191], copyright 2009 The Electrochemical Society.

demonstrates a lower volumetric energy density. It is and carbon coating LMP yielding a capacity of ca.
noteworthy that other intercalation cathodes can ben- 100 mA h g–1 with a voltage plateau at ca. 4.1 V [174] and
efit from nanotechnology as well to a certain extent. approaching 150 mA h g–1 at a C/20 rate [175].
Total capacity and rate capability are usually higher in
nano-sized materials but so is their reactive surface Another way to increase the intercalation voltage of
area. This is especially problematic if the material LFP can be found in replacing some of the iron with
tends to react with the electrolyte, like LCO. manganese leading to a solid solution of LFP and
LMP. Even though tests demonstrate a better capacity
Combined approaches with nano-sized and elec- if compared to LMP and a higher average voltage
trical conductive LFP makes the material a viable compared to LFP the voltage profile is split in two
choice for LIB and thousands of cycles were demon- regimes [176, 177]. Lithium intercalation occurs at
strated in lab scale experiments [164, 165]. The lower 4.1 and 3.5 V corresponding to the individual materi-
operating voltage of 3 to 4 V allows for a long cycle life als. It is doubtful that such material will find its way
(no side reactions with the electrolyte) and the only to commercialization due to the high voltage drop of
limiting factor in full cells will be the graphite anode. ca. 600 mV.
Since long cycle life, thermal stability (safety), cost Improvements in high voltage electrolytes could be
and environmental impact are of great interest for very interesting and would allow to study the high volt-
large battery applications, LFP is used in some current age olivines LiCoPO4 and LiNiPO4 adequately.
generation EV’s. Furthermore, combinations with the Reported total capacities and capacity fading for these
high voltage lithium titanate spinel anode (Li4Ti5O12, materials are unsatisfactory and fall short when com-
1.5 V vs. Li+/Li, 175 mA h g–1 [166]) show great prom- pared to LFP. It is unclear if the electrochemical
ise for stationary applications were very long cycle life behavior is intrinsic for the material or just reflects the
is a key aspect and even up to 30.000 cycles have been breakdown of the electrolyte solutions [178, 179]. The
demonstrated at a 10C rate [167–169]. materials might benefit from recent research into
The olivine family has been expanded over the room temperature ionic liquids used as 5 V electrolyte
years by LiMnPO4 [170, 171], LiCoPO4 [172] and solutions with 0.5 M LiTFSI with a LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4
LiNiPO4 [173] which show intercalation voltages of cathode [180].
4.1, 4.8 and 5.1 V respectively. The higher voltages
seem appealing at a first glance to increase the energy Lithium Rich Layered Materials
density but are out of the stability window for current xLi2MnO3 · (1 – x)Li(Ni1 – y – zCoyMnz)O2
electrolytes. So far no useful capacities have been
demonstrated for LiCoPO4 and LiNiPO4. LiMnPO4 The layered Li2MnO3 (space group C2/m
(LMP) seems to be a good candidate to replace LFP [181, 182]) gained considerable research interest in the
and increase the energy density along the way. Unfor- early 2000’s due to its anomalous high charge capacity
tunately, LiMnPO4 shows an electrical conductivity of 320 mA h g–1 when charged to 4.7 V at 55°C
3 orders of magnitude lower than LFP and large polar- (Fig. 10) [183]. The +IV oxidation state of manganese
izations are usually observed [174]. It was shown that the in Li2MnO3 would not allow for any lithium extraction
polarization effect can be greatly reduced by nano-sizing even though some authors claimed the formation of



5.0 phase of the general formula xLi2MnO3 · (1 – x)LiMO2.

The ternary NCM system is under intensive scrutiny by
a multitude of research groups and companies. Thac-
303 mA h g–1 keray et al. studied the structure of the lithium rich
Voltage, V vs. Li/Li+

NCM333 compounds with 5 and 10% of lithium excess

4.0 (Li1.05Ni1/3Co1/3Mn1/3O2 and Li1.10Ni1/3Co1/3Mn1/3O2).
It was confirmed by HRTEM convergent beam elec-
3.5 tron diffraction that two phases (R ( 3 ) m of NCM and
16 C2/m of Li2MnO3), integrated on a nanoscopic scale,
3.0 36 are present [194]. The Li2MnO3 phase is inactive if
cycled to a low cutoff voltage of 4.4 V but becomes
232 mA h g–1 active once the voltage is increased to 4.6 V [195].
2.5 The capacities reported on lithium rich NCM mate-
rials are ranging from 200 up to 300 mA h g–1. Usually
0 50 150 250 350
many factors are different starting with the synthesis
Capacity, mA h g–1 conditions, voltage range used, cycling temperature
and more importantly the values of x, y and z in
Fig. 11. Voltage fade of lithium rich NCM over 36 cycles; xLi2MnO3 · (1 – x)Li(Ni1 – y – zCoyMnz)O2 [196–199].
reprinted with permission from ref. [200], copyright A popular composition in this field seems to be the
2013 Elsevier.
xLi2MnO3 · (1 – x)Li(Ni1/3Co1/3Mn1/3)O2 with x =
0.3, 0.5 and 0.7.
Mn5+. Careful XPS and redox titration studies showed Drawbacks related to lithium rich materials are the
no indication of Mn5+ in the charged material faster capacity fading compared to their lithium neu-
[184, 185]. Other authors suggested a mechanism tral layered NCM counterpart and a continuous volt-
involving the release of oxygen from the lattice form- age fade with cycle progression (Fig. 11) [200]. The
ing Li2O and MnO2 on the material surface for Mn4+ latter is often ascribed to a layered to spinel transfor-
species [186, 187]. A third explanation was given by mation and the former to a transition metal dissolu-
Bruce et al. based on the oxidation of the electrolyte tion [201]. Naturally the first response was to coat the
under the high voltage condition according to the sim- material with a variety of inactive compounds known
from the LiMn2O4 spinel research field (e.g. TiO2
plified reaction: R−H → R0 + H+ + e. Hence, provid-
ing electrons (charge) and protons, the latter of which [202], FePO4 [203], ZrO2 [204], AlF3 [205, 206] etc.).
are exchange with lithium ions of the active material Another approach is found in rising the average oxida-
(H+ ↔ Li+) [183]. The breakdown of the electrolyte is tion state of manganese in the lithium rich composi-
tion. This can be achieved by either moving to a cobalt
a complicated matter in itself and gas evolution
free composition (e.g. 0.3Li2MnO3 · 0.7LiMn0.5Ni0.5O2
including CO2 and oxygen are known to occur on
[207]) or by applying a cobalt gradient with a manga-
overcharge [188, 189]. The Li2MnO3 charge mecha- nese rich shell [208].
nism is still not fully understood and is part of an
ongoing debate in the field. Authors usually favor a The research surrounding lithium rich materials is
combined explanation involving oxygen release and very active often aiming at increasing the capacity,
proton exchange [190, 191]. Anyhow, L2MnO3 can capacity stability and suppressing the voltage fade. But
usually without gaining decisive knowledge as to why
deliver a high charge capacity on the first charge at ele- and how all those parameters are linked and might
vated temperatures but fails to retain this capacity influence each other. The integrated xLi2MnO3 · (1 –
already on the first discharge. Attempts to obtain a
x)Li(NiCoMn)O2 material is a complicated subject
high capacity at room temperature and enhanced cycle
stability were pursuit by nano-sizing the material and fundamental understanding is difficult to achieve
(Fig. 10b) [192, 193]. It was claimed that defects are with such a compound having multiple redox centers.
leading to an increase in capacity. The defect struc- Recently, Tarascon et al. set out to study model mate-
tures are derived at lower temperatures and the particle rials of the formula Li2Ru1 – xSnxO3. They, show no
size is considerably lower in the defect structures. It is voltage decay but high capacities of ca. 280 mA h g–1 and
unclear if the increase is related to the particle size or have, with ruthenium, only one active redox center
indeed defects [191]. Even though nano-Li2MnO3 [209, 210]. A mechanism explaining the capacity was
shows a much better performance with a first discharge formulated to combine cationic oxidation as well as the
capacity of 236 mA h g–1 a rather fast fading is observed formation of anionic peroxo-superoxo (2O2– ↔ (O2)n–)
with only ca. 190 mA h g–1 after 30 cycles [192]. species [210]. A following study on Li2Ru0.75Ti0.25O3
with a capacity of ca. 240 mA h g–1, but now with volt-
The work on Li2MnO3 sparked a rush of work on age fading, concluded the origin to be linked to the
combination of layered materials with the lithium rich trapping of Ti4+ cations in tetrahedral sites [211]. The



Table 1. Properties of a selected number of common solvents in LIB taken from ref. [58]
η, mPa s ε ρ, g cm–3
Solvent Structure Tm, °C Tb, °C
(25°C) (25°C) (25°C)
PC O –48.8 242 2.53 64.93 1.200
EC O 36.4 248 1.90* 89.78 1.321
DMC 4.6 91 0.59 3.107 1.063
EMC –53 110 0.65 2.958 1.006
DME O –58 8 0.46 7.2 0.86
* Measured at 40°C.

above mentioned work on fundamental understand- to facilitate the SEI formation to prevent graphite
ings related to lithium rich materials was recently com- exfoliation as was described in the first part of this
bined into a review paper and the interested reader is paper. Before LIB had become a commercial reality,
referred to ref. [212]. research on electrolyte solutions was focused on
Lithium rich NCM materials are definitely an metallic lithium and finding ways to prevent dendritic
interesting and hot topic and are believed to be the growth. The focus changed drastically with the use of
successor of traditional NCM cathodes owing to their high voltage intercalation cathode materials and with
much higher capacity. Nonetheless, further research is better understanding of lithium intercalation into soft
necessary and fundamental science seems only now to carbons and later graphite. In general, a number of
catch up with the material development and some attributes are necessary for an electrolyte solution to
much needed insights into the material are gained. be useable in LIB:
Understanding the material on a fundamental level (1) Wide operating temperature range (low meting
will help to develop smarter compositions of Ni-rich point, high boiling point);
materials and hopefully aid in their development (2) Low viscosity of the solvent mixture; promotes
towards commercialization. ionic conductivity;
(3) Decent solubility and dissociation of the used
lithium salt in the solvent mixture (high relative per-
Electrolyte Solutions for Lithium Ion Batteries mittivity); promotes ionic conductivity;
Electrolyte solutions for LIB are complicated sys- (4) Large electrochemical window to operate with
tems consisting of a solvent mixture, a salt and any low voltage anodes and high voltage cathodes.
number of additives. Even though they are a vital part Set aside from the above points, other characteris-
of any given battery technology, this topic may be less tics such as non-toxicity, environmentally benignity,
attractive for many researchers. Because work on elec- thermal stability, and of course, low cost are sought
trolyte solutions and related interfacial problems may after as well. Electrolyte solutions make up ca. 45% of
be less conclusive than work on cathode materials. a commercial LIB (by mass) and roughly 1/5-th of the
The latter involves more bulk structural analysis that total price generating a considerable market around
can provide more unambiguous results. The electro- them [213, 214].
lyte solutions used in LIB of today consist of ethylene
carbonate (EC) and linear carbonates (e.g. ethyl
methyl carbonate (EMC), dimethyl carbonate Solvents
(DMC)) as solvents in combination with LiPF6 as a The most used solvents in LIB are cyclic and acy-
lithium salt. These solutions provide a reasonably wide clic carbonates but others have been studied as well
electrochemical window for 4–5 V Li batteries, thanks (Table 1). The combination of solvents with lithiated
to complicated passivation phenomena. Additives graphite (LiC6) or metallic lithium prevents the use of
used in commercial electrolyte solutions are usually protic solvents. Only polar-aprotic solvents which dis-
not disclosed. EC is a vital part and has to be present solve an adequate amount of lithium salt and form



Table 2. Properties of different lithium salts used in LIB, taken from ref. [58, 244]
σ, mS cm–1
σ, mS cm–1
Salt Structure Al corrosion 1 M in EC–DMC
1 M in PC (25°C)
LiPF6 Li+[PF6]– No 5.8 10.7
LiClO4 + – No 5.6 8.4
Li [ClO4]
LiAsF6 + – No 5.7 11.1
Li [AsF6]

LiBOB B Li+ No ~5.0* ~11.0*

LiTFSI Li+[N(SO2CF3)2]– Yes 5.1 9.0

* Measured with 0.7 M in PC or EC/DMC blends with esters [244].

solutions with high ionic conductivity are relevant. less stable passivation layers on aluminum and most
These requirements limit the spectrum of relevant sol- important, it may be explosive [226, 227]. LiAsF6 was
vents families to esters, ethers, alkyl carbonates, also tested intensively. However it is toxic, what rules
nitriles and sulfones. The combination of low viscosity out its commercial use but not necessarily its applica-
solvents with viscous ones which have a high dielectric tion in fundamental research.
constant is an attractive choice and has become the LiPF6 has become the standard salt for LIB due to
common practical approach. Indeed most practical its good balance of properties such as high solubility
electrolyte solutions are based on EC and linear car- and ionic conductivity, stable SEI formation in com-
bonates of lower viscosity. The high melting point of bination with EC and reasonable thermal stability
EC is a problem, but combinations with EMC or [58]. One major drawback found in LiPF6 is the HF
DMC lead to solvent mixtures with an acceptable liq-
uid range and melting points below –20°C [58, 215]. formation with trace amounts of water according to
[228, 229]:
The combinations of EC with solvents such as LiPF6 ↔ LiF + PF5,
DMC, DEC, EMC and LiPF6 became the standard
solutions in LIB. Their improvement is an ongoing PF5 + H2O ↔ POF3 + 2HF.
area of interest. Especially their thermal stability and The as formed HF dissolves transition metal cat-
questionable high voltage stability are considered as ions via exchange of protons by transition metal ions in
major problems that have to be addressed. Fluorinated the cathode structure. Thus, providing detrimental
solvents have been reported to improve on both mat- situations in which transition metal cations migrate to
ters [216–218]. Fluorinated solvents may also act as the anode side and are being deposited on the graphite
flame retardants in LIB but should be used mostly as surface. Their reaction on the graphite side worsens
co-solvents due to their higher viscosity compared to the anode passivation, leading to side reactions and
their non-fluorinated counterparts [219]. Even though consequently, lowering their capacity and increase
the C–F bond is polar and adds to the overall relative their impedance [230, 231]. Transition metals can also
permittivity of these solvent, their higher viscosity be deposited as oxides or fluorides directly onto the
leads to lower ionic conductivity [220]. Fluorinated surface of the cathode thus also leading to an increase
solvents have been demonstrated to improve the pas- in impedance and eventually cell death [232]. As with
sivation properties of surface films formed on graphite all chemical reactions, an increase in temperature
and silicon anodes [217, 221, 222]. enhances the rate of side reactions, thus accelerating
the capacity degradation. LiPF6 is far from being the
Salts perfect salt for LIB but makes for a decent compro-
mise of properties.
A wide variety of salts was used throughout the LiBOB (Li-Bioxalato-borate) has been under
development of LIB until a compromise was found scrutiny since the late 1990 early 2000 and has
with LiPF6 (Table 2) [223–225]. Any salt used in LIB attracted some commercial interest [233, 234]. The
has to be beneficial for passivating surface film forma- electrochemical window of electrolyte solutions
tion, inert towards the current collector and thermally employing LiBOB was reported to be >4.5 V making it
stable. LiClO4 was shown to have a high solubility in a potential candidate for high voltage spinel cathodes
aprotic solvents (high ionic conductivity) but forms or olivines [233]. The solubility is in general lower than



that for LiPF6 leading to a lower ionic conductivity operating potential may assist in the SEI formation by
[235]. Some research demonstrated a better high tem- scavenging radicals and suppressing side reactions or
perature cycle stability for LiBOB since the salt has a by reacting with the SEI products to form more stable
good stability against trace amounts of water and does compositions. One of such compounds is the LiBOB
not form detrimental HF [236, 237]. A study by Dahn salt which is known to form very stable SEI layers and
et al. focused on the thermal stability of LiBOB con- even as little as 1–5 mol % have been reported to be
taining electrolyte solutions and showed a very good sufficient to enhance the cycle stability [249].
stability in combination with lithiated graphite. LiPF6 stability under elevated temperatures is a
Unfortunately, the reactivity with Li0.5CoO2 was big problem in LIB and successfully suppressing or at
higher than that for a standard solution of 1 M LiPF6 least inhibiting the HF formation can have a tremen-
in EC/DEC [238]. dous positive impact on long term cycle stability. One
LiTFSI (Bis(trifluoromethane) sulfonamide; way to shift the equilibrium of the PF5 formation
LiN(SO2CF3)2) has become quite popular as a (LiPF6 ↔ LiF + PF5) can be found by simply adding
replacement salt for LiPF6 but several issues are still LiF to the electrolyte solution in a real fundamental
not addressed satisfactory. LiTFSI shows a good ther- usage of the law of mass action [250]. Even in the
mal stability when compared to LiPF6 under similar absence of water, PF5 is known to react directly with
conditions and is not prone to HF formation the SEI components thus forming LiF, POF3 and CO2
[239, 240]. LiTFSI solutions show reasonable ionic in the process. The gas evolution and especially the
conductivity but are less conductive than LiPF6 solu- formation of the very toxic POF3 are problematic and
tions [58]. The biggest drawback though is the Al cor- result in a buildup of pressure in the cell thus leading
rosion under charged conditions [241]. Recently, it to increasingly more dangerous conditions in com-
was demonstrated that concentrated solutions of mercial cells. Lowering the acidity of PF5 is a possi-
LiTFSI in EC or EC/DEC can suppress the alumi- ble way to reduce the side reactivity and consequently
num corrosion but the conductivity in such systems is the gas evolution in LIB. Weak complexing agents
rather low with 0.1 and 0.5 mS cm–1 respectively [242]. (e.g. Tris(2,2,2-trifluoroethyl) phosphite TTFP
Furthermore, using large amounts of expensive salts [251]) can coordinate PF5 leading to a better cycle sta-
seems counter intuitive from an economical point of bility of LIB even under elevated temperatures. LiPF6
view. Another approach studied to compensate for the stability is also directly linked to the cathode stability
aluminum corrosion was by using small amounts of since deterioration occurs due to the presence of HF.
LiPF6 in combination with LiTFSI in an EC/DMC Scavenging water or HF are possible routes to enhance
solution. Even 1% of LiPF6 was enough to suppress the cathode stability and a number of components have
Al corrosion [243]. been positively tested such as butyl amine [252] or
N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide [253].
Additives Electrolyte solutions can be modified in many ways
and even changing only one component can have
Probably the easiest way to influence the properties impacts on many attributes of the whole system lead-
of electrolyte solutions can be found by adding small ing to a series of necessary tests to truly validate a new
percentages of additives to the solution. The aimed solvent or salt. Simply showing certain improvements
improvements are usually related to SEI stability/for- in one aspect but ignoring the impact on other aspects
mation, cathode protection, LiPF6 stabilization and makes for poor science but has become an increasingly
safety features such as overcharge protection or flame common practice. Electrolyte solution research is very
retardation [245]. demanding and a broad skill set is required to under-
Reductive additives which have a higher reduction stand various aspects in details. Especially full cell tests
potential and react before the actual SEI formation are time consuming and “short” half-cell tests
takes place, can produce a preliminary surface film on (~100 cycles) are usually favored but allow only a
the graphite anode. This layer will serve as a corner- glimpse of the picture [254]. Dahn et al. recently pub-
stone for the SEI formation, limiting side reactions lished a series of papers employing high precision volt-
and effectively lowering the irreversible capacity loss age/current/time measurement systems, as an exten-
due to the SEI formation. A popular candidate is the sion to common battery test units [255–257]. When-
polymerizable vinylene carbonate which shows ever the coulombic efficiency (CE) is anything but
improvement in irreversible capacity loss and cycle exactly 1, it means that the system is subject to side
stability with graphite anodes [246, 247]. The additives reactions. Using high precision CE measurements
do not necessarily have to be polymerizable and other are an elegant way to predict capacity fading after a
studied compounds are known to be beneficial as well few cycles. It was possible to estimate the capacity at
(e.g. ethylene sulfite [248]). The idea is that they cycle 750 of LTO/LCO or graphite/LCO cells with
decompose to insoluble products at a higher reduction various additives after an initial cycling test (1000 h;
potential forming a preliminary surface film as well. ca. 35 cycles) providing a way to shorten total test
Even materials that do not decompose within the times and circumvent long term cycling to some



Table 3. Overview of some materials studied as anodes in lithium ion batteries, properties taken from ref. [34, 261–263]
Theoretical capacity, Potential range vs. ρ, g cm–3
Material Volume change
mA h g–1 Li+/Li, V 25°C
Li 3860 0 0.53 100%
LiC6 372 ~0.2–0.01 2.25 ~10%
Li4Ti5O12 175 ~1.5 3.5 ~0.2%
Li4.4Si 4200 0.4–0.01 2.23 320%
Li4.4Sn 993 0.6–0.01 7.29 273%

extend [255]. Considering that commercial LIB can tion of metallic lithium: (1) dendrites formation (lead-
have any number of added compounds in a wide per- ing to short circuits), (2) poor capacity retention when
centage range, the methodology developed by Dahn practical specific charge (per cm2) is exchange upon
et al. might be a good option to carry out combinato- cycling and (3) unavoidable continuous reactions with
rial studies. the electrolyte solutions in practical cells, which dry
the batteries [264]. Different approaches to achieve
limitation or complete suppression of dendrites
Advancements in Anode Materials growth have been studied and can be divided into SEI
Research into anode materials is most often aimed related approaches (modifying the Li surface chemis-
at lithium metal alloys such as Li/Si or Li/Sn try) or mechanical blocking of dendrites growth [265].
(Table 3). Graphite as a real intercalation anode with A very well-studied electrolyte solution based on
a low intercalation potential close to metallic lithium LiAsF6 in 1,3-dioxolane with stabilizing tertiary amine
was something of a lucky find, as was described earlier additives is one of very few systems that was actually
in the paper. Since the capacity of graphite is usually proven to be suitable for rechargeable Li batteries
twice as high as those of most cathode materials, mass [266]. And practical Li/LiMnO2 cells were commer-
balancing in full cells is easily done. Lithium titanate
Li4Ti5O12 (LTO) is another intercalation material cialized [267]. The improved cycling behavior was
attributed to the unique and complicated surface
which can be combined with high voltage materials to chemistry of Li metal in this electrolyte solutions that
give lithium ion battery full cells with reasonable volt- forms flexible SEI layer, that can accommodate mor-
ages in the range 2–3.3 V. Graphite is the dominating phological changes during periodic lithium dissolu-
anode material in commercial LIB and is currently tion/deposition [37, 268]. Unfortunately, the electro-
used either from a synthetic route (mesocarbon chemical stability window is limited to ~3.7 V which
microbeads, MCMB [258]) or from modified natural made the electrolyte solution a good choice for 3 V
flake graphite [259]. The expected high demand in LiMnO2 cathodes but is unsuitable for most of the
graphite for LIB in light of electric vehicle develop-
ment puts natural graphite more and more on the current generation cathodes [266].
scope of companies since it has the potential to be Despite the renaissance in the study of Li anodes in
available for roughly half the price than synthetic recent years, we are skeptical about their relevance to
graphite [260]. rechargeable batteries based on liquid electrolyte solu-
Even though having anode materials such as metal- tions [37]. It is possible however to use Li metal anodes
lic lithium with > 3000 mA h g–1 sounds very impres- in solid-state batteries, in which the electrolyte sys-
sive, combing such in a useful manner with cathodes tems are based on polymeric matrices (e.g., based on
only providing around 200 mA h g–1 is not so import- derivatives of polyethylene oxide [269, 270]) or of solid
ant, from energy density point of view. High capacity Li ions conductors (e.g., Li3PO4–LiPON [271]). The
Li anodes are more suited to be the negative material fields of solid-state and polymeric electrolytes are
in lithium sulfur or lithium oxygen batteries which will broad, well developed and should be beyond the scope
be discussed later. The next part shows some recent of this paper [272].
developments in metallic lithium, silicon and tin
Silicon and Tin Anode
A number of elements (Al, Si, Sn, Sb, Ga, Ge etc.)
Lithium Metal Anode are known to form alloys with lithium in electrochem-
A number of researchers are still working to ical processes, when polarized to sufficient low poten-
improve the performance of metallic lithium anodes tials vs. lithium [273]. The most important elements in
in hope to exploit their high gravimetric and volumet- this respect are silicon and tin, whose alloying behav-
ric capacity. Three problems hinder the implementa- ior with lithium is very similar to each other.



Both silicon and tin can be alloyed with 4.4 moles

of lithium leading to a substantial volume expansion 2.0 5 2 1
during lithiation (see Table 3). This poses a multitude Discharging (de-alloying)

Voltage, V vs. Li/Li+

of problems when silicon or tin are used as alloying
anodes. Li–Si or Li–Sn compounds cannot withstand 1.5
the volume expansion and contraction without break-
ing apart due to high compression and tensile stress 1.0
respectively. This leads to cracks within the composite
anode films and eventually more and more active mass
becomes detached form the conductive matrix result- 0.5
ing in an accumulation of dead mass in composite Charging (alloying)
electrode [274]. Furthermore, the cracks thus formed 0 1
5 2
continuously expose fresh active Li-alloy surface to
the electrolyte solution leading to ongoing side reac- 0 1000 2000 3000 4000
tions which consume the electrolyte solution [275]. It Specific capacity, mA h g–1
was also shown that lithium extraction is not com-
pletely possible in an electrochemical fashion and Fig. 12. Typical voltage profiles for silicon anodes with
some lithium remains within the alloy anodes [276]. 5 cycles shown; reprinted with permission form ref. [277],
copyright 2005 Elsevier.
All the above mentioned processes lead to a rapid
capacity fading in alloy anodes and a large irreversible
capacity loss is observed during the first cycle (Fig. 12) The main focus in alloy anode research lies in
[277]. understanding capacity fading mechanisms and to tai-
Since the volume expansion causes the most prob- lor materials accordingly. The high theoretical capaci-
lems in alloy anodes, ways to accommodate or allevi- ties of Si and Sn are very tempting but not necessarily
ate the mechanical stresses are commonly used to useful in full cells. Sacrificing capacity in order to gain
enhance cycle stability. It is know that properties of cycle stability is definitely an option. A stable silicon
nano-sized materials differ from those of micron- anode delivering 800 mA h g–1 is much easier to bal-
sized particles, which also applies to tensile and com- ance in lithium ion batteries than anodes having ini-
pressive strength [278]. Shifting the particle sizes of tially 3000 mA h g–1, but showing capacity fading upon
alloy anodes from micron-size to submicron particles cycling. Higher capacities might still prove useful in
increases the cycle stability of the material consider- lithium sulfur batteries were usually metallic lithium is
ably [279, 280]. Nanoparticles in alloy anodes come used as anode in fundamental research but might not be
with all their advantages (e.g. short diffusion path- applicable in future commercial cells [286]. The above
ways) but also disadvantages (e.g. high surface area, discussed approaches to achieve better cycle stability are
fabrication costs). Furthermore, nano-silicon was a selected number of strategies found in the literature,
shown to have a strong tendency to merge to bigger par- but are far from providing ultimate solutions [55].
ticles offsetting the initial gain by nano-sizing the mate-
rial [276]. Imbedding nano-particles in an appropriate
host matrices, such as carbonaceous composites, is an BEYOND LITHIUM ION BATTERIES
easy way to isolate the particles and ensure intimate
contact with to the conductive backbone [281]. This final chapter will summarize recent efforts to
develop very high energy density Li batteries, by giving
Excellent cycling stability was reported for amor- up Li ions intercalation cathodes and moving to more
phous thin film silicon anodes which are produced via energetic cathode reactions. We cover herein very
magnetron sputtering or vapor deposition [282, 283].
briefly the emerging fields: Li-sulfur and Li-oxygen
The performance of such thin film electrodes is
batteries. Low molecular weight cathode materials are
strongly linked to their thickness and decrease with
increasing thickness. This is likely due to longer lith- very attractive in terms of high specific capacity. Sulfur
ium diffusion pathways and stronger impact of com- (M(S): 32 g mol–1) and molecular oxygen (M(O2):
pression and tensile stress in case of too thick alloy 32 g mol–1) are being extensively studied as cathode
films [284]. It is not completely understood why materials in combination with metallic lithium
amorphous silicon can withstand the high volume anodes. Both systems have been investigated for
change in a better way compared to their crystalline decades with decisive findings in recent years putting
counterpart. Explanations are often given by the one them in the focus of many research groups and com-
phase nature found during cycling of amorphous sili- panies around the world. The Li–S system is more
con. In contrast, crystalline silicon undergoes a phase advanced and is believed to reach commercialization
change from crystalline to amorphous nature during within the next 5–10 year while Li–oxygen systems
repeated lithiation/delithiation [276, 285]. are often ball-parked in a 20–30 year range.



3.0 industry and huge quantities are produced in excess

every year [292]. LSB do not only have a high possible
energy density but the low price of sulfur put them also
in better economical standings compared to LIB. Sul-
Voltage, V vs. Li/Li+

fur is non-toxic and environmentally benign. How-

2.5 ever, problems linked to the sulfur cathode are the low
Charge electrical conductivity of sulfur, the volume expansion
I of sulfur reduction products (LiSn moieties, down to
Li2S) during charge/discharge and the dissolution of
2.0 III polysulfides into the electrolyte solution during
S8 Li2S8 Li2S4 Li2S2
cycling. The latter may undergo continuous reduction
processes at the negative electrode, which leads to a
0% 12.5% 25% 50% shuttle mechanism that avoids completed re-oxidation
of the Li-sulfide moieties to sulfur. Due to which the
1.5 Depth of discharge capacity of the sulfur cathode in Li–S cells is limited.
Sulfur shows an electrical conductivity of ca.
Fig. 13. Typical discharge profile of a lithium sulfur battery 5 × 10–30 S cm–1 what makes it a very poor electrode
(sulfur is loaded onto CMK-3); reprinted with permission material [293]. Early work on LSB focused either on
from ref. [288], copyright 2010 the Royal Society of
Chemistry. high temperature approaches or using electrolyte solu-
tions containing lithium polysulfides to overcome the
low conductivity of pure sulfur. Thermal lithium sulfur
Lithium Sulfur Battery (LSB) batteries have to operate at >400°C in order to ensure
solubility of the short chain polysulfides and sufficient
Publications on LSB can be found dating back to mass transport within the cell. However, such cells are
the early 1970’s a time when LIB were still two decades very sensitive to contamination [294]. Better results
away from commercialization and research on Li bat- were obtained for sulfur containing compounds as
tery systems begun to flourish [287]. After LIB were active material such as FeS2 and FeS [295]. However,
introduced to the market, the work on Li–S became FeSx cathodes require high operating temperatures
less attractive and interesting. The efforts to promote and suffer from internal resistance. Hence, their
the field of electro-mobility, due to increasing envi- importance as practical battery materials is limited.
ronmental constraints related to the use of fossil fuels Room temperature cells were tested in the late 1980s
renew work on Li–sulfur systems, due to their poten- by Peled et al. with polysulfides dissolved in THF
tial high energy density. Innovative work on novel sul- [296]. The cells were plagued by passivation of the lith-
fur cathodes was published in 2009 by Nazar et al. ium anode with insoluble discharge products (e.g.
[288]. LSB have a multitude of problems which made Li2S2, Li2S) which leads to a poor electrochemical per-
these systems not very appealing. However, intensive formance.
research efforts on these systems seem to provide some
solutions to old problems, related to Li–S cells [289]. The discharge process in LSB progresses from the
The reaction between lithium and sulfur can be cyclo-octasuflur (S8) involving polysulfides (Li2Sn;
simplified to: 2Li + S ↔ Li2S which gives a theoretical n = 2–8) to Li2S. The density changes from 2.07 g cm–3
capacity of 1675 mA h g–1 based on sulfur. This high (S8) to 1.64 g cm–3 (Li2S) leading to a volume expan-
capacity makes Li–S very interesting as a future power sion of ca. 80% and eventually to a pulverization of
source and practical values of 1000 mA h g–1 (S) have Li2S [297, 298]. The contact loss between sulfur and
been reported [290]. It is important to mention that the current collector leads to an increase in “dead”
capacities for LSB are often reported in respect to their sulfur in the cells and eventually capacity fading. The
sulfur mass and not to the total mass of the sulfur/car- volume expansion cannot be circumvented and has to
bon composites. Also, the sulfur loading in composite be addressed in case of practical LSB for safety and
electrodes is often in the range of 30–60 wt % which durability reasons. Furthermore, the Li–polysulfides
can be very misleading in terms of actual capacity. The (Li2Sn, n > 4) are known to be readily dissolved in
working voltage of a LSB is about 2 V which leads to a commonly used electrolyte solutions [296]. A typical
theoretical gravimetric energy density of 2300 W h kg–1 discharge profile for LSB displays a stepwise voltage
(based on a sulfur cathode and lithium anode). Pro- behavior which reflects the gradual reduction of sulfur
jections often put packed LSB around 600 W h kg–1 a to long chains polysulfide moieties and then, their
value about three times higher than that of state-of- reduction to Li2S (Fig. 13). Dissolved Li–polysulfides
the-art LIB. Furthermore, sulfur is the 10th most migrate through the cell and react with the lithium
abundant element on earth and can be easily exploited anode directly to insoluble Li2S and Li2S2. This pro-
in near 99.9% purity via the Frasch process [291]. In cess is in fact a shuttle mechanism that avoids a full
addition sulfur is a side product of the petro chemical charging of Li2S back to sulfur, which considerably



(а) (b)

Specific capacity, mA h g–1

3 nm

6.5 nm

0 5 10 15 20
Cycle number

Fig. 14. (a) Schematic representation of sulfur loaded CMK-3; reprinted with permission from ref. [290], copyright 2009 Nature;
(b) Cycling performance of CMK-3/S (red points) and PEG modified CMK-3/S (black points); reprinted with permission from
ref. [290], copyright 2009 Nature.

limits the capacity of Li–sulfur cells. Although it was Recently, better cycling performances of Li–S cells
shown that the presence of Li2S and Li2S2 in surface have been reported for cathodes based on macropo-
films formed on lithium anodes in Li–S cells may rous carbons, by using a room temperature ionic liq-
improve their passivation properties, avoiding contact uids in which the Li–polysulfides shuttle is suppressed
between sulfur reduction products and Li anodes in due to the high viscosity of these electrolyte solutions
Li–S cells is very desirable for their successful opera- [303]. The majority of work on carbon hosts structure
tion [299]. is devoted to mesoporous carbons with high pore vol-
umes with which high sulfur loadings, of up to 70%,
An elegant way to alleviate problems arising from can be achieved [290, 301, 302, 304–306]. The small
the flow of LiSn species towards the anodes in Li–S cells channels of these carbons lead to a better contact
is found by encapsulating sulfur in carbonaceous matri- between the insulating sulfur and the conductive car-
ces, as was suggested by Nazar et al. [290]. The employed bon matrices. Nevertheless, there is no way to avoid
carbon CMK-3 [300] (pore volume: 2.1 cm3 g–1) was the detrimental shuttle mechanism in Li–S cells when
mixed with sulfur and was heat treated to achieve a any open structure S–C composites are used.
melt infusion of sulfur into the meso-porous network.
Followed by a final heating to 155°C, in order to evap- Several approached to fully mitigate and avoid the
orate excess sulfur (Figs. 14a, 14b). The intimate con- shuttle mechanism in Li–S cells were suggested and
tact between sulfur and the electrically conductive car- tested in recent years. We mention below several
bon framework, compensates for the low conductivity important ones. Polymer coatings on S-carbons
of sulfur. The high pore volume can account for the matrices have been investigated, with some level of
volume expansion during sulfur reduction. Further- success [307, 308]. Moving from mesoporous carbons
more, the Li–sulfides dissolution is retarded when to microporous carbons with very small pores (0.5 nm)
cathodes comprising sulfur encapsulated in carbon are gives an opportunity to confine short chained sulfur
used for Li–S cells. allotropes (S2–S4) into the microporous structure of
The pioneering work of Nazar et al. promoted the carbon [309].
extensive work on composite sulfur-carbon composite Nazar’s group promotes development of composite
cathodes. It was shown that dissolution of LiSn species sulfur electrodes based on ‘sticky’ surfaces that
can be suppressed by using functional carbons (e.g. strongly adsorb to them the LiSn formed upon sulfur
nitrogen [301], sulfur [302]) instead of pure carbon. reduction. Several families of suitable substrates were
The pore structure of carbons for sulfur cathodes have demonstrated for effective composite sulfur cathodes
to be tailored to meet the needs as viable host net- by this highly innovative group [310, 311].
works. Macro-, meso- and micropores are defined to
be > 50 nm, 2–5 nm and < 2 nm respectively. Macro- Another approach, promoted by Aurbach’s group
porous carbon materials are attractive since they can is to work with S–C matrices covered by stable surface
hold a decent amount of sulfur leading to high specific films which behave like SEI [312, 313], so sulfur
capacity of Li–S cells. Anyway, the performance of all reduction occurs as quasi-solid-state reactions, in
Li–S cells which use common electrolyte solutions is which the products remain fully trapped in the porous
poor due to the above described shuttle mechanism. structure.



In conclusion, the LSB field has become very cial successes. Li–oxygen cells are so far in lab scale
attractive in recent years. Many prominent research only. They include Li metal anode and porous carbon
groups throughout the world are pursuing different cathode, fed usually by CO2 and moisture-free pure
approaches to enhance the cycle stability of LSB. Even oxygen. Relevant electrolyte solutions may employ
though the work on porous carbon materials seems to moderately polar polyether solvents (from the glyme
be the most popular, other ideas are also serve as family) or more polar solvents such as di-methyl sulf-
attractive alternatives including the use of ionic liquids oxide (DMSO) with LiTFSI salt as the most import-
as viscous electrolyte systems [314, 315], modified sep- ant components. In polyether solvents, superoxide
arators with fluorinated reduced graphene oxide [316], and peroxide moieties formed upon oxygen reduction
redox mediators to enhance Li2S utilization [317], are very nucleophilic and basic in the presence of Li
enhanced SEI formation [313] and using high salt con- ions in solutions. The latter are very electrophilic, thus
centration in the electrolyte solutions. LiSn dissolution promoting the reactivity of the former oxygen reduc-
is largely avoided in saturated solutions [318]. So far, tion products.
there is no ultimate approach to fully solve the above The discharge process is complicated, involving the
described problems of LSB, so only combined formation of lithium superoxide LiO2 according to the
approaches might be a way to promote this battery following scheme of reactions [321]:
technology further. In general, LSB have been greatly
improved over the last few years and are on a good O2 + e → O 2− ,
track towards commercialization. In this respect, we
can mention the availability of practical Li–S cells O 2− + Li+ → LiO2,
produced by Sion Power (USA) which provide an 2LiO2 → Li2O2 + O2.
energy density of 350 W h kg–1 [319]. Several other
commercialization ventures of Li–S cells by estab- The morphology of the Li2O2 formation depends of
lished companies are on the way. the nature of the electrolyte solution. High donor
number solvents such as DMSO have been reported to
promote granular morphology of Li–peroxide depos-
Lithium Oxygen Batteries (LOB) its, leading to ORR with relatively high specific capac-
ity, while in low donor number solvents Li2O2 is pri-
Metal air batteries such as the commercial primary marily formed on the electrode substrate as a thin,
systems zinc/air and aluminum/air are very attractive blocking surface film (leading to a ORR with a rela-
since they offer high practical energy densities due to tively low specific capacity) [322]. The key problem of
the absences of heavy cathodes. Oxygen gas is used as all Li–oxygen cells is the inevitable reactivity of all
the cathode supplied by ambient air and only the kind of polar-aprotic solvents with superoxide and
porous electrodes’ substrates and catalysts which are peroxide moieties in solution phase, promoted by the
usually attached to them, contribute to the overall presence of electrophilic Li ions [323, 324]. Even the
cathodes’ mass. The lithium oxygen combination is relatively less reactive ethereal solvents are attacked by
sometimes referred to as the “holy grail” of battery superoxide and peroxide moieties. However, once
research, due to the great promise of high energy den- solid Li2O2 deposits are formed, they are much less
sity, but seems to be to some extent elusive. In fact, reactive with solution species [325]. Regarding Li salts
when intensive research on Li–oxygen systems began for Li–oxygen cells, LiPF6 is not compatible with
several years ago, there was an advertisement of many them. In fact, it seems that LiFSI and LiTFSI are the
unsupported promises. The intensive and systematic most suitable salts.
work that was carried out by several groups, demon- The charging process in LOB is fairly simple fol-
strated many intrinsic problems related to instability of lowing the oxygen evolution reaction (OER) accord-
all kind of non-aqueous electrolyte solutions and car- ing to the scheme below [326]:
bons during oxygen reduction and oxygen evolution
reactions (ORR and OER respectively). The main dis- Li2O2 ↔ 2 Li++ 2e + O2.
charge product in non-aqueous LOB is Li2O2 which However, oxidation of solid Li2O2 which electronic
gives a stunning theoretical capacity of 1168 mA h g–1, and ionic conductivities are very low, requires very
with an average discharge voltage of 3 V vs. lithium, high over-potentials that can exceed 4 V vs. Li. Such
what means a theoretical energy density around high OER potential endanger the stability of both the
3500 W h kg–1. Sometimes, higher specific energy solvents (all relevant ones) and most types of carbona-
densities are mentioned, ignoring the Li–peroxide ceous materials. Various OER catalysts have been
weight in the discharged cells, in order to emphasize investigated with α-MnO2 giving a low charging volt-
the chance of propulsion by Li–air batteries to rival age of 3.51 V vs. Li+/Li [327]. Using the same catalyst
internal combustion engines [320]. Hence, the expec- during discharge also promotes side reactions of the
tations from LOB technology are very high, while electrolyte solutions (especially with ethereal solvents
these systems require intensive basic research, before [328]. It seems that stationary catalysis which involve
they may have a chance to proceed towards commer- redox active moieties embedded in the cathode matrix



cannot be effective in catalyzing oxidation of Li2O2 LOB will set the bar higher but have to be developed
deposits that burry them on the electrode’ surface. much further to achieve the maturity necessary for a
More and more it becomes clear that the use of electro- broad commercial success. Both systems have seen
catalysis for OER in Li–oxygen by red-ox mediators in exiting new discoveries and developments in recent
solution phase is important and helpful [329]. years making them very attractive research fields hun-
In summary, the chemistry of LOB is very compli- gry for new ideas.
cated, because the ORR and OER are accompanied by
many possible side reactions, which seem to be inevi- REFERENCES
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