10 Week 3

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Students are expected to:
MATH1 What is a Permutation?
Suppose we have a set of n objects. If we choose r of these objects (where r s n, of course)
and arrange them in a specific order, we obtain a permutation. The number of permutations
of n objects taken r at a time is represented by the symbol P..


1. The list of the top three finishers of a race is a permutation of the names of the racers
taken three at a time. Note that the order in which the elements (in this case, racers) are
listed is relevant. The results would be different if the first and second racers switched
places, which results in a different permutation as well.

VALUE COMPETENT 2. The following two-digit numbers are permutations of the digits 1, 2, 3, and 4 taken two at a
FOCUS time.
12 21 31 41
13 23 32 42
14 24 34 42

This list shows that repetitions are not allowed in permutations.

3. An art gallery has recently acquired six paintings for exhibit. By the Fundamental Principle
of Counting, we conclude that there are 6! = 720 ways to arrange six paintings in an exhibit.
However, the gallery does not have enough wall space for all of its recent acquisitions, and it
can only accommodate three paintings. How many possible arrangements are there now?

Solution: There are six possible choices for the first painting, five choices for the second
(because the first painting has already been used) and four choices for the third (because
the first two paintings are already on display), for a total of 6.5.4 = 120 arrangements.

Deriving the Formula for Permutations

To derive the formula for permutations, we can use the

Fundamental Principle of Counting along with factorial notation. Let's say we need to find the
number of permutations of n objects taken rat a time. This means that we have n choices for
the first object, n-1 choices for the second object, and so on, until we reach the rth object,
which can be chosen from among n-r+1 objects. In symbols, we have,


The right-hand side of this equation is a product of consecutive numbers, which gives us a
hint that we can use factorial notation to express it more clearly. We can do so using the
recursive definition of factorials.

n! = n(n-1)!



in! =n(n-1)(n-2)(n-r+2)(n-r+1)(n-r)!
Finally, we divide both sides of the last equation above by

(n-r)! which yields

Example: Evaluate 5P3, using the general formula for permutations

Example: Evaluate 9P5, using the general formula for permutations

Exercises: Evaluate the following

1. P
3 3
2.  7P2
3. 20P2
4. 12P2
5.  8P3
6. 3P1
7. 9P1
8. 8P3
9. 11P7
10. 19P11

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