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Jose Rizal, the national hero of the Philippines, wrote many political pieces which expressed the

feelings of many about the Spanish colonization and the potential for a democracy.

June 28, 1848

Marriage of Jose Rizal’s parents.

Teodora Morales Alonso-Realonda y Quintos, and Francisco Rizal-Mercado y


June 19, 1861

Jose Rizal is born in the town of Calamba, Laguna, the seventh child of Francisco
Mercado Rizal and Teodora Alonso y Quintos.

June 22, 1861

Rizal is baptized as Jose Protasio Rizal-Mercado y Alonso-Realonda.


Jose begins school under instruction of Justiniano Aquin Cruz at nine years of age.


Jose Rizal continues his education under Master Lucas Padua in a public school in Kalamba.

June 26, 1872

Rizal attends Ateneo Municipal de Manila as a day scholar.

November 14, 1874

Rizal composes the peom “Al Nino Jesus”


Rizal enters the Ateneo as a boarder at just 14 years of age.

December 5, 1875

Rizal writes the poems “El Combate: Urbiztondo” “Terror de Jolo” El embarque” and Y es
espanol: Elcano el primero en dar vuelta al mundo”

At the age of 15, Rizal receives a Bachelor of Arts Degree from the Ateneo de Manila. He not
only receives this degree, but receives it with the highest honors possible.


In June José begins to go to school at St. Tomas University in Manila where he

studies philosophy.

March 14, 1877

Rizal at the age of sixteen obtains his bachelor of arts degree from the Ateneo Municipal de
Manila with the general average of sobresaliente (excellent).

November, 1877

Rizal writes a poem and receives recognition for his writing from the Royal Economic Society of
Friends of the Country, also known as Amigos del Pals. The recognition comes in the form of a
diploma of merit and honorable mention.

January 6, 1878

Rizal enrolls in philosophy and letters at the University of Santo Tomas (UST).

May 21, 1878

Rizal passes the surveyor’s examination (but is granted a license only after three years).

June 2, 1878

Rizal enrolls in preparatory and proper medicine at UST.

September 11, 1878

Using the pen name P. Jacinto, Rizal begins his diary Memorias de un estudiante de Manila.


At the age of 19 Rizal writes another poem for a competition where he should have won
first prize. However, he was not given this prize due to discrimination.

December 1880

Rizal produces his first Operetta called On the Banks of the Pasig.

Rizal creates the commemorative medal in wax for the Royal Economic Society of
Friends centennial celebration.


June 15 Rizal makes his arrival in Barcelona and begins to study again in Madrid in October of
that same year.


Rizal studied Licenciate in Philosophy and Letters and Opthalmology in Universidad Central de


Rizal receives a degree in medicine from the Central University of Madrid at the age of 23. He
then becomes an assistant to Dr. L. de Wecker and visits many universities in Berlin, Leipzig,
and Heidelberg in the country of Germany.


Publication of Noli Me Tangere in Berlin.

Jose had his grand tour of Europe then finally decided to return to the Philippines in
August 1887. He practiced medicine and came to be known as “Doctor Uliman”.

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