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M Sai Surya Girish (23KA) Sarabjeet Jena (159KC)
Diksha Lalwani (73KB) Ishita Srivastava (197KD)
Rushabh Shah (98KB) Praveen Sharma (212KD)
Manoj Kuna (141KC) Rohit Bhushan Kumar (217KD)
Mayank Kaushik (144KC) Sarthak Hota (219KD)
Prateek Singh Mahori (152KC) Swagat Samanta (224KD)
Introduction Insights Top Brands Moods Analysis Comparison The Road Ahead

Overview Competition
India is the world's largest Condom market in India is
producer of condoms, with an complicated. There are branded
annual capacity of 4.5 billion. players—those who supply to the
The domestic market is only social sector (the government
around 1.3 Major players: and NGOs), and the grey market
billion condoms a year-the rest Mankind pharma known as Indian-made foreign
are exported to markets across HLL Lifecare condoms (IMFC).
the world. Reckitt Benckiser
TTK Protective devices
Cupid Ltd.
Growth Raymond Ltd. Potential
The Indian Condom market is According to NHFS 4 (National
expected to reach US$ 508.36 Family Health Survey-4),
Mn in 2027 from US$ 183.46 condom usage is only 5.6% in
Mn in 2018. The market is India. Government purchases
estimated to grow with a CAGR started declining since 2010.
Condom users per 10,000 unsterilized users There is a vast untapped
of 12.2% from 2019-2027. 895 978
567 685 potential in the condom market.
430 514
199 278 307 351

Introduction Insights Top Brands Moods Analysis Comparison The Road Ahead


The male condom As latex is highly popular
• In 2018, Asia Pacific dominated the condom market
dominates the market owing to its elasticity
due to large growing population and favorable
by 70% while the properties, it enjoys a major
government initiatives undertaken to control it as well
market share in terms of
female condom as to stop increasing prevalence of STDs and HIV.
revenue, unit shipment, and
segment is expected to
90% manufacturing. Non-latex
contribute more by • The Indian market was earlier taken aback by the price
is slowly rising to the ranks.
2025. cap implemented by the National Pharmaceutical
Pricing Authority (NPPA). However, the demand among
youth increased in the last decade and new premium
brands have entered the market.
Original equipment • Domestic brands hold a significant share of the market
manufacturer (OEM) Retail channels still owe the and compete with international brands by launching
products dominates the highest market share in the products specifically designed for Indian customers and
market. But, own brand Indian condom market. While with premium prices.
manufacturing (OBM) the online sales growth is
products deliver better projected to increase by over • In India, there was a significant change in sexual
margins. 8.5% year on year. behavior in the young population, leading to reduced
usage of these products between 2013 and 2017.
Manufacturing Distribution However, the adolescent and middle-aged population
Type Channel drove the market during the forecast period​.
Introduction Insights Top Brands Moods Analysis Comparison The Road Ahead

Manforce Moods Skore

With a market share of 32%, Manforce is Moods condoms are one of the leading Skore was one of the condom brands
the undisputed leader of the Indian condom brands in India manufactured under who although came as a private player in
condom industry. HLL Lifecare. This specific brand of condoms the Indian market but had the outlook to
Manforce provides the ultimate thrill with is known for its exciting aromas and thin but provide the best working condom at a
varieties such as smooth, ultra, dotted, strong texture. It has a market share of about cheaper price. Now, Skore has almost
ribbed and contoured. It has got a user 12% and a user rating of 4.2 out of 5. 10% of the market share and 4.0 out of 5
rating of 4.6 out of 5 and its USP is its user rating.
premium quality.
Introduction Insights Top Brands Moods Analysis Comparison The Road Ahead

STP Analysis Demographic: Both males & females Product

of age group 18-50. Varieties- Long lasting, Dotted, Ribbed,
Geographic: Urban and metros and Flavoured, Ultrathin offers non-latex,
specific rural segments. flavoured, scented and dotted variants.
Segmentation Psychographic: People conscious Discreet packaging.
about STD & Pregnancy.

The price varies from Rs 7 to 17 per
Age group 18-30. Sexually consciuos
piece for males. Rs 60 to 80 per
about STD’s, pregnancy, planning a
Targeting family or sexually active.
piece for females.

Points of parity: Available in all
flavours and variants. E-commerce platforms, super
Points of difference: Moods is markets & pharmacies.
Positioning distributed by a GOI owned entity and
its market share has fairly remained
Social media handles like Instagram,
youtube, Fb, twitter etc. Traditional
marketing channels like billboards,
The Marketing Mix newspapers & television.
Introduction Insights Top Brands Moods Analysis Comparison The Road Ahead

Pricing of the products

Celebrity Endorsement

Manforce is endorsed by Sunny leone who has been known since a long time in
the Indian market and in the adult industry Manforce is priced
at INR 65 for a
Higher price for
pack of 10 while
the same product
Moods has been
might be a factor
prices at INR 80
Moods does not have any famous personality to endorse their brand. They still for lesser sales
for the same
advertise using junior artists and models quantity

Variants available
Exciting Packaging
• Packaging has always been an
important aspect of marketing and
attracting customers
• Manforce was able to utilise celebrity
Manforce has around 17 leading market cover packaging to make it more
flavours like Chocolate, Strawberry and melon. Moods just has around 8 flavours which mostly appealing
It also keeps surprising its customers by includes common flavours like chocolate,
introducing new funky flavours like Adrak and vanilla and strawberry
Introduction Insights Top Brands Moods Analysis Comparison The Road Ahead

Advertisements Segmentation focus

Creative advertising strategies like Female condom market is presently
guerrilla marketing to grab user’s at 10%. More focus on female-
attention focused branding

Penetrate rural market Market the POD

In rural market, Moods is
Government sponsored NIRODH. It Manforce gives message on sex
will be beneficial to tie up with education through ads, whereas
women-led SHGs Moods focus on ‘pleasure and
fun’ part

Tie-ups Flavour
Moods can partner with Oyo Rooms
to sell condoms in the hotels Moods can focus on continental and
Indian flavour

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