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REGN. NO- OD/19/SW/A/304-339

The World Health Organisation(WHO) has declared the corona virus desease 2019 (COVID19) a
pandemic. A global coordinated efforts is needed to stop the further spread of the virus. The last
pandemic reported in the world was H1N1 flu pandemic in 2009.

On 31st December 2019, a cluster of cases of pneumonia of unknown cause in the city of Wuhan,
Huhei province of china, was reported to the World Health Organisation.

In January 2020, a previously unknown new virus Corona was identified. This Novel coronavirus was
named coronavirus disease 2019 open 19 by WHO in February 2020. the virus is refered as SARS Co
V2 and the associated disease is COVID-19. 15th may 2020 over for open window 4 million 444
thousand 670 cases have been identified globally in 188 countries with a total over 302,493
fatalities. also 1 million 588 thousand 858 cases were recovered.

Clinical presentation

Typically coronavirus present with respiratory symptoms. Among those who will become infected
some will show no symptoms. those who do develop symptoms may have a mild to moderate but
self limiting disease with symptoms similar to the seasonal cold.

Symptoms may include:

 respiratory symptoms
 fever
 cold
 shortness of breath
 fatigue
 sore throat
 emergency warning signs where immediate medical attention should be sought include
difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
 persistent pain or pressure in the chest
 knew confusion or inability to arouse
 blush lips or face

High risk population

The virus that causes COVID-19 infect people of all ages. However evidence to date furthest that two
group of people are at higher risk of getting Coronavirus COVID-19.

older people ( people over 60 years of age )

People with serious chronic illness such as

 Diabetes
 cardiovascular disease
 chronic respiratory disease
 cancer
 Hypertension
 chronic liver disease

WHO advice for high risk populations

 when having visitors at your home is turned “1 meter greeting like a wave nod or bow.”
 Request that visitors and those who live with you, wash their hands
 Clean and disinfect surface in your home(especially those that people touch a lot) on a
regular basis.
 Limit shared spaces if someone you live with is not feeling well(especially with possible
COVID-19 symptoms).

The disease may spread through large respiratory droplet and direct or indirect contact with infected

The incubation period of COVID-19 is currently understood to be between 2 to 14 days. This means
that if a person remains well after 14 days being in contact with a person with confirmed, COVID-19,
they are not included.

The definition used by the WHO in COVID-19 :-

Patient with acute respiratory illness( fever and atleast one other symptom such as cough or
difficulty breathing, shortness of breathe). And with no other etiology that explains symptoms and a
history of travel to a country or area that reported transmission of SARS-COV-2 virus.

Government decision for NCC

The Narendra Modi government has decided to rope in National Cadet Corps NCC volunteers ages
18 or above to help the Indian civil infrastructure in the fight against the widening coronavirus

NCC has moved to help the civilian authorities by extending the

services skates under program called Exercise NCC Yogdan.

The NCC which operates ministry of defence youth organisation of

the country with an approximate strength of 14 lakhs.

In a statement released the NCC issued guidelines temporary

employment of its cadets to boast relief efforts and functionary
of various Agencies involved in balling the pandemic.

As of now 25000 candidates are being mobilized to provide

necessary of assistance said the statement.

In which searched for kids include helpline call centres, distribution of relief materials, medicines
food for essential commodities tense data management and queue and traffic management.

The candidates should not be employed in handling law and order situation or active military duties
or at hotspots set the guidelines.

How the cadets will be deployed

According to the statement Mandsaur district administration will have to send the requisition for
deployment of candidates through NCC state directorates.

Details will be coordinated at the directorate or our unit level with the state government or local civil
authority. Before the credits are deployed for duty ground conditions are laid down requirements
are to be ensured and these are to be followed as the guidelines said.

Since and NCC's inception it's cadets have contributed during natural calamities floods and among
other events.

Exercise NCC Yogdan

NCC cadets help local administration in humanitarian activities during coronavirus lockdown.
The NCC cadets are helping the administration in distribution of food for the needy.

All the three Wings of National Cadet Corps NCC and army of Italy to join hands with the local
authorities the fat containing the spread of the Global pandemic of coronavirus. The motto of NCC is
Unity and Discipline. Chandan certificates have come forward in this grievous crisis selfless service
and Major General Mathur ETA General Delhi NCC Financial Express online have deployed in the
direct management of Corona treatment or Quarantine facilities for the deployed in identified
hotspot of Corona.

What are those cadets doing?

The NCC cadets in the administration and distribution of ration for to the needy. In a supply chain
and data management and guiding the public and maintaining social distancing.

The NCC cadets are extending help to the administration are working on the basis of a detailed plan
for 11 districts.


The youth of NCC have been working sincerely in the fight against coronavirus. Youth are full of
unity, strength,discipline and motivation have been helping people to learn the lesson of social

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