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The Boy

You were born. You grew up. You had a happy childhood in the naive hope that all in your world wished you well and that
everything would stay safe and wonderful. Then your parents got a divorce and your father moved away. All changed.

Your mother found a new husband and they had a child together.

Your faith in this world was broken.

You started high school. You have been there for two years now and it has not made your life any easier.

Your mother spends all her time with her new family. You two fight all the time and you have moved into the garage. There you
can find a bit of peace and quiet. And loneliness.

You have removed yourself from the rest of the world. You have meals with your mother and her new family, but you seldom talk
to them. You go to high school with a lot of people your age, but you never see them outside of school.

You are The Boy who is seldom noticed. You are The Boy who rides his bicycle a lot in order to get away. You are The Boy who
sits in the park and wishes that he had the courage to talk to the other boys, who are laughing and drinking. But you are afraid of
rejection. You are The Boy who wishes that he had the courage to tell the dark eyed girl with the scarf, that she is the sweetest and
most beautiful girl in high school, even though she seldom talks.

You are The Boy who misses his father and who, every time the phone rings, deep down hopes that it is him calling. You are The
Boy who feels trapped in his life and doesn’t know how to move on. The Boy who kills time while waiting for something to
happen that can make him feel alive again. Like he did when he was younger. Like he did when his parents were still together and
he was the center of the world.

You envy your little sister because she has a whole happy childhood in front of her, before she has to grow up and grow lonely.

If only you had a girlfriend. Or at least could have sex with a girl. That is the only good thing you can see, that comes with getting
older. But it is of no use when you are too shy to ask a girl out.

Everything used to be much simpler ….

The central themes:

Learn how to be an adult and take responsibility for his own life.

Themes for all characters:

Going from one phase in life to the next

Act 1: The last day home

Each player takes turns describing their character’s last day at home.

From when the main characters awake until they meet at the abandoned train station.

The characters’ goals:

To say goodbye to all that they have known and to prepare for the changes to come.

The Blue Room:

A place where the main characters can meet and where they can talk freely about everything.

The main characters’ thoughts and feelings, the players getting to know them.

Silence, melancholy, fear and acceptance.

Act 2: The journey

A sequence of predetermined scenes.

From when the main characters board the train until they reach The Mountain.

Characters’ goal:
To help the characters find themselves again by giving themselves new names.

The Blue Room:

A place where the main characters can talk about all the things they can’t talk about in their real

The main characters’ actions and growth, the world that is disappearing.

Dreamlike, curiosity, acceptance and change.

Act 3: The end of the world

The players touching simulates the closeness between the main characters, drifting in and out of
The Blue Room, the world vanishing.

From when they sit on The Mountain to when the world has disappeared.

Characters’ goals:
Think about the lives they have led and maybe find peace.

The Blue Room:

Melting together with reality. All you have to do to go there is to close your eyes.

Thoughts, feelings and memories. Trying to find peace.

The border between life and death, imagination and reality. Half asleep (dying), closeness, safety,
fear of the world ending.

The world and The Blue Room:

The world of the game:

Resembles our own world, but is not the same one.
There are no proper nouns (Copenhagen, Elm Street, Sam), things are named after what they
are (The Town, The Big Street, The Man).
Absurd in that no one is questioning that the world will end or that the main characters must
take the journey to The Mountain At The End Of The World together.

The Blue Room:

A place for the main characters’ thoughts, dreams and observations.
Is not as such a part of the game’s reality, but can still influence it.
A player can signal that they want to go there by raising their hand.
You can decide which of the main characters are present.
The player who takes the initiative to go to The Blue Room describes how it looks this time
and which of the other main characters are present.

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