Sample of Trust Deed of Shatabhisha Ashram - 06-11-2017

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BRAJAKISHOR CHATTERJEE, S/O- Mr. ………….. Chatterjee, aged about ……… years, by nationality- Indian, by faith- Hindu,
by occupation- ………………………., residing at Tejganj, P.O.- ……………………., P.S.- Bardhaman Sadar, Dist.- Purba Bardhaman,
West Bengal, PIN- …………………….,, hereinafter called the “SETTLOR” (which expression shall, unless excluded by or
repugnant to the context be deemed to include his executors, administrators and representatives) of the one part,
(i) SWAMI ………NANDA MAHARAJ, S/O- ……….., aged about …. years, by nationality- Indian, by faith- Hindu, by
occupation- Secretary of Paramananda Mishan of Bangram, Purba Bardhaman, residing at Vill.- Bangram, P.O.-
………………………, P.S.- ……………………., Dist.- Purba Bardhaman, West Bengal, PIN- …………………….,
(ii) MR. BRAJAKIOSHOR CHATTERJEE, S/O- ………………….. Chatterjee, aged about …. years, by nationality- Indian,
by faith- Hindu, by occupation- …………………., President of Sambit Ashram, residing at Tejganj, P.O.-
……………………., P.S.- Bardhaman Sadar, Dist.- Purba Bardhaman, West Bengal, PIN- …………………….,
(iii) MR. SANTOSH CHATTERJEE, S/O- ………………….. Chatterjee, aged about …. years, by nationality- Indian, by
faith- Hindu, by occupation- …………………., residing at Jhapantala, P.O.- Kanchannagar, P.S.- Bardhaman Sadar,
Dist.- Purba Bardhaman, West Bengal, PIN- 713102,
(iv) MR. BIJAY PAL, S/O- …………………….. Pal, aged about …. years, by nationality- Indian, by faith- Hindu, by
occupation- …………………., residing at Nutanganj, P.O.- Nutanganj, P.S.- Bardhaman Sadar, Dist.- Purba
Bardhaman, West Bengal, PIN- 713102,
(v) MR. SAMIR DUTTA, S/O- ………………….. Dutta, aged about …. years, by nationality- Indian, by faith- Hindu, by
occupation- …………………., residing at Rathtala, P.O.- Kanchannagar, P.S.- Bardhaman Sadar, Dist.- Purba
Bardhaman, West Bengal, PIN- 713102,
(vi) MR. SUBHASH MOHONTA, S/O- ………………….. Mohonta, aged about …. years, by nationality- Indian, by faith-
Hindu, by occupation- …………………., residing at Rajganj, P.O.- Rajganj, P.S.- Bardhaman Sadar, Dist.- Purba
Bardhaman, West Bengal, PIN- 713102,
(vii) MR. TARAPADA SANTRA, S/O- ………………….. Santra, aged about …. years, by nationality- Indian, by faith-
Hindu, by occupation- …………………., residing at Lakurdi, P.O.- Lakurdi, P.S.- Bardhaman Sadar, Dist.- Purba
Bardhaman, West Bengal, PIN- 713102,
(viii) MR. ACHINTYA MIDDYA, S/O- ………………….. Santra, aged about …. years, by nationality- Indian, by faith-
Hindu, by occupation- …………………., residing at Bhatchala, P.O.- Sripalli, P.S.- Bardhaman Sadar, Dist.- Purba
Bardhaman, West Bengal, PIN- 713103,
(ix) MR. NIRUPAM PAL, S/O- Mahim Pal, aged about 38 years, by nationality- Indian, by faith- Hindu, by
occupation- Self-employed, residing at Rathatala D.V.C. Pool, P.O.- Kanchannagar, P.S.- Bardhaman Sadar, Dist.-
Purba Bardhaman, West Bengal, PIN- 713102,
(x) MR. JAYANTA BAG, S/O- ……………… Bag, aged about ……. years, by nationality- Indian, by faith- Hindu, by
occupation- ……………………….., residing at ……………………………, P.O.- ……………………………., P.S.-
……………………………, Dist.- Purba Bardhaman, West Bengal, PIN- …………………….. ,
(xi) MR. MILAN PAL, S/O- ……………… Pal, aged about ……. years, by nationality- Indian, by faith- Hindu, by
occupation- ……………………….., residing at ……………………………, P.O.- ……………………………., P.S.-
……………………………, Dist.- Purba Bardhaman, West Bengal, PIN- …………………….. ,
(xii) MR. SUDIPTA MUKHERJEE, S/O- ……………… Mukherjee, aged about ……. years, by nationality- Indian, by faith-
Hindu, by occupation- ……………………….., residing at ……………………………, P.O.- ……………………………., P.S.-
……………………………, Dist.- Purba Bardhaman, West Bengal, PIN- ……………………..
-hereinafter jointly referred to as “TRUSTEES” (which expression shall, unless excluded by or repugnant to
the context be deemed to include the TRUSTEES for the time being of these presents and their successors in
office) of the other part.

WHEREAS the SETTLOR is desirous of creating an endowment by setting apart and establishing a Fund for the
poor, distresses and destitute people with religious and charitable objects and purposes in India hereinafter expressed.
AND WHEREAS the TRUSTEES have, at the request of the SETTLOR, agreed to act as the TRUSTEES of these
presents as testified by their being parties to and executing these presents upon the terms and provisions hereinafter
AND WHEREAS it is necessary to declare the objects and terms of the public charitable trust, being constituted
under these presents.
(A) That, in order to effectuate his aforesaid desire, the SETTLOR has set apart and handed over to the TRUSTEES, a
sum of Rs. ……,000/-(…….. Thousand) only (hereinafter called the “Trust Fund” which expression shall include
cash and any other property or investments of any kind whatsoever into which the same or any part thereof
might be converted, invested or varied from time to time or which may be acquired by the TRUSTEES or may
come to their hands by virtue of these presents or by operation of law or otherwise howsoever in relation to
these presents), and the TRUSTEES shall hold and stand possessed of the same upon the trust subject to the
powers, provisions, agreement and declarations hereinafter contained.
(B) That the name of the Trust shall be “SHATABHISHA ASHRAM” and its office shall, for the present, be at
Belpukur, P.O.- Kanchannagar, P.S.- Bardhaman Sadar, Dist.- Purba Bardhaman, West Bengal, Pin-
713102 and/or at such other place or places in India as the TRUSTEES may decide from time to time.
(C) That at present, there is no immovable property lying with this Trust but the same may be acquired by the
TRUSTEES or may come to their hands by virtue of these presents or by operation of law or otherwise
howsoever in relation to these presents.
(D) The beneficiary of this trust shall be the all general public in India.
(E) That the Aims and Objectives of the Trust for which this Trust is established are :-
(1) To provide service to the poor, distressed, needy people in various aspects,
(2) To establish, promote, set-up, run, maintain, assist, finance support and/or aid to or help in the setting
up and/or maintaining and/or running schools and other institutions orphanages, Widow homes,
lunatic asylums, poor houses or other establishments for relief and/or help to the poor, old and infirm
people and/or destitute.
(3) To give, provide and/or render help and assistance in cash or kind to poor and/or destitute people
Widows, etc.
(4) To give, provide and/or render help and assistance to and/or implement any scheme for providing
livelihood and upliftment of the poor.
(5) To give provide and or render food, medicine and other help and/or assistance in any shape or form to
the poor deserving and needy persons.
(6) To give, provide and/or render monetary and/or other help and assistance for the relief of persons and
animals affected by natural and other calamities such as flood, fire, famine, cyclone, earth- quake,
storm, accident, pestilence, drought, epidemic, unbearable cost of living and the like, to give donations,
subscriptions or contributions to institutions, establishments, centers or persons doing relief Work on
such occasions.
(7) To start, maintain and assist any relief measures in those parts which are or become subjected to
natural calamities such as flood, fire, drought, famine, cyclone, earth-quake, epidemic, storm, accident,
pestilence, etc.
(8) To establish, maintain or grant aid for the establishment or maintenance of wells, tube-wells, tanks,
Water-reservoirs and trees and constructions of and repairs to paths, roads, bridges, etc. for the use of
the public.
(9) To give, provide, distribute varieties of clothes, blankets, rugs, woolen clothes, quilts, silk or other
articles of necessity and facilities for the poor.
(10) To open, found, establish, promote, set-up, run, maintain, assist, finance, support and/or aid or help in
the setting up and/or maintaining and/or running schools, colleges, lecture halls and other
establishments or institutions for advancement of education and of knowledge in arts, science,
literature, humanities and all other useful subjects in all their manifestations.
(11) To open, found, establish, promote, set-up, run maintain, assist, finance support and/or aid or help in
the setting up and/or maintaining and/or running hospitals, boarding houses, libraries, reading-rooms,
gymnasium and other training and vocational institutes.
(12) To promote, advance and encourage and/or aid in helping, promoting, advancing and encouraging
primary, secondary and higher education including technical and medical education also physical
training, training of handicrafts, fine art and other useful arts, crafts among the public including the
establishment and maintenance of Shilpa-Shikshalayas, Kala-Kendras and other welfare centers for
(13) To foster and encourage education and training in handicrafts, fine arts, among women folk in general
and establish and found institutions imparting such education and to establish, maintain, support or
help by monetary gifts or otherwise, centers and institutions for women and children and to provide
social welfare works for women and children.
(14) To meet travelling, boarding and lodging expenses for students going abroad for higher commercial
and technical education.
(15) To grant, pay or give scholarship, stipends, prizes, rewards, allowance and any other financial
assistance in any manner and/or help in cash or kind to students with a view to help them in
prosecuting their studies in schools, colleges, educational institutions, technical institutions, art
schools, institutions teaching commercial and other arts including teaching of cultural arts or other
training, research or educational works in India or abroad.
(16) To open, found, establish, promote, set-up, run, maintain, assist, finance, support and/or aid or help in
the setting up and/or maintaining and/or running hospitals, charitable dispensaries, maternity homes,
child welfare centers, convalescent homes, sanatoriums, hostels and other similar institutions or
centers for rendering or providing medical relief and/or aid to the suffering humanities or for research
centers and institutions for promotion of research and education for medical science including surgery.
(17) To open, found, establish, promote, set-up, run, maintain, assist, finance, support and/or aid or help- in
the setting up and/or maintaining and/or running by monetary gifts or otherwise centers, stadium,
playgrounds and parks for public use sports, and games and other social welfare works and/or
activities in Calcutta and/or other places in India.
(18) To open found, establish, promote, set-up, run, maintain, assist, finance, support and/or aid or help in
the setting up and/or maintaining and/or running institutions, centers, auditoriums and the like for the
running of welfare and other services to the poor and distressed people and to provide meeting-room
for socially useful activities and functions.
(19) To open, found, establish, promote, set-up, run, maintain, assist, finance, support and/or aid or help in
the setting up establishment, maintenance and/or running dharamsalas, wells, deep tube-wells, tanks,
roads, etc.
(20) To promote, organize, administer, establish, support, maintain, and/or grant aid to any person,
institution or society or organization whatsoever having for its objects of charitable purposes and to
incur expenditure in connection therewith.
(21) To renovate or repair any such temple, mosque, gurudwara, church or other places which is notified by
the Central Government in the Official Gazette to be of historic, archaeological or artistic importance or
to be a place of public worship of renown throughout any State or States.
(22) To promote, assist and/or maintain all activities by whosoever carried on or wherever carried on in
India in conformity with the objects of the Trust and as are conducive to the well being and general
welfare of the nation or are conducive for advancement of any object or objects of general public utility
not involving/ carrying on any activity for profit.
(23) To help in the preservation of cattle and useful animals.
(24) To publish and or publishing books, pamphlets, periodicals and newspapers in India or outside for the
spread and advancement of education and culture.
(25) To establish, promote, set-up, run, assist, finance support and/or aid to or help in the setting up and/or
maintaining and/or running school and other institutions orphanages, widow homes, lunatic asylums,
poor houses or other establishments for relief and/or help to the poor, old and infirm people and/or
(26) To provide education in such branches of learning as it may deem fit.
(27) To undertake extra moral studies, extension programme and field outreach activities to contribute to
the development of society.
(28) To acquire, establish, start, run, maintain or manage such types of educational Institutes, as it deems fit,
Libraries, Laboratories, Reading Room and Training Centers for the benefit of General Public.
(29) To promote and encourage advancement of literary, cultural, religious, development of Hindi language
and other Language promotional educational Institution, Teachers Training Institute, ITI, Scientific,
Vocational, Technical & General education etc.
(30) To award the Certificates, Diploma, Degree after the completion of the curriculums in regular and
distance education mode.
(31) To institute Principalships, Professionals, Readership, Lectureship or other teaching on academic
positions required by the organization and to appoint persons to such principalship, professionals,
readership, lectureship or other teaching on academic positions.
(32) To Establish General & Technical education programme, Social Welfare and Cultural programme, Allied
Health Sciences programme, Medical and Paramedical programme, Vocational Education programme,
ITI programme, Polytechnic Programme, Computer Science programme, Engineering Sciences
programme, Education and Fine Arts programme, General Science programme, Management
programme, Commerce and Arts programme, Liberty and Sculpture programme, Media, journalism and
mass communication, Astrological, Fishery, Veterinary, Nursing & Midwifery, Agriculture, Cultural
programme, Teacher Training Education Programme, Law Educational Programme, skill development
program for the development of the organization and to achieve the objects to do the necessary things
thereof like establishing infrastructure, setting up Centre, to affiliate other legally established Bodies or
to be affiliated with specific Statutory Bodies in India or abroad for this purpose.
(33) To seek affiliation/permission to run the courses/ training programme from either of the Well Known
Boards/Central or State Boards/Council/ Statutory Bodies/State or Central Govern-ment’s scheme in
the Country for the Schools/Institutes/Institute of higher learning and either of the well known
Universities of establishments in the country for the Colleges, in Regular mode or through Distance
Learning Programme.
(34) To establish Educational Institutions like Play Schools, Nursery Schools, Primary Schools, High Schools
and Colleges in any medium of instruction in Burdwan or in any other places all over India.
(35) To establish Educational Institutions such as Junior Colleges, Degree Colleges, Dental Colleges, Medical
Colleges, Engineering and Technical Colleges, Vocational Institute, Polytechnic Colleges, ITI Colleges
and any other job oriented institutions in Burdwan or in any other place in India.
(36) To encourage Sports and develop Sportsmanship among the students and rural youths.
(37) To promote the cause of education through the establishment of Anganwadis and Adult Education
Centers for the benefit of the poor in rural areas.
(38) To organize and run various residential and non-residential educational and training programmes.
(39) To nurture every individual to achieve his/her best in abroad and balanced range of activities to
become disciplined lifelong learner.
(40) To organize and run schools under the affiliation and recognition of WBBSE/WBCHSE of West Bengal,
CBSE ,CISCE and/or other Central, State Board and non-governmental agencies within India.
(41) To approach and make application and seek financial assistance from the State and Central
Governments, Nationalized/Commercial/ Private Banks, Non-Banking Financial
Companies/Institutions, Companies, Industrialists, Private Individual Persons and Agencies of Indian
and Foreign Countries, in furtherance of and to carry out the purpose of the Trust.
(42) To sponsor, organize, aid and arrange public lectures, discourses or discussions in India and abroad by
any Trustee or TRUSTEES or anyone else whosoever as may be approved by the TRUSTEES for
advancement of any one or more of the objects of the Trust.
(43) To hold seminars, workshops, talks and discussions on topics pertaining to the objectives of the Trust.
(44) To print, publish and/or purchase ACD/VCD/cassettes, OHP/DLP, instruments, laboratory utensils,
clinical equipments, health diagnostic instruments, books, periodicals, magazines, articles, papers,
thesis, correspondence courses, lesson courses, distance education courses or any other courses
intended to promote and spread study, knowledge, education or research as provided in clause (i)
(45) To provide tuition, grant scholarships and prizes and/or loans or financial assistance in any manner to
deserving students, writers and artists in all educational spheres including any study, knowledge,
education or researches as mentioned in clause (i) above.
(46) To grant scholarships and stipends to students belonging to Institutions or any School or College for or
of their studies within India or outside India.
(47) To purchase, take on lease, construct, establish or acquire institution by resolution or otherwise,
libraries, reading rooms containing cultural books, halls, auditoriums and structures for any of the
objects and purposes of this Trust and for festivals, exhibitions of seminars or essay competitions or
elocution competitions or for spreading philosophical, cultural, ethical and moral values, ideas or
instructions or studies and/or researches.
(48) To establish and maintain Dharmshala, Rest Houses, Hostels and construct parks and other institutions
as they shall in their discretion think fit, for the benefit of general public.
(49) For any one or more of the objects mentioned in these presents to establish and support institutions,
universities, Colleges, museums, schools, kindergarten, laboratories, reading rooms, hostels, lodging
and boarding houses, old age home, canteens and any constructions.
(50) To contribute to any other Trust or Institution established for objects similar to those of this Trust or
any one or more of them.
(51) To work for the upliftment and empowerment of Women and concentrate on other Child and Women
Welfare programme.
(52) To establish, maintain and support medical relieves and/or to contribute to any Trust or institution
established for the said purposes.
(53) To establish, maintain and grant aid to institutions for development of health and physical
(54) To promote, maintain and develop agriculture, horticulture etc. and to maintain, protect, preserve
animals and preserve food or vegetables and for such purposes purchase, take on lease or otherwise
acquire lands, buildings, structures, and/or to contribute to any public trust or institutions established
for any of the said purposes.
(55) To undertake and carry into effect or assist and encourage in any manner whatsoever any activity,
project scheme or program intended for encouraging academic activities or for giving assistance to
needy people.
(56) To execute various developmental works being planned by various Government/Semi-
Government/Public Sectors/International Agenci- es/other organizations in Rural and Urban Sector
viz. Education, Skill Development, Housing, Urban Basic Services, Medical Services, Agriculture and
Cluster Development, Environmental Up gradation of slums, Sanitation, Tourism, Regional Planning,
Area Development etc.
(57) To provide the medical assistance in every manner to the poor public by opening or establishing or
undertaking small/medium/large Dispensaries, Diagnostic Centers, Hospitals, Clinics, Medical and
Dental Colleges with all medical facilities under different system of medicine in various parts of India or
(58) To conduct entrepreneurship training and to promote entrepreneurship and micro and small
enterprise development for poverty alleviation and arrange institutional finance in the form of grant
aid, loans etc from nationalized banks/multi-national banks/ private banks/corporate
bodies/individuals etc for development of enterprises of attitude, choice and capabilities and
developing marketing system for their production in India and abroad.
(59) To advancement of any other object or objects of general public utility,
(F) That in furtherance, one of the objects of this trust shall be to spread spiritual, theological consciousness among
the people and make them understand the actual goal and purpose of life and teach them about what should be
the fundamental principle of life and for this arrange convention, meeting, sitting, road-show etc.
(G) That the jurisdiction of the trust shall be all over the India.
(i) Each of the objects mentioned in the foregoing sub-clauses shall not in anywise be limited or restricted
in its application by reference to the object in any other sub-clause. The TRUSTEES may utilize the
income and if necessary the corpus of the Trust Estate for any one or more of the said public welfare
purpose to the exclusion of the other or others as the TRUSTEES may in their absolute discretion think
fit provided that the income as well as the corpus shall be applied only towards the public welfare
purposes as aforesaid and any income shall also be made and deemed to be made for application
towards such public welfare purposes as aforesaid.
(ii) That notwithstanding anything hereinbefore or hereinafter contained the income as also the corpus of
the said Trust Estate shall be applied and/or be applicable to or for such public educational purposes
and/or for such other aims and objectives of the trust as mentioned in this trust deed and within such
territories only and subject to such conditions or limitation if any, as may from time to time be laid
down in the Income Tax Act, 1961 or any other Act governing taxation of Income as will ensure or make
the said Trust and its income as eligible for exemption from taxation under the Income Tax Act, 1961 or
any replacement or re-enactment thereof or modification or substitution thereof or any other Act
governing taxation for the time being in force in India.
(iii) That the said Trust shall be one to which the applicable provisions of the Income Tax Act, 1961 or any
replacement or re-enactment or modification thereof the time being in force shall so apply so that any
donation thereto be recognized eligible for exemption or relief from tax in regard to the donor thereof
as far as possible.
(iv) That the said Trust shall strictly abide by all the Acts, Notifications, Rule for effectively managing affairs
of this Trust.
(v) That every contribution by the TRUSTEES to any other registered Public Trust, Society or Institution,
Fund or Scheme having identical/similar object(s) shall be treated and deemed to be a furtherance and
achievement of the objects of this Trust.
(vi) That notwithstanding anything contained hereinabove, the TRUSTEES shall be at liberty to delete,
modify or alter any of the objects or provisions hereof which are found contrary to or inconsistent with
the concept of public educational purposes and/or such other aims and objectives of the trust as
mentioned in this trust deed or outside the scope of Income Tax Act, 1961, or any re-enactment,
replacement or modification or substitution thereof and/or other taxation laws as may be applicable
from time to time as enforced in India or the provisions of any other law relating to Public Charitable
Trusts in India.
(vii) That the Board of TRUSTEES shall be at liberty to add any further provision(s) or modify any objects or
provisions hereof which are consistent with the concept of public educational purposes and/or such
other aims and objectives of the trust as mentioned in this trust deed or within the scope of Income Tax
Act, 1961, or any re-enactment, replacement or modification or substitution thereof and/or other
taxation laws as may be applicable from time to time as enforced in India or the provisions of any other
law relating to Public Charitable Trusts in India.
(I) That the Trust Fund may be augmented by the income from the initial fund and also by donation and other
contribution from time to time. The TRUSTEES may raise funds by donating further money and obtain payments
or donations from public, Non-resident Indians, Foreign Citizens/Organizations, to fulfill the objectives of the
(J) That the Trust Fund shall not be applied for any purpose than those specified in Para (E) hereinabove.
(K) That the TRUSTEES shall always maintain proper accounts of the Trust which shall be kept at the office of the
The TRUSTEES, if thinks necessary, may form Board of TRUSTEES and in that case the trust shall be governed by
the Board of TRUSTEES. The constitution of the board is as follows x -
(i) The board of TRUSTEES shall elect among themselves a President, Vice-President, Secretary,
Assistant Secretariy, Treasurer and/or other position(s)/optional position(s) of office bearers as
and when required.
(ii) The elected office bearers shall hold the office for a period of five years or until such time the new
office bearers of the Board are elected whichever is earlier.
(iii) A Trustee may hold multiple positions/offices.
(i) President x-
(a) The President shall convene and preside over all the meetings of the Board of TRUSTEES.
(b) The President shall direct the other officers to execute the resolution of the trust.
(c) The President shall have general control over all the affairs of the Trust and the Institutions under
its control and its employees.
(d) The President will have the power to turn down any resolution of the meeting of the Board of
TRUSTEES, if found repugnant to the existing laws and may prejudice to the cause of the aims and
objects of the Trust.
(e) In case of any disputes, clarifications and interpretations, the President is empowered to give his
ruling, which shall be valid, binding and final.
(f) In case of any tie or equality in votes casted on a particular issue, the President shall have the
casting vote, which shall be final and binding.
(g) The President shall have full access to the records of the Trust and its Institutions.
(h) The President shall make all appointments, admissions, awards, punishments including termination
of services, give promotions, extension of service etc, in consultation with the Board of TRUSTEES.
(i) The President shall have the power to constitute other General Councils, Advisory Councils,
Committees and Sub-Committees on Administration, Academics and Education, Legal Affairs,
Works and Finance, Cultural and such other subjects, which he/she deems fit, and such councils,
committees/sub-committees shall directly function under the President or under other
TRUSTEES/Office Bearers as decided by the President.
(j) The President shall be empowered to delegate such of his duties, powers and functions to any
Trustee to carry out the work in the interest of the Trust.
(k) The President will represent the Trust before all courts and government and other public offices in
consultation with the Board of TRUSTEES or may depute the same to other TRUSTEES/Office
Bearers or other representatives at his discretion.
(l) The President, along with the Secretary and the Treasurer jointly, shall have the power to open and
operate Bank Account(s) and to negotiate bills of exchange, promissory notes, drafts and other
securities as shall be necessary or expedient for carrying out the affairs of the Trust.
(ii) Vice President x
(a) The Vice-President shall assist the President in every field.
(b) In the absence of President, the Vice-President shall have all the powers of the President.
(iii) Secretary x -
(a) The Secretary shall convene all the meetings of The Board of TRUSTEES in consultation with the
President and maintain regular records of the proceedings of the meeting.
(b) The Secretary shall be custodian of all the correspondence and records of the Trust and carry out
the other responsibilities entrusted on him/her from time to time by the President.
(c) The Secretary shall have joint responsibility with the President and Treasurer in matters of all
financial transactions.
(d) The Secretary will be responsible for all correspondence, public relations, preparation of minutes,
agenda and reports of all the meetings and their approval.
(e) The Secretary shall arrange of programs, celebrations, and routine work of the trust and to keep
and maintain records of the same.
(f) The Secretary shall have the power to implement the Resolution of the Trust and to give effect to
the resolutions passed by the Committee or Board.
(g) The Secretary, jointly with the President and the Treasurer, shall be responsible for opening and
operation of Bank Account(s) and to negotiate bills of exchange, promissory notes, drafts and other
securities as shall be necessary or expedient for carrying out the affairs of the Trust.
(h) The membership list of the Trust shall me maintained by the Secretary.
(iv) Assistant Secretary x
(a) The Assistant Secretary shall assist the Secretary in every field.
(b) In the absence of Secretary, the Assistant Secretary shall have all the powers of the Secretary.

(v) Treasurer x
(a) The Treasurer shall keep proper and correct accounts of all receipts and expenditure of the Trust. All
receipts and payments shall have proper vouchers and all payments shall be made as per decisions
passed by the Board of TRUSTEES.
(b) The Treasurer is the person who is in charge of the funds of the Trust and can operate the bank
accounts jointly with the Secretary and the President, if so decided by the President, in respect of the
funds of the Trust.
(c) The Treasurer has to prepare/get prepared the Statement of Accounts and get it audited by the
person authorized by the TRUSTEES and submit annually to the Board of TRUSTEES for approval.
(d) The Treasurer shall maintain records register, stock register and accounts of the Trust and its
institutions up to date.
(e) The Treasurer shall keep monthly statement of accounts of the Trust and its institutions in the
monthly meetings of the governing council.
(f) The Treasurer shall take precautions and steps to safeguard all moveable and immoveable properties
of the Trust.
(g) The Treasurer shall receive any donation, contribution, grant or subscription in cash or in kind, from
any person(s), body or persons or Trust, with or without conditions,
(h) The Treasurer shall be the custodian of the Securities, Deeds, Agreements, Receipts, Title Deed or any
other valuable documents pertaining to the rights and properties of the Trust.
That for the furtherance, subject to the powers conferred in Para (M), TRUSTEES shall have the following
(i) to apply the whole or any part of the income of the Trust, or the Trust Fund or accumulations
thereto, to any one or more of the objects of the Trust, as the TRUSTEES may, on their discretion,
deem fit from time to time,
(ii) to deal with the Trust properties and/or any investments for the time being,
(iii) to invest the Trust Fund either in the purpose of mortgage of immovable property or in shares, stock
or debentures or other securities and investments or in deposits with or loans to any company,
bank, firm or any other persons, and to alter, vary or transpose such investments, from time to time
at the discretion of the TRUSTEES,
(iv) to borrow or raise or secure payments of moneys and also to lend money either with or without
(v) to borrow funds/money/loans for the purposes of the Trust from any Scheduled Bank/Multi
National Banks/Private Bank/Corporate Bodies/Non Banking Financial Companies/Individuals etc.
and also have the power to pledge any movable or immovable properties or other funds of the Trust
as security.
(vi) to sell, dispose of, alienate or otherwise deal with any property comprising the Trust Fund,
(vii) to let out any movable or immovable property comprised in the Trust Fund for period and at such
rent or such terms and conditions as the TRUSTEES in their discretion may think fit,
(viii) To open account in the name of the Trust and/or Institutions run/conducted by the Trust with a
Bank or Banks and operate such account by one or more of the TRUSTEES or by an agent appointed
by the TRUSTEES.
(ix) to adjust settle, compromise, compound, refer to arbitration(s), all actions, suits, claims, demands
and proceedings regarding the Trust Fund,
(x) to appoint constituted attorneys or agents and to delegate to such attorneys or agents all or any of
the powers vested on the TRUSTEES under these presets and from time to time remove such
attorneys or agents and to appoint other or others in his or their place,
(xi) to make, vary, alter or modify schemes, rules and regulations for carrying out the objects of the Trust
and for the management of the affairs thereof,
(xii) to start, abolish, discontinue and restart any charity or charitable institutions for the benefit of
general public,
(xiii) to join with, take over, acquire, co-operate or amalgamate with other one or more charitable Trust,
Society, association or institution having kindred or allied objects,
(xiv) to reduce the financial deficiency, if any, for giving effect to the objects of this Trust, the TRUSTEES
may acquire, establish, start, such types of educational Institutes and/or business and run, maintain
or manage the same using the name and under the purview of this Trust with fees which shall be
determined and changed time to time by the TRUSTEES and issue proper money receipt(s) but such
income can only be used to settle the expenses such as salaries of the staff(s) and/or worker(s)
and/or labor(s) and other expenses to achieve the goal of this trust,
(N) No Trustee or TRUSTEES shall be responsible for the neglect, default, acts or omission or commission of the
other Trustee or TRUSTEES.
(O) The TRUSTEES will not be entitled to receive any remuneration but the TRUSTEES may reimburse themselves
all expenses actually incurred by them in connection with the Trust or their duties relating thereto.
(P) The number of the TRUSTEES shall not be less than 5 (five) and more than 30 (thirty).
(Q) The TRUSTEES shall be TRUSTEES for their lifetime but any TRUSTEES may resign by giving notice in writing by
three-fourth of the remaining TRUSTEES or the number nearest thereto.
(R) The managing TRUSTEES for the time being will be at liberty to appoint TRUSTEES to fill up vacancy or as
additional TRUSTEES within the number mentioned above for such period or on such terms as to retirement
and re-appointment as the TRUSTEES for the time being consider proper.
(i) The TRUSTEES may retire on giving 3 (three) month’s notice in writing thereof to the President of Board of
(ii) A TRUSTEE shall automatically be ceased to be a TRUSTEE and shall vacate his office on happening of any
of the following :
a. By death or resignation or retirement,
b. If he becomes of unsound mind,
c. If he is adjudged insolvent or if he applied to be ,
d. If he is convicted of any offence (other than an offence not involving moral turpitude) and is sentenced
in respect thereof to imprisonment.
e. If he remains absent in 3 (three) consecutive meeting or at least 50% of total meeting called on in a
financial year without prior intimation in writing explaining proper cause and consisting related
document(s), if any,
f. If in the opinion of the President & Managing TRUSTEE and majority of other TRUSTEES the
continuation of any TRUSTEE in the board is detrimental to the interest of the trust.
(T) The Board of TRUSTEES may, from time to time, frame rules for the conduct and regulations of the meetings of
(U) The accounting year of the Trust shall be the financial year ending on 31 st March every year.
(V) The TRUSTEES, when necessary, may be appointed as staffs and/or workers as required, for better and smooth
running of this Trust.
(W) Every resolution shall be passed and any decision shall be taken in any meeting by the majority of the
TRUSTEES present in that meeting.
(X) The provisions of the Indian Trust Act, 1882 shall be applied to all matters not specified in these presents.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have hereunto seen and subscribed their respective hands, on the
day, month and year first mentioned hereinabove.

Drafted by me &
Typed in my office ___________________________________________________
(Signature of Mr. ………… , the SETTLOR )

( Amit Kumar Shaw )

Enrollment No. F/357/245/2011

Witnesses :-


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