Year 3 Revision 3

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Pusat Tuisyen Skor Impian


Latihan 1 Bahasa Melayu
Bina ayat berdasarkan perkataan yang diberi.

1- Ibu – roti – kedai runcit


2- lawatan – Pulau Langkawi – tiga hari


3- ahad – ayah – bersenam


4- hobi – menanam


5- suka berbasikal -masa lapang


6- memasak – ayam goreng – dapur

Latihan 2 Bahasa Melayu
Lihat jadual di bawah dan jawap soalan berikut.


Nama pelajar Tugas
Veer Membuang sampah
Maisara Sapu lantai
Damia Mengelap tingkap
Neveeisha Menyusun meja
Julia Padam papan putih

1- Siapakah yang mungkin membuat jadual tugas itu?

A. Veer
B. Julia
C. Puan Nora
2- Bilangan pelajar kelas 3 Bestari ialah
A. empat orang
B. lima orang
C. enam orang
3- Apakah tuga Damia?
A. membuang sampah
B. mengelap tingkap
C. sapu lantai
4- Siapakah yang tiada tugas?
A. Veer
B. Maisara
C. Puan Nora
Latihan 1 Bahasa Inggeris
Circle the correct answer.

1- Aryan brushes ……….. teeth before sleeping

A. his
B. hers
C. her
2- This is ………. room.
A. him
B. hers
C. my
3- Those books are…………
A. mine
B. my
C. me
4- Ali and Sara go to school together.
………… go to school by bus.
A. we
B. they
C. our
5- Alex is resting in ……………room.
A. her
B. his
C. he
6- Would ……….. like chocolate cake for dessert?
A. him
B. hers
C. you
7- I have a dog named Johnny. I gave……… a bone for dinner.
A. it
B. him
C. her
Latihan 2 Bahasa Inggeris
Read the passage and answer the questions below using “True”
or “False”

My name is Rayyan. I’m nine years old. I study in SK Seremban

2A. My favourite subjects are Mathematics and English. My
ambition is to be a doctor. I want to work in a hospital. I want
to treat patients and ensure they stay healthy.

I have an elder brother. He is seventeen years old. His

ambition is to be a pilot. He can visit many countries and see
beautiful places.

1- Rayyan is ten years old.

2- Rayyan’s favourite subject is Mathematics and English.

3- Rayyan’s ambition is to be pilot.

4- Rayyan have an elder sister

5- Rayyan’s brother wants to visit many countries and see

beautiful places.

6- Rayyan wants to work in a hospital.

Latihan 1 Matematik
Selesaikan hasil tambah
Solve the sum
4562 + 371 6753 + 3451

809 + 5672 3331 + 789

1005 + 567 + 371 9871 + 234 + 45

6789 + 5467 + 1235 1976 + 7654 + 2345

Latihan 2 Matematik
Selesaikan hasil tolak
Solve the substraction
4562 - 371 6753 - 3451

8090 - 5672 3331 - 789

1805 - 567 - 371 9871 - 234 - 45

6789 - 5467 - 12 7976 - 654 - 2345

Latihan 1 Sains
Namakan tiga jenis gigi.
Name the types of teeth

Nyatakan fungi gigi manusia

State the functions of teeth
Latihan 2 Sains
Nyatakan persamaan dan perbezaan gigi susu dan gigi kekal
State the similarities and differences between milk teeth and
permanent teeth

Persamaan gigi susu

dan gigi kekal
Similarities between
milk teeth and
permanent teeth

Gigi kacip

Incisor teeth
Gigi susu Perbezaan Gigi kekal
Milk teeth Difference Permanent teeth

Bilangan gigi
Number of teeth

Saiz gigi
Size of teeth

Jangka hayat
Life span


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