Department of Computer Science and Engineering: Islamic University of Technology (IUT)

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Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Islamic University of Technology (IUT)

A subsidiary organ of OIC

Lab Report 0

CSE 4512: Computer Networks Lab

Name: Fabiha Jalal

Student ID: 180041220
Section: 2
Semester: Summer
Academic Year: 2020-2021

Date of Submission: 10 May, 2021

Title: Familiarizing with the Packet Tracer environment

1. Download and install Cisco Packet Tracer
2. Learn about use-cases of Cisco Packet Tracer
3. Get acquainted with different components of Cisco Packet Tracer environment
4. Understand how to operate Cisco Packet Tracer

Note: For writing the report, you can take help from online resources. But you should not just
copy and paste. Write in your own words. Also don't copy from any other student. When taking
help from online resources, please provide appropriate references at the end of report.

Cisco parcel tracer is network test system programming, fundamentally it is utilized for
practicing labs for Cisco tests. With the assistance of this instrument you can fabricate your own
network, and can practice various situations.

Likewise, you can utilize it for testing purposes. Assume, If you need to send any adjustment of
your production network, you can utilize a packet tracer to initially test the necessary changes
and on the off chance that all is working great, you can convey that changes into creation.

For example, before starting for construction of a building, you will have to prepare a proper and
an accurate layout of it with many constraints. Similarly, before starting for setup of network
(say LANs) in Universities, Offices etc. you will have to prepare a well- defined layout of many
things like what Networking devices are needed, connections they required etc. The Cisco Packet
Tracer helps you in preparing layouts. Actually, it is to keep track of the data packets how they
are getting transmitted, ensuring if they reach the required destination.
Interface of Cisco Packet Tracer:

● Menu Bar: It is a common menu that is found in all software applications; it is used for
open, save, print, change preferences, and so on

● Main Tool Bar: This bar provides shortcut icons to menu options that are commonly
accessed. For example, open, save, zoom, undo, and redo, and on the right-hand side is an
icon for entering network information for the current network.

● Logical/Physical Workspace and Navigation Bar: These are the tabs that allow you to
toggle between the Logical and Physical work areas.

● Realtime/Simulation Bar: These tabs are used to toggle between the real and simulation
modes. Buttons are provided for controlling the time, and for capturing the packets.
● Network Component Box: It contains all of the network and end devices available with
Packet Tracer, and it is further divided into two areas.

● Device-type Selection Box: This area contains device categories.

● Device-specific Selection Box: When a device category is selected, this selection box
displays the different device models within that category.

● User Created Packet Window: Users can create highly-customized packets to test their
topology from this area, and the results are displayed as a list.

Key Features of Cisco Packet Tracer:

• Unlimited devices
• E-learning
• Customize single/multi user activities
• Interactive Environment
• Visualizing Networks
• Real-time mode and Simulation mode
• Supports majority of networking protocols
• International language support
• Cross platform compatibility

Challenges faced and Solutions:


1. PT simulation helps in the educating and learning measure however students can't completely
use it. They just follow the rules in the "lab sheet", when they have finished and have effectively
done it, however the reason and how the idea is learned isn't known by the students when being
utilized. Students can't utilize "high request thinking abilities" either play out the "
troubleshooting " or lab exercises.

2. Students can't address the inquiries or execute any fundamental design directions learned at
the initial phases of the course; it appears as though the students have never learnt them.
3. There has been no exceptional contrast between students' utilization of the PT simulation and
the genuine equipment. Lab exercises should be possible well by making reference to the lab
sheet gave.

4. Students can utilize the PT well, in light of the steps given. In any case, ought to there be
issues or breaking down network, students neglect to distinguish any harm and perform fix work.
The teacher needs to check each issue that happens, although these issues frequently originate
from minor causes


This trouble is brought about by the way that the simulation learning technique utilized has not
assumed the supposed role it is required to, as the catalyst to the learning effectiveness. This is
because of the way that the Switching and Routing course has a great deal of programming
components in the prospectus. Simulation learning and the inclusion of the component of
scientific classification commitment in the laboratory sheet in this course is expected to spur
good, effective learning. In any case, this examination has been strictly devoted to the viewpoints
of the teachers involved. Further studies should be accomplished for us to investigate the issue
through some alternate points of view.


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