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*This version is a totally new build, meaning it won't act as a patch. Just unrar
(using winrar 5.50 or above) it in its own folder

*To start playing just double-click "PlayBioasshard"

*Another way of starting it (if you don't want to start it from the shortcut) is
going to 'BioasshardArena' folder and double-click "BioasshardArena.exe"


*This project it's for adults only.

*BIOASSHARD is a free project. If you paid for it you have been scammed.

*If you're a Patron you'll have access to some extra advantages like some in-game
extra content.


If you like the game, please consider supporting this project on Patreon so we can
keep developing it aswell as making more and better projects:


You can also follow/contact us here:



Extra: Alt + Enter � Enter/Exit Full screen

� W/A/S/D � Movement
� Mouse � Move the camera
� Shift � (+ W) to Run
� M � Show/Hide the Help Indicators (during game)
� E � Open/Close Inventory Menu
� R � Reload
� F � Interact / Free from Sexttack
� A / D � Free from enemy grabs
� RMB � Ready Weapon
� Space � Ready Knife
� Space (Inventory Menu) � Move/Drag-and-drop items
� L � Turn the Flashlight ON/OFF
� T � Quick Knife
� LMB � Physical Attack / Attack (with the weapon ready of course)
� Enter � Confirm (on Menus) / Enter/Go Back to/from options on 'Character
Customization' & 'Fantasy Card Input' Menus
� Esc � Open/Close Pause Menu
� 1~9 � Inventory Slot Shortcut Equip
� Arrows � Move in Menus
� Backspace � Back/Cancel on Menus / Close Pause Menu when on Main section
Xbox Controller
� Left analog stick � Movement
� Right analog stick � Move the camera
� A � (+ LS Up) to Run
� RT - Show/Hide the Help Indicators (during game)
� Y � Open/Close Inventory Menu
� LB + A � Reload
� X � Interact
� X (Inventory Menu) � Move/Drag-and-drop items
� Right analog stick button � Turn the Flashlight ON/OFF
� Left analog stick (Horizontal) � Free from enemy grabs
� LB � Ready Weapon
� LT � Ready Knife
� RB � Attack (with the weapon ready of course)
� A � Confirm (on Menus) / Enter/Go Back to/from options on 'Character
Customization' & 'Fantasy Card Input' Menus
� START � Open/Close Pause Menu
� D-Pad � Inventory Slot Shortcut Equip
� D-Pad � Move in Menus
� B � Back/Cancel on Menus / Close Pause Menu when on Main section
� Left analog stick � Movement
� Right analog stick � Move the camera
� X � (+ LS Up) to Run
� R2 � Show/Hide the Help Indicators (during game)
� Triangle � Open/Close Inventory Menu
� L1 + X � Reload
� Square � Interact
� Square (Inventory Menu) � Move/Drag-and-drop items
� R3 � Turn the Flashlight ON/OFF
� Left analog stick (Horizontal) � Free from enemy grabs
� L1 � Ready Weapon
� L2 � Ready Knife
� R1 � Attack (with the weapon ready of course)
� X � Confirm (on Menus) / Enter/Go Back to/from options on 'Character
Customization' & 'Fantasy Card Input' Menus
� START � Open/Close Pause Menu
� D-Pad � Inventory Slot Shortcut Equip
� D-Pad � Move in Menus
� O � Back/Cancel on Menus / Close Pause Menu when on Main section


Developed by Versus X Studio

Powered by Unreal Engine 4

Thanks to all Patrons that made this project possible.
*No patron claimed this OPTIONAL reward.
Read the FAQ for more info:

Release notes

+New+ A very WIP corrective shapes system for Julia
+New+ A very WIP deformation mask system to try and solve the clipping issues with
the different outfits for Julia (not 100% active yet)
+New+ New weaponry + sounds for them
+New+ Optimization in terms of polygon number, draw calls, material instructions
and texture sizes for the new weaponry
+New+ Total revamp of the weapon mechanics made from scratch
+New+ Total revamp of player mechanics, changing to a fully FSM oriented system
+New+ Total revamp of the animation system for the player, adapted to the new FSM
oriented system
+New+ A big amount of new animations for the new weaponry and actions
+New+ A system to react to different environment behaviors like covering the head
with the arm when under the rain
+New+ Julia now has different IDLE animations
+New+ Custom bullet case mesh for the assault rifle made by Badguy292 (a huge
thanks to him <3)
+New+ A WIP system to forbid the aiming when the arms would go through an obstacle
+New+ �Call your attention� system for items and other things of interest (will be
allowed to turn that off in the future)
+New+ Playable Mission/level
+New+ System to unlock weapons under certain conditions
+New+ Screen fade system to work with the �call your attention� system
+New+ Sexttack camera system, allowing it to go through objects making them
transparent instead of clipping into Julia or the Infected
+New+ Sexttack system + 19 new animations
+New+ Julia can now free from Big guy�s grab (but not Sexttack)
+New+ The Big guy can now be killed with some weapons
+New+ The Big guy can now jump
+New+ Type of shootable object
+New+ Dynamic Difficulty System (similar to the one seen on some RE games)
+New+ UI to show a new parameter for the new Mission
+New+ Now all the Missions are unlocked from the very beginning. You don�t like a
Mission? You don�t have to play it anymore
+New+ Art Picture for the result screen background for the new Mission
+New+ Fantasy Cards and codes
+Change+ New improvements made for Julia�s model
+Change+ Textures for Julia improved
+Change+ The size of the damage effect for certain weapons
+Change+ Improvements made for Infected Weight maps
+Change+ Improvements made on the mechanics that updates when the weapons/knife
have/has to be visible or not
+Change+ Improvements made on the mechanics that updates when the weapons/knife
have/has to be shown on their/its holster/sheaths
+Change+ Temporarily made the knife to show in the belt as if it was in its
sheaths. This will remain or not based on your input
+Change+ Big optimization pass made on Tick code for Julia, making it to only
execute what it�s strictly necessary
+Change+ Made Julia�s flashlight a bit stronger
+Change+ Some new extra checks for weapons/items to be shown on map
+Change+ Some corrective shapes remain disabled until a Control Rig gets
+Change+ The new weaponry is now available in all the Missions when unlocked
+Change+ Some changes made to some physics like (yeah) enemy testicles
+Change+ The inventory does not save anymore between levels, to avoid for now the
problems that may be caused by engine updates (like what has happened with 0.3.198
Rev.2 to Rev.3)
+Change+ Improvements has been made to the countdown system to optimize it a lot,
reducing memory consumption and allowing other features present on the new level
+Change+ Overwritten the jump mechanic for the enemies because UE4 decided to go
crazy with NavLinks and had to quickly come with something. This is temporal and
prone to errors
+Change+ Repositioned the UI for the countdown to avoid it getting on top of the
compass guide
+Change+ Reorganized the Missions. The new Mission is now Mission 1, for coherence
+Change+ A big optimization pass has been made to the Cave, reducing the drawing
distance cost, and mainly texture sizes, etc.
+Change+ The version number to the new one
+Fix+ Added corrective shapes for every piece of clothes for Julia
+Fix+ Repositioned Julia eyes during runtime to fit the new improvements
+Fix+ Enemies keep respawning in front of Julia when there�s no other place to
+Fix+ Layered Blend per Bone nodes are causing strange movement speeds on Infected
+Fix+ Quickly spamming the Quick-Knife button causes a soft-lock making Julia to
keep attacking forever until restart or getting hit
+Fix+ Aiming while in an IDLE animation variant make Julia to repeat such
animation when stop the aiming
+Fix+ Footstep sounds doubles sometimes due to the new animation system
+Fix+ Animations when aiming with certain weapons aren�t looping correctly
+Fix+ Many actions while aiming causes the weapon reticle to keep showing on
+Fix+ Reloading without aiming makes Julia to not rotate in the movement direction
+Fix+ Using the same animSlot more than once in the same AnimBP
+Fix+ Enemies lying on the floor while dying allow the player to make CQC on them
+Fix+ Sometimes with certain weapons, like the knife, when aiming, Julia enters in
an infinite loop
+Fix+ Trying to get a second item just right after getting one, causes Julia to
+Fix+ The bullet case for certain weapon is not appearing
+Fix+ Certain weapon causes unwanted visual effects when hitting an enemy
+Fix+ Reloading a weapon while Julia is playing an IDLE variant animation, causes
to only the weapon to play the reload animation
+Fix+ Unequipping a weapon while aiming causes the reticle to keep showing on
screen, the camera to stay like she was aiming and gets Julia into a soft-lock
+Fix+ It�s possible to make CQCs even when Julia is getting hit or even in floor
+Fix+ Animation for two directions while aiming with the handgun aren�t well
looped causing jumps in Julia while moving during aiming
+Fix+ Walking under the rain with the handgun equipped makes Julia�s left arm to
go crazy because of her IKs
+Fix+ The camera is showing black borders during grapples and Sexttacks
+Fix+ During a grapple the equipped weapon doesn�t disappear
+Fix+ During the getting free from a grapple animation the equipped weapon will
disappear and after that it won�t appear again
+Fix+ Certain weapon appear as full when it�s empty when it�s on its holster
+Fix+ Not all VXS emblems are shootable on the Cave
+Fix+ Due to the new parameter system for the enemies, the health one is affecting
the Infected Dog walk speed
+Fix+ There�s a hole between two walls in the Mansion on both Missions where the
Mansion is
+Fix+ There�s no visual effect of raining on the Exterior but only sound effect
+Fix+ The unlocking notifications sometimes just make the sound but don�t appear
on screen
+Fix+ Sometimes the �call you attention� notification keeps showing on screen even
after getting the item showing it
+Fix+ A bad code layout is causing the spawn logic for enemies (appearing on even
mission repetitions and such) to not work properly causing, for example, to make
the dogs on the Cave to only appear the first time you play and not anymore
+Fix+ Enemies can grab Julia through any object whose height is below the enemy�s
+Fix+ Enemies can grab Julia in the very exact moment of receiving a deadly shot,
making the process to getting grabbed and therefore Sexttacked by an invisible/dead
... and a lot more.

+New+ New version of UE4 used
+New+ A very first implementation of a Flashlight
+New+ Julia's model with improved polygon count and smoother skin(more than 40
subtasks went into this)
+New+ Soft skin (+ physics) system for Julia with more jiggly stuff
+New+ Skin shaders for Julia
+New+ Mission 3 (with tons of subtask that didn't got accounted for the versioning
+New+ Mission 4 (with tons of subtask that didn't got accounted for the versioning
+New+ Stamina parameter used for some new actions
+New+ Dodge system for enemy attacks (more than 15 subtask went into this)
+New+ Physical attack system to help avoid getting surrounded when you have no
ammo (WIP) (more than 10 subtasks went into this)
+New+ CQC system meaning you can now hit a key part on the enemy then get closer
to him to physically apply a lot of damage (WIP)
+New+ Animation damage system for enemies now showing animMontages instead of
+New+ Dismemberment system (WIP: you can't dismember legs for now, because there's
no crawling enemies AI implementation yet) (more than 20 subtasks went into this)
+New+ Wandering system added to Infected as well, not only for dogs anymore
+New+ Cheap wet surfaces shader (you can see them in the Exterior area in Mission
2, specially in the Mansion porch)
+New+ Culling configuration for big levels, to alleviate drawing distance charge
+New+ Title Screen (this is the look it will have in the game) (WIP) (more than 15
subtasks went into this)
+New+ Pause Screen (WIP)
+New+ Character Customization Screen look
+New+ Way of handle saving stuff like unlockables for the future saving system
+New+ Unlockable requisites including the ones for the new hair style and outfit
+New+ Hair style
+New+ Outfit
+New+ Fantasy Cards for this release
+New+ Programming implementation for the new FCs including the increasing of the
weapon's critical % parameter
+Change+ Added a blur effect to the pause screen to avoid mesh shaking
+Change+ Made the interaction area for Julia bigger so it's easier to interact now
+Change+ Tweak and rebuild of lighting and fog in the Exterior Area in both
Mission 1 and 2
+Change+ Improved the interaction system, now when a heal item is equipped using
it will have priority over other interactions like jumping over, etc.
+Change+ Getting rid of patreon rank checks for unlockables since now everyone can
unlock them
+Change+ Tweaks made to roughness and specular channels to avoid Julia's skullcap
being so different from hair
+Change+ Updated Mission 3 related info vars to add the corresponding preview
+Change+ Updated Mission 4 related info vars to add the corresponding preview
+Change+ Updated some Sexttacks animation morphs to avoid boobs clipping into
straps (for outfit with those)
+Change+ Changed the Infected disintegration FX to make it look more similar to
the dogs one
+Change+ Updated the version number to reflect the new update
+Change+ Updated the Changelog to reflect all the new stuff
+Fix+ Some of the movement to specific vector code for the enemies was always
returning "fail" even if it was a success
+Fix+ Some enemies get their AI off after jumping over causing them to just stay
in place after the jump
+Fix+ The handgun appears as unloaded even when there's ammo on it already
+Fix+ Julia enters sometimes in an infinite animation loop when reloading the
+Fix+ Knife can't hit enemies lying in the floor
+Fix+ The handgun crosshair opens too much with slight movements
+Fix+ Enemies can grab Julia when she's interacting with something else
+Fix+ Enemies' gens act weird during grab animations
+Fix+ Physics on enemies' gens have misconfigured collisions
+Fix+ Julia's hair color resets after level changing
+Fix+ After getting ammo, if there's any qty left, this dissappears like if it was
dropped by an enemy
+Fix+ The big trees in the Mansion's courtyard can cause Julia to stuck in them
forcing a reset
+Fix+ Retrying the Mission 1 during the sewer's countdown causes an inventory lost
+Fix+ The Julia's Interactor area goes through the floor now that such area is
+Fix+ Enemies drop more than one keyitem even when only one is specified
+Fix+ Pressing F consecutively while examining the hatch at the beginning of
Mission 2 at the Exterior area causes the text to stuck and stack on the screen
+Fix+ Dogs sometimes turn 90� to one direction before jumping causing them to go
into places they shouldn't
+Fix+ When getting an item in the exact moment it's dissappearing or while Julia's
running and she passes the item while stopping causes an inability to interact with
anything else forcing a reset
+Fix+ Doing a physical attack or a CQC attack when there's no equipped weapon
makes no damage on enemies
+Fix+ Doing a physical attack, a CQC atack or a Knife stab is counted as a shot
from the equipped weapon for the stats
+Fix+ Julia and enemies meshes are a bit floaty (in the sewers sequence it may
look like Julia is still floating when the camera moves far from her, but that's a
visual glitch from UE4 making her shadow to dissappear on her feet)
+Fix+ Knife stabs won't show enemy damage animations
+Fix+ Sometimes even when the button is showing up to get an item, Julia still
won't get it
+Fix+ Some morphs aren't working with the new Julia's outfit
+Fix+ When opening the door to the Mansion in Mission 2, the rain appears inside
+Fix+ Sometimes the porch floor won't appear wet like it should in Mission 2
+Fix+ Character customization background lines cover some important parts of
Julia's model, like her face
+Fix+ Some levels are missing the way to capture enviroment light to project it
onto Julia, causing her to have some green reflections in some areas like her eyes
+Fix+ Enemies can grapple Julia for Sexttacks other than the blowjob one when the
new outfit is still a no-go for those
+Fix+ (Not totally confirmed that this is fixed) Landscapes like the Exterior area
have problems with physic interactions like enemies going ragdoll when dying
causing a Fatal Error
+Fix+ Julia shaders have a too strong SSS
+Fix+ Some navmeshes aren't properly built
+Fix+ Title screen is still warning about some unbuilt lighting for objects
+Fix+ Enemies shot after jumping over an obstacle will make them falling to floor
instantly in an unnatural way
... and a lot behind the scenes work.

+New+ New version of UE4 used
+New+ Massive optimization pass (A LOT done in here to name it all)

+New+ A new way to structure these notes that nobody reads lol. Only adding the
most important stuff
+New+ 103 total new addings including new systems, mechanics, bug-fixing, etc
+New+ A new FX system that reflects damage, dirt and cum on Julia (lots of addings
in here)
+New+ Enemy cums now stain the floor, etc
+New+ You can now change the hair color in the Character Customization Screen
+New+ A very early implementarion of the Intermission Screen
+New+ model+rig+materials+textures+animations for the Infected Dog (lots of
addings in here)
+New+ Fantasy Card System added (lots of addings in here)
+New+ An early implementation of weather effects
+New+ Shootable items (similar to sellable items in RE5)
+New+ A new UI to help you know your current objective. You can toggle it on or
+New+ A Mission Selector Screen (WIP)
+Change+ The Infection system is now complete including the blue herb mesh totally
finished now (lots of addings in here)
+Change+ Julia's shader has been remade to addapt it to new mechanics and
simplifying it as much as possible (LOTS of addings in here)
+Change+ The colors for the Secret Outfit 1 has been tweaked
+Change+ The enemies' AI has been tweaked (LOTS of addings in here)
+Change+ Tweaked the physics for the enemies's gens a bit
+Change+ Some tweaks to Julia's physics as well
+Change+ Tweaked the enemies's movement (except for the Dog) to try and make them
rotate instead of popping out in a direction (very WIP)
+Change+ Tweaked the Infected Dog's AI making him to walk more instead of only
running among a lot of other things
+Change+ Added a new "type of door" to the door system
+Change+ Added a new "type of puzzle" to the puzzle system
+Change+ Added new conditions to drop items to the enemies (like killing a certain
number of enemies)
+Change+ Improved the teleport between levels system so we can set exactly where
Julia must appear
+Change+ Improved the navigation meshes in the Sewers (this is for Enemies's AI)
+Change+ Tweaked Post-Process Effects and fog effect in the Sewers a bit
+Change+ Unlocking unlockables now display a visual notification instead of just a
+Change+ Adapted the Result Screen to the new required behaviours
+Change+ Updated the VXS logo
+Change+ Updated the VXS avatar in the Main Menu/Tittle Screen
+Change+ Some graphics were updated
+Fix+ Infected Dog (I don't think we have to add anything here, right? lol) (A LOT
and I mean A LOT of 'addings' in here)
+Fix+ Exiting the Sewers would cause the outfit to reset for Pigeon Patrons and
Free users
+Fix+ Enemy damaged parts like arms and legs now recover in an smoother way
+Fix+ Enemies take around two seconds to start acting after they see/hear Julia
+Fix+ Julia in the Main Menu/Title Screen was stuck playing only one animation and
not moving her head nor even blinking
+Fix+ Enemies showing strange animation framerates in the Exterior Area
+Fix+ Enemies stop chasing you when you turn your camera out of them
+Fix+ Some clippings during Infected Dog Sexttack animations
+Fix+ An error when trying to rebuild the lighting caused by referenced BSP
+Fix+ Found and fixed some memory leaks that were happening every frame like some
checks for inexistent actors or trying divisions by 0 value
+Fix+ After exiting the Mansion, Julia would clip through the floor on fall to the
+Fix+ The same for some enemies
+Fix+ The rain effect would appear even under roof
... and a lot more.

A lot of new stuff has been made for this version, including:
+New+ Blue Herb added (heals inflation) - (the 3D model is still a placeholder)
+New+ Configuration option under the Gameplay section, where you can configure how
much exclusive GPU RAM you have to avoid crashes when using more than available
(values goes from 1gb to 3gb+)
+Change+ No more Login system
+Change+ Made the countdown area in the sewer a bit easier
+Change+ Made the interaction box for some of the items and key items bigger so
they're easier to get
+Change+ The Classic Outfit 1 is now locked and you have to unlock it making it
more replayable (FOX Patrons Only)
+Change+ Added Blue Herbs Interact items through the three levels
+Change+ Added new Sewing Machines through the three levels
+Change+ The welcome message in the title screen has been updated
+Change+ Some graphics have been updates to reflect the new version
+Fix+ Using retry in the Sewer level cause Julia to freeze when the countdown
start sequence should play
+Fix+ The inflation causes no effects on the screen
+Fix+ The Big guy gets stuck in the entrance to the hidden-behind-a-shelf room in
the second floor, causing Julia to don't get out of there
+Fix+ The enemies can move while using the Sewing Machine
+Fix+ Using a name with more than 8 characters cause the HUD to get stretched
(Temporal Fix)

New Julia model
New Infected Male models
New look for Julia
New variety of clothes for Infected Males
New Julia animations
New Infected Male animations
New enemy type: Cerberus (very early implementation)
2 new playable areas
New gameplay system
New rotation system
New camera system
New AI system
New enemy actions
New key-zones damage system for enemies
New shooting system
New Sexttack system
New Lighting system
New VFX for damage
New item type: 1st Aid Spray
New item type: Green Herb
New item type: Red Herb
New inventory mechanic: Herbs combination
New gameplay mechanic: Healing items usage
New gameplay mechanic: Enemy grappling system
New gameplay mechanic: Drag system
New LOD system for enemies including different texture sizes and mipmaps
New water shader: a lot simpler (a lot less impact for GPUs) and better
New 2D graphics: The entire inventory redone
New 2D graphics: The HUD
New 2D graphics: The key items section
New 2D graphics: all the item icons redone
New 2D graphics: all the keyitem icons redone
New 2D graphics: The entire character personalization menu
New 2D graphics: The entire login screen menu
New 2D graphics: New background picture for the Results Screen
New: Added Clothing damage system
New: Added Clothing recovery system
New: Added Checkpoint system
New: Added a Change Name system
New: Added a Character Personalization system
New: Added different hair looks for Julia to unlock
New: Added different outfits for Julia to unlock
New: Added placeholder voice clips
New: Added movement while aiming
New: Added a Music system controller
New: Added an unlocking extras system
New: Added Synch Markers to feet in all animations to make Julia�s animation
transitions smoother
New: Added a gun in holster system with visual representation
New: Added a physics system for the different clothes
New: Added a feet IK system for Julia
New: Added physics-controlled clothes
New: Added physics-controlled hairs
New: Added a total of 14 new Sexttack animations
New: Added Julia�s stop running animation transitions
New: Added Julia�s footstep sounds for every kind of surface
New: Added Infected�s footstep sounds for every kind of surface
New: Added different kind of doors, including a door that teleport to another
New: Added the use of custom Nav-Links for the enemies� AI
New: Added new enemy behaviors including running, sprinting, jumping, �
New: Added a new camera system for the Sexttacks
New: Wetness mask added for enemies� gens
New: Unlocked unlockables are saved so you don�t have to unlock them every time
Change: The disclaimer screen has been updated
Change: The �Get Key Item System� has been changed to look more like the normal
items one and avoid visual and sound glitches
Change: Pressing a shortcut key pointing an empty slot will make Julia to unequip
the currently equipped item
Change: Internal reorganization of animation Blueprints for Julia and the Infected
Change: Overridden the entire root motion system with a curve-based speed and
movement system
Change: Deprecated the old (future)-INI-configurable enemies with a new more
accessible and easier for us one
Change: Deprecated the stamina system which is now replaced with a WIP infection
Change: New material FX for enemies� disintegration
Change: Camera shakes now works in a different way
Change: The damage system has been reworked; now Julia receives damage depending
on enemy�s strength and clothes� condition
Change: In Title Screen, change the old Julia�s model with the new one along with
its animations
Change: The Sewer level has been changed to implement a new ladder with a
transition no the next level
Change: Better music and background sounds transitions
Fix: The long loading times
Fix: Made Julia to rotate to face the item she�s going to get if it�s too far away
to avoid extreme abdomen and arm stretching
Fix: Maintaining the fire button pressed caused Julia to never be able again to
shot or stab unless pressing the aim button again
Fix: Using a shortcut to equip an empty slot cause Julia to re-equip the already
equipped item playing the equip animation again too
Fix: The inventory appears totally desaturated while it should be colored
Fix: The Key Item icons appear in black and white while they should be colored
Fix: Enemies can�t move, just walking and attacking in place
Fix: Examining a door made Julia to turn in the opposite direction
Fix: LODs for the furniture in the Sewers changed from 0 to 3 in an instant while
Julia is still close to them
Fix: Aiming while running cause Julia to start walking but with the running speed
Fix: While aiming in Caution or Danger states Julia will still use the normal
walking animations
Fix: Movement animation speed while aiming is not updated correctly
Fix: After attacking (shooting or stabbing) a few times consecutively, Julia bugs
into the aiming pose and stays in there forever
Fix: Julia�s leg movement when rotating while aiming is too fast
Fix: Aiming the gun at down causes clipping on Julia
Fix: Aiming the knife at down causes clipping on Julia
Fix: The camera Pitch limit causes the Julia�s left arm and left leg to clip
Fix: The turn animation for Julia while she�s in Idle is too fast
Fix: The turn animation for Julia while she�s moving is too slow
Fix: Julia is making a �popping� movement whenever the camera is rotated
Fix: Julia�s stop aiming animations are looking too much to the left
Fix: Julia has a lot of foot-sliding specially when walking
Fix: Root Motion for animation Montages in Enemies are scaled up
Fix: Still using BSP in the Exterior Area
Fix: Still using BSP in the Interior Area
Fix: The walls in the Exterior Area are too small
Fix: The Cerberus has no LODs
Fix: Two of Julia�s Hair Looks are using a wrong material ID for their hair ribbon
Fix: Bullet cases are colliding with the Camera causing it to pop-out with every
Fix: The building fa�ade in the new Exterior area has bad UVs
Fix: Julia�s textures aren�t in the correct �Texture Group�
Fix: Julia�s scarf 2 has bad UVs
Fix: After freeing from a grab, the camera keeps shaking
Fix: The disintegration FX on the enemies aren�t applying to their clothes
Fix: Getting grappled while in inventory will cause it to remain visible always
Fix: There�s too many Reflection captures in the Sewer level causing low
Fix: Having a key item in another slot other than the first one is ignored and
acts as if that key item wasn�t there at all
Fix: Trying to get a disappearing item causes the UI and the interact mechanic to
break and makes Julia unable to interact again
Fix: Making a big jump down (the one in the Sewer level if getting down from the
upper level) causes Julia to reproduce the end animation immediately after the
begin jump animation instead of when reaching the ground below


+Added+ A little easter-egg/extra in the Main Menu/Title Screen for those who
complete again the Arena

+Changed+ When an Infected discovers you from a high distance it pops to your
direction without turning animation. This should have changed now

+Changed+ Small tweak to the inflation morph to try and avoid some clipping in the

+Changed+ The "help" text for the Patreon option in the Main Menu/Title Screen

+Changed+ Version Number on Main Menu/Title Screen and in the Results Screen to
reflect the new version

+Bugfix+ Sometimes when aiming or getting hit Jill�s model start to glitch (like
vertices going crazy around the map) and stop after a second or two.

+Bugfix+ When getting KeyItems you can see Jill going naked for a second

+Bugfix+ When triggering the end of the countdown scene while being sexttacked the
QTE UI graphics will remain there even when you auto-counter it after the scene

+Bugfix+ Grammar error in the first door when examining it while still closed


+Added+ Settings Menu (Available through Main Menu/Title Screen and Pause Menu
during game)

+Changed+ Default Sexttack duration is now 10 seconds

+Changed+ Touched a bit the illumination

+Changed+ Made KeyItems shine fx a bit stronger

+Changed+ Made Items FX when they're left by the Infected a bit larger to make them
more noticeable

+Changed+ Version Number on Main Menu/Title Screen to reflect the new version

+Bugfix+ Running the game with SteamVR installed caused it to auto-run it (even
when the game has no VR features) and also to force the audio output through the VR
device (This one is untested cause we don't have any VR device to test it)
+Bugfix+ A glitch that let the player had infinite ammo when using the combine
option in the Inventory

+Bugfix+ Jill gets stuck when aiming the knife and pressing the Interact button.
Solution was to restart the mission

+Bugfix+ Jill gets stuck in the door that opens when the countdown ends during the
CG showing the door opening. There was no solution as she was brought back to floor
after the CG ends. Was just a *visual bug*

+Bugfix+ Sometimes hit impacts are counted as missed for the accuracy stat in the
Mission Results

+Bugfix+ Many cameras during Sexttacks go through the floor/walls. This should be
almost fixed now

+Bugfix+ Depending on the distance to the Infected and the distance from this to
the nearest wall, shot maybe be missed and impacting the wall instead

+Bugfix+ Moving diagonally causes Jill to move slower than when moving in 4-dir

+Bugfix+ During Sexttacks, the zombie has always the same appearance (This fix may
cause some clipping or undesired effect in animations, like the dick going out of
the holes for example)

+Bugfix+ Bullets aren't going where the laser points to

+Bugfix+ Visual glitch that happens randomly when stabbing, causing a blood fx to
appear when hits nothing


+Initial release

Known Bugs / Glitches

� Enemies can do some weird things, like unexpected animations when dying and
they're already playing one. Ignore this for now, since enemies will be completely
reworked for the next version

� There may be some enemies that don�t want to move, more like walking/running in
place (this one is UE4�s navmesh system fault, not ours. Maybe someday will see a
bug-free UE4 version� maybe, someday)

� Some Julia outfits may show many zones of clipping through (this is being worked
on little by little, so please bear with us while we fix them)

� When having infection, getting killed and continuing will cause a flicker in
Julia's belly. For now, you can solve it using a blue herb


(Versus X Studio 2018-2021)

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