Mindler Case Studies Set 2

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Case Study – Part 1

Year 2011, Isabella 12th Class

Isabella is born in a family where the father is an interior designer and the mother is a
homemaker. She has an elder brother. The age gap between the siblings is 5 years.

Isabella’s mom spots dancing talent in her and pushes her to train hard. She ensures that Isabella
participates in every possible dance competition right from class 4th and also pushes her into

Isabella picks up art and dance and performs in public shows and also showcases her talent in
many countries in class 6th and 7th. She is encouraged by the school to go on cultural tours to
many countries. She also gets media mentions many a times as a budding child artist. By class
9, she has performed in about 8 countries.

Isabella also happens to do well academically and her mother is a real taskmaster. Her mother
ensures that she stands first in class and which Isabella does. However, her brother had given
the family a hard time as far as academics is concerned. He gave hell to his parents and was
known to be a difficult student to handle in school.

Isabella goes about performing and doing well academically and when she reaches senior class,
she wants to make a career in dance, as that’s where her heart lies. But her mother wants to
hear nothing on dance as a career choice and tells her to focus only on an academic career.
Isabella works day and night and many a times works against her will (cos she wants to go and
practice for shows) but her mother motivates her and convinces her that she’s good and
therefore with hard work and dedication Isabella tops her school and gets 96% marks.

Both the parents had beaten their son black and blue while raising him but were very fond of
their daughter. She was the only solace for their bruised ambitions. They were convinced of their
daughter’s potential and felt that she would one day have a remarkable career.

Her mother takes her to a career coach and the dilemma is whether to pursue Maths or Stats
(Hons) program at the top girls college in the city. Mother is completely convinced that even
though Isabella is a trained dancer and a gifted artist but there is no future in dance. So she
wants a validation by an expert.


Case Study – Part 2

Her mother got her admitted to the top college in the city and Isabella did Stats (Hons)
program and did exceedingly well at college. But given even half a chance Isabella wanted to
perform at every college function and thus make a career in dance. She rues the fact that if she
had continued with her dance training and shows, she would have definitely made a mark in
this field. Whenever she watches reality based dance shows she is almost in tears.

At every family function, friend’s parties or any get together, Isabella has to dance and she
takes lot of pride in being a great dancer.

She wants to become an actuary cos her mother knows about this field cos one of her relatives
son has done remarkably well for himself in actuarial science.
So Isabella decides to clear actuary papers and gets a cushy job after graduation.

Isabella clears 7 papers in few years and moves to another job with an American company. Her
work is recognized, as she’s very good in statistics. She gets promoted and gets good
increments cos of her excellent work and clearing more papers.

But Isabella is not at all happy. When her work is getting noticed and she gets appreciation
from her superiors she’s motivated to stay in the field but on not so good days she wonders
what is she doing with her life. She aches to do something in dance. In all the cultural
programs at her work place she is adjudged as the best dancer and her peers and superiors
have this to say” what are you doing in the Insurance industry”? This makes her wonder…

She goes back to the same coach with the following questions (Year 2017)
1. I can’t do this anymore, I want to quit and then do something else maybe in a creative
field if not dance
2. I’m good in my field and my work is getting due recognition but that’s not what I do
with me heart. It’s a job for me. Dance gives me happiness.
3. Even if I struggle and work day and night, I will eventually become an actuary and be
very successful financially but it’s an uphill task for me to study and then to
continuously work in such a dry career.
4. Should I change my profile to a more managerial role in the organization? But that
would happen only with experience and clearing more papers, but I don’t know how to
motivate myself to do that.
5. Should I do an MBA and then change my industry and role. But that’s not something
that interests me much
6. Why can’t I do a program in dance therapy or go abroad to do a dance course/
program ?
7. What she likes is to interact with people and not sit in front of the machine and dabble
in millions of data all day. That’s not who she is.


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