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Llb-106 Competition Law question bank 1 - 94

1. What is the object of Competition Act

(a) Fair competition (c) Both a & b
(b) Promoting competition (d) None of the above
2. Competition Commission is what type of body?
(a) Judicial (c) Quari judicial
(b) Non judicial (d) All of the above
3. CCI pass what type of order
(a) Interim relief
(b) Any appropriate relief and corporation which the commission think fit in the case
(c) Order unimposing penalties
(d) All of the above
4. An appeal from the order of the commission shall his to which Authority
(a) High Court (c) Supreme Court
(b) Central Government (d) None of the above
5. This Act called
(a) Competition Act, 2000
(b) Competition Act, 2001
(c) The Competition Act, 2003
(d) The Competition Act, 2002
6. Definitions are given under which section
(a) Section 3 (c) Section 2
(b) Section 1 (d) Section 4
7. Which Section under Competition Act deals which Anti competition agreements
(a) Section 4 (c) Section 3
(b) Section 5 (d) Section 2
8. Which section under Competition Act talking about abuse of dominant position
(a) Section 4 (c) Section 3
(b) Section 5 (d) Section 6
9. Combination given under which section
(a) Section 3 (c) Section 6
(b) Section 2 (d) Section 5
10. Which section given regulation of combination
(a) Section 5 (c) Section 6
(b) Section 10 (d) Section 12
11. The competition Act, 2002 contain how many sections
(a) 62 (c) 65
(b) 64 (d) 66
12. Competition Act, 2002 contain how many chapter
(a) IX (c) XI
(b) X (d) XII
13. Duties, powers and function of commission given under which chapter of this Act?
(a) Chapter V (c) Chapter VII
(b) Chapter VI (d) Chapter IV
14. Establishment and Composition of CCI given under chapter of this Act?
(a) Chapter II (c) Chapter IV
(b) Chapter III (d) Chapter VII
15. Penalties given under which chapter?
(a) Chapter IV (c) Chapter VII
(b) Chapter IX (d) Chapter VI
16. Competition advocacy given under section
(a) Section 50 (c) Section 49
(b) Section 51 (d) Section 48
17. Competition advocacy deal under chapter
(a) Chapter VIII (c) Chapter VI
(b) Chapter V (d) Chapter VII
18. Which section talking about Establishment of Commission
(a) Section 6 (c) Section 4
(b) Section 5 (d) Section 7
19. Composition of Commission given under section
(a) Section 7 (c) Section 9
(b) Section 8 (d) Section 10
20. Duties of Commission deal in which section
(a) Section 18 (c) Section 21
(b) Section 20 (d) Section 19
21. Which section talking about selection committee for chairperson and member of
(a) Section 7 (c) Section 9
(b) Section 8 (d) Section 10
22. Which section deal with term of office of chairperson and other member
(a) Section 11 (c) Section 7
(b) Section 10 (d) Section 8
23. Which section deal with removal chairperson and other member of CCI
(a) Section 10 (c) Section 11
(b) Section 9 (d) Section 8
24. Suspension of chairperson and other member are given under section
(a) Section 8 (c) Section 11
(b) Section 12 (d) Section 10
25. Which section but restriction on employment of chairperson and other member in certain
(a) Section 17 (c) Section 18
(b) Section 16 (d) Section 12
26. Salary and allowances of chairperson given in which section
(a) Section 16 (c) Section 14
(b) Section 15 (d) Section 18
27. Salary and allowances of member of CCI provide under section
(a) Section 15 (c) Section 14
(b) Section 16 (d) Section 20
28. Appointment of Director-General and provide under section
(a) Section 14 (c) Section 16
(b) Section 15 (d) Section 17
29. Appointment of Secretary, experts, professional are given under section
(a) Section 17 (c) Section 18
(b) Section 19 (d) Section 20
30. Appoint of officers and employees of commission are given in which section
(a) Section 21 (c) Section 18
(b) Section 22 (d) Section 17
31. Power of inquiry provided under section
(a) Section 18 & 19 (c) Section 20 & 21
(b) Section 19 & 20 (d) None of above
32. Which section is given power of enquiry in case of dominant position of enterprises
(a) Section 18 (c) Section 20
(b) Section 19 (d) Section 23
33. Which section is given powers of inquiry in case of combination, to the commission
(a) Section 18 (c) Section 20
(b) Section 19 (d) Section 21
34. Meetings of commission is given under section
(a) Section 20 (c) Section 22
(b) Section 21 (d) Section 23
35. Procedure for inquiry deal under which section
(a) Section 20 (c) Section 26
(b) Section 25 (d) Section 27
36. Which section provide, procedure for investigation of combination
(a) Section 27 (c) Section 29
(b) Section 28 (d) Section 30
37. Which section give powers to issue interim order
(a) Section 30 (c) Section 32
(b) Section 31 (d) Section 33
38. Which section gives power to commission to regulate its own procedure
(a) Section 35 (c) Section 37
(b) Section 36 (d) Section 34
39. Which section talking about rectification of order?
(a) Section 30 (c) Section 37
(b) Section 31 (d) Section 38
40. Under which section commission having power to improve monetary penalty
(a) Section 38 (c) Section 40
(b) Section 39 (d) Section 41
41. Under which section Director General of the CCI given power to investigate
(a) Section 39 (c) Section 41
(b) Section 40 (d) Section 42
42. If any person doesn’t comply with the order or directions issued by the commission,
which section impose penalty
(a) Section 40 (c) Section 43
(b) Section 41 (d) Section 42
43. Which section imposed penalty for failure to comply with direction of commission and
Director General
(a) Section 40 (c) Section 45
(b) Section 43 (d) Section 44
44. Under which section penalty for making false statement or commission to furnish
material information are given
(a) Section 43-A (c) Section 45
(b) Section 44 (d) Section 46
45. Power to impose penalty for non-furnishing of information on combinations are provide
(a) Section 43 (c) Section 43-A
(b) Section 44 (d) Section 45
46. Penalty for offences in relation to furnishing of information are deal under section
(a) Section 40 (c) Section 44
(b) Section 43 (d) Section 45
47. Which section talking about contravention by companies
(a) Section 45 (c) Section 48
(b) Section 47 (d) Section 49
48. Which chapter of competition act, 2002 deal with finance, accounts and audit
(a) Chapter V (c) Chapter VII
(b) Chapter V (d) Chapter VIII
49. In which section grants by Central Government is provide
(a) Section 49 (c) Section 51
(b) Section 52 (d) Section 50
50. In which section constitution of fund given
(a) Section 50 (c) Section 52
(b) Section 51 (d) Section 53
51. In which section constitution of fund given
(a) Section 50 (c) Section 52
(b) Section 51 (d) Section 53
52. The commission shall furnish to the central government at such time and in such form
and manner as may be prescribed or as the central government may direct this provision
are given under
(a) Section 53 (c) Section 52
(b) Section 50 (d) Section 51
53. Competition appellate tribunal are provide under chapter
(a) VIII (c) IX
(b) VIII A (d) X
54. The term ‘acquisition’ are given under
(a) Section 2(a) (c) Section 2(c)
(b) Section 2(b) (d) Section 2(d)
55. The term ‘agreement’ explain under
(a) Section 2(a) (c) Section 2(c)
(b) Section 2(b) (d) Section 2(d)
56. The term ‘Cartel’ explain under
(a) Section 2(c) (c) Section 2(a)
(b) Section 2(b) (d) Section 2(d)
57. ‘Consumer’ explains under which section of Competition Act, 2002
(a) Section 2(a) (c) Section 2(e)
(b) Section 2(d) (d) Section 2(f)
58. The term ‘enterprise’ explains under which section of competition act, 2002
(a) Section 2(h) (c) Section 2(i)
(b) Section 2(g) (d) Section 2(j)
59. The term ‘goods’ explain under which section of competition act, 2002
(a) Section 2(f) (c) Section 2(h)
(b) Section 2(g) (d) Section 2(i)
60. The term ‘person’ given under which section of competition act
(a) Section 2(i) (c) Section 2(l)
(b) Section 2(k) (d) Section 2(j)
61. The term ‘person’ under competition includes
(a) Only individual (c) Co. & firm
(b) HUF (d) All of the above
62. ‘Price’ explain under which section of competition act, 2002
(a) Section 2(L) (c) Section 2(N)
(b) Section 2(M) (d) Section 2(O)
63. Enterprise under competition act, 2002 includes
(a) Public enterprise (c) All department of government but except few
(b) Private person (d) Central government are included
64. The term ‘Relevant Market’ define under which of the section of competition act, 2002
(a) Section 2(O) (c) Section 2(Q)
(b) Section 2(R) (d) Section 2(S)
65. The term ‘Relevant geographic market’ explain under section
(a) Section 2(R) (c) Section 2(T)
(b) Section 2(S) (d) Section 2(U)
66. Term ‘Relevant product market’ given under section
(a) Section 2(T) (c) Section S(R)
(b) Section 2(S) (d) Section 2(U)
67. “Service” explain under which section of competition act, 2002
(a) Section 2(S) (c) Section 2(T)
(b) Section 2(Q) (d) Section 2(U)
68. The term ‘Trade’ explain under which section of competition act, 2002
(a) Section 2(U) (c) Section 2(W)
(b) Section 2(X) (d) Section 2(y)
69. The term ‘share’ explain under which section of competition act, 2002
(a) Section 2(S) (c) Section 2(V)
(b) Section 2(T) (d) Section 2(W)
70. Establishment of Appellate Tribunal given under
(a) Section 53-A (c) Section 54
(b) Section 53 (d) Section 50
71. Appeal to Appellate Tribunal are provide under which provision of competition act, 2002
(a) Section 53 A (c) Section 53 C
(b) Section 53 B (d) Section 53 D
72. Composition of Appellate Tribunal under
(a) Section 53 A (c) Section 53 C
(b) Section 53 B (d) Section 54 D
73. Which section of competition act is talking about qualification for appointment of
chairperson and member of Appellate Tribunal
(a) Section 53 A (c) Section 53 C
(b) Section 53 B (d) Section 54 D
74. Which section of competition act provide term of office of chairperson and member of
Appellate Tribunal
(a) Section 53 A (c) Section 53 F
(b) Section 53 E (d) Section 54
75. Terms and conditions of services of chairperson and member of Appellate Tribunal are
given under which section of competition act, 2002
(a) Section 53 E (c) Section 53 G
(b) Section 53 F (d) Section 53 H
76. Resignation of chairperson and member of Appellate Tribunal are provide under which
section of competition act, 2002
(a) Section 53 I (c) Section 53 K
(b) Section 53 J (d) Section 53 L
77. Which section is talking about removal and suspension of chairperson and member of
Appellate Tribunal of the competition act
(a) Section 53 K (c) Section 53 M
(b) Section 53 J (d) Section 53 N
78. Which section of competition act, 2002 impose restriction of employment of chairperson
and other member of Appellate Tribunal in certain cases
(a) Section 53 M (c) Section 53 K
(b) Section 53 N (d) Section 53 L
79. Which section of competition act, 2002 provide procedure and power of Appellate
(a) Section 53 O (c) Section 53 Q
(b) Section 53 P (d) Section 53 R
80. Right to legal representation are provide under which section of competition act
(a) Section 53 I (c) Section 53 O
(b) Section 53 R (d) Section 53 P
81. Which section is deal which appeal to supreme court under competition act, 2002
(a) Section 53 Q (c) Section 53 S
(b) Section 53 R (d) Section 53 T
82. Which section of competition act give power to punish for contempt
(a) Section 53 T (c) Section 53 V
(b) Section 53 U (d) Section 53 W
83. Power of central government to issue directions are provide under which section of
competition act
(a) Section 55 (c) Section 53
(b) Section 54 (d) Section 56
84. Which section give power to central government to supersede commission
(a) Section 53 (c) Section 56
(b) Section 55 (d) Section 54
85. Which section of competition act, 2002 impose restriction on disclosure of information
(a) Section 56 (c) Section 58
(b) Section 57 (d) Section 59
86. Section 61 of the competition act, 2002 is taking about
(a) Restriction on disclosure of information
(b) Inclusion of civil touch jurisdiction
(c) Power to make rule
(d) Power to attempt

Q 87. Competition Commission of India is a

a) Judicial body
b) Constitutional body
c) Administrative body
d) Quasi-judicial body
Q 88. Competition Act, 2002 aims at repealing
a) Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Act
b) Sales of Goods Act
c) Consumer Protection Act
d) Unfair Trade Practice Act
Q 89. ‘Acquisition’ under Competition Act means acquiring or agreeing to acquire
a) Shares
b) Voting rights
c) Control over management or assets
d) All
Q 90. According to Act, ….. position means opposition of strength, enjoyed by an
enterprise, in the relevant market, in India enabling to operate independently of
competitive forces
a) Commanding
b) Supreme
c) Dominant
d) None
Q 91. Which of the following arrangement/agreement is prohibited under the Act
a) Tie-in arrangement
b) Exclusive Distribution Agreement
c) Exclusive supply agreement
d) All
Q 92. Term of office of chairperson and other members shall be
a) 65 years
b) 62 years
c) 67 years
d) 60 years
Q 93. Who is competent to appoint Competition Appellate Tribunal
a) State government
b) Competition Commission
c) President
d) Central government
Q 94. Director General under the act
a) Shall have suo motu powers to investigate
b) May investigate suo motu if required under certain circumstances
c) Does not have suo motu powers to investigate
d) Both a) and b)

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