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You are on page 1of 20 — Website hoc trie tuyén s6 1 tai Vigt Nam Khéa hoc: Tieng anh co ban 11 (C6 Nguyen Thanh Hwong) TOM TAT NGU PHAP TIENG ANH LOP 11 Giao vién: Nguyén Thanh Huong TO-INFINITIVES / BARE INFINITIVES / GERUNDS (Ding tirnguyén miu c6 “to”, nguyén miu khing “to”, danh dg ts) 1. Tosnfinitive / finite with to * Bong trnguyén mau o8 to due ding lim ~~ Chi ngit ctia cau: To become a famous singer is her dream. Bd ngit cho chi nga: What like is ro svi in the sea and then fo fe onthe warm sand. Tan ng cia dng tr It was late, so we decided fo sake a taxi home him /her my — his / her We ~ They us — them our — their Ex: He said: “I leamed English.” He said that - English. Ex: She said to me, “My mother gives me a present.” She told me that 2, Ngdi thir hai: (You, your) ~ Xét,¥nghia cia céu va ddi cho phit hop, thutng dét da vao tie tir cia ménh dé twee thuat Ex: Mary said: “You are late again.” Mary said that you were late again Ex: “I will meet you at the airport”, he said to me. ‘He told me that -—- hit ba (He / She / Him / Her / His / They /Them / Then) git nguyéa, khong dt IL. Thay ddi vé thi trong cau: DIRECT INDIRECT Simple present - VI /Vs(es) Present progressive ~ am /is /are + V-ing Present perfect ~ have / has + P.P Present perfect progressive ~ have / has been +V-ing Simple past ~ V2/-ed Past progressive — was / were + V-ing ‘Simple future — will Future progressive Simple past —V2/ V-ed Past progressive — was / were + V-ing Past perfect ~ had + P.P Past perfect progressive ~ had been + V-ing ast perfect — had + P.P Past perfect progressive had been +V-ing Future in the past - would + V1 Future progressive in the past - would be + V-ing — Website hoc true tuyén 61 tal Viee Nam Kh6a hoc: Tléng anh co ban 11 (Cé Nguyén Thanh Huong) IIL. Thay déi cde trang tir chi thdi gian va noi chén: DIRECT DIRECT Now Then Here ‘There This That These Those Today ‘That day Yesterday The day before / the previous day Last year ‘The year before / the previous year Tonight That night Tomorrow _| The following day / the next day Next month | The following month / the next month Ago Before CAC THAY DOI CY THE CHO TUNG LOAI CAU TRONG LOI NOI GIAN TIEP 1, COMMANDS / REQUESTS (Cau ménh Ignh, cfu d& nghi) = Ménh lénh khang dinh: Direct: S+V+0:*V1+0..." S+ asked / told +O 5 Ex: He said to her: “Keep silent, please.” —> He told her “Wash your hands before having dinner, Lan.” The mother said. +V+0:“Don't+ VI+..." $+ asked / told + 0 + HOGER Ex: “Don’t forget to phone me this afternoon,” he said — He reminded me ~ ‘The teacher said to the students: “Don’t talk in the class. = The teacher Tay theo ng0t cénb trong loi néi déng tir tudng thudt said hogec said to c6 thé ddi thanh told, asked, advised, persuaded, directed, begged, encouraged, Ex: The doctor said to his patient: “Do exercise regularly.” — The doctor ~ 2. STATEMENT (Cau trin thug) Direct: S+V+(O) : “clause” Indirect: $+ told / said + (O) + (that) + clause Note: said to > told Ex: Tom said, “I want to visit my fiend this weekend.” — Tom said (that) — She said to me, “Iam going to Dalat next summer + She told me (that) — Website hoc true tuyén 61 tal Viee Nam Kh6a hoc: Tléng anh co ban 11 (Cé Nguyén Thanh Huong) 3. QUESTIONS (Cu hi a. Yes—No question Direct: S+V+(O): “Aux. V+S+VI+0....2” Indirect: S+ asked + O + if/ whether +S +V +O Ex: He asked: “Have you ever been to Japan, Mary?” —> He asked Mary ~ “Did you go out last night, Tan?” Lasked —> Tasked Tan b. Wh— question Direct: S+V+(O): “Wh- + Aux, V+S+VI+02" Indire S+asked + O+Wh-+S+V+0. Ex: “How long are you waiting for the bus?” he asked me. — He asked me “Where did you go last night, Tom?” the mother asked. — The mother asked Tom ~ 4, DANH DONG TU (V-ING) TRONG LOI NOI GIAN TIEP Khi loi néi true tiép la loi dé nghi , chue mimg, cém on, xin Idi, ...d6ng tir tung thuat cing vei danh dong tir (V-ing) theo sau né thuong duge ding dé chuyén tai n6i dung loi ndi trén. a. Reporting Verb + V-ing + Deny (phti nhn), admit (thita nhgn), suggest (dé nghi), regret (rmdtt cao, cam kich) Ex: Peter said: “I didn’t steal the painting.” — Peter denied stealing the painting, | appreciate (dinh gi “Why don’t we go out for a walk?” said the boy. —» ‘The boy suggested going out for a walk. b. Reporting Verb + (Someone) + Preposition + V-ing + .... ~ thank someone for (ci omai vé ....) = accuse someone of (bude tdi ai ve...) = congratulate someone on (chic mimg ai vé ....) - warn someone against (ca bio ai vé ....) = dream of (move...) = object to (chéng déi vé ...) = apologize someone for (xin Idi ai vé ...) = insist on (khang khang d6i ...) = complain about (phan nan vé ....) Ex: “I'm happy to know that you win the game. Congratulations!”, Jim said to Mary. StI seeecneneeceeeeeenteeen 1 said to the boy: “Don’t play ball near the restricted area >I Daisy said: “I want to be a famous singer in the world, = Daisy ~ Note: 1. Why don’t you / Why not / How about —> suggested + (someone) + Ex: “Why don’t you send her some flowers?” he said —+ He suggested me sending her some flowers, 2.Let’s — suggested + V-ing .. Let's not > suggested + not + V-ing ... Ex: “Let's meet outside the cinema,” he said — He suggested meeting outside the cinema, She said: “Let’s not talk about that problem again.” — She suggested not talking about that problem again 3. Shall we /It’s a good idea > suggested + V-ing ... Ex: “It's a good idea to go for a picnic this weekend,” she said —* She suggested going for a picnic that weekend. — Website hoc true tuyén 61 tal Viee Nam Kh6a hoc: Tléng anh co ban 11 (Cé Nguyén Thanh Huong) 5, DONG TU NGUYEN MAU (TO-INFINITIVE) TRONG LOI NOI GIAN TIEP Khi loi noi gin tiép la mét loi dé nghi, ménh lénh, ¥ dinh, loi hia, loi yéu cdu, ...déng tir trong, thugt cing voi déng tir nguyén mau theo sau né thudng duge ding dé chuyén tai ndi dung lai noi nay. a, Reporting Verb + To-inf ... agree demand (doi héi) guarantee (bao dim) ~ hope promise swear (thé) - threaten (de doa) volunteer offer (dura ra dé nghi) ~ refuse consent (bing long) decide Ex: “I will give you my book if you need it,” said my friend —+ My friend offered to give me her book if I needed it. b. Reporting Verb + Object + To-inf ... -ask advise ‘command (ra lénh) ~ expect instruct (huéng dan) invite - order (ra 1énh) persuade (thuyét phuc) recommend (khuyén) = remind (nhc nho) encourage (c6 vi) tell ~ urge (thiic give) ‘warn (canh bao) want Ex: “Don’t forget to lock the door,” I said to my sister. — Treminded my sister to lock the door. ‘Ann said: “Come to my place whenever you are free.” + Ann invited me to come to her place whenever I was free. Note: 1, Loi dé nghi: Would you / could you / Will you /Can you > asked + someone + to-inf Would you mind / Do you mind + V-ing — asked + someone + to-inf Ex: “Can you read the instructions again?” she said. —* She asked me to read the instructions again. He said: “Would you mind opening the door, please?” > He asked me to open the door. 2. Lai moi: Would you like / Will you —> invited someone + to-inf Ex: “Will you have iunch with me?” he said. + He invited me to have lunch with him. 3. Loi khuyén: Had better / If T were you / Why don’t you — advised someone + to-inf Ex: “If I were you, I would phone her,” he said. —+ He advised me to phone her. 6. CAU DIEU KIEN TRONG LOI NOI GIAN TIEP- Néu trong lis noi tru tiép c6 céu dieu kign thi chi c6 céu did digu kign loai 2 va 3 van git nguyén hinh thirc dong tir ctia ching, Ex: “IfThave time, [will visit her,” he said —> He said that if he had time he would visit her. She said: “IFT had enough money, I would buy a car.” — She said that if she had enough money she would buy a car. He said to me: “If I had met you, I would have told you the truth.” —> He told me that if he had met me he would have told me the truth, ign loai 1 1a thay di vé thi au — Website hoc true tuyén 61 tal Viee Nam Kh6a hoc: Tléng anh co ban 11 (Cé Nguyén Thanh Huong) CONDITIONAL SENTENCES (Cau diéu kign) TYPE 1: diéu kién c6 thé xay ra 6 hign tai hodc tuong lai Vi(s /es) will /shall / can + VI If+S+ S+ don’t / doesn’t + VI won't / can’t /shan’t + VI EX: If | save enough money, | will buy a new car. TYPE 2: diéu kign khéng c6 that 6 hién tai Vii-ed could / would/ should + VI 1f+S+ S+ didn’t + V1 couldn’t / wouldn't / shouldn't + VI EX: If | were you, I would tell the truth. TYPE 3: diéu kign khdng c6 that 6 qua khir had + V3/-ed ‘could / would/ should + have + V3/-ed 1+S+ S+ hadn’t + V3 /-ed couldn't / wouldn't / shouldn't + have + V3/-ed EX: If [had arrived ten minutes earlier, I would have got a seat. ~ Note: Ta cé thé luge bo "If" di nhung phai dao ngit EX: Had | arrived ten minutes earlier, I would have got a seat - Unless = If. not ~ D6i tir if sang unless: IF UNLESS Khang djnh | Khang djnh (dgng tir trong ménh dé chinh doi sang pha djnh) Phi djnh Khang dinh (mgnh dé chinh khong thay déi) ~ Dang cau: Ménh Ignh + or + Clause - Ifyou don’t + V1, Clause - Ifyou aren't + ..., Clause Ex: Be carefull or you will cut yourself. Go away or I will call the police -NOI2 CAU DON G1 - Note: + Dién ta | hanh déng co thé xay ra 6 hign tai hodc tong lai — loai 1 + Dign ta 1 hanh dong khéng thé xay ra 6 hign tai (dong tir 6 hign tai) > loai 2 + Dién ta | hanh dong khéng the xay ra 6 qua khtr (dng tir 6 qua khir) — loai 3 EX: Hurry up or you will be late = If you don’t hurry, you will be late. EX: She doesn’t have a car. She doesn’t go out in the evening, — Website hoc true tuyén 61 tal Viee Nam Kh6a hoc: Tléng anh co ban 11 (Cé Nguyén Thanh Huong) RELATIVE CLAUSES (Ménh dé quan hé) 1. CAC DAI TU QUAN HE: 1. WHO: - lam chi tir trong ménh dé quan hé = thay thé cho danh tir chi ngudi soon N (person) + WHO + V+ 0 2. WHOM: lam tie tr cho dng tir trong ménh dé quan hé = thay thé cho danb tir chi ngudi ssuN (person) + WHOM +S +V 3. WHICH: lam cha tr hoe tie tir trong ménh dé quan hé = thay thé cho danh tir chi vat ssuN (thing) + WHICH + V +0 NN (thing) + WHICH + S+V 4. THA 6 thé thay thé cho vi tri cia who, whom, which trong ménh 48 quan hé quan hé xc dinh * Cac trudmg hop thuimg ding “that”: ~ hi di sau cae hinh thie so sénh nha ~ khi di sau céc tir: only, the first, the last ~khi dan tir di trade bao g6m ca ngudi va vat - khi di sau céc dai ti bat dinh, dai tir phit dinh, dai ti chi s6 lugng: no one, nobody, nothing, anyone, anything, anybody, someone, something, somebody, all, some, any, little, none. Ex: He was the most interesting person that I have ever met. It. was the first time that I heard of it. These books are all that my sister left me. She talked about the people and places that she had visited, “ae truimg hop KhOHg ding that: = trong ménh dé quan hé khéng xac dinh ~ sau gigi tir 5, WHOSE: diing dé chi sé hitu cho danh tir chi ngudi hode vat, thuémg thay cho cae tir: her, his, their, hhodic hinh thite 's LN (person, thing) + WHOSE + N+ V 6. WHY: mé diu cho ménh dé quan hé chi ly do, thudng thay cho cum for the reason, for that reason. — Website hoc true tuyén 61 tal Viee Nam Kh6a hoc: Tléng anh co ban 11 (Cé Nguyén Thanh Huong) -N (reason) + WHY +S +V Ex: [don’t know the reason. You didn’t go to school for that reason > Idon’t know the reason why you didn’t go to school 7. WHERE: thay thé tir chi noi chén, thuéng thay cho there N (place) + WHERE + S+V.... (WHERE = ON / IN / AT + WHICH) Ex: a/ The hotel wasn’t very clean. We stayed t that hotel —> The hotel where we stayed wasn’t very clean, > The hotel at which we stayed wasn’t very clean, 8. WHEN: thay thé tir chi thoi gian, thug thay cho tir then N (time) + WHEN +S +V (WHEN = ON / IN / AT + WHICH) Ex: Do you still remember the day? We first met on that day + Do you still remember the day when we first met? — Do you still remember the day on which we first met? T don’t know the time, She will come back then —+ I don’t know the time when she will come back. C LOAL MENH DE QUAN HE: 1. Ménh dé quan hé xée dinh (Defining relative clause): Duge sit dung khi danh tir la danh tir khong xe dinh, Ex: The city which I visited last summer is very beautiful (Defining relative clause) 2. 2, Ménh dé quan hé khong han dinh (Non-defining relative clause): Duge sit dung khi danh tir la danh tir xie din Ex: Dalat, which I visited last summer, is very beautiful, (Non-defining relative clause) Note: dé biét khi no ding ménh dé quan hé khdng xae dinh, ta hi y cae ~ Khi danh tir ma n6 bd nghfa la mot danh tir riéng | mot tin tir so hu (my, his, her, their) ~ Khi danh tir ma n6 bd nghia la m6t danh tir i véi this , that, these, those IIL MOT SO LUU Y TRONG MENH DE QUAN HE: 1. Néu trong ménh dé quan hé c6 gidi tir thi gidi tir c6 thé dat true hoe sau ménh dé quan hé (chi Ap iém sau ~ Khi danh tir ma n6 bé nghi dung véi whom va which.) Ex: Mr. Brown is a nice teacher. We studied with him last year. — Mr. Brown, with whom we studied last year, is a nice teacher. — Mr. Brown, whom we studied with last year, is a nice teacher. 2. Cé thé diing which thay cho cé ménh dé dieng trée. — Website hoc true tuyén 61 tal Viee Nam Kh6a hoc: Tléng anh co ban 11 (Cé Nguyén Thanh Huong) Ex: She can’t come to my birthday party. That makes me sad. — She can’t come to my birthday party, which makes me sad 3. 6 vi tri tic tir, whom cé thé due thay bing who. Ex: I'd like to talk to the man whont/ who I met at your birthday party IV. CACH RUT GON MENH DE QUAN HI 1, Mgnh dé quan hg duge rat thinh eym phiin tir: Ménh dé quan hé chita cdc dai tir quan hé Lim cha tir who, which, that c6 thé duge rit gon thin cum ign tai phan tir (V-ing) hoe qua khir phan tir (V3/ed). * Néu ménh dé quan hé la ménh dé chit dng thi rit thanh cum hign tai phan tir (V-ing). Ex: a/ The man who is standing over there is my father. = The ma by The couple who live next door to me are professors. — The couple- * Néu ménh dé quan hé la ménh dé bj dng thi rat thanh cum qué kr phan tir (V3/ed).. Ex: al The instructions that are given on the front page are very important. > The instructions-~ by The book which was bought by my mother is interesting. = The book-~ 2. Ménh dé quan hé duge rat thinh cum d6ng tir nguyén mau: ‘Ménh dé quan hé dirge rit thanh cum d6ng tir nguyén mau (To-infinitive) khi truée dai tir quan hé £6 cic cum tir: the first, the second, the last, the only hojic hink thite so sinh bac nhit. Ex: a/ John was the last person that got the news. + John was the last person— bb/ He was the best player that got the prize. + He was the best played~ c/ He was the best player that we admire. + He was the best player~ — Website hoc true tuyén 61 tal Viee Nam Kh6a hoc: Tléng anh co ban 11 (Cé Nguyén Thanh Huong) CLEFT SENTENCES (Cau ché) Cau ché duige ding dé nhén manh mét thanh phan cia cau nhu chi ngtt, the ti hay trang tir 1, Nhdin manh chai tir (Subject focus) a. It+ is / was + Noun / pronoun (person) + who + V +0... Ex: My brother collected these foreign stamps. — Itwas my brother who collected these foreign stamps b. It+ is /was + Noun (thing) + that + V+ 0... Ex: Her absence at the party made me sad. —> It was her absence at the party that made me sad. 2. Nhdin manh tie tir (Object focus) a. It + is/was + Noun / pronoun (person) + who(m) + S + V... Ex: I met Daisy on the way to school —+ It was Daisy who(m) I met on the way to school. Note: Khi nhdn manh tic tir ta ¢6 thé dung who thay cho whom nhung khi nhén manh cba tir thi khong ding whom thay cho who. b. It + is /was + Noun (thing) + that + $+ V... Ex: My brother bought an old motorbike from our neighbor = It was an old motorbike that my brother bought from our neighbor. 3. Nhin manh trang tir (Adverbial focus) It-+ is /was + Adverbial phrase + that +S+V... Ex: - We first met in December. » It was in December that we first met. = Phan Thanh Gian was bom in this village. = Tt was in this village that Phan Thanh Gian was bor, 4. Cu che bj déng (Cleft sentences in the passive) a. It + is/was + Noun / pronoun (person) + who + be + P.P... Ex: Fans gave that singer a lot of flowers. — Tt was that singer who was given a lot of flowers. b. It-+ is /was + Noun (thing) + that Ex: People talk about this film. = Itis this film that is talked about - Fans gave that singer a lot of flowers = Tt was a lot of flowers that were given to that singer be+ PP. — Website hoc true tuyén 61 tal Viee Nam Kh6a hoc: Tléng anh co ban 11 (Cé Nguyén Thanh Huong) CLEFT SENTENCES (Cau ché) Cau ché duige ding dé nhén manh mét thanh phan cia cau nhu chi ngtt, the ti hay trang tir 1, Nhdin manh chai tir (Subject focus) a. It+ is / was + Noun / pronoun (person) + who + V +0... Ex: My brother collected these foreign stamps. — Itwas my brother who collected these foreign stamps b. It+ is /was + Noun (thing) + that + V+ 0... Ex: Her absence at the party made me sad. —> It was her absence at the party that made me sad. 2. Nhdin manh tie tir (Object focus) a. It + is/was + Noun / pronoun (person) + who(m) + S + V... Ex: I met Daisy on the way to school —+ It was Daisy who(m) I met on the way to school. Note: Khi nhdn manh tic tir ta ¢6 thé dung who thay cho whom nhung khi nhén manh cba tir thi khong ding whom thay cho who. b. It + is /was + Noun (thing) + that + $+ V... Ex: My brother bought an old motorbike from our neighbor = It was an old motorbike that my brother bought from our neighbor. 3. Nhin manh trang tir (Adverbial focus) It-+ is /was + Adverbial phrase + that +S+V... Ex: - We first met in December. » It was in December that we first met. = Phan Thanh Gian was bom in this village. = Tt was in this village that Phan Thanh Gian was bor, 4. Cu che bj déng (Cleft sentences in the passive) a. It + is/was + Noun / pronoun (person) + who + be + P.P... Ex: Fans gave that singer a lot of flowers. — Tt was that singer who was given a lot of flowers. b. It-+ is /was + Noun (thing) + that Ex: People talk about this film. = Itis this film that is talked about - Fans gave that singer a lot of flowers = Tt was a lot of flowers that were given to that singer be+ PP. — Website hoc true tuyén 61 tal Viee Nam Kh6a hoc: Tléng anh co ban 11 (Cé Nguyén Thanh Huong) CONJUNCTIONS ién tir cp d6i nhu both ... and, not only ... but also, either ...or, neither ... nor duge ding dé cdu tao cu trie song han, Tir, cum tir hay ménh dé duge néi lién béi nhéing lién tir nay Iudn co cing cu tric, chire nang holc ti loai, 1, both ... and (vita «..vira oy Cf «slim «..) Ex: She is hoth intelligent and beautiful. (adjectives) Both his brother and his sister are students. (nouns) _— Note: Khi hai chii tir duge néi lién bai both ... and, dng tir 6 hinh thite sé nhiéu 2. not only ... but also (khéng nhiing / chi ... mi edn) Ex: He studies not only English but also French. (nouns) The film was not only boring but also long. (adjectives) She nor only sings beautifully but also plays the piano well. 3. either ...or (hoje ...hode) Ex: You either must work hard or will fail. (verbs) Either you or he is going to be on duty. (pronouns) 4. neither ... nor (khéng ... cfing khéng) Ex: She likes neither tea nor coffee. (nouns) My father neither smokes nor drinks. (verbs) Note: . ~ Khi hai cha tir dure néi boi not only ... but also, either ... or, neither ... nor, déng tir hoa hgp voi chit tir ngay trrée n6 Ex: Not only his friends but also his brother gives him presents. ~ Khi not only ... but also néi lién hai ménh dé va dimg dau edu, ching ta phii dio ngit ménh dé thir hit Ex: Not only does he speak English but he also speaks French - DOng tit trong cau c6 cp lién tir neither ... nor ludn 6 dang khing dinh Ex: My father neither smokes nor drinks. — Website hoc true tuyén 61 tal Viee Nam Kh6a hoc: Tléng anh co ban 11 (Cé Nguyén Thanh Huong) CONJUNCTIONS ién tir cp d6i nhu both ... and, not only ... but also, either ...or, neither ... nor duge ding dé cAu tao cau tric song hanh, Tu, cum tir hay ménh dé duoc néi lién béi nhiing lién tit nay luén cd cing cu tric, chire nang holc ti loai, 1, both ... and (vita «..vira oy Cf «slim «..) Ex: She is hoth intelligent and beautiful. (adjectives) Both his brother and his sister are students. (nouns) _— Note: Khi hai chii tir duge néi lién bai both ... and, dng tir 6 hinh thite sé nhiéu 2. not only ... but also (khéng nhiing / chi ... mi edn) Ex: He studies not only English but also French. (nouns) The film was not only boring but also long. (adjectives) She nor only sings beautifully but also plays the piano well. 3. either ...or (hoje ...hode) Ex: You either must work hard or will fail. (verbs) Either you or he is going to be on duty. (pronouns) 4. neither ... nor (khéng ... cfing khéng) Ex: She likes neither tea nor coffee. (nouns) My father neither smokes nor drinks. (verbs) Note: . ~ Khi hai cha tir dure néi boi not only ... but also, either ... or, neither ... nor, déng tir hoa hgp voi chit tir ngay trrée n6 Ex: Not only his friends but also his brother gives him presents. ~ Khi not only ... but also néi lién hai ménh dé va dimg dau edu, ching ta phii dio ngit ménh dé thir hit Ex: Not only does he speak English but he also speaks French - Déng tir trong cau c6 cap lién tir neither ... nor ludn 6 dang khang dinh Ex: My father neither smokes nor drinks. COULD / BE ABLE TO 1. COULD: li dang qua kit ciia can, diing dign ta - kha nang (phd quat, chung chung) trong qua khir Ex: When I was six, I could drive a bike. = Idi yéu cu lich sw Ex: Could you show me the way to the post office? ~ didu gi d6 c6 thé xay ra 6 hign tai hode twong lai nhung khéng chéc chin Ex: It could rain this afternoon. (C6 thé chiéu nay tri sé mua.) . 2. BE ABLE TO: cé hinh thife qua khir la was / were able to + V1, dign ta su c6 ging hoan tét mot hanh déng trong mét tinh hudng dac biét. Ex: The fire spread through the building quickly but we all were able to escape. ‘The player hurtin his leg, but he was able to play to the end — Website hoc true tuyén 61 tal Viee Nam Kh6a hoc: Tléng anh co ban 11 (Cé Nguyén Thanh Huong) Cau héi dudi gém cé hai phan: cau néi (statement) va phan dudi (tag) statement, tag? 1. Quy tie chung: ~ Cau néi va phn dui luén 6 dang déiinhaw cfu néi hing dinh, dudi pha di cfu néi phi dinh, dudi khing di Ex: The children are playing in the yard, aren't they? ‘They can’t swim, ean they? ~ Chi tir cia edu noi a dai tr, ta Nap Iai dai tir nay Ex: She is a doctor, isn’t she? . = Chii tir la danh ti, ta ding dai tir trong ting thay thé Ex: People speak English all over the world, don’t they’ - Bai tir bat dinh nothing, everything: durge thay bang “it” Ex: Everything is ready, isn't i? - Cie dai tir no one, nobody, someone, somebody, everyone, everybody, anyone, anybody: duge thay bing “they” Ex: Someone called me last night, didn't they? - Dai tir this / that duoc thay bing “it”; these / those duge thay bing “they” Ex: That is his car, isn’t if? These are your new shoes, aren’t they? -“There” trong edu tric “there + be” duge ding lai 6 phan dudi Ex: There aren’t any students in the classroom, are there? ~ Cau n6i e6 tro déng ti (will / can / shall / should /is/ are ...) tro déng tir duge Kip Iai & phan dudi Ex: You will come early, won't you? : - Cau noi khéng c6 try dong tir try dng tir do / does / did duge ding 6 phan dudi Ex: Itrained yesterday, didn’t it? She works in a restaurant, doesn’t she? ~ Cau n6i c6 chita ede tir phit dink thi phan dudi khing dSnh Ex: He never comes late, does he? Note: Déng ti trong phan dudi é ph dinh thi ludn duce viét 6 dang nit gon 2. MOt sé trugng hgp dic bi = Phin dudi cia 1AM la AREN'T I Ex: [am writing a letter, aren’t 1? - Phan dudi cia Let’s la SHALL WE Ex: Let's go out tonight, shall we? - Cau ménh lénh khang dinh: : + diing phan dudi WON'T YOU dé dign ta Him 7 ++ diing phan dudi WILL / WOULD / CAN / CAN'T YOU dé dign ta 10i yéu edu lich sir Ex: Have a piece of cake, won’t you? Close the door, will you? . - Cau ménh Iénh pha dinh: ding phan dudi WILL YOU dé dién ti loi yéu edu lich sw Ex: Please don’t smoke her, will you? - Phan dudi ciia ought to la SHOULDN'T Ex: She ought to do exercise every moming, shouldn't she? — Website hoc true tuyén 61 tal Viee Nam Kh6a hoc: Tléng anh co ban 11 (Cé Nguyén Thanh Huong) PASSIVE SENTENCES (Cau bj dng) 1. Céch chuyén tir céu chit dong sang cau bj dong: ‘Active Seyeo ZS Passive Ex: They are painting the house. — The house is being painted. They had destroyed all the documents when we arrived. — All the documents had heen destroyed when we arrived 2. Thay ddi hinh thie dng tir cy thé trong ting thi: TENSES ACTIVE PASSIVE Simple Present S+Vi-ses S+ am / is/are + PP Present continuous | $ + am /is / are + V-ing S+am / is/are + being + PP Simple Past S+V-ed/ Vi S + was / were + PP Past continuous S + was / were + V-ing S + was / were + being + PP Present Perfect | S+ have/ has + PP Shave /has + been + PP ast Perfect ‘Shad +PP ‘Shad + been + PP Simple Future | S+ will + Vi ‘Swill + be + PP Modal verbs can can may may must must S+ haveto+VI S+ have to+be + V3 should should used to used to be going to be going to Verbs of see seen perception hear heard S+ watch +O+ V1 S+ be+ watched + to— inf, make made let let ‘Causative form ‘S+ have + O (ngudi) + Vi +04) S+ have / get + 0 (vit) + V3 (by+0 S+ get + O (ngudi)+to- | (nguai)) inf + 0 (va) 2 Verbs of reporting: (dng tir chi ¥ kién: say, think, know, report, believe...) - Active People (they) + say (said) + that Sr Ni Or - Passive: 1 It / was + said + that S: | V2 On am/ is/are to-inf. 2 |S + said Or was/ were to have + V3 Ahéng con that

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