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G 5111


UL -t -4 'l\"IL PROCEDURE C •) OE ru'ffi LfMITATTfJ.'.'i M-:T

l ~019 Aclrruss1ons-Rcg ulo r 2 0 1~ Admisswr:.5---Su p;p~twry

Pan A

•.<.\nsu:er an_v five qz..t!Stw.-..s..

E ach questior. r-~ 3 ,-~is.

l. ~plain suits ofa civil nature.

What is the principle underl:ing Res judicata ·
3 . Distinguish between set-off and counter dai.c:e
4 _ \vnen and under what ci rcumst.ances arrest gefo re Ja<igemec., a::rl a~~ cen:re 1:;r.prnect
might be ordered ?
5. Discuss the nature und sigmficance of ~ - - and Ga...'"1""~ ~r

6. Wnat is acknowledgement ? Explam it:5 effects.

P an B

_-\·,u- e r.-" tl::rEe q ~wrJ..

Ea-ch q:...l!sti - ·..:r "'J"'lit,s :o , c ,- ~

7 _ A files a suit against B to recoYer tnQne y ·::: .i onlHJoCte. The ~~:: ~ ~ " -:a ·-::. the ~ . i . : :..:.:i:: ;.::e
promissory note "'"as obtamed from f> t-·. _.:--:: n i:n.:h::enoc ::c: ~ .:·-~~ex i s . ~~ ci.:.c ~
suit is decreed. B challenges the pro~.:-·:- - ....ote by a Er:....-::M-.~ s_-:..:_ :c. :..e F,:.~ ·i t..i.i ~
coercion. Examine the ma.intnina bili:· : · · · ~::ec.: ~-.:.
8 . A is .1 tradesman in Bombay X.. carrit':o v=: b.:."' ·_ · ..--2:5_.;; = C a..'....-.::-:..: X. ~ --c.._.;... a i · _"""E:.::..::. 3...a::lc;r:--
b uy'- f ·~ s frt-m A and orders tllci:: to bt (:c_ ~ ..: ;: ..:. ;;m- 1 . ~ ~ ~ E..;,,,--,, _ ·..; u: .:::i_-'=".:..

over to X. A d . li vers the ~xxi~ !l<."t."\!:-Ci...- _~!:, ::-... ~ Y- A • ~.:s c.: ;;~ 'S. fur~ -:r~ ;i ~ ~"-c:
50 Jd to him . .\c what
place _-\ cnn ~uc:c X tor ~e?a,"i~.
q .i\ ~ue~ B ,,~ bill of exc-han~ . B all~.,,;; th.;::_: .\ t:...:S -.-.:r~T:r~- =-~-=-·-=-.::a: ·..:. •r.,,.:_~ :.:,p. • Jc-~ ....- ·t

t h" ~oods .., nt rusted with hio for- safe cu.3tL'<i:. rid t::: li:i'::lsc t ~, t : ::::. cc; ~::r::.i::c. w~..::.:. .:.~ ..:!..!L •..s
1, ; t~,~· E , ., rmne whethtc>r a d fil.Cl f..>:- ~ec -~i:3 r::..11.:::dm.J.rl \::.
,; r;an
' •. t.· l t,\ ,·t<-nd fM' r Mtn ut th,• I irn, of thr ,n:.:it,ww,c, ,,,~ .,,,t
! \(' .,,, t o\"-(', It\ II· 111\ r\illlltht .,

\");,\ n rn·. . . l\\~\t \\t' w ~,11 ,mpkad,'tl nft,., tln.• J>t.•THl(l of lim1,~1t w11 fl I . ' ,,nt.on,d,,,,1 U~l t tr,> , Jt
, ·,. -- 1· ·"t.\:.'!,\ l•'t•. t ht· p nlN't'(ltn~ ht•mt1 ,·oid. D('("1dt-

P n.rt. C

Answf'r a ny t wo questions.
Each qut!stw n ca rrie.s 15 marks .
.L . L":~-..:....;;::;; t!le d . ~ t modes of servi ng s ummons and the consequences ofnon-a ppe JT.?'W'!fi EJI.:
:.."k" ,--,,:-n~u.-r.tbl e.x-parte procedures.
\\1lc, :s .n md!_gent person ? De....'-Cribe the procedure re lating to s uits by incLg(:nt perF-Ons De...cntt.•
:::;:e;-µ.!eader suits and the method of filing inter p leader suits and the p rocedurE> tl.eN·a fte r
:s. W:t:.e note, on nny th ree :

a Computation of the period ofli mit..ation.

b Refere nce, revision and r eview. r

c Que5=uons to be determined by the executing court .

.:i » :,todes of execution . ~
"' 1 Procl:ama lion and setting aside of a ::;ale. ✓
(2 x 15 = 30 nark_,

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