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Question 1

2 / 2 pts
Which of the following is not related to “Process Theology”:

David Griffin

Primordial pole

God does not have a consequential pole

Identity is maintained in a series of momentary “actual occasions.
Question 2
2 / 2 pts
Using Elwell’s text, match the following (Constructing a theology):
Paul Tillich
theology from below
theology from above
Thomas Aquinas
Trinitarian pattern
Karl Barth
Christological model
Question 3
2 / 2 pts
VanderMolen noted that pragmatism was a philosophy promoted by

Immanuel Kant


John Dewey

Question 4
2 / 2 pts
Match the following:
Classical Objectivistism
Millard Erickson
Richard Rorty
Contextual Foundationalism
William James
One of the founders of pragmatism
Coherence View of Truth
Only if propositions agree w ith other propositions
Question 5
2 / 2 pts
According to Demarest, which of the following affirms why the church undertakes the
task of systematic theology?

That the believing community might be edified.

The gospel might be proclaimed.

The truth content and lived experience of the faith may be preserved

All of the above
Question 6
2 / 2 pts
Immanuel Kant restricted religion to the realm of "Practical reason."


Question 7
2 / 2 pts
Which of the following is not discussed in Erickson as one of the answers as to the
"abiding element" of Christianity?
An Institution (the Church)



Question 8
2 / 2 pts
Which of the following places a strong emphasis on feeling?

Friedrich Schleiermacher

Immanuel Kant

Contemporary Christian worship

Both a and c
Question 9
2 / 2 pts
Which of the following would not be considered to be a characteristic of “Modernism”:
strong tendency toward foundationalism

correspondence theory of truth

scientific method was the only means of investigating truth

Preference for personal experience over investigation
Question 10
2 / 2 pts
Two Greek philosophers who greatly influenced the writings of the early church fathers

Cicero and Erastus

Plato and Aristotle

Plato and Augustine

Aristotle and Aquinas
Question 11
2 / 2 pts
Which view dominated thinking from the eighteenth through the late twentieth centuries,
emphasizing rationality and certainty?




Question 12
2 / 2 pts
Arrange the following in the proper order of Authority as given in Erickson (one is the
highest and four is the lowest).
Inductive Conclusions
Direct Statements of Scripture
Probable Implications
Tw o
Question 13
2 / 2 pts
Natural Theology is the effort to discern truth about God from from resources outside of
the Bible.


Question 14
2 / 2 pts
In answering the accusations of "meaninglessness" with respect to theological
language, Erickson tends to agree more with Ramsey than with Ferre or Hordern.


Question 15
2 / 2 pts
Match the following:
Logical Positivism
“Meaning of meanings”
“Language Games”
Functional Analysis
F. Ferre
Eschatological Verification
John Hick
Question 16
2 / 2 pts
Match the following terms:
Textual Criticism
Low er Criticism
Form Criticism
Oral Tradition
Redaction Criticism
Shaping and Modifying
Reader Response
Meaning not given in the Text
Question 17
2 / 2 pts
This individual is considered to be the founder of modernism:

John Herman Randall

John Sanders
Immanual Kant

Rene Descartes
Question 18
2 / 2 pts
Anthony Thiselton applied which theory to hermeneutics?

Verifiability Principle

Metaphysical Synthesis


None of the above
Question 19
2 / 2 pts
Match the following
George Lindbeck
Cultural Linguistic View
Religion is a matter of “feeling”
Religion is clearly pragmatic
Liberation Theologians
John Hick
Experience of the “one great reality”
IncorrectQuestion 20
0 / 2 pts
Which of the following is NOT given as one of the characteristics of modern theologies:

Brief Life Spans

Demise of Great Schools of Theology

Few Theological Giants

Dominated by German Philosophy
Question 21
2 / 2 pts
The study of the doctrine of God is also called:

Systematic Theology

Doctrinal Studies
Theology Proper

Biblical Theology
Question 22
2 / 2 pts
Erickson noted that there were three values of philosophy for the theologian. Which of
the following was not included as a value:

The sharpening of the message for clarity.

Scrutiny of the meaning of terms and ideas used in the theological task.

The criticizing of its arguments.

Philosophy is primarily an activity, rather than a body of truths
Question 23
2 / 2 pts
Fill in the blank to complete Erickson’s analogy: Theology is to religion what .

Grammar relates to language

Culture constructs religion
Knowledge yields truth

psychology is to human emotions
Question 24
2 / 2 pts
As developed by Gabler, biblical theology attempted to make a distinction between

"true" and "pure"

"historical" and "systematic"

"exegetical" and "philosophical"

"semantics" and "rhetoric"
Question 25
2 / 2 pts
Which of the following would not be considered to be a characteristic of

Distrust of the efficacy of reason as the source of knowledge.

Knowledge is relative to the knower

Man is the center of reality
Meaning does not reside exclusively in the text.

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