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2 Analysing the Task Environment

The task environment is the apart of the external environment. The task environment are things
that are close to the organization and effect it the most. The task environment is the main focus
for the organization. The task environment can include competitors, customer, suppliers,
strategic partners, or regulators. these factors are easier to identify and track than the general
environment. These are the factors that most readily will effect the organization.
By analyzing the task environment organizations can make better informed decisions on what to
do strategically and pick a direction for the organization to go in.


Suppliers Competitors

Labor market

Competitors are something that the organizational leaders will try to analyse and predict the
most. Looking at the competitors can greatly affect what the company will do next. looking at
what competitors offer can help the organization better focus on they are going to offer and et
themselves apart from the competition.
The customers are the life of any organization. If a company is offering something that
customers do not have a need or desire for, the company will fail. The customers will determine
the success or failure of a company. A company that listens to their customers and provides them
with a product or service that they desire the business will be way more successful.
the suppliers will also effect business. organizations need to make decisions on which supplie to
use and what the get from them. If a supplier raises their prices decisions have to made whether
or not the organization will raise product prices. The suppliers can affect the quality of the
organizations product as well. Organizations need to be able to trust suppliers to get their product
to them as fast as they can and on time. The suppliers need to be trusted and reliable.
Labor Market
The labor market is where businesses hire workers. A business needs people to help the day to
day running of the operation. The amount of labor needed depends on whether the business is a
labor intensive or capital intensive.

Task Environment of the Dialog Axiata

Competitors in Dialog Axiata
Main Competitors: Airtel Sri Lanka Mobitel Sri Lanka. Airtel Lanka Limited is a subsidiary of
Bharti Airtel Limited, the third mobile operator in the world. It’s commenced commercial
operations of services on 2009. It is also registered company under the board of investment Sri
Under the license, the company provides digital mobile service to Sri Lanka. This inclusive of
voice telephony, Voice mail, data services and GSM based services. All of these services are
provided under the Airtel brand. Airtel offerings products include 2G, 3G and 4G wireless
services, fixed line services and high speed home broadband. Airtel Sri Lanka mainly focusing
on winning customers for life through an exceptional experience. So they give importance to
Dialog for analyze what should Dialog offers differently, pricing, advertising, and marketing to
keep their customers in touch.
Main part of the company is customers, Dialog, a winner of six GSMA Mobile World Awards
has been the distinction of being voted by Sri Lankan customers as the Telecom Service Provider
of the Year for six successive years and Internet Service Provider of the Year for the fifth
consecutive year. the affects the dialog’s product or service policies. It can make changes in
economical of organization. dialog should also be able to facilitate its customer with exceptional
products at lower price than its competitors. Dialog very well knows how important it is to hear
from their customer’s feedback and suggestions are highly crucial for them.
They take this message amongst the supplier community through a set of Supplier Guiding
Principles which is based on the belief that good corporate citizenship is essential to their long-
term business success and must be reflected in all their relationships and actions. They have
identified 82 significant suppliers out of which 25% were screened for human rights issues
broadly including the work hours, remuneration, freedom of association, prevention of
discrimination, child labor and compulsory employment issues. They plan to introduce the
screening of vendors to all the significant suppliers of theirs in order to make sure their practices
of best practices are indeed shared throughout their supply chain.
Labor Market
Their labor market is made up of highly skilled workers. The Industry faces a tight labor market
and relatively low productivity per capita. Labor Standards of dialog axiata - Businesses should
uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective
bargaining. the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labor. the effective abolition of
child labor and the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.
[ CITATION ADi18 \l 1033 ]

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