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ACA 122—My Academic Plan (MAP) Assignment

You will need between 120-128 credit hours to earn a bachelor’s degree, which generally takes most
students between four and five years. Careful planning will help you stay on track to graduate within
your target time frame. Resources needed for this assignment include WebAdvisor, the CCCTI catalog,
the university transfer pathways (Baccalaureate Degree Plans), and perhaps your advisor.

For this assignment, you will use the worksheet below to help you plan out all the courses needed to
earn your bachelor’s degree. Then, you will log into WebAdvisor Student Planning and fully plan out the
community college part of your plan. You will submit the worksheet as your assignment, but your grade
will be based upon fully completing the worksheet AND planning out all your remaining community
college courses in Student Planning. See the MAP Rubric for an explanation of grading.

Academic Plan Worksheet

Please complete all of the following:

1. Provide your personal information and academic/career goals below.

Name: Kylie Annis Student ID #: 0737702

Career Goal: Dental Hygienist/Dentist Planned Graduation Date: 2023

Major/Program of Study: Associates in science Advisor: Frank Pait

Link to Program of Study Online:

2. List below any previously earned coursework that will apply to this degree. Include college classes
taken in high school or AP classes for which you received college credit. You should be able to find
this in WebAdvisor Student Planning or your transcripts. You can add or delete rows on this table as
needed. If you have none, type “None” in the table.

Course Number/ID Course Name/Title Credit Hours

ART 111 Art Appreciation 3
Total Previously Earned Credits Applicable to this Degree 3
3. List below the courses in which you are currently enrolled. Again, you can add or delete space in
this table as needed.

Course Number/ID Course Name/Title Credit Hours

COM 120 Intro to Interpersonal Communication 3
ACA 122 College Transfer Success 1
Total Currently Enrolled Credits Applicable to this Degree 4

4. Plan your remaining courses out into terms using the tables below. Compare the list of required
courses (using the Progress section in Student Planning or the Program of Study online) to what you
have already taken in order to see what courses you have left to take. Reminder, you may have to
consult the online Program of Study in the online college catalog to determine which semesters
certain courses are offered and if courses have pre-requisites that must be taken beforehand.

Semester & Year__Fall 2021

Course Number/ID Course Name/Title Credit Hours

ENG 111 Writing and Inquiry 3
PYS 150 General Psychology 3
MAT 171 Precalculus Algebra 4

Total Planned Credits Applicable to this Degree

Semester & Year__Spring 2022

Course Number/ID Course Name/Title Credit Hours

ENG 112 Writing/Research in the Disciplines 3
SOC 210 Introduction to sociology 3
MAT 263 Brief Calculus 4

Total Planned Credits Applicable to this Degree

Semester & Year__Summer 2022

Course Number/ID Course Name/Title Credit Hours

Total Planned Credits Applicable to this Degree

Semester & Year__Fall 2022

Course Number/ID Course Name/Title Credit Hours

CHM 151 General Chemistry I 4
COM 231 Public Speaking 3

Total Planned Credits Applicable to this Degree

Semester & Year__Spring 2023

Course Number/ID Course Name/Title Credit Hours

CHM 152 General Chemistry II 4

Total Planned Credits Applicable to this Degree

5. Provide information on your preferred transfer institution below. This section is required for ACA
122 students even if you have decided not to transfer. If that’s the case, complete this as a “what if”

Transfer Institution: UNC Chapel Hill Major/Program of Study: Dental hygiene

Career Goal: Dental hygienist/dentist Planned Graduation Date: 2025

Link to Program of Study Online:


6. Plan your university courses out into terms using the tables below. The best tool for this is to use
the transfer pathways, called Baccalaureate Degree Plans, that the universities have provided. If you
intend to transfer to a public university in NC, these plans are available through the NC Community
College Transfer weblink posted in Moodle. If you intend to transfer out of state or to a private
university, you will research the courses required for the degree you want and plan them into
semesters yourself, paying careful attention to prerequisites.

Semester & Year__Fall 2023

Course Number/ID Course Name/Title Credit Hours

CBPH 741 Introduction to Human Anatomy 3
DHYG 241 Nutrition 2
DHYG 252 Dental Radiology 3
DHYG 253 Dental Anatomy 2
DHYG 257 Introduction to Dental Hygiene 2
DHYG 257L Preclinical Dental Hygiene 3
Total Planned Credits Applicable to this Degree 15

Semester & Year__Spring 2024

Course Number/ID Course Name/Title Credit Hours

DHYG 261 Dental Pharmacology 2
DHYG 262 Dental Health Education 2
DHYG 263 Periodontology 2
DHYG 264 Histology 1
DHYG 265 Dental Materials 3
DHYG 267 Dental Hygiene Theory 3
DHYG 267L Clinical Dental Hygiene 3
DHYG 414 Radiographic Interpretation 1
Total Planned Credits Applicable to this Degree 17

Semester & Year__Fall 2024

Course Number/ID Course Name/Title Credit Hours

DHYG 351 General and Oral Pathology 3
DHYG 352 Community Dental Health 3
DHYG 357 Clinical Dental Hygiene 5
DHYG 401 Oral Microbiology 2
DHYG 402 Special Care in Dentistry 2
DHYG 403 Current Concepts in Periodontics 2
Total Planned Credits Applicable to this Degree 17
Semester & Year__Spring 2025

Course Number/ID Course Name/Title Credit Hours

DHYG 362 Community Dental Health Internship 1
DHYG 363 Dental Ethics and Jurisprudence 1
DHYG 367 Clinical Dental Hygiene 4
DHYG 393 Dental Hygiene Specialty Practicum 5
DHYG 415 Advanced Clinical Dental Hygiene 1
DHYG 423 Community-based Dental Hygiene Service Learning 1
Total Planned Credits Applicable to this Degree 12-13

7. Add all your credit hours up to make sure you will have enough credits to graduate. The
total hours on line d should be equal or greater than the required hours on line e.

a. Credit hours you previously earned? 3

b. Credit hours you currently have in progress? 4

c. Credit hours you have planned/remaining (both cc and univ)? 120

d. Total credit hours you will have (total of lines a, b, & c)?

e. Credit hours required for your Bachelor’s Degree?

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