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Voc abular y- Bu ilding Str a tegi e s

(Unit 3, page 32: Vocabulary; Use after Exercise D)

G r o u pin g is a helpfu l v o ca bu la r y - bu il d in g te c h n i q ue . Y o u c a n g r o u p w o r ds by mean in g
t o he lp y o u d ifferen t ia te a n d remember t hem . Yo u ca n a lso g r o u p w o r ds by pa r t of speec h
o r usa ge . Gr o u p in g w o r ds in d ifferen t ways will help y o u be t te r remember t hem .

P r a c t ice . First group the nine vocabulary items by meaning: positive, neutral, or negative. Then group
them by part of speech.

Describing s p ending ha b its

a big spender a spendthrift a cheapskate

a tightwad generous cheap
stingy thrifty frugal

By meani n g
P ositive Neutral Negati v e

_____a big spender_______

By pa r t o f s peec h
Nouns (He / She is a ______.) Adjectiv es (He / She is very ______.)

Summit 1 Unit 3
Copyright © 2006 by Pearson Education. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.
I dea . Can you think of any other ways to group these words? How about by similar or opposite meaning?
Try grouping new vocabulary you learn in later units.

Summit 1 Unit 3
Copyright © 2006 by Pearson Education. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

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