Vocabulary-Buildingstrategies: (Unit 8, Page 92: Word Skills Use After Exercise B)

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Vo cabu lar y- Bu ildi n g S tra teg ies

(Unit 8, page 92: Word Skills; Use after Exercise B)

Gr oup in g b y par t o f speec h

Grou ping is a he lpful voc abula ry- buildin g tech niqu e. Grou ping words by part of speec h, an d
writin g the ir part of spe ech in a ch art w ill he lp you increase your wor d know led ge an d
bet ter reme m ber the voc abula ry.

Pract ice. Group the words in the box by part of speech. Write each word under its part of speech in the chart.
If you’re not sure of the part of speech of each word, use a dictionary.

attract dependency considerately difference confidence

attractive depend considerate different confident
attraction dependence consideration differentiate confide
attractiveness dependable consider differentiation confidently

verb adje ctiv e nou n adver b

Idea. Try grouping new words from other units by part of speech.

Summit 1 Unit 8
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