Fashion Designing Sample Question Paper1

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& CD
TT - T

Public Examination
March - 2012
Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks
Textile Testing 

I. Choose the best Answer:- 15x1=15

1. Textile processing is also influenced with the change in the amount of moisture in the _____ conditions.
a) Hygroscopic b) Atmospheric c) None
2. _____ is a term used to describe the amount of moisture present in the atmosphere.
a) Humidity b) Relative humidity c) Absolute Humidity
3. ____ regain is a regain measured at standard testing atmosphere.
a) Atmosphere b) Reference c) None
4. ____ is defined as the weight of water in material express percentage of the total weight of the material.
a) Moisture Regain b) Weight of water c) Moisture content.
5. ____ is also known as whiling hygrometer.
a) Wet & dry bulb b) Sling hygrometer c) None
6. The Bear sorter has ___ bottom combs.
a) 12 b) 10 c) 9
7. _____ is the average length of the fibre.
a) Modern Length b) Effective Length c) Mean Length
8. Fibrograph instrument the weight of the test sample is around ____ milligram.
a) 4 b) 40 c) 400
9. Maturity ratio is calculated using the ____ equation.
a) M=N-D/200 + 0.7 b) M=D-N/200+0.7 c) M=D-N/200+0.07
10. _____ methods, some property of the cotton fibres which is dependent on maturity is made use of fo
estimating the maturity.
a) Indirect b) Direct c) Co-efficient
11. Mature & immature fibres differ in their behavior towards various _____.
a) Prints b) Paints c) Dyes
12. _____ is essential to keep the component fibres together in a yarn.
a) Count b) Twist c) Crimp
13. ____ is a direct reading yarn count balance.
b) Beesley balance b) Knowles balance c) Analytical balance
14. The wrap reel is used to prepare the sample of length ___ yarn.
a) 120 b) 1200 c) 12
15. The ____ strength is measure of the resistance of the fabric.
a) Bursting b) Tearing c) Breaking.

II. Fill in the blanks: 15x1=15

1. ______ is the weight of water present in a unit of moist air.
2. _____ is defined as the weight of water as material expresses percentage of the oven dry weight of the
3. Swing hygrometer is _____.
4. The _____ consists of a bed of combs which control & enable the sample of fibres.
5. The percentage of fibres, the length of which are equal to or less than half the ____
6. _____ is an instrument based on the Air flow principle.
7. The fibre _____ is denoted b the percentages of the mature, half mature immature fibre.
8. Quadrant balance is available with length ____ yarok.
9. The count of the doubled yarn is generally called as the ____ of the yarn
10. Stubb yarn balance is also called as ____
11. The direction of turist is expressed as either _______,
12. TPI defined as = _________
13. Crimp % = _________
14. The _____ is a measure of the resistance to tearing of either the warp on weft series of yarns in a fabric.
15. _______ is the strength of a fabric against a multi directional flow of pressure.

III. Answer all questions: 10x3=30 1. Write about Introduction Textile Testing?
2. Explain in Humidity.
3. Describe the Sling Hygrometer?
4. Explain in Analysis of sorter diagram?
5. Write about Fibre Fineness.
6. Write about Fibre Maturity?
7. Explain in Knowles Balance?
8. Define in Count & Twist.
9. Discuss about Grab Test Method?
10. Write short notes on Fabric Abrasion Resistance

.IV. Answer any eight questions 8x5=40

1. Explain about Wet & Dry Bulb Hygrometer?
2. Describe the Fibrograph Instrument?
3. Write about Direct Method caustic soda swelling method?
4. What are the instruments used for count? Explain any three draw with a suitable diagram?
5. Explain in Stelometer [yarn & Strength] draw with a diagram
6. Explain any two methods of measurement of yarn Hairness?
7. Briefly explain in Yarn Crimp, Crimp Percentage?
8. Describe about Tensile Strength Testing Method?
9. Write short notes an Martindale Abration Tester?
10. Explain about Bursting Strength Testing Method?

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