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Advantages of a self-catering holiday.

Hello everyone, allow me to introduce a bit about my self. My name is

Nguyễn Hải Long, a student of English 3.k18. Today I’m gonna present about
Advantages of a self-catering holiday. I will divide my talk into 3 main parts:
Three main advantages : the first one is Monetary Savings, the next one is
Customised Meals and the last one is A Taste of Local Cuisine.
Starting off with Monetary Savings:
Renting a cottage and catering for yourself is a very cost-effective way to
spend your holiday. With some good planning, you can prepare a meal that is
the culinary equivalent of what you would get at a restaurant, but for half the
price. This way you don't have to worry about making reservations, paying
gratuities, and staying within your meal budget. Eating out can be extremely
expensive, and making your own meals relieves some of that financial burden.
The next advantage is Customised Meals
While most restaurants do their best to cater to the individual dietary
needs and preferences of their customers, it is often impossible to get things
exactly right. By cooking for yourself, you will be able to control exactly what
goes into your meals. If you have a particular allergy, you know to avoid
anything that might have that allergen in it. If you want to eat gluten free or use
food with a lower fat content, you can. You can make any recipe substitutions
you wish, because you are the one in complete control of your diet.
And last but not least, the advantage of having a chance to have A Taste of
Local Cuisine
It is common knowledge that restaurants and resorts don't always provide
cuisine that is truly authentic to their area. Instead, they put together meals that
target the expectations of their guests. By creating your own meals, you will get
a chance to shop for your own ingredients and sample truly authentic food for
the area you are in. This can give you some unique experiences and a better
appreciation of the local culture.

Disadvantages of a self-catering holiday.

Hello everyone, allow me to introduce a bit about my self. My name is
Nguyễn Hải Long, a student of English 3.k18. Today I’m gonna present about
Disadvantages of a self-catering holiday. I will divide my talk into 3 main
parts: Three main disadvantages : the first one is The destination isn’t meant to
be for self-catering, the next one is home’s accommodations isn’t good enough
and the last one is No housekeeping.
Starting off with the first disadvantage:
Any good thing comes with disadvantages! With self-catering, the
primary disadvantage is that not every holiday destination is well prepared for
self-catering. For example, traveling to certain countries could cause you to face
difficulty in stocking your refrigerator and preparing meals. Not to mention, if
you travel somewhere exotic, you may want to feast on the local flavor anyway!
Because of this, you will want to be sure to research your destination. Are there
places to shop for meal ingredients? Is the local food just too good to resist?
These are things to keep in mind.
The next disadvantage is about equipment
Be sure, when researching your self-catered holiday, to check the home’s
accommodations. Some rental homes or apartments do not have all the
accommodations you may want, such as an oven or a washing machine. Make
sure your rental home comes with everything you expect so that you are not
And last but not least, the disadvantage of having to doing everything when you
just want to relax.
3. No housekeeping. In a hotel you can leave towels all over the floor, the bed a
mess in the morning and by the time you get back a lovely maid has come and
tidied everything up for you. While staying in an appartment you are the maid,
just like at home then really!

Advantages and Disadvantages of Tour Packages

A typical tour package will usually include plenty of destinations. Chances are
that going to all these places on your own would cost a lot more, mainly
because travel agents and tourism companies have good connections with the
hotels and transportation companies, and also because they get maximum
discounts for sending groups rather than individuals or single families.
One of the biggest advantages is of course the convenience. As earlier
suggested, planning for a full-fledged trip and visiting various places will take
quite a lot of planning and due diligence. But when you opt for a tour package,
you can just sit back and relax — at least as far as planning is concerned.

You will be able to relax and enjoy your travel and the places without having to
worry about the tickets, and hotel reservations in your next stop.

Tour packages can be a great option when you are looking to plan a honeymoon
or travel with your family. A poorly planned trip can be quite embarrassing as
well as stressful; therefore, going with a reputable travel company might be a
safer option.

Safety is another big advantage of tour packages. When you are doing the
planning, and choosing the destinations or activities to do, you might pick out a
place or activity that might have some potential risks that you’d rather avoid.
Travel companies know places inside out, and they will usually choose risk-free
destinations and activities, keeping in mind the age and preferences of the

Losing Flexibility when Traveling
Normally, you are on the tour with at least 2 or more people; therefore, you
have to follow the strict schedule. Each company has its own itinerary of tours
so you have to stick with the pickup time, the destinations and activities. When
you feel tired and you want to relax for a while, it will affect the other tourists.
Therefore, you have no choice but to continue the tour with an uncomfortable

Poor Quality Tours

Some tourism companies have a high fee for the customers but the quality is not
good enough. Sometimes, they have relationships with other restaurants so they
will set up the tours to get more money. Besides, you don’t choose the
destinations and activities of the tour so it is may be not suitable for you. In
addition, for each season each tour will be different because of the weather.
Therefore, you should choose the tours carefully and ask for accurate

1. The holidays won’t be spontaneous, and you don’t have a lot of free time.
All activities will be very organized, from entertainments to meals.
2. There are so many comforts and luxuries into these hotels that you will be
tempted not to go out instead of visiting other places, such as monuments or
things like these.
3. You will be tempted to consume much more things than you need,
because all things are included. Your excess can be bad to your health.
4. Some resorts don’t include absolutely all, and you have to spend more
money to extra services. This can waste your budget.
5. Some hotels force to customers to book their lunch very early. If you
want to get up late, you won’t be able to book your lunch. This will be a huge
problem if you like going to the bed very late.
I myself don’t like package holidays but If I think about my children, maybe
some time I go on package holiday.

Benefits of (watching) television

It is a universal belief that watching television makes mere couch potatoes of
children doing them more harm than good. This may be true to a great extent.
However, watching television does have its benefits. Here are some of them -

Educational value
Television has great educational value. It can be used as a tool for learning, both
at home as well as in classrooms. With the range of channels on offer, there is
no dearth of educational content. Science, geography, history, travel, wildlife,
sports, health, nutrition, agriculture - the list would be endless. All it needs is a
parent or teacher to carefully choose the right type of content that is relevant to
the child. The educational value of television increases with its powerful visual
effect. It ensures that children's retention is better when they watch, let's say, a
documentary on wildlife, than when they pore over similar content in a printed
Medium of Information
In this age of knowledge explosion, children need to keep themselves updated
on day-to-day happenings. There are a number of news channels,
advertisements and documentaries which offer tons of information to children
on a platter. Such information connects children with the entire world and
ensures they stay in touch with what is happening all around them.

Social, civic, and cultural awareness

Watching a variety of television programs makes children aware of the society
they live in and the prevalent standards and norms. Television educates children
about various cultures and customs. It also ensures that children possess civic
sense with an awareness of their duties as citizens.

Exposure to different languages

As there are channels telecasting programs in different languages, children are
initiated into becoming polyglots. Research proves that exposure is essential for
any language to be learned. When we speak of exposure, it is 'listening' that we
emphasize. There are cases of individuals learning a language without any
actual 'listening' taking place. They end up being able to read and write, but
with very poor speaking skills in that language. This is where the television is a
real boon. It provides a much-needed listening environment for children for
learning different languages.

Negative effects of watching TV too much.

1. Steals Time
Children who spend too much time in front of the television may miss out on
life’s opportunities. If your child is spending too much time watching TV, he
may lose precious time which could have been spent on more productive tasks
like mingling with friends, working on homework, playing outside and other
similar activities.

Kid Feeling Excluded by Friends

2. Lack of Language and Social Skills
This might seem contradictory to the positive effects of TV mentioned earlier,
but it applies mainly to children under the age of two years. Babies’ brains are
in the developmental stages before the age of two. This is when the brain
rewires and fosters social and emotional learning. The TV does not smile,
speak, or interact with your child psychologically on a personal level. This
affects the child’s mental state since he is vulnerable at this point in life. Even in
later years, spending too much time watching TV can limit your child’s social
interaction, thus affecting language and social skills in the long run.

3. Kills Creativity and Imagination

If your child spends too much time on TV instead of going outside and
exploring the real world, he will not be able to develop a strong imagination.
Since ideas are presented in front of the screen, children who watch TV
excessively cannot stimulate their minds or come up with fresh ideas on their
own, thus passively consuming and not actively creating.

4. Lack of Focus
Kids who spend more than 2 to 3 hours in front of the screen on a daily basis
often suffer from a lack of focus in classroom environments. Such kids may also
have a greater likelihood of being diagnosed with ADHD (Attention-Deficit
Hyper Activity Disorder). This lack of focus and low attention span bleeds into
other domains besides academics, such as sports. The child may be unwilling to
participate in creative and mentally calming activities like crafts as well.
Advantages of attending a nearby/local university
There are many benefits that come to mind immediately when you think about
staying close to home as you begin your college career. One of the most
obvious is the minimization of potential homesickness. College can include a
period of adjustment for any student, and going through those changes far from
home can make you homesick. If you stick close to home, you’ll likely have lots
of support from your family and even friends while you tackle the next chapter
of your life.
You’ll also have access to familiar resources. You may already know the town
or area well, so you’ll have an easier time learning where to find groceries, a
pharmacy, restaurants, and any other off-campus amenities. You’ll also usually
be able to continue to see the same doctor and dentist, use the same bank, and
not change your voter registration or deal with absentee ballots. Many logistics
will be simplified.

In addition, going to college in close proximity to your parents often means

access to other types of resources. You may have the option of visiting anytime
you need a break from campus. A home-cooked meal and a free laundry room
are only a drive away. Some students going to college close to their parents’
home even continue to live at home in order to save costs on room and board.

Your proximity will also ensure more continuity in your life. You might be able
to keep your job from high school. You might have friends who are also staying
local, meaning that your social circle can remain intact. You may even continue
to participate in the same activities, like a club soccer team, church, or volunteer

Finally, going to school close to where you grew up often means that your
parents and support network are almost immediately available to you should
there be an emergency. At the same time, you would be able to make it home
quickly if anyone there needed your immediate help. Indeed, there are many
benefits of going to college close to home.

Advantages of living in the dormitory

To begin with, students like to live dorm rooms. They have to share their rooms
with two, three or even roommates. Therefore, they have the great opportunity
to meet different students with different traditional backgrounds and cultures.
They also can make new friends with other dorm students. They have the
chance to share their rooms with people whim have the similar academic
interests and field. Moreover, the dorm buildings almost always are located
close to the class buildings and departments. Thus, it is not essential to pay
money for public transportation. Students are able to use various on-campus
facilities such as restaurants, snack bars, and libraries and rooms which are
allocated for the reading.

Furthermore, apartments are spacious and larger than dorm rooms. If you are a
rich student, you have the choice to live in the apartment buildings in the
community. These places are very large and spacious and it is not necessary to
share your suit with others. You are allowed to pay the rent money and live in.
These places usually are located in the heart of the city. So, educators access to
all things that they need such as hypermarkets, public transportation, restaurants
and fruit stores and large mall. Therefore, living in the apartment buildings are
very conveniently.

Last but not least, livings in dorms are conveniently, too. Since they are located
on the campus which is close the class buildings. You can get up early and do
your exercise and eat a complete breakfast whether in your own room or in the
restaurants which are placed on the campus and finally go to your classes on
time and without stress. You can spend most of your time with your friends in
the university environment and meet your professors whenever you want. In
addition, apartment buildings are located in the town and you can meet different
people in the community and you can make new friends who live in that
metropolis and learn new things from them like their language, cultures and so

Disadvantages of living in the dormitory

Small Space
Dorms aren't known for their spacious accommodations. You'll likely spend the
school year living in one room with basic furniture and a closet. Dorm residents
share bathrooms that include both toilets and showers. Living in the dorms
means you won't get to bring along all of your belongings because there simply
won't be room. You also have a good chance of being stuck with a roommate.
That small space must fit both of your belongings and your activities. If you get
a roommate with different values or housekeeping skills than you, that small
space feels even smaller.
Little Privacy
Most dorm residents have at least one roommate. With such small rooms, this
means you won't be able to keep much from each other. Your roommate will
hear every snore, burp and phone. If he has a friend over, you're sharing your
entire life with another person. A dorm room opens up right into the hallway,
meaning anyone who passes by can see inside when your door is open. If you
are a person who likes his privacy, dorm life may be a challenge.

Constant Distractions
Dorm life is often noisy and active. Neighbors, friends and visitors come and go
throughout the day. The social aspect means you shouldn't feel lonely, but it
also cuts into your studies. You won't have much luck studying if friends stop
by every few minutes. Loud music coming from your dorm neighbor may be a
distraction. All the activity surrounding you is also very tempting. You know
you should study, but the game night across the hall sounds more exciting.
Unless an apartment complex is full of college students, you are less likely to
have as much traffic coming and going if you live in an apartment.

Less Control
Universities regulate dorms well for the safety of everyone who lives there. The
university will assign you to a certain room and you may not have much choice
in the location, especially for incoming freshmen. Colleges often have a long
list of items that you can't bring to the dorms, including cooking appliances, air
conditioners, electric heaters, halogen lights and candles. The resident assistant,
or RA, lives in the dorm and enforces restrictions on items you bring to the
dorms, noise level, activities and visitors, which are sometimes restricted.
Apartments typically have fewer restrictions. You also get your own kitchen so
you can cook, which isn't usually possible in the dorms.

Advantages of studying abroad

1. Advanced learning techniques:

There are many foreign countries which offer new and better learning
techniques to educate the present generation. Comparatively, these new learning
techniques impress the present generation to take up studies in abroad.

There are many countries which also has good laboratories with world-class
facilities which provide a good atmosphere for doing research.

Hence, taking up all these factors related to the learning process students gets
motivated to study abroad than in hometown. This is the foremost studying
overseas advantages.

2. Developing independent lifestyle:

Studying abroad does not only highlights the learning curve but also improves a
self-sufficient attitude and also helps the student to develop an independent

For example, when a student gets educated in their hometown they do not get a
chance to understand how to live a life independently and also dependence will
make them feel very comfortable only in their circle. In this way, studying in
abroad will help them know to adopt and live independently.

5. Good value in hometown:

After-effects of studying abroad are innumerable, high and have lots of benefits
in hometown. Like for example, students who studied in abroad get more
respect and credibility than students studies in the hometown. For this reason,
most of them chose to study in abroad.

4. Better job opportunities:

Because of the higher education standards in abroad and the advanced
technology environment, students who study abroad have better job
opportunities and higher job roles in their hometown. This is one of the major
reason, parents wish to make their children study abroad.

Disadvantages of studying abroad

1. Very expensive:
There is a lot of expense involved in studying abroad compared to studying in
hometown. Right from the travel expense, accommodation to the university fee
structure, it is very expensive. This is one major reason students hesitate to take
up education abroad.

2. Difficulty in communicating with people:

Communication is one of the major hurdles for most of the students studying

It is not about trouble between fellow mates but also, sometimes students might
not understand what lectures speak and try to communicate. This sometimes
might lead to depression among the students about the whole process of getting

So, this is considered as one major hurdle of studying abroad.

4. Feeling of loneliness and homesick:

Not every student can only concentrate on studies when they leave abroad. As
the environment is very new, new faces all around might cause homesickness
and disturb. Because of unfamiliarity, students tend to avoid gatherings and
choose to stay alone, this sometimes affects them to a greater extent.
Henceforth, this is considered a disadvantage of studying abroad.

5. Chances of facing racism harassment:

This disadvantage might or might not be very common. But it is still prevailing
in many parts of the world.

Few students around the world are still facing racism harassment in the
university or the place they stay. As it cannot be taken very light racism attacks
have stopped many students from choosing studies abroad.


Advantages of city life
I would like to live in a big city because living in a big city has more advantages
than living in the countryside. To begin with, the city is the symbol of human
civilization and there are a many facilities for living, recreation and health care.
Therefore, living there is more convenient than living in the countryside. Living
in such a big city has a lot of advantages. There is a big offer how to spend free
time. There are always plenty of social activities, sports events, concerts and
other ways of entertainment. There are more recreational places in big cities,
such as opera houses, movie theatres, clubs, and swimming pools. You will
have many kinds of entertainment in big cities, and meet many people. In
countryside, however, the life may be dull and quite, and you may only have a
few neighbors. In a big city, people can take the chances to study and work best.
There are many good University choosing in a big city. There you can express
your ability to study what you like. Moreover, when you graduate, you also find
it easier to find chances to get a good job with good salary, that is quite difficult
in small cities or countrysides.

Advantages of country life

As the advantage we can consider the fact that the country is less polluted and
the traffic isn't so heavy. You are fit and you don't need to worry about your
health condition, because in the countryside the air and water are so clean. In
the country there are many plant species. There aren't any huge blocks of flats,
modern skyscrapers or bothersome traffic jams. In the country you are free to
admire the breathtaking landscapes such as huge meadows, peaceful hills or
forests. You can enjoy walking in the forest and picking mushrooms or hunting.
Another advantage is that you may easily build a big house and the garden,
because charges for ground are much lower than in the suburbs. Moreover,
living in the countryside is cheaper than it is in the city, so you probably may
afford many other things, because the prices are lower. What is more, you can
invite your friends to the barbecue organized in your garden. It would be great!
The other positive side is the safety. In the rural area the crime rate is much
lower. There aren't a lot of housebreaks and the possibility of burglary is also
lower. In the countryside people usually and keep eyes on neighbour's estates.
They always react when something strange is happening. Country life is very
peaceful and silent. You will enjoy the feeling of peace.

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