Lists of Integrals

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Lists of integrals
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Topics in Calculus
Integration is one of the two basic operations in calculus. While differentiation
has easy rules by which the derivative of a complicated function can be found
by differentiating its simpler component functions, integration does not, so Fundamental theorem
tables of known integrals are often useful. This page lists some of the most Limits of functions
common antiderivatives. Continuity
Mean value theorem

Differential calculus
1 Historical development of integrals Change of variables
2 Lists of integrals Implicit differentiation
3 Integrals of simple functions Taylor's theorem
3.1 Rational functions Related rates
3.2 Exponential functions Identities
3.3 Logarithms Rules:
3.4 Trigonometric functions Power rule, Product rule,
3.5 Inverse trigonometric functions Quotient rule, Chain rule
3.6 Hyperbolic functions
3.7 Inverse hyperbolic functions Integral calculus
3.8 Composed functions
3.9 Absolute value functions Integral
3.10 Special functions Lists of integrals
Improper integrals
4 Definite integrals lacking closed-form antiderivatives Integration by:
4.1 The "sophomore's dream" parts, disks, cylindrical
5 References shells, substitution,
5.1 Historical trigonometric substitution,
partial fractions, changing
6 See also order
7 External links
7.1 Tables of integrals Vector calculus
7.2 Derivations
7.3 Online service Gradient
Historical development of integrals Laplacian
Gradient theorem
A compilation of a list of integrals (Integraltafeln) and techniques of integral Green's theorem
calculus was published by the German mathematician Meyer Hirsch in 1810. Stokes' theorem
These tables were republished in the United Kingdom in 1823. More extensive Divergence theorem
tables were compiled in 1858 by the Dutch mathematician David de Bierens de
Haan. A new edition was published in 1862. These tables, which contain Multivariable calculus
mainly integrals of elementary functions, remained in use until the middle of the
20th century. They were then replaced by the much more extensive tables of Matrix calculus
Gradshteyn and Ryzhik. In Gradshteyn and Ryzhik, integrals originating from Partial derivative 1/9
03-12-2009 Lists of integrals - Wikipedia, the free e… Partial derivative
the book by de Bierens are denoted by BI. Multiple integral
Line integral
Since 1968 there is the Risch algorithm for determining indefinite integrals that Surface integral
can be expressed in term of elementary functions, typically using a computer Volume integral
algebra system. Integrals that cannot be expressed using elementary functions Jacobian
can be manipulated symbolically using general functions such as the Meijer G-

Lists of integrals
More detail may be found on the following pages for the lists of integrals:

List of integrals of rational functions

List of integrals of irrational functions
List of integrals of trigonometric functions
List of integrals of inverse trigonometric functions
List of integrals of hyperbolic functions
List of integrals of inverse hyperbolic functions
List of integrals of exponential functions
List of integrals of logarithmic functions

Gradshteyn, Ryzhik, Jeffrey, Zwillinger's Table of Integrals, Series, and Products contains a large collection of
results. An even larger, multivolume table is the Integrals and Series by Prudnikov, Brychkov, and Marichev
(with volumes 1–3 listing integrals and series of elementary and special functions, volume 4–5 are tables of
Laplace transforms). More compact collections can be found in e.g. Brychkov, Marichev, Prudnikov's Tables
of Indefinite Integrals, or as chapters in Zwillinger's CRC Standard Mathematical Tables and Formulae,
Bronstein and Semendyayev's Handbook of Mathematics (Springer) and Oxford Users' Guide to
Mathematics (Oxford Univ. Press), and other mathematical handbooks.

Other useful resources include Abramowitz and Stegun and the Bateman Manuscript Project. Both works
contain many identities concerning specific integrals, which are organized with the most relevant topic instead of
being collected into a separate table. Two volumes of the Bateman Manuscript are specific to integral

There are several web sites which have tables of integrals and integrals on demand. Wolfram Alpha can show
results, and for some simpler expressions, also the intermediate steps of the integration. Wolfram Research also
operates another online service, the Wolfram Mathematica Online Integrator
( .

Integrals of simple functions

C is used for an arbitrary constant of integration that can only be determined if something about the value of the
integral at some point is known. Thus each function has an infinite number of antiderivatives.

These formulas only state in another form the assertions in the table of derivatives.

Rational functions
more integrals: List of integrals of rational functions 2/9
03-12-2009 Lists of integrals - Wikipedia, the free e…

Exponential functions
more integrals: List of integrals of exponential functions

more integrals: List of integrals of logarithmic functions

Trigonometric functions
more integrals: List of integrals of trigonometric functions 3/9
03-12-2009 Lists of integrals - Wikipedia, the free e…
(see integral of secant cubed)

Inverse trigonometric functions

more integrals: List of integrals of inverse trigonometric functions

Hyperbolic functions
more integrals: List of integrals of hyperbolic functions

Inverse hyperbolic functions

more integrals: List of integrals of inverse hyperbolic functions 4/9
03-12-2009 Lists of integrals - Wikipedia, the free e…

Composed functions

Absolute value functions

Special functions 5/9
03-12-2009 Lists of integrals - Wikipedia, the free e…

Definite integrals lacking closed-form antiderivatives

There are some functions whose antiderivatives cannot be expressed in closed form. However, the values of the
definite integrals of some of these functions over some common intervals can be calculated. A few useful
integrals are given below.

(see also Gamma function)

(the Gaussian integral)

when a > 0

when a > 0,

n is 1,2,3,... and !! is the double factorial

when a > 0

when a > 0, n is 1, 2, ....

(see also Bernoulli number)

(if n is an even integer and

(if is an odd integer and ) 6/9
03-12-2009 Lists of integrals - Wikipedia, the free e…

(for integers with

and , see also Binomial coefficient)

(for real and non-negative integer, see also Symmetry)

(for integers with and , see also Binomial coefficient)

(for integers with and , see also Binomial coefficient)

(where Γ(z) is the Gamma function)

(where exp[u] is the exponential function eu,

and a > 0)

(where I0(x) is the modified Bessel function of the first kind)

, , this is related to the probability

density function of the Student's t-distribution)

The method of exhaustion provides a formula for the general case when no antiderivative exists:

The "sophomore's dream" 7/9
03-12-2009 Lists of integrals - Wikipedia, the free e…

attributed to Johann Bernoulli.

M. Abramowitz and I.A. Stegun, editors. Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas,
Graphs, and Mathematical Tables.

I.S. Gradshteyn (И.С. Градштейн), I.M. Ryzhik (И.М. Рыжик); Alan Jeffrey, Daniel Zwillinger,
editors. Table of Integrals, Series, and Products, seventh edition. Academic Press, 2007. ISBN 978-
0-12-373637-6. Errata. ( (Several previous editions as well.)

A.P. Prudnikov (А.П. Прудников), Yu.A. Brychkov (Ю.А. Брычков), O.I. Marichev (О.И.
Маричев). Intelgrals and Series. First edition (Russian), volume 1–5, Nauka, 1981−1986. First edition
(English, translated from the Russian by N.M. Queen), volume 1–5, Gordon & Breach Science
Publishers/CRC Press, 1988–1992, ISBN 2-88124-097-6. Second revised edition (Russian), volume
1–3, Fiziko-Matematicheskaya Literatura, 2003.

Daniel Zwillinger. CRC Standard Mathematical Tables and Formulae, 31st edition. Chapman &
Hall/CRC Press, 2002. ISBN 1-58488-291-3. (Many earlier editions as well.)

Meyer Hirsch, Integraltafeln, oder, Sammlung von Integralformeln (
id=Cdg2AAAAMAAJ) (Duncker und Humblot, Berlin, 1810)
Meyer Hirsch, Integral Tables, Or, A Collection of Integral Formulae (
id=NsI2AAAAMAAJ) (Baynes and son, London, 1823) [English translation of Integraltafeln]
David de Bierens de Haan, Nouvelles Tables d'Intégrales définies
( (Engels, Leiden, 1862)
Benjamin O. Pierce A short table of integrals - revised edition (
id=pYMRAAAAYAAJ) (Ginn & co., Boston, 1899)

See also
List of mathematical series

External links
Tables of integrals
S.O.S. Mathematics: Tables and Formulas ( (warning: may
serve popunders)
Paul's Online Math Notes (
A. Dieckmann, Table of Integrals (Elliptic Functions, Square Roots, Inverse Tangents and More Exotic 8/9
03-12-2009 Lists of integrals - Wikipedia, the free e…
Functions): Indefinite Integrals (
Definite Integrals (
O'Brien, Francis J. Jr. 500 Integrals (
Elementary-and-Special-Functions) Derived integrals of exponential and logarithmic functions

V. H. Moll, The Integrals in Gradshteyn and Ryzhik (

Online service
Integration examples for Wolfram Alpha (
mathquick Calculator (

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Categories: Integrals | Mathematics-related lists | Mathematical tables

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