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Entrapment Neuropathies in the Lower

Mohammad A. Saeed, MD, MS
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine
University of Washington, Seattle
Seattle, Washington

Shin J. Oh, MD
Department of Neurology
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Birmingham, Alabama

Surinderjit Singh, MD, MS

Department of Rehabilitation Medicine
University of Washington, Seattle
Seattle, Washington

Frank J.E. Falco, MD

Mid Atlantic Pain Institute
Wilmington, Delaware


An entrapment neuropathy is a focal mononeuropathy caused pending upon whether the lesion causes focal demyelination,
by mechanical impingement at a vulnerable anatomical site. secondary axonal loss, or both.
Peripheral nerves are commonly entrapped while passing
through fibrous or osseofibrous tunnels and when traveling Nerve conduction studies (NCSs) can be useful in the diagnosis
over a fibrous or muscular band. Nerve entrapments may result of entrapment neuropathy.24 NCSs may detect evidence of focal
from a number of mechanisms, including pressure, stretch an- demyelination, which usually precedes axonal degeneration in a
gulation, and friction. Many factors influence the clinical pre- compression neuropathy. Stimulation above and below the sus-
sentation of entrapment neuropathies such as age and pected site of the lesion can reveal segmental slowing of the
underlying systemic disease. Symptoms can be sensory, motor, nerve conduction velocity (NCV) as well as changes in the am-
or mixed, depending on which fiber types are involved in the af- plitude of the compound muscle action potential (CMAP) or of
fected peripheral nerves. Most clinical entrapments involve the compound nerve action potential (CNAP) as seen in con-
mixed nerves so both motor and sensory complaints are duction block.
common. Sympathetic or parasympathetic dysfunction can
occur if there is involvement of autonomic fibers. The goal of this workshop is to demonstrate electrodiagnostic
techniques for the evaluation of lower-extremity entrapment
The main pathology of entrapment neuropathy is focal seg- neuropathies. The electrodiagnostic evaluation of posterior
mental demyelination.14 Axonal degeneration of the nerve tibial nerve and its branches as well as the peroneal nerve en-
segment distal to the site of entrapment can result from a severe. trapment syndromes are particularly emphasized during the
entrapment. A variety of electrodiagnostic patterns can exist de- workshop.
2 Entrapment Neuropathies in the Lower Extremity AANEM Workshop

ENTRAPMENT NEUROPATHIES OF THE PERONEAL NERVE following reasons: (1) the EDB may be severely denervated due
to an unrelated coexistent process, e.g., local trauma or general-
Common Peroneal Nerve ized peripheral neuropathy; (2) the EDB sometimes receives its
major peripheral innervation from an accessory peroneal nerve
The peroneal nerve is subject to injury as it travels around the that can produce misleading findings, especially with axon loss;
head of the fibula near the lateral side of the knee. The most and (3) peroneal nerve fibers supplying the anterior tibialis and
common mechanism of injury to the peroneal nerve at the the EDB muscle may be affected to a much different degree in-
fibular head is acute compression of the nerve causing a neu- creasing the likelihood of detecting an abnormality when both
rapraxic (conduction block) lesion.5 The nerve can also be en- studies are performed.
trapped as it passes through the osseofibrous tunnel between
the edge of the peroneus longus muscle and the fibula. Injury A peroneal nerve lesion at the fibular head can produce electro-
is most often traumatic in origin resulting from traction, lacera- physiologic findings of focal demyelination (conduction block
tion, or compression. Damage is occasionally attributable to or segmental slowing of the peroneal conduction velocity across
nerve infarction or tumor. More proximally, the peroneal divi- the fibular head) or axon loss.
sion of the sciatic nerve can be damaged by pelvic fracture, hip
fracture or dislocation, and femoral fracture. 1. In a pure neurapraxic lesion (conduction block) at the
fibular head, the peroneal motor responses following distal
Anatomy stimulation at the ankle and below the fibular head, are
normal while the response obtained following stimulation
The common peroneal nerve is one of the two divisions of the above the fibular head is of low amplitude or unelicitable.
sciatic nerve originating from the L4 to S1 roots with the main Superficial peroneal sensory NCSs are usually normal.
contribution from the L5. A motor branch from the peroneal Needle examination can reveal motor unit potential
division of the sciatic nerve arises in the mid thigh area supply- dropout and rapid firing and possible sparse fibrillation po-
ing the biceps femoris (short head) muscle. This branch is of tentials in peroneal nerve innervated muscles distal to the
great importance in the electrodiagnostic evaluation because it is knee if there is coexisting axonal damage.
crucial in defining the proximal extent of the lesion.
2. Axonal loss is the most frequent presentation of common
The peroneal nerve separates from the tibial division of the peroneal neuropathy. An NCS performed 10 or more days
sciatic nerve in the popliteal fossa. The common peroneal nerve after the onset of symptoms reveals a low amplitude or un-
winds around the fibular head, passes deep to the peroneus elicitable peroneal motor response following both distal
longus, and divides into the superficial and deep peroneal and proximal stimulation, depending upon the degree of
nerves. The deep peroneal nerve innervates all the anterior com- degeneration of motor fibers supplying the anterior and
partment leg muscles [anterior tibialis, extensor digitorum lateral leg compartment muscles. The superficial peroneal
longus, extensor hallucis longus, extensor digitorum brevis sensory response is typically unelicitable. Needle examina-
(EDB)]. The deep peroneal nerve provides cutaneous sensation tion reveals fibrillation potentials, motor unit potential
of the web space between digits 1 and 2. The superficial per- dropout, and rapid firing in peroneal-innervated muscles
oneal nerve is discussed in detail in a later section. below the knee. In chronic lesions, motor unit potential
amplitudes and durations can be increased.
Electrophysiological Evaluation

Peroneal motor NCSs may exhibit reduced amplitude with 3. A lesion can result in both axonal loss and conduction
proximal stimulation above the fibular head (conduction block) block. The peroneal motor amplitude is low following
when recording from the EDB, or a slow NCV across the distal stimulation indicating that axon loss has occurred.
fibular head. If the EDB is atrophied, no response may be There is also additional dropoff in the CMAP amplitude
recorded even though the peroneal nerve itself is intact. with stimulation proximal to the fibular head, reflecting the
Recording from the anterior tibialis or peroneus brevis with presence of conduction block affecting some or all of the
stimulation above and below the fibular head may yield useful surviving fibers. Superficial peroneal sensory responses are
data in this circumstance. unelicitable or low in amplitude. Needle examination can
show changes similar to those described above, depending
In most electrodiagnostic medicine laboratories, the standard on the degree of axonal injury.
peroneal NCS is performed with surface recording over the
EDB. Some authors prefer peroneal motor NCSs with record- Peroneal Motor Nerve Conduction Study
ing over the anterior tibialis, especially in patients with foot-
drop.38 This method provides additional information for the • Set-up: Figure 1. Motor NCS for the peroneal nerve.
AANEM Workshop Entrapment Neuropathies in the Lower Extremity 3

• Recording: The active surface electrode is placed over the • Skin temperature: >32˚C.
EDB muscle. The reference electrode is placed on the fifth
toe and a ground electrode on the dorsum of the foot. • Normal values: Table 1.

• Stimulation: Stimulation is applied 8 cm proximal to the

active recording electrode. More proximally, the nerve is
stimulated just below the fibular head and above the fibular
head in the popliteal fossa (at least 10 cm across the fibular

• Measurement: Latency measurement is to the onset of the

first negative deflection. Amplitude is measured from base-
line-to-negative peak.

• Skin temperature: 31˚C.

• Normal values: Table 1

Figure 2

Peroneal Nerve Conduction Study to Anterior

Tibialis and Peroneus Brevis9

• Set-up: Figure 3. Proximal motor nerve conduction of the

peroneal nerve. R1, recording electrode in the anterior tib-
ialis. R2 recording electrode in the peroneus brevis.

• Recording: For the anterior tibialis muscle, an active

surface electrode is placed at the junction of the upper third
and lower two thirds of a line between the tibial tuberosity
Figure 1 and the tip of the lateral malleolus of the fibula. The refer-
ence electrode is placed over the medial aspect of the tibia,
Short-segment Motor Nerve Conduction Study of 4 cm distal to the active recording electrode. For the per-
the Peroneal Nerve Across the Fibular Head18 oneus brevis the active electrode is placed at the junction of
the upper two fifths and lower three fifths of a line,
• Set-up: Figure 2. Short-segment stimulation (inching) between the head of the fibula and the tip of the lateral
technique of the peroneal nerve across the fibular head. malleolus. The reference electrode is placed 4 cm distally
on the muscle tendon.
• Recording: The surface recording electrodes are placed
over the EDB muscle following the conventional belly- • Stimulation: This is applied above and below the head of
tendon method. the fibula with approximately 10 cm between the two
points of stimulation.
• Stimulation: The peroneal nerve is stimulated across the
fibular head at 2-cm increments starting 4 cm distal (D4 and • Measurement: Latency measurement is to the onset of the
D2) and ending 6 cm proximal (P2, P4, and P6) to the first negative deflection. Amplitude is measured from base-
fibular head prominence (P). line-to-negative peak.

• Measurement: Latency measurement is to the onset of the • Skin temperature: Not controlled.
first negative deflection. Amplitude is measured from base-
line baseline-to-negative peak. • Normal values: Table 1.
4 Entrapment Neuropathies in the Lower Extremity AANEM Workshop

Latency (ms)/ Amplitude
NCV(m/s) (mV/µV)
Onset Negative peak
Motor Nerve Conduction Study of Peroneal Nerve 24 (N=40; 20-60 yr)
Terminal latency (8 cm) 4.8 4.0
Ankle-below fibular head 41.7
Across fibular head 39.1

Short-segment Motor Nerve Conduction Study of Peroneal Nerve across the Fibular Head : (N=44; 25-59 yr)
Conduction time (2-cm segment) 0.94
Amplitude reduction (2-cm segment) 9. 9%

Motor Nerve Conduction Study of Proximal Peroneal Nerve9 : (N=34; 17-44 yr)
Anterior tibialis:
Latency **** 4.2
NCV 40.5
Peroneus brevis:
Latency **** 4.6
NCV 34.9

Sensory Nerve Conduction Study of Deep Peroneal Nerve22 : (N=40; 21-50 yr)
Latency (12 cm) 3.7 4.6 1.6
NCV 32.0

Sensory Nerve Conduction Study of Superficial Peroneal Nerve17 : (N=80; 20-69 yr)
Medial dorsal cutaneous nerve:
Latency (14 cm) 3.4 4.2 5.0
NCV 39.8
Intermediate dorsal cutaneous nerve:
Latency (14 cm) 4.2 4.2 4.0
NCV 40.5
Abbreviations: N — number of subjects.
NCV — nerve conduction velocity.
*Normal limits: mean ± 2 standard deviations for latency and NCV. The lowest normal range for amplitudes.
**Onset of the initial deflection of potentials.
***Peak of the negative deflection of potentials.
****For distance, see figure 3

PERONEAL NERVE AT THE ANKLE Deep peroneal sensory neuropathy is a rare neuropathy which is char-
acterized by sensory impairment over the web space as de-
Anterior tarsal tunnel syndrome is a rare entrapment of the deep per- scribed. Compression of this nerve is caused by local trauma or
oneal nerve at the ankle. Symptoms include pain on the dorsum tight shoes. This can be detected by a newly described sensory
of the foot and sensory deficits in the small web area between nerve conduction technique (Lee 90;20 Ponsford 9435).
the first and second toes. It may also cause atrophy of the EDB
muscle. Deep Peroneal Sensory Nerve Conduction Study20

Needle electromyography (EMG) examination reveals evidence • Set-up: Figure 4. Sensory NCS of the deep peroneal nerve.
of denervation in the EDB muscle. NCSs can show a pro-
longed distal motor latency with stimulation of the deep per- • Recording: The active surface electrode is placed at the in-
oneal nerve proximal to the extensor retinaculum. Sensory terspace between the first and second metatarsal heads.
conduction studies of the deep peroneal nerve should be ab- The reference electrode is placed 2 to 3 cm distally on the
normal when the sensory branch is involved. second toe.

Copyright © October 2001

AANEM Workshop Entrapment Neuropathies in the Lower Extremity 5


The superficial peroneal nerve is a branch of the common per-

oneal nerve with root contributions from L4, L5, and S1. After
branching off from the common peroneal nerve, it passes
between the fibula and peroneus longus and brevis muscles.
After supplying both muscles, it becomes subcutaneous after
piercing the deep fascia near the distal third of the leg. After
piercing the fascia, the nerve divides into two sensory branches
— the intermediate dorsal cutaneous branch and the medial
dorsal cutaneous branch. This division usually occurs approxi-
mately 10.5 cm above the lateral malleolus. The superficial per-
oneal nerve provides cutaneous innervation to the distal
anterolateral foreleg and to most of the dorsum of the foot,
except for an area on the lateral portion of the foot which is sup-
plied by the sural nerve, and the adjacent side of the great toe
and the second toes which are supplied by the deep peroneal
Figure 3 nerve.

In axonal lesions of the superficial peroneal nerve close to the

fibular head, the superficial peroneal sensory response will be of
low amplitude or absent altogether. In contrast, if conduction
block (neurapraxia) occurs at the fibular head or more proxi-
mally, the superficial peroneal sensory response will be normal
since both the stimulation and recording sites are distal to the
lesion. If the nerve is entrapped at the ankle, there may be focal
slowing of the superficial peroneal nerve conduction velocity,
and/or the response can be of low amplitude or absent. The
superficial peroneal response can be unobtainable in normal
persons over the age of 60 years.

Figure 4 Lee’s method (left) and Donsford’s Method (right) Superficial Peroneal Sensory Nerve Conduction
• Stimulation: The nerve is stimulated antidromically at the
ankle 12 cm proximal to the active recording electrode and • Set-up: Figure 5. Sensory NCS of the superficial peroneal
just lateral to the extensor hallucis longus tendon. nerve

• Measurement: The latency is measured from the stimulus • Recording: The active surface electrode is placed over the
onset to the onset of the first negative deflection and the palpable medial dorsal cutaneous or intermediate dorsal cu-
negative peak. The NCV is calculated by dividing the dis- taneous branch as they cross the anterior ankle between the
tance by the onset latency. malleoli. The reference electrode is placed 3 cm distal to
the active electrode.
• Skin temperature: >29˚C.
• Stimulation: The site of stimulation is 14 cm from the
• Normal values: Table 3. proximal recording electrode on the anterolateral aspect of
the calf.

SUPERFICIAL PERONEAL NERVE • Measurement: Latency is measured to the onset of the neg-
ative peak or to the negative peak. NCV is calculated by di-
The superficial peroneal nerve fibers are commonly involved in viding the distance by the latency to the onset.
lesions of the common peroneal nerve. Focal nerve injury can
occur at the fibular head and where the nerve exits through the • Skin temperature: >28˚C.
fascia to become more superficial, or at the dorsal lateral aspect
of the ankle and foot. • Normal values: Table 1.
Copyright © October 2001
6 Entrapment Neuropathies in the Lower Extremity AANEM Workshop

Medial and intermediate dorsal cutaneous neuropathy: Individual medial medial and lateral malleolus for the MDC nerve and a point
dorsal and intermediate dorsal cutaneous neuropathy can occur one-quarter of the distance from the lateral to the medial
with a lesion at the ankle or the dorsum of the foot. Trauma, malleolus for the IDC nerve. Stimulating and recording
surgical injury, and external compression such as is caused by sites for these branches were reversed for their antidromic
tight shoes are known causes of neuropathy. Classically, an in- sensory conduction studies.
dividual branch, the MDC, IDC, or the first proper digital nerve,
is involved in isolation. Thus, pain, dysesthesia, and sensory im- • Stimulation: The stimulating site for each branch of the
pairment are confined to the small area innervated by the indi- medial and intermediate dorsal cutaneous nerves was 10 cm
vidual nerve branch. Thus, clinical diagnosis depends solely on distal to the recording site along a line from the recording
the distribution of the sensory impairment. Often Tinel’s sign site to the mid-portion of the first toe in the proper digital
is present at the site of the lesion. An epidermoid cyst, a gan- nerve or to the interdigital space in other branches, as
glion, and an “injection” have also been reported as causes. shown in Figure 6.
Surgical neurolysis has been helpful in relieving pain in cases
where a mass or fibrosis was the cause of the distal neuropathy. • Measurement: Latency is measured from the onset of the
stimulus to the onset as well as the negative peak.

• Skin temperature: above 32˚C.

• Normal values: See Table 3



Entrapment neuropathies of the posterior tibial nerve are rela-

tively rare in comparison to other peripheral nerve entrapment

Figure 5
The posterior tibial nerve is a continuation of the medial trunk
Dr. Oh and colleagues described the antidromic and ortho- of the sciatic nerve as it passes through the popliteal fossa and
dromic sensory nerve conduction technique of the MDC and then deep between the two heads of the gastroenemius muscle.
IDC nerves. See Figure 6. Two branches of the MDC and two In the calf, it innervates the gastroenemius, soleus, posterior tibi-
branches of the IDC were individually tested. They were able lalis, flexor digitorum, and flexor hallucis longus muscles. At the
to confirm the diagnosis by this technique in seven cases: two ankle, it passes through the tarsal tunnel. Three nerves branch
with proper digital neuropathy, two with MDC neuropathy, and from the posterior tibial nerve near or in the tarsal tunnel. In
three with IDC neuropathy. Among seven cases, a definite 35% to 40% of cases, the calcaneal nerve branches from the
cause for the distal SP neuropathy was found in only four: a gan- posterior tibial nerve proximal to the tarsal tunnel (Dellon 847;
glion in one, a burn scar in one, tight shoes in one, and trauma Havel 8816). The posterior tibial nerve then divides into the
in one. In three cases, no cause was found although the most medial and lateral plantar nerve, within 1 cm of the malleolar-
likely cause was external pressure. Though the abnormality in calcaneal axis in a majority of cases. Inferior calcaneal nerve, the
six of these cases was obvious in the NCS, they had to rely on first branch of lateral plantar nerve branches from the lateral
side-to-side comparison of amplitude in one case, indicating the plantar nerve within 1-2 cm below the posterior tibial division
need for this comparison in some cases. in majority of cases (Louisia 9921; Arenson 801). While the cal-
caneal nerve is superficially located near the heel, the other three
Medial and Intermediate Dorsal Cutaneous Sensory nerves pass through the different fibromuscular tunnel beneath
Nerve Conduction (Oh’s method)31 the abductor hallucis muscle. The posterior tibial nerve is rarely
compressed externally since it is deeply located in the popliteal
• Set-up: Figure 6 fossa and calf.

• Recording: Landmark sites for the recording electrodes for Posterior tibial neuropathy can clinically mimic tarsal tunnel syn-
the MDC and IDC in the orthodromic sensory nerve con- drome (TTS). A key differentiating feature is involvement of
duction are shown in Figure 6: the mid-point between the the plantar flexor and inverter muscles which can best be tested
Copyright © October 2001
AANEM Workshop Entrapment Neuropathies in the Lower Extremity 7

by needle EMG and posterior tibial NCSs. External compres- • Measurement: Latency is measured from the onset of the
sion such as from a Baker’s cyst can lead to a proximal posterior stimulus to the onset of the negative deflection.
tibial entrapment neuropathy.
• Skin temperature: 32˚C.

• Normal values: Table 2.

Figure 6

Posterior Tibial Motor Nerve Conduction Study24

• Set-up: Figure 7. Motor NCS for the posterior tibial nerve.

Figure 7
• Recording: An active electrode is placed on the belly of the
abductor hallucis muscle located at a point 1 cm inferior TTS is the most common entrapment neuropathy of the poste-
and 1 cm posterior to the navicular prominence. A refer- rior tibial nerve. The nerve is entrapped within the tarsal tunnel
ence electrode is placed on the base of the great toe. behind and below the medial malleolus. It is relatively rare. In
contrast to the carpal tunnel, the tarsal tunnel has a thinner
• Stimulation: At the ankle, the nerve is stimulated just flexor retinaculum and contains vessels.
behind the medial malleolus, 10 cm proximal to the active
recording electrode. At the knee, the nerve is stimulated After emerging from the tarsal tunnel, the MPN and LPN enter
just medial to the midpoint of the popliteal fossa crease. the upper and lower calcaneal chambers, respectively, separated
by the interfascicular septum. MPN or LPN can be entrapped
• Measurement: Latency measurement is to the onset of the through the calcaneal chambers or by proximal or distal edge of
first negative deflection. Amplitude is measured from base- interfascicular septum.34
line-to-negative peak.
The most common cause of TTS is trauma which accounts for
• Skin temperature: >31˚C. one out of three cases. Some of the other possible etiologic
factors are space occupying lesion, tenosynovitis, chronic
• Normal values: Table 2. thrombophlebitis with pressure on the nerve, chronic foot
strain, and joint hypermobility. This syndrome has also been as-
Posterior Tibial Mixed Nerve Conduction Study22 sociated with systemic disorders such as hyperlipidemia, gout,
hypothyroidism, acromegaly, and rheumatoid arthritis. As in
• Set-up: Figure 8. Mayer’s method of mixed NCS of the carpal tunnel syndrome, the cause of the majority of TTS cases
posterior tibial nerve. is unknown.25

• Recording: Surface electrodes are placed at the popliteal Typical symptoms include burning pain and paresthesia of the
fossa just medial to the midpoint of the popliteal fossa toes and sole of the foot. Classically, the symptoms are often
crease. worse at night, increased by activity, and diminished with rest.
The most helpful diagnostic criteria are a positive Tinel’s sign at
• Stimulation: The nerve is stimulated at the ankle. the ankle and objective sensory loss in the territory of any of the

Copyright © October 2001

8 Entrapment Neuropathies in the Lower Extremity AANEM Workshop

using surface recording techniques, abnormalities can be ex-

pressed either as an absent sensory nerve action potential
(SNAP) or slow sensory NCV. Near-nerve needle techniques
may be preferred because in normal elderly individuals, the
SNAP may not be obtainable with surface electrode techniques.
The SNAP is usually recordable with the near-nerve technique
and an accurate maximum NCV can be calculated in most indi-
viduals. Slow NCV and abnormal temporal dispersion are two
common abnormalities observed in TTS patients using the
near-nerve technique. The medial plantar nerve is more often
involved than the lateral plantar nerve.

Saeed and Gatens described a technique for recording mixed

NCSs of the medial and lateral plantar nerves.36 See Figure 12.
Figure 8
terminal branches of the posterior tibial nerve. It should be
noted, however, that not all three branches are affected in all
cases. In fact, on the basis of objective sensory findings, the
medial plantar nerve is most often involved. Weakness of the
toe flexion and atrophy of the abductor hallucis muscle are rare.

Figure 10 Felsenthal’s Method

Figure 9 Motor Nerve Conduction study of plantar nerves

NCSs of the plantar nerves can assist in confirming the diagno-

sis of TTS in up to 90% of cases.27,29 Motor NCSs of the poste-
rior tibial nerves are not helpful because of the low yield.
Prolonged terminal latency of the posterior tibial nerve was ob-
served in 47% of cases.24 Near-nerve sensory NCS of the
Figure 11 Sensory Nerve Conduction study of the plantar
medial and lateral plantar nerves was abnormal in more than nerves
90% of cases in one series.27 Both the medial and lateral plantar
nerves should be tested because only one may be affected in This method records the mixed nerve action potential from the
some cases. See Figure 9. tibial nerve with a bar electrode placed behind the medial
malleous. Electrical stimulation is applied to the plantar aspect
Felsenthel and colleagues described a technique of motor nerve of this foot over the MPN or LPN, 14 cm distance to the
conduction of the posterior tibial nerve across tarsal tunnel. See recording electrode. They have found the mixed nerve con-
Figure 10. It establishes both a distal latency across the abduc- duction studies for LPN and MPN which predominantly test
tor tunnel as well as proximal latency across the tarsal tunnel. the sensory fibers to be more practical and clinically useful.
Abnormality could be diagnosed using decrement of the ampli-
tude across the tarsal tunnel or abnormal across tarsal tunnel Many prefer this technique because it has the advantage of not
latency. See Table 3. requiring a signal average. Galardi and colleagues (94)12 reported
an 86% sensitivity with the mixed-nerve study in 14 cases of
There are two methods for performing sensory NCSs of the TTS compared with 100% with the sensory-nerve conduction
plantar nerves - one using surface recording electrodes and the
study. He recommended both tests for the work-up of TTS and
other, near-nerve needle electrodes.27 See Figure 11.Copyright stated
When © October that coexistence of mixed nerve and sensory nerve con-
AANEM Workshop Entrapment Neuropathies in the Lower Extremity 9


Latency (ms)/ Amplitude

NCV(m/s) (mV/µV)
Onset** Negative peak***

Motor Nerve Conduction Study of Posterior Tibial Nerve 24: (N=40; 20-60 yr)
Terminal latency (10 cm) 5.1 5.0
NCV 40.6

Mixed Nerve Conduction Study of Posterior Tibial Nerve 22: (N=64; 10-86 yr)
10-35 yr 48.1
36-50 yr 41.4
51-86 yr 43.7

Motor Nerve Conduction Study of Plantar Nerve : (N=20; 19-50 yr)
Medial (10cm) 5.4 3.5
Lateral (12 cm) 6.3 3.0

Mixed Nerve Conduction Study of Plantar Nerve 36 : (N=41; 20-76 yr)

Medial (14 cm) 3.7 >5
Lateral (14 cm) 3.7 >5

Sensory Nerve Conduction Study of Medial Calcaneal : (N=72)
Latency (10 cm) 2.0 2.8 4.0
NCV 49.0 35.0
Sensory Nerve Conduction Study of Plantar Nerve with the Surface Electrodes29 (N=20; 19-50 yr)
Medial 28.0 2.0
Lateral 22.9 1.0

Sensory Nerve Conduction Study of Interdigital Nerve with the Near-nerve Needle 29 : N=30/N=10: (20-49 yr)/(50-59 yr)
I 35.1/32.8* 30.3/28.5 2.7/1.3
I-II 32.5/28.5 28.2/23.5 2.0/0.8
II-III 30.0/25.8 26.2/26.1 1.3/0.7
III-IV 29.6/25.7 25.4/21.7 1.3/0.7
IV-V 31.8/24.1 25.7/22.4 1.0/0.7
V 30.4/24.6 25.9/21.6 0.7/0.4

Sensory Nerve Conduction Study of Medial Plantar Proper Digital Nerve4: (N=21; 20-67 yr)
33.2 28.4 2.2
Abbreviations: N — number of subjects. NCV — nerve conduction velocity.
* Normal values for 20-49 yr/Normal values for 50-59 yr.
** Onset of the initial deflection of potentials.
*** Peak of the negative deflection of potentials.

duction abnormalities, especially if asymmetric, are highly in- axonal degeneration and the nerve involved: abductor hallucis
dicative of TTS. However the authors recommended mixed muscle in the medial plantar nerve, abductor and flexor digiti
nerve action potential for presurgical diagnosis of TTS. quinti muscles in the lateral plantar nerve, and abductor digiti
quinti muscle alone in the inferior calcaneal nerve (Park 9834). It
The needle EMG may show denervation of the involved intrin- is always prudent to compare the needle EMG findings with
sic muscles of the foot, depending on the degree of secondary asymptomatic
Copyright © October 2001 foot because positive sharp waves and fibrillation
10 Entrapment Neuropathies in the Lower Extremity AANEM Workshop


Latency(ms)/NCV(m/s) Amplitude(mV/uV)
Onset Negative peak
Sensory Nerve Conduction Study of Deep Personeal Nerve (N=50: 20-59 yr) (Ponsford 94)35
NCV 20-39 yr 40 3.2
40-59 yr 35 1.0
Sensory Nerve Conduction Study of Distal Superficial Peroneal Nerve (N=37; 20-62 yr) (Oh 2001)31
Medial dorsal cutaneous nerve
1st branch (proper digital nerve)
(10 cm)
31.9/34.8# 25.4/28.5 2.0
3rd branch 34.1/35.3 27.8/29.6 2.7
(10 cm)
Intermediate dorsal cutaneous nerve
4th branch 31.7/33.02 25.3/26.9 3.0
(10 cm)
5th branch 30.9/31.4 25.6/26.6 2.7
#Antidromic technique/orthodromic technique.
Motor nerve conduction of the posterior tibial nerve across tarsal tunnel (Felsenthals Method)11
NORMAL DATA; Number of subjects: 32. Age range: 20-45 yr.
Medial Plantar Nerve Lateral Plantar Nerve
Measurement Mean +/- SD Normal Limit Mean +/- SD Normal Limit
Distal (msec) 4.5 +/- 0.7 5.9 4.5 +/- 0.7 5.9
Proximal (msec) 6.9 +/- 0.8 8.5 6.9 +/- 0.7 8.3
Across tarsal tunnel (msec) 2.4 +/- 0.4 3.2 2.4 +/- 0.4 3.2
Side to side difference 0.9 0.9
Distal (mV) 7.7 +/- 3.6 1.7 12.0 +/- 5.6 3.0
Proximal (mV) 6.9 =/- 3.3 2.4 10.8 +/- 5.3 3.0
Across tarsal tunnel (%) 10.3 +/- 9.5 27.6 10.2 +/- 8.5 26.5
NCV (m/sec) 49.4 +/- 5.3 38.8 50.9 +/- 5.2 40.7
INTERPRETATION: An amplitude decrement of more than 30% across the tarsal tunnel is considered abnormal. A side - to - side variation of
more than 50% of the amplitude unusual.

were observed in the intrinsic muscles of normal feet in 6-11% bromuscular tunnel behind the navicular tuberosity). Reversible
of cases.13 medial plantar neuropathy among joggers (“jogger’s foot”) has
been described. Apparently, jogging produces repeated injury
Medial plantar neuropathy. The medial plantar nerve can be com- to the medial plantar nerve at the abductor tunnel. Clinically,
pressed in isolation along its pathway distal to the tarsal tunnel, these patients have burning/tingling over the medial two thirds
thereby producing a medial plantar neuropathy (MPN). The of the sole of the foot and tenderness over the medial plantar
common site of compression is at the abductor tunnel (the fi- nerve at its entrance to the abductor tunnel.

Sensory NCSs of the plantar nerves can assist in the diagnosis

of MPN, being selectively abnormal in the medial plantar nerve
and normal in the lateral plantar nerve.28 Absent CNAP or slow
sensory NCV with low CNAP amplitude was observed in the
medial plantar nerve in four cases.28 Terminal latency to the ab-
ductor hallucis brevis muscle was normal in these four cases.
Needle EMG examination of the abductor hallucis brevis and
flexor digitorum brevis (I-III) muscles can show denervation in
Figure 12 Mixed Nerve Conduction study of the plantar nerves this disorder.
Copyright © October 2001
AANEM Workshop Entrapment Neuropathies in the Lower Extremity 11

Lateral plantar neuropathy. The lateral plantar nerve can be com- pain in the medial aspect of the great toe, a painful enlarged
pressed in isolation along its pathway distal to the tarsal tunnel, (cord-like) nerve immediately proximal to the interphalangeal
producing a lateral plantar neuropathy. Sensory loss is confined joint, and sensory impairment over the medial aspect of the
to the lateral one third of the sole of the foot. Oh (99)30 reported great toe in some cases. Diagnosis of this neuropathy can be
eight patients with this neuropathy, confirmed by abnormal confirmed by the sensory NCSs of the MPDP nerve (see Figure
sensory NCSs confined to the lateral plantar nerve.9 Terminal 15).4 A low CNAP amplitude and normal NCV were found in
latency to the abductor digiti quinti (ADQ) muscle was normal a recently described case.4
in five of six tested cases. Most likely this is due to the lesion
distal to branching of the inferior calcanal nerve. Needle EMG Calcaneal neuropathy. The third branch of the posterior tibial
may show signs of denervation in the ADQ muscle if the lesion nerve at the ankle is the calcaneal nerve. This nerve runs su-
is proximal enough to involve the inferior calcaneal branch. perficial to the flexor retinaculum innervating the heel. The cal-
However, if the lesion is distal to this division, then needle caneal nerve is typically not involved in TTS since it branches
EMG abnormalities are confined to the flexor digiti quinti proximal to the laciniate ligament. Isolated calcaneal neuropathy
brevis muscle, sparing the ADQ muscle. is rare. See Figure 13.

Inferior calcaneal neuropathy: The inferior calcaneal nerve is the first Sensory Nerve Conduction Study of the Medial
branch of the lateral plantar nerve innervating the abductor Calcaneal Nerve32
digiti quinti muscle. In orthopedic and podiatric literatures, en-
trapment of this nerve has been implicated as a common and • Set-up: Figure 13. Sensory NCS of the medial calcaneal
treatable cause of anterior heel pain syndrome. This nerve is be- nerve.
lieved to be entrapped between the deep fascia of the abductor
hallucis muscle and the medial head of the quadratus plantae • Recording: The active surface electrode is placed one third
muscle. Patients are usually athletes, and there is no neurologi- of the distance from the apex of the heel to the midpoint
cal abnormality. Section of the deep fascia is said to be effective between the navicular tuberosity and tip of the medial
in relieving pain. In nine tested patients, the needle EMG and malleolus. A reference electrode is placed at the apex of the
NCS were normal (Baxter 92).2 heel.

Park and Del Toro reported a low CMAP amplitude from the • Stimulation: The posterior tibial nerve is stimulated 10 cm
ADQ muscle and fibrillation in the ADQ muscle in a case of proximal to the active electrode.
isolated inferior calcaneal neuropathy (96).33
• Measurement: Latency to the onset and negative peak of
Medial plantar digital proper nerve syndrome (Joplin’s neuroma). The the sensory CNAP is measured by the conventional
medial plantar digital proper (MPDP) nerve is a terminal method. Amplitude is measured from baseline to negative
sensory branch arising from the medial plantar nerve. This peak.
nerve supplies sensation to the medial aspect of the hallux. The
nerve lies rather superficially and, therefore, may be susceptible • Skin temperature: >30˚C.
to injury resulting from acute trauma to the great toe or from
chronic compression, as from a tight shoe. Joplin described a • Normal values: Table 2.
pain syndrome due to traumatic perineurial fibrosis of the nerve
(Joplin’s neuroma). The syndrome is usually characterized by Interdigital neuropathy (Morton’s neuroma). Morton’s neuroma refers
to a III-IV interdigital neuropathy. In recent years, this term has
been used to refer to any interdigital neuropathy (IDN) of the
foot. Typically, the patient complains of precisely localized pain
on the plantar aspect of the foot between the two metatarsal
heads which often radiates to the toes. Tenderness to palpation
can be present. Sensory impairment is often present involving
the affected interdigital web and toes. Repeated trauma to the
interdigital nerve is the most commonly accepted cause of this

NCSs of the various interdigital nerves can assist in the diagno-

sis of an interdigital neuropathy. This disorder can cause a se-
Figure 13 Sensory Nerve Conduction Study of the medial calcaneal lective decrease in the CNAP amplitude (“abnormal dip
nerve phenomenon”)27 or a slow NCV of the affected interdigital
Copyright © October 2001
12 Entrapment Neuropathies in the Lower Extremity AANEM Workshop

nerve10 in comparison to neighboring interdigital nerves. See

Figures 14 and 15.

Figure 14 Interdigital sensory nerve conduction study of the foot

Figure 16 Sensory NCS of the Saphenous Nerve.

• Stimulation: The nerve is stimulated antidromacally 14 cm

Figure 15 Interdigital sensory nerve conduction study of the foot above the active recording electroe, deep to the medial
border of the tibia. Firm pressure should be exerted on the
stimulating electrode, pushing them between the medial
Saphenous neuropathy. The saphenous nerve is the terminal gastrocnemius and the tibia.
sensory branch of the femoral nerve that supplies the cutaneous
branches to the medial aspect of the knee and lower leg. • Measurement: Latency is measured from the stimulus
Symptoms of saphenous neuropathy are sensory. There is radi- onset to the peak of the first negative deflection of re-
ating pain over the distribution of nerve, primarily on the medial sponse. The amplitude measurement is conventional.
calf and lower one-third leg until medial ankle. A Tinel sign may
be elicited anywhere along the nerve, typically at the site of en- • Skin tempertature: Not controlled.
trapment or trauma.
• Normal values: Table 4
The most common cause of saphenous neuropathy is a com-
plication of the removal of the adjacent sapheno7us vein during An NCS of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve can be used as
coronary bypass surgery.19 The nerve is also vulnerable during an objective diagnostic aid in this disorder. The most promi-
operations on varicose veins or local trauma and lacerations. A nent abnormality is an absence of sensory CNAP, as observed
rare entrapment of the saphenous nerve at the exit from in 58% of the reported cases.24 In 17% of the reported cases,
Hunter’s canal was reported.23 Diagnosis of this neuropathy can the sensory NCV was slow.24 The somatosensory evoked po-
be confirmed by the sensory NCSs of the saphenous nerve. tential test has also been used to detect this disorder

Saphenous Nerve Conduction Study37 Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerve Conduction Study3

• Set-up: Figure 16. Antidromic method of sensory NCS of • Set-up: Figure 17. Antidromic method of sensory NCS
the saphenous nerve. of the lateral femora cutaneous nerve.

• Recording: The reference electrode is placed just anterior • Recording: Recording electrodes are placed 12 cm directly
to the highest prominence of the medial malleolus in the inferior to the anterior superiro iliac spine on the tibialis an-
space between the malleolus and the medial border of the terior tendon.
tibialis anterior tendon. The active electrode is located 3 cm
above the reference and just medial to the tibialis anterior • Stimulation: The nerve is stimulated 1 cm medial to the an-
tendon. terior superior iliac spine with a TeflonTM-coated monopo-
Copyright © October 2001
AANEM Workshop Entrapment Neuropathies in the Lower Extremity 13


Latency (ms)/ Amplitude

NCV(m/s) (mV/µV)
Onset** Negative peak***
Saphenous Nerve : (N=40; 20-9 yr)
Latency 4.4 <6.0
NCV 38.3

Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerve1 : (N=24; 19-81 yr)

Latency 3.0 10.0
Abbreviations: N — number of subjects. NCV — nerve conduction velocity.
*Normal limits: mean ± 2 standard deviations for latency and NCV.
**Onset of the initial deflection of potentials.
***Peak of the negative deflection of potentials.

lar needle electrode. A surface electrode is used as a refer- REFERENCES

ence electrode. Stimulation with an active surface electrode
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12. Baxter, DE, Pfeffer, GB. Treatment of chronic heel pain by surgical
• Measurement: Latency is measured at the peak of the neg-
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lateral femoral cutaneous nerve. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1974;55:31-
• Skin temperature: Not controlled. 32.
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2. Boston, Little Brown & Co, 1990.
Lateral femoral cutaneous neuropathy (Meralgia aresthetica). The lateral 16. Delisa JA, Saeed MA: AAEE case report #8: Tarsal tunnel syn-
femoral cutaneous nerve originates from the L2 and L3 spinal drome. Muscle Nerve 1983;6(9):664-670.
nerves. It takes a course through the pelvis, entering the leg at 17. Dellon AL, Mackinnon SE. Tibial nerve branching in the tarsal
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18. Del Toro DR, Mazur A, Dwzierzynski WW, Park TA.
An NCS of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve can be used as Electrophysiologic mapping and cadaveric dissection of the lateral
an objective diagnostic aid in this disorder. The most promi- foot: implications for tibial motor nerve conduction studies. Arch
nent abnormality is an absence of sensory CNAP, as observed Phys Med Rehab 1998;79:823-826.
in 58% of the reported cases.24 In 17% of the reported cases, the 19. Devi S, Lovelace RE, Duarte N: Proximal peroneal nerve conduc-
sensory NCV was slow.24 The somatosensory evoked potential tion velocity: Recording from anterior tibial and peroneal brevis
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velocity of plantar digital nerves in Morton’s metatarsalgia.
Neurology 1984;34:698-701.
11. Felsenthal G, Butler DH, Spear MS: Across-tarsal-tunnel motor
nerve conduction technique. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1992;73:64-69.
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drome. Diagnostic reliability of motor distal latency, mixed nerve and
sensory nerve conduction studies. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 1994;73:
13. Gatens PF, Saeed MA: Electromyographic findings in the intrinsic
muscles of normal feet. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1982;63:317-318.
14. Gilliatt RW: Chronic nerve compression and entrapment. In:
Sumner AJ (editors). The Physiology of Peripheral Nerve Disease.
Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1980, pp 316-339.
15. Hah JS, Kim DE, Oh SJ: Lateral plantar neuropathy: A heretofore
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16. Havel PE, Ebraheim NA, Clark SE, Jackson WT, DiDio L. Tibial
Figure 17 Sensory NCS of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve nerve branching in the tarsal tunnel. Foot & Ankle 1988;9:117-11.
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14 Entrapment Neuropathies in the Lower Extremity AANEM Workshop

Figure 18 Lower extremity potentials are difficult to obtain compared with upper extremities. Above are some of the difficult to obtain sensory
and mixed nerve action potentials in a 52-year-old normal subject. Site 1 — calcaneal nerve. Site 2 — deep peroneal sensory nerve. Site 3 —
saphaneous nerve. Site 4 — medial plantar digital proper nerve. Site 5 — mixed medial plantar nerve. Site 6 — mixed lateral plantar nerve.

17. Izzo KL, Stridhara CR, Rosenholtz H: Sensory conduction studies of 28. Oh SJ, Lee KW. Medial plantar neuropathy. Neurology
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Neurology Neurosurg (Update series) 1987;7(22):1-8. nerve in man. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1978;59:316-319.
26. Oh SJ, Kim HS, Ahmad B. Electrophysiological diagnosis of inter- 38. Wilbourn AJ. Common peroneal mononeuropathy at the fibular
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27. Oh SJ, Kim HS, Ahmad B: The near-nerve sensory nerve conduc-
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48:999-1003. Copyright © October 2001

or o
an out ar r ar a bac roun mat rial to com l m nt an on
or o ion. i or o an out a ori inally r ar in t mb r
nt i or o a ori inally r nt a on of t AA E annual
or o . i an out a r vi for ctob r . i a an o inion in
t i ublication ar ol ly t o of t aut or an o not n c arily r r nt
t o of t AA E .

o yri t ctob r
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Michigan State University, 1200 E. Michigan Avenue, Suite 520, East Lansing,
Michigan, 48912
Accepted 21 December 2016

ABSTRACT: Introduction: There are many different nerve for evaluation of peripheral neuropathies of the
conduction study (NCS) techniques to study the superficial fibu- lower extremity.1
lar sensory nerve (SFSN). We present reference distal latency
values and comparative data regarding 4 different NCS for the Due in part to a lack of details regarding exact
SFSN. Methods: Four different NCS techniques, Spartan tech- electrode placement in the DiBenedetto study, a
nique, Izzo techniques (medial and intermediate dorsal cutane- wide range of different techniques have been
ous branches), and Daube technique, were performed on (114)
healthy volunteers. A total of 108 subjects with 164 legs were described in the literature.1–3 Nearly a decade after
included. Results: The mean latency of the Spartan technique DiBenedetto’s work, Izzo et al described 2 different
was longest (3.9 6 0.3 ms) while the Daube technique was the techniques based on the 2 main branches of the
shortest (3.6 6 0.7 ms). The mean amplitude of the Daube
technique displayed the highest (15.2 6 8.2 lV) with the Spartan
SFSN in the lower leg, the medial and intermedi-
technique having the lowest (8.7 6 4.2 lV). Among the absent ate dorsal cutaneous branches. They used these 2
sensory nerve action potentials (SNAPs), the Spartan technique techniques to study the sural and saphenous senso-
was absent only twice (1.2%) and the Izzo Medial technique
was absent more than the other techniques (2.9%). Conclu-
ry nerves. Their data showed the saphenous NCS
sions: All 4 techniques were reliable methods for obtaining the to be unreliable (absent in 13% of healthy sub-
superficial fibular nerve SNAP, present in 95% of individuals. jects). The intermediate dorsal cutaneous branch
Muscle Nerve 000:000–000, 2017
SNAP was present in 98% of subjects while the
medial dorsal cutaneous branch SNAP mimicked
that of the sural nerve, having a 100% response
There are a variety of different nerve conduction rate. However, the Izzo techniques rely upon pal-
study (NCS) techniques to study the superficial fib- pation and visualization for electrode placement,
ular sensory nerve (SFSN). The different techni- and the description of the area of stimulation is
ques differ in the placement of the active and vague, allowing for subjectivity and interpretation
reference electrode as well as in the position of errors in an objective study.4
stimulation. There is variability in the anatomic In an attempt to further standardize a technique,
location of where the SFSN exits the fascia in the Daube et al. offered a more detailed explanation of
distal leg. It is unclear in the literature which tech- the stimulation site for the SFSN describing it as
nique is more reliable than others. “just anterior to the edge of the palpable shaft of
DiBenedetto described one of the earliest tech- the fibula”.5 Issues remained with their technique,
niques in 1970.1 She was the first to describe an including an 8.6% absent response rate, likely attrib-
antidromic NCS for both the SFSN as well as the utable to the more proximal location of their stimu-
sural nerve. DiBenedetto noted that in her labora- lation site compared with those documented by Izzo
tory she had difficulty obtaining the SFSN et al.4 and DiBenedetto.1
response in 2–3% of healthy appearing individuals. In the electrodiagnostic laboratory at Michigan
Due to the relative ease and consistency of obtain- State University, a modified procedure has been
ing a sensory nerve action potential (SNAP) in used that integrates aspects of the previously
both children and adults, the sural sensory nerve described techniques, we are calling the “Spartan
has been relied upon as the main sensory nerve technique.” This technique was developed to
account for the location of the SFSN as it exits the
fascia in the distal leg and by describing the stimu-
Additional supporting information may be found in the online version of lation and recording sites as precisely as possible
this article.
in an effort to eliminate subjectivity. This Spartan
Abbreviations: ANOVA, analysis of vasriance; SFSN, superficial fibular technique has yet to be validated and compared
sensory nerve; SNAP, sensory nerve action potential
Key words: amplitude; Daube method; distal latency; Izzo method; nerve with the others in the literature.
conduction study; Spartan method; superficial fibular sensory nerve In the lower leg, the common fibular nerve
Correspondence to: M. Saffarian; e-mail:
gives rise to the superficial fibular nerve distal to
C 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Published online 00 Month 2017 in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.
the head of the fibula as it passes between the fibu-
com). DOI 10.1002/mus.25543 laris longus muscle and the fibula itself.6 The
Superficial Fibular NCS MUSCLE & NERVE Month 2017 1
nerve continues to travel distally between the fibu-
laris muscles to provide motor innervation to both
the fibularis longus and brevis muscles. In the low-
er third of the leg, the nerve becomes superficial.4
Previous studies have localized the nerve piercing
the fascia and becoming superficial 10.5 cm proxi-
mal to the lateral malleolus, but new studies have
shown that it could be anywhere from 7 to 9 cm.7
Once the nerve pierces the fascia, it divides into
the medial dorsal cutaneous and intermediate dor- FIGURE 1. The Spartan technique is demonstrated by placing
sal cutaneous sensory nerves. Both nerves travel the bar electrode on the dorsum of the foot, 4–5 cm distal to the
infra-malleolar line between the first and second metatarsals and
over the extensor retinaculum to provide sensation
stimulating 14 cm proximally to the anterior edge of the fibula.
to the dorsum foot.
The medial dorsal cutaneous branch travels just
lateral to the extensor hallucis longus tendon to and lateral malleolus along the inframalleolar line.
An Xlteck NeuroMaxV EMG System was used for
provide sensation to the dorsomedial aspect of the
foot and the medial aspect of the first 3 toes. The all studies with the following settings: low frequen-
intermediate cutaneous sensory branch provides cy filter of 30 HZ, high-frequency filter of 2,000 HZ,
sensation to the anterolateral aspect of the ankle, pulse duration of 0.2 ms, sweep speed of 1 ms/
just medial to the lateral malleolus, the lateral dor- division, and gain of 20 mV. The ground electrode
sum of the foot, and the lateral sides of the last 3 was placed on the anterior leg between the bar
toes.4 electrode and the stimulation site. Variables ob-
In this report, we introduce a new NCS tech- tained included distal latency (ms), amplitude
nique developed at Michigan State University (mV), and amount of stimulation current (mA)
called the Spartan technique and present compara- required to obtain a waveform. The studies were
tive data regarding the presence or absence of a carried out by 4 different electrodiagnosticians.
SNAP, distal latency, amplitude, and stimulation
strength required for 4 different NCS techniques Techniques. With the Spartan technique (Fig. 1), a
for the SFSN. line is drawn to connect the most distal portion of
the lateral malleolus to the most distal portion of
MATERIALS AND METHODS the medial malleolus (inframalleolar line). A bar
After obtaining IRB approval from Michigan State electrode was placed in the spaces between the first
University, 4 different antidromic NCS techniques, and second metatarsals 4–5 cm distal to that line.
the Spartan technique, the Izzo techniques (medial This is in the distribution of the medial dorsal cuta-
and intermediate dorsal cutaneous branches), and neous branch. The recording active electrode was
the Daube technique, were performed on 114 proximal. The stimulator was placed 14 cm proxi-
healthy volunteers. Informed consent was obtained mally and laterally along the anterior border of the
from all participants. Subjects were recruited from fibula with the stimulating cathode distal.
the local community and included hospital employ-
ees, university students, and patients in maintenance Izzo Techniques. Medial Dorsal Cutaneous Branch. The
therapy programs, among others, in an attempt to medial branch passes over the anterior ankle to
follow the recent American Association of Neuromus- the dorsum of the foot, lateral to the tendon of
cular and Electrodiagnostic Medicine Normative the extensor hallucis longus (Fig. 2).4
Data Taskforce Guidelines. Participants either had 1
or 2 legs tested, based primarily on subject prefer-
ence and time constraints.
Participants were excluded from the study if
they had a history of a neuropathy, diabetes melli-
tus, or symptoms of weakness or numbness in the
lower extremities. NCS were performed with the
subject in the supine position. A bar electrode was
placed on the foot or at the ankle, depending on
the technique being studied, with stimulation
14 cm proximal to the active electrode over the FIGURE 2. The Izzo Medial technique is demonstrated by plac-
ing a bar electrode over the medial cutaneous branch of the
SFSN. Temperature was maintained > 328C in all SFSN, just lateral to the extensor hallucis longus tendon and
subjects. The temperature measurement was stimulating 14 cm from the proximal recording electrode on the
obtained at the halfway point between the medial anterolateral aspect of the leg.

2 Superficial Fibular NCS MUSCLE & NERVE Month 2017

Statistical Analysis. A total of 6 volunteers (9 legs)
were excluded from the numerical calculations
due to inability to obtain SNAPS with all of the
techniques. These were counted as absent. A total
of 108 subjects with 164 legs were included in the
final statistical analysis. Data were collected and
maintained in an Excel spreadsheet. Analysis of
the data was performed using IBM SPSS Statistics,
Version 21. Because data were not collected on
FIGURE 3. The Izzo Intermediate technique is demonstrated by both legs of all subjects, and 3 variables were com-
placing a bar electrode over the intermediate branch of the pared across the 4 techniques, we determined that
SFSN, 1–2 cm medial to the lateral malleolus and stimulating
the optimal statistical analyses should be per-
14 cm from the proximal recording electrode on the anterolateral
aspect of the leg. formed with a linear mixed-effects model.
Because most nerve conduction data do not fol-
low a Gaussian distribution, a percentile cutoff was
used as a second set of statistical analysis. The per-
centile cutoff was set at 2.5%. The data were ana-
lyzed with both absent values included (114
subjects and 173 total legs) and with absent values
excluded (108 subjects and 164 total legs).
A total of 164 legs in 108 subjects were included
in the final analysis of variance (ANOVA) statistical
FIGURE 4. The Daube technique is demonstrated by placing a
analysis, mean age of 38 years (613.7 years; 20–70
bar electrode over the proximal portion of the SFSN, 3 cm proxi- years). The average 6 1 standard deviation of the
mal to the bimalleolar line between the tibia and fibula and stim- distal latency, amplitude, and amount of stimulation
ulating 14 cm proximal to the anterior fibula. required to obtain a response are listed in Table 1.
A SNAP in at least 1 technique was obtained in
Intermediate Dorsal Cutaneous Branch. The inter- 100% of subjects. All 4 techniques produced a mea-
mediate branch is 1–2 cm medial to the lateral mal- surable SNAP in 95% of subjects tested.
leolus (Fig. 3). The mean distal latency of the Spartan tech-
In both Izzo techniques, a recording bar elec- nique was longest (3.9 6 0.3 ms) compared with
trode is placed over the nerve with the active elec- the other techniques, while the Daube technique
trode proximal at the level of the ankle. The site was the shortest (3.6 6 0.7 ms). The Spartan tech-
for stimulation is 14 cm from the proximal record- nique was significantly slower (P < 0.0001) when
ing electrode on the anterolateral aspect of the leg compared with the other 3 techniques (Supple-
with the anode proximal.4 mentary Table S1, which is available online). The
Izzo Medial technique distal latency was also signif-
icantly longer (P 5 0.007) when compared with the
Daube Technique. A recording bar electrode is Daube technique. There was no statistically signifi-
placed 3 cm proximal to a point on the bimalleolar cant difference between the Izzo Medial and Izzo
line, midway between the edge of the tibia and the Intermediate techniques or between the Daube
tip of the lateral malleolus and overlying the inter- and Izzo Intermediate techniques.
mediate dorsal cutaneous branch, with the refer- The Daube technique produced the highest
ence electrode 3 cm distal on the dorsum of the mean amplitude (15.2 6 8.2 lV), and the Spartan
ankle (Fig. 4). The site of stimulation is 14 cm proxi- technique produced the smallest (8.7 6 4.2 lV).
mal to the active recording electrode, just anterior The amplitude of the Spartan technique was signif-
to the palpable edge of the shaft of the fibula.5 icantly smaller (P < 0.0001) compared with the

Table 1. ANOVA analysis.*

Spartan Izzo Medial Izzo Intermediate Daube
Latency (ms) 3.9 6 0.3 (3.2-5.0) 3.7 6 0.4 (3.1-5.3) 3.7 6 0.3 (3.0-4.7) 3.6 6 0.7 (2.8-5.5)
Amplitude (mV) 8.7 6 4.2 (1.7-21.0) 11.3 6 5.9 (1.2-30.8) 11.8 6 7.6 (1.0-40.0) 15.2 6 8.2 (1.3-37.3)
Stimulation (mA) 18.4 6 9.1 (5.0-58.0) 21.5 6 9.5 (8.1-57.4) 21.7 6 10.7 (5.0-54.4) 27.3 6 13.2 (9-80.0)

*Ranges in parentheses.

Superficial Fibular NCS MUSCLE & NERVE Month 2017 3

Table 2. Absent SNAPs.*
Subject 1 Subject 2 Subject 3 Subject 4 Subject 5 Subject 6
Age 26 89 66 79 47 56
# Legs studied 2 1 1 1 2 2
Spartan Present Present Absent Present Absent (1/2) Present
Izzo Medial Present Absent Present Absent Absent (2/2) Absent (1/2)
Izzo Intermediate Present Present Present Absent Absent (2/2) Absent (1/2)
Daube Absent (1/2) Present Present Absent Absent (2/2) Absent (1/2)

*Parentheses indicate number of absent SNAPs in subjects in which both legs were studied.

other 3 techniques (Supplementary Table S2). The end of normal is higher for all techniques in latency,
Daube technique SNAP amplitude was significantly amplitude, and stimulation current.
larger (P < 0.0001) than the other 3 techniques.
There was no statistically significant difference
Numbness on the dorsum of the foot is a com-
between the amplitudes of the Izzo Medial and
mon presenting symptom in the electrodiagnostic
Izzo Intermediate techniques.
lab. The most common etiologies include: L5 radic-
The amount of stimulation required to obtain a
ulopathy, fibular neuropathy, and generalized
maximal response was lowest for the Spartan tech-
peripheral polyneuropathy. When testing this nerve,
nique (18.4 6 9.1 mA), and the Daube technique
required the highest stimulation (27.3 6 13.2 mA). an absent or very small SNAP is highly suggestive of
The Spartan technique required significantly lower a diffuse neuropathy or focal entrapment of the fib-
stimulation current (P < 0.0001) compared with the ular nerve. If the SFSN SNAP is absent in otherwise
other 3 techniques (Supplementary Table S3). The normal subjects, the ability to diagnose disease is
Daube technique required a significantly stronger limited. Previous studies have documented difficulty
stimulation (P < 0.0001) when compared with the in obtaining a response, with an absent potential in
other 3 techniques. The Izzo Medial and Izzo Inter- 3–8% of normal healthy individuals.1,5 Document-
mediate techniques required a lower stimulation ing that this SNAP is present in all, or nearly all,
current to obtain a SNAP and were not statistically healthy patients will allow physicians to diagnose
different from each other. nerve injury when the SFSN SNAP is absent. The
A summary of the absent SNAPs is shown in goals of this study were to: (1) introduce the Spartan
Table 2. At least 1 absent SNAP was seen in 6 sub- technique developed at Michigan State University as
jects (9 legs). Among the absent responses, the a modification of the DiBenedetto technique, and
Spartan technique was absent only twice (1.2%), (2) compare the 4 main techniques used for investi-
while the Izzo Medial technique was absent more gating the SFSN by documenting the presence or
than the others (2.9%). The Izzo Intermediate and absence of a SNAP and analyzing the distal latency,
Daube technique had the same rate of absent amplitude, and amount of stimulation necessary to
SNAPs (2.3%). obtain a response.
Tables 3 and 4 show the percentile cutoff distri- In all the subjects enrolled in the study, a
bution of the data. When absent values are included response on at least 1 technique was obtained in
in the data analysis, they are considered “normal” every subject. All four techniques produced a
for the Izzo Medial technique for latency, ampli- SNAP in 95% of subjects, thus demonstrating 4 dif-
tude, and stimulation current. Additionally, with ferent reliable methods of a SFSN SNAP.
absent values included the high end of normal does The exact reason behind absent responses in
not change, except for the latency of the Izzo Medial normal subjects is unknown. As previously stated,
Technique. With absent SNAPs excluded, the low previous studies have shown an absent response

Table 3. Percentile ranks with absent values included.* Table 4. Percentile ranks with absent values excluded
Izzo- Izzo- Izzo- Izzo-
Spartan Medial Intermediate Daube Spartan Medial Intermediate Daube
Latency (ms) 3.2-5.0 Absent-5.3 3.0-4.8 2.8-5.5 Latency (ms) 3.3-5.0 3.1-5.3 3.2-4.7 2.9-5.5
Amplitude (mV) 1.7-21.0 Absent-30.8 1.0-40.0 1.3-37.3 Amplitude (mV) 2.3-21.0 2.2-30.8 2.5-40.0 3.0-37.3
Stimulation (mA) 5.5-58.0 Absent-57.4 5.0-54.4 9-80.0 Stimulation (mA) 6.6-58.0 10-57.4 9.0-54.4 10.2-80.0
*Ranges indicated. Ranges indicated

4 Superficial Fibular NCS MUSCLE & NERVE Month 2017

rate of 3–8% in normal subjects. A possibility is This could be verified in future studies with the use
anatomical variation in normal subjects. Operator of ultrasound.
error may account for the fact that some responses Some limitations of this study are worth noting.
were seen with the use of one technique but were Four different electrodiagnosticians obtained the
absent with another technique performed on the data. To our knowledge, the inter-rater reliability of
same individual. Finally, undiagnosed peripheral the four different techniques has yet to be studied.
neuropathy may contribute to the absent SNAPs Finally, the patient population was a convenience sam-
seen in our study. ple and may not represent the general population.
Although there were statistically significant dif- In conclusion, all 4 of the techniques studied
ferences between distal latencies, amplitudes, and were reliable methods for obtaining the SFSN
stimulation current required to obtain some SNAP, which was found in 95% of individuals stud-
results, there seems to be no clinically significant ied. Although there were significant statistical differ-
difference between the techniques. The distal ences, there seems to be minimal clinical difference
latency tended to be the longest and the ampli- between the 4 techniques.
tude the smallest with the Spartan technique. The We confirm that we have read the Journal’s posi-
opposite was true for the Daube technique, which tion on issues involved in ethical publication and
had the shortest latency and the largest amplitude. affirm that this report is consistent with those guide-
The Spartan SNAP was obtained at a more distal lines. None of the authors have any conflicts of
location in the foot compared with the other tech- interest to disclose. NCS, Nerve conduction study.
niques. As the SFSN travels distally and branches
into the foot, the diameter of the nerve decreases. REFERENCES
1. Di Benedetto M. Sensory nerve conduction in lower extremities.
This likely influences the distal latency and SNAP Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1970;51:253–258.
amplitude. This could also help explain the results 2. Lee HJ, DeLisa JA. Manual of nerve conduction study and surface
anatomy for needle electromyography. 4th ed. Philadelphia: Lippin-
of the Daube technique, which were obtained cott Williams & Wilkins; 2005. p 76–77.
more proximal than the other techniques. 3. Weiss K, Silver JK, Weiss J. Easy EMG: A guide to performing nerve
The Daube technique required a stronger stimu- conduction studies and electromyography. Philadelphia: Butterworth-
Heinemann; 2004. p 38.
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as well. A study performed by Park et al. found that 5. Levin KH, Stevens JC, Daube JR. Superficial peroneal nerve conduc-
the SFSN SNAP was optimally obtained on the fibula tion studies for electromyographic diagnosis. Muscle Nerve 1986;9:
7–9 cm proximal to the intermalleolar line.7 A stron- 6. Jenkins DB. Hoolinshead’s functional anatomy of the limbs and
ger stimulation current may have been necessary to back, 9th ed. Missouri: Saunders Elsevier; 2009. p 311, 321, 340.
7. Park GY, Im S, Lee JI, Lim SH, Ko YJ, Chung ME, et al. Effect of
penetrate the fibularis longus and brevis muscles, as superficial peroneal nerve fascial penetration site on nerve conduc-
the SFSN has not yet pierced the fascia at that level. tion studies. Muscle Nerve 2010;41:227–233.

Superficial Fibular NCS MUSCLE & NERVE Month 2017 5

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