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Chapter: 1 Introduction to research

Instructor : Dr. Vikrant Shaga

 Meaning, objective and motivation in research
 Significance of research
 Types of research
 Research process
 Science vs technology

IT-542 Research Methods in Technology 2

Meaning of Research
The systematic method consisting of :
• articulating the problem,
• formulating a hypothesis,
• collecting the facts or data,
• analysing the facts and reaching certain conclusion either in
the form of solutions towards the concerned problem or in
certain generalisations for some theoretical formulation.

IT-542 Research Methods in Technology 3

Objectives of research
• to discover new facts
• to verify and test important facts
• to analyse an event or process or phenomenon to identify the
cause and effect relationship
• to develop new scientific tools, concepts and theories to solve
and understand scientific and non-scientific problems
• to overcome or solve the problems occurring in our everyday life
IT-542 Research Methods in Technology 4
Motivation in research
• Research degree along with its consequential benefits
• Face the challenge in solving the unsolved problem
• Get intellectual joy of doing some creative work
• Service to society
• Get respectability

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Significance of research
• Research inculcates scientific and inductive thinking and it promotes
the development of logical habits of thinking and organisation.
• The role of research in several fields of applied economics, whether
related to business or to the economy as a whole, has greatly
increased in modern times.
• Research provides the basis for nearly all government policies in our
economic system.
• in solving various operational and planning problems of business and
• for social scientists in studying social relationships and in seeking
answers to various social problems.
IT-542 Research Methods in Technology 6
Types of research
1. Descriptive vs. Analytical
2. Fundamental vs. Applied
3. Quantitative vs. Qualitative
4. Other Research

IT-542 Research Methods in Technology 7

Types of research
Descriptive research Analytical research
• includes surveys and fact-finding • In this, the researcher has to use facts or
enquiries of different kinds. information already available, and analyze
• The major purpose is description of the these to make a critical evaluation of the
state of affairs as it exists at present. material.
• The methods used are survey methods • Example : Explaining why and how
of all kinds, including comparative and Ethiopian trade balance move in a
correlational methods. particular way over time
• Example : Examining the fluctuations of
Ethiopia international trade balance
during 2000-2021

IT-542 Research Methods in Technology 8

Types of research
Fundamental research (basic or pure research) Applied research
• mainly concerned with generalisations and with • finding a solution for an immediate problem facing
the formulation of a theory a society or an industrial/business organization
• basic research is directed towards finding • discover a solution for some pressing practical
information that has a broad base of problem
applications and thus, adds to the already Examples :
existing organized body of scientific knowledge.
• research aimed at certain conclusions (say, a
Examples :
solution) facing a concrete social or business
• Research concerning some natural phenomenon •
Research to identify social, economic or political
or relating to pure mathematics trends that may affect a particular institution or
• research studies, concerning human behaviour the copy research (research to find out whether
carried on with a view to make generalisations certain communications will be read and
about human behaviour understood) or the marketing research or
evaluation research

IT-542 Research Methods in Technology 9

Types of research
Quantitative research Qualitative research
• based on the measurement of quantity or • Qualitative research is concerned with qualitative
amount. phenomenon involving quality
• The result of this research is essentially a • Explaining how digestion of food takes place in our
number or a set of numbers. body is a qualitative description. It does not involve
• Statistics is the most widely used branch of any numbers or data and quantities
mathematics in quantitative research Characteristics :
Characteristics : • It is non-numerical, descriptive, applies reasoning
• It is numerical, non-descriptive, applies statistics and uses words.
or mathematics and uses numbers • Its aim is to get the meaning, feeling and describe
• It is an iterative process whereby evidence is the situation.
• Qualitative data cannot be graphed.
• The results are often presented in tables and
graphs. • It is exploratory.
• It investigates the what, where and when of • It investigates the why and how of decision making.
decision making. IT-542 Research Methods in Technology 10
Types of research
Other research
Other types of research include:

• Action research (fact findings to improve the quality of action in the social world)

• Explanatory research (searching explanations for events and phenomena, for example
finding answer to the question why are the things like what they are?)

• Exploratory research (getting more information on a topic)

• Comparative research (obtaining similarities and differences between events,

methods, techniques, etc.)

IT-542 Research Methods in Technology 11

Research Process

Selection of a survey and
research topic Assessment of Formulation of Research
of result and
and define current status hypotheses design
problem of the topic

Fig 1. Research process

IT-542 Research Methods in Technology 12

Research Process Theory
of one’s
1. Selection of Research topic and define Dis
problem c
exp ussio s
e n m
res rts a with ble
sup ear nd pro
erv ch ily
is o Da
• Topic should be suitable for research.
• The researcher should have interest in it. Tec
red hn
• Topic should not be chosen by lo
exp s
Un area
cha olog
nge ical
compulsion from someone else.
• Topic and problem can be fixed in trends

consultation with the research supervisor.

Often research supervisors suggest a Fig 2. Sources of identification of a research topic and
topic and state a problem in broad view.
IT-542 Research Methods in Technology 13
Research Process
1. Selection of Research topic and define problem
Definition and Formulation of a Problem
• State the problem in questionnaire form or in an equivalent form
• Specify the problem in detail and in precise terms
• List the assumptions made
• Remove the ambiguities, if any, in the statement of the problem
• Examine the feasibility of a particular solution
• Defining the problem is more important than its solution. It is a crucial part of the
research study and should not be defined in hurry.

IT-542 Research Methods in Technology 14

Research Process
2. Literature Survey
• Literature survey is a collection of research
publications, books and other documents related
to the defined problem. review
reprint/preprint articles
collections related
available tosupervisor
with the the topic chosen
and nearby experts
advancedworking which
of on publish
books research
the topic the workshopsarticles
chosen topic
• It is very essential to know whether the defined
problem has already been solved, status of the
problem, techniques that are useful to
investigate the problem and other related details.
• The current status of the chosen topic can be
identified by reading the relevant journals and
the recent papers, discussions in conferences,
seminars and workshops
Fig 3. Sources of literature survey
IT-542 Research Methods in Technology 15
Research Process
3. Formulation of Hypothesis
• Hypotheses are scientifically reasonable predictions. They are often stated in terms of if-
then sentences in certain logical forms.
• A hypothesis should provide what we expect to find in the chosen research problem. That
is, the expected or proposed solutions based on available data and tentative explanations
constitute the hypothesis.
• Hypothesizing is done only after survey of relevant literature and learning the present status
of the field of research. It can be formulated based on previous research and observation.
• To formulate a hypothesis the researcher should acquire enough knowledge in the topic of
research and a reasonably deep insight about the problem.
• Hypothesis is due to an intelligent guess or for inspiration which is to be tested in the
research work rigorously through appropriate methodology.
IT-542 Research Methods in Technology 16
Research Process
4. Research Design
• For a scientific research one has to prepare a research design. It should
indicate the various approaches to be used in solving the research problem,
sources and information related to the problem and, time frame and the
cost budget.
• Creates the foundation of the entire research work.
• The design will help perform the chosen task easily and in a systematic way.
• Once the research design is completed the actual work can be initiated.

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Research Process
5. Results and Conclusion
• Conclusion is based on the study performed. It would bring out relations and processes that underlie
the findings. The utility of the outcome of the research greatly lie on proper interpretations and is
the hardest part of solving a scientific problem. Interpretation of results is important because it:
(1) links the present work to the previous
(2) leads to identification of future problems
(3) opens new avenues of intellectual adventure and stimulates the quest for more knowledge
(4) makes others understand the significance of the research findings and
(5) often suggests a possible experimental verification.
• Each and every statement made in the results and conclusion sections must be based on evidence
obtained from theoretical or experimental analysis

IT-542 Research Methods in Technology 18

Science vs Technology
Science :
1. The systematic observation of natural events and conditions in order to discover
facts about them and to formulate laws and principles based on these facts.
2. The organized body of knowledge that is derived from such observations and
that can be verified or tested by further investigation.
3. Any specific branch of this general body of knowledge, such as biology, physics,
geology, or astronomy.
4. Science is an intellectual activity carried on by humans that is designed to
discover information about the natural world in which humans live and to
discover the ways in which this information can be organized into meaningful
patterns. A primary aim of science is to collect facts (data)

IT-542 Research Methods in Technology 19

Science vs Technology
1. Technology is the process by which humans modify nature to meet
their needs and wants.
2. "...the know-how and creative processes that may assist people to
utilise tools, resources and systems to solve problems and to
enhance control over the natural and made environment in an
endeavour to improve the human condition." (UNESCO, 1985).
3. Often Science and Technology appear together S&T referring to
advanced technology based on new scientific principles

IT-542 Research Methods in Technology 20

Science vs Technology
Science Technology
Object Unchangeable Changeable
Principle of motion Inside Outside
End Knowing the general Knowing the concrete
Method Abstraction Modelling concrete
Process Conceptualization Optimization
Innovation form Discovery Invention
Type of result Law – like statements Rule – like statements
Time perspective Long-term Short-term

[Dodig-Crnkovic, 2002]
IT-542 Research Methods in Technology 21
1. Research Methodology Methods and Techniques by C.R. Kothari
2. Essentials of Research Design and Methodology by Geoffrey R.
Marczyk, David DeMatteo, David Festinger
3. Academic Press Dictionary of Science & Technology
4. Sheldon Gottlieb -

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