Assignment On Developing Marketing Strategis and Plans

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Every business organization have 3 common sectors; finance, operation and management and
marketing. Finance is the main key factor before initiate a business. After managing the finance
or fund, the investor will look for the skill management to run the business or do the operational
tasks. Then need the marketing; to promote their product and enhance the business profit and
reputation. All the three sectors need to work simultaneously and synchronously, otherwise
company will face difficulty and most probably they will lose customers overall profit and
reputation. Marketing strategy is very important for an organization. Every marketing executive
and CEO faces challenges of urgent marketing strategies which affect the future of the
organization for many years. Every organization needs to perform strategic marketing plan by
analyzing yearly all-inclusive reviews of markets and opportunities. Then they will take proper
and immediate plans and actions to develop the strategies for the sake of business improvement.
Here I will discuss the strategic plans of Camden Food Company and how to develop the plans
and implementation.  

Principle of strategic marketing:

 John Scully mentioned that “Marketing Strategy is a series of integrated actions leading to a
sustainable competitive advantage”. It analyses how a business organization can best please its
consumers and make revenue at it.
 The 7 important principles of strategic marketing for triumph are:
1. Know the target group: We can classify the groups in several ways like gender, age,
fashion, people etc. When we make products for a specific group, we exponentially get
the interest from this specific group which create a great opportunity for marketing
2. Share the genuine passion: If we are really passionate and enthusiastic regarding our
product and service, we will eventually sell our product and service. Then buyer will fill
the same passion and they will also do the oral marketing by inviting or telling their
3. Dare to be different and unique: If we make our product and service unique in quality,
value and independence in the market, then it will become a brand which will increase
4.  Understand the law of success: Need to be positive in marketing, if any customer
doesn’t buy our product or neglecting us, don’t show any kind of dissatisfaction, and
move to the next customer.
5.  Know our business purpose: We need to know our business objectives and purposes
properly otherwise we can’t do profit through our service and products. For promoting
the business, we can use websites, business cards, leaflets and overall need to show
proper mannerisms.
6. Find results oriented solutions: Sometimes we need to change our product, offer some
promotion, and expand our production according to customer demands. Always try to be
a result oriented.
7. Never give up: Sometimes we do loss and sometimes we do profits. When we are facing
loss or decrement in revenue, try to find out the solution and act upon that, but never give
up. When we look up we can get up.

Role of strategic marketing in an organization:

Strategic marketing play an important role in an organization in strategic planning. It illustrates

marketing activities which has great impact on business, corporate and marketing strategic plan.
Its activities are classified in to three basic functions.
First: marketers are working like a third party between organizations and customers. They are
accountable for helping associations perform a marketing idea all over the strategic marketing
Second: marketers lend a hand gather and analyse information requisite to experiment the current
condition and make out the trends of marketing atmosphere and assess the latent impact of these
trends. This information and experiment act like an input for business, corporate and marketing
strategic plan. 
Third: marketers are always dedicating in development works of business, corporate and
marketing strategic plans. Marketing have great influence in an organization. Marketing
philosophy has a great impact on strategic marketing planning which drives a company towards
its goal.

Processes involved in Strategic Marketing:

The strategic marketing process have 3 crucial phases; planning, implementation and control.
Planning phase is the most vital and important phase of a firm’s marketing strategy.

Planning Phase: First of planning phase is to do the SWOT analysis. It will help the
organization to understand its present market value, internal and external factors which are
favourable or unfavourable. In here marketers will find the strength, weakness, opportunities and
threats and they will try to find out the strategies which minimize the threats with maximum

Second step of planning phase is to take bazaar invention approach and entails target and
purpose setting. Marketers will research about customer demand and needs. For competing with
other competitors they need to change their strategic plan, technology, operation. Those analyses
will help to control the future marketing, tell the organization who will be the potential customer,
how to do the development and how to attract new customers.

Third step of planning phase is to decide the marketing process and marketing mix. It involves
deciding the 4 p’s the product, price, place and promotions. The last result of this phase is to set
attainable and measurable goals which can be measured in the control phase. 

 Implementation: In implementation stage all the plans begin to turn into actions. All the
schedules, developments and marketing programs are take places. All the products are available
to the customers at right places with accurate prices. Close monitoring is needed to ensure
effective market operation.
·         Control: the control phase did the comparison between result and set goals of planning phases.
In this stage organization evaluates its process, outcomes and customer fulfilment. Its shows the
planning gap between result and goal. Organization can analyse the data and take necessary steps
to run their operation properly.

The link between strategic marketing and corporate strategy:

Corporate strategy depends on four elements; primary target customers, the competition, tools of
marketing and advantages. In primary target customers need to know who the customer for any
specific product is and need to do the strategic research based on the demographics (age,
education, sex, likes, personality, and dislike) factors. In competition it is really essential to
develop a branding strategy which will cut a good market share by providing extra facilities and
offers. Tolls of marketing will talk about unique selling proposition that will make the product
unique and the promotional package will catch the attraction of the target customer through
product name, colour, niche, identity, size, package, attire, business card, pricing, stationery,
inside signs, order form, outside signs, hours of operation, consistency, special events, sales
presentation. The advantages will make the products more advantageous than other brands.
Overall the corporate strategy will be market oriented, realistic, specific, fit market environment,
distinctive competencies and motivating. Corporate strategy will build profitable customer
relationship, improve profits and invest in research. Corporate marketing increase market share,
create local partnership and increase promotions.
    On the other hand strategic marketing make the corporate marketing easy because it already
involved in market research which defines the market whom we are going to serve, develop a
positioning message for my target customers based on the product benefits, determine the price
according to the demographic and geographic factors, making a good distribution system and
promoting the products through electronic media and print media. So strategic marketing is
directly linked with corporate strategy because strategic marketing help the corporate to make
their goals and destination more realistic.

The tools used to develop a strategic marketing strategy:

Assess the value of models used in strategic marketing planning

For developing a strategic marketing strategy some tools are being used and they are discussing
1. Historical review and situation analysis: which analyse
 external environment
    market
    Customer
 Competitors
  Company

2. SWOT analysis:

3. Opportunity Matrix:
4. Threat Matrix:

The links between strategic positioning and marketing tactics:

Customer driven marketing strategy is divided in three components; market segmentation,
market targeting, market positioning. Market segmentation determines different groups of buyers
(segments) with distinct characteristics, behaviour or needs. Market targeting evaluates each
segment’s magnetism and select one or more section to enter. Market positioning arranges a
product to reside in a distinctive, desirable and clean place relative to competing goods in the
minds of intention consumers.
Positioning is a marketing process where marketers try to make a good image or identity in the
mind of their target market for its band, product or organization. Strategic positioning process
 Define the competitive market where the product will compete
 Identifying the product space in the current market place
 Collect information regarding customer perception about the product on relevant
 Determining every product’s share of mind
 Determining every product’s present position in the invention room
 Determining the object market’s favoured mixture of attributes
 Examine the fit between the position of the ideal vector and the position of our product
 Always need to think positively as we are in right track

There are three kind of positioning concepts:

 Functional positioning
 Resolve problems
 Get favourable awareness by lenders and investors
 Provide profits to consumers

 Symbolic positions
 Self-image enhancement
 Ego recognition
 Belongingness and communal meaningfulness
 Touching fleeciness

 Experimental positions
 Give sensory inspiration
  Give cognitive inspiration

The segmentation process divides the total markets into different market sections. Target
marketing determines which section will be performed and market positioning determines the
products. We need to develop a competitive marketing strategy which leads to tactics of
marketing mix. Marketing mix will focus on four Ps- products, place, price and promotion and
four Cs- customer solution, cost, convenience and communication.

The merits of relationship marketing in a given strategic marketing strategy:

Relationship marketing is a marketing which always focus and concentrate on the customer
satisfaction and retention rather than a sales transactions. It provides the long term value of
customer relationship and expands communication over invasive marketing and sales
promotional messages. Huge growth of mobile technology and internet provide an ample
opportunity for the business organization to make good relationship marketing with clients. Now
most of the firms store the information of their important clients and send them greeting in
various occasion, send message regarding promotions, offers which build a good rapport. The
overall goal of this marketing is to find, attract and win new customer, retain and nurture those
the company already has, attract previous customers back into the fold and deduct the marketing
cost and client service.  Camden Food Company is a sandwich and coffee shops. They are
situated in all important stations in London. They serve only the organic foods which have great
demand among the customers. In the weekdays they have regular customers for coffee or tea or
sandwich or other organic food. Every day their regular client is increasing because they get
good and prompt service from the stuffs and food quality is quite good. The company always
focus on customer satisfactions and retentions. Most of the regular customer now brings their
friends to this shop; they work as a verbal promoter. Company stuffs give discounts or give some
extra facilities to its regular customers which attract new customers to come and shopping. At
various occasion company provide some gifts to the regular customers, which give them

Marketing strategy of Camden Food Company:

Camden Food Company always provides organic food which is too much healthy and nutritious.
There are lot of organic foods like sandwich, wraps, bloomers, coffee and hot beverage and so
on. Sometimes they need to change their product on behalf of the customer satisfactions and
demands. Like in winter people like soups and hot foods, then the management always think to
provide some hot stuffs. They provide various kinds of soups including some vegetarian’s soups
and foods. On the other hand in summer people ask for cold foods and cold beverages.
Management provides cold stuffs as much as they can. The demands for the product are
determine by the top management according to the strategic marketing plan. They use previous
year’s transaction data and analyse present market scenarios. They make a strategic plan and
marketers act upon the plan. Sometimes there are some gap between the strategic plan and end
result, and this gap is minimized by the marketers. Marketers inform their managers and mangers
inform their top bosses, then they change their strategic plans which make great revenue for the
business organization.

 A ship without a sail never rich its destination. It is totally true for business. A business without
proper planning never make a profit and it will face its extinction very soon. A strategic plan is
very import for an organization to run its business very effectively and smoothly. Everyday
technology is changing in a rapid way and customer demands are also changing with the time
being. For competing in modern market we need to do the market survey at regular basis and
need to know the present business trend and need to experiment about customer demand and
satisfactions. Without proper marketing strategic plan and its implementation, it is really tough to
survive in present day market competition. Every organization needs to employ more people in
market research or spend more times to get proper knowledge about the present and future
market conditions

1. Strategic Principle of Marketing-7 Essential Principles of Strategic Marketing for success by
Jan Verhoeff, Available on:
2. Marketing’s Strategic Role in the Organization, Available on:
3.  McFarland, Allison (2001). Developing A Strategic Marketing Plan For Physical
Education. Physical Educator. Early Winter 2001, Vol. 58 Issue 4, p191-198.
4. Corporate branding strategy, Available on:
5.   Principles of marketing, chapter-2 (Strategic planning), Available
on: Planning
6. Positioning (Marketing), Available on:

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