M SC HSE Industrial Ventilation Course Syllabus

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Industrial Ventilation

Course Objectives
At the conclusion of the course, you should be able to apply the knowledge of the
mathematics, science and engineering to identify and solve industrial ventilation problems.
The course will help you design simple industrial ventilation systems using a spreadsheet
software available in a typical engineering office.
Course Description
Industrial ventilation as related to the need of industrial hygiene engineer, including
principles of air flow, natural ventilation, dilution ventilation, fans, collectors, testing
instruments and construction guidelines for local exhaust systems and design of industrial
ventilation systems.
Course Contents
1. Introduction, Basic Definitions and general Principles of Ventilation.
2. Dilution Ventilation and Heat Control.
• Dilution Equations.
• Rate of Purging.
• Contaminant concentration Build-up.
3. Natural Ventilation.
4. Air Cleaning Devices.
5. Hood Design
• Types of Hood.
• Hood Losses.
• Minimum Duct Velocity.
• Hood Design.
6. Recirculated and Replacement Air.
7. Fans
• Introduction.
• Types of fan.
• Fan laws.
8. Testing of Ventilation Systems.
9. Moisture Control/ Indoor Air Quality.
10. Static Pressure Calculations for Ventilation Systems.
11. Design Problems / Design Software.
Required Text
Industrial Ventilation: A Manual of Recommended Practices, American Conference of
Governmental Industrial Hygienists, 24th Edition, 2001.

Course Evaluation Scheme
Assignments 10 %
2. Weekly Project 20 %
3. Midterm Examination 20 %
4. Final Examination 50 %
Grading Scheme
A+ 90+ %
A 80- 89 %
A 70 – 79 %
B 60 – 69 %
C 50 – 59 %
F For < 50 %

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