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Signal Transformations Singularity Functions


2 Singularity Functions
1 Signal Transformations
Arithmetic Operations
Addition of a Constant Unit Step
Constant Multiplication Unit Impulse
Signal Addition CT Unit Impulse
Signal Multiplication DT Unit Impulse
Operations in the Independent Properties of the Unit Impulse
Variable Unit Ramp
Time Shifting Relationships between
Time Reversal Singularity Functions
Time Scaling
Polynomial Singularity
Precedence Rule

S. A. Dorado-Rojas Signals 2
Signal Transformations Singularity Functions

Addition of a Constant

Addition of a Constant
Addition of a constant A (A ∈ R) to the signal x (t) (or x [n]) is expressed as

g (t) = x (t) + A
g [n] = x [n] + A

At each instant, the amplitude of the result g (t) (g [n]) is equal to the
amplitude of the signal x (t) (x [n]) plus the constant offset value A

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Addition of a Constant

Figure: Addition of a constant A to the signal x (t) [Alkin, 2014]

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Addition of a Constant

Figure: Addition of a constant A to the signal x [n] [Alkin, 2014]

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Constant Multiplication

Constant Multiplication
The multiplication of a signal x (t) (x [n]) with a constant gain B (B ∈ R) is written as

g (t) = Bx (t)
g [n] = Bx [n]

The result of this operation is a signal g (t) (g [n]), whose amplitude equals the product
of the value of the signal x (t) (x [n]) and the constant gain factor B at each time instant

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Constant Multiplication

g (t) = Bx (t)
g [n] = Bx [n]

I B = −1 means amplitude reversal (reflection about the horizontal axis);

I |B| > 1 means amplitude stretching or elongation;
I |B| < 1 means amplitude compression;

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Constant Multiplication

Figure: Constant multiplication Bx (t) [Alkin, 2014]

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Constant Multiplication

Figure: Constant multiplication Bx [n] [Alkin, 2014]

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Signal Addition

Signal Addition
Signal addition is accomplished by adding the amplitudes of the signals at each time instant. For
two (or more) signals x1 (t) and x2 (t) (x1 [n] and x2 [n]), then

g (t) = x1 (t) + x2 (t)

g [n] = x1 [n] + x2 [n]

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Signal Addition

Figure: Signal addition (CT) [Alkin, 2014]

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Signal Addition

Figure: Signal addition (DT) [Alkin, 2014]

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Signal Multiplication

Signal Multiplication
Given two (or more) signals x1 (t) and x2 (t) (x1 [n] and x2 [n]), their product is given by

g (t) = x1 (t) x2 (t)

g [n] = x1 [n] x2 [n]

The amplitude of g (t) (g [n]) at any time instant is equal to the product of the values of
the signals x1 (t) and x2 (t) (x1 [n] and x2 [n]) at any time instant

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Signal Multiplication

Figure: Signal multiplication CT [Alkin, 2014]

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Signal Multiplication

Figure: Signal multiplication DT [Alkin, 2014]

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Time Shifting

Time Shifting
Given a signal x(t) or x [n], their time-shifted forms g (t) = x (t − td ) and g [n] = x [n − k]
(td ∈ R, k ∈ Z are constants) are obtained as follows:
I If td > 0 or k > 0, the signals x (t − td ) and x [n − k] are delayed and shifted to the right
relative to t = 0 and n = 0 respectively.
I If td < 0 or k < 0, the signals x(t − td ) = x(t + |td |) and x [n − k] = x [n + |k|] are
advanced replicas of x(t) and x [n], with the signals shifted to the left.

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Time Shifting

g (t) = x (t − td )
g [n] = x [n − k]

Consider an event that happens at time instant t1 (n1 ). In the signal g (t) (g [n]), the
same event takes place at the time instant t1 + td (n1 + k)
I If td (k) is positive, then g (t) g [n] is a delayed version of x (t) (x [n])
I If td (k) is negative, then g (t) (g [n]) is an advanced version of x (t) (x [n])

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Time Shifting

Figure: Time shifting in CT [Alkin, 2014]

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Time Shifting

Figure: Time shifting in DT [Alkin, 2014]

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Time Reversal

Time Reversal
A time reversed version of the signal x(t) or x [n] is obtained through

g (t) = x (−t)
g [n] = x [−n]

This transformation is a reflection of x(t) or x [n] about the vertical axis

I We obtain x(−t) by replacing every t with −t
I We obtain x [−n] by replacing every n with −n

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Time Reversal

Figure: Time reversal in CT [Alkin, 2014]

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Time Reversal

Figure: Time reversal in DT [Alkin, 2014]

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Time Scaling in CT

Time Scaling in CT
A time scaled version of the signal x (t) is obtained through the relationship

g (t) = x (at) (6)

I The scaled signal x (at) will be compressed if |a| > 1 (i.e., time goes faster)
I The scaled signal will be expanded if |a| < 1 (i.e., time goes slower)

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Time Scaling in CT

Consider an event happening at t = t1 . Substituting t = ta1 in g (t) = x (at) produces

g = x (t1 )
The corresponding event in g (t) takes place at the time instant t = ta1
I Scaling parameter value of a > 1: results in the signal g (t) being a compressed version
of x (t)
I Scaling parameter value of a < 1: leads to a signal g (t) that is an expanded version of
x (t)
I Scaling parameter value a = −1: corresponds to time reversal

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Time Scaling in CT

Figure: Time scaling in CT [Alkin, 2014]

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Time Scaling in DT

Time Scaling in DT
For DT signals, we consider time scaling in the following two forms

g [n] = x [kn] k ∈ Z (downsampling)

hni (7)
g [n] = x k ∈ Z (upsampling)

When k = −1, time scaling corresponds to time reversal

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Figure: Downsampling of a DT signal (g [n] = x [kn] for k = 2, 3) [Alkin, 2014]

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Consider k = 2, then

g [n] = x [2n]
For several values of n we have
... g [−1] = x [−2] g [0] = x [0] g [1] = x [2] g [2] = x [4] ...
| {z } | {z } | {z } | {z }
n=−1 n=0 n=1 n=2

g [n] retains every other sample of x [n] and discards the samples between them

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Figure: Downsampling (g [n] = x [2n]) [Alkin, 2014]

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For k = 3, the samples of g [n] = x [3n] are

... g [−1] = x [−3] g [0] = x [0] g [1] = x [3] g [2] = x [6] ...
| {z } | {z } | {z } | {z }
n=−1 n=0 n=1 n=2

Every third sample of x [n] is retained, and the samples between them are discarded
In the transformation g [n] = x [kn] (k ∈ Z), every kth sample of x [n] is retained in g [n]

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Figure: Downsampling (g [n] = x [3n]) [Alkin, 2014]

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We study now the transformation g [n] = x k(k ∈ Z). Let k = 2, then
g [n] = x
Recall that a DT signal is only defined for integer values of its argument
→ n = 0, ±2, ±4, . . .
Must be
an integer
The sample amplitudes of the signal g [n] for odd values of n are not linked to the signal x [n] in
any way. Let us set those undefined samples equal to zero.

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g [n] = x

... g [−2] = x [−1] g [−1] = x [−0.5] = 0 g [0] = x [0] g [1] = x [0.5] = 0 g [2] = x [1] ...
| {z } | {z } | {z } | {z } | {z }
n=−2 n=−1 n=−2 n=1 n=2

Alternatively, we can rewrite this as g [n] = x [m] m = 2n n = 0, ±1, ±2, ±3, . . .

The transformation g [n] = x kn (k ∈ Z) is defined as g [n] = x [m] where

m = kn n = 0, ±1, ±2, ±3, . . .

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Figure: Upsampling [Alkin, 2014]

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Precedence Rule
Precedence Rule
Consider a signal y (t) or y [n] obtained from x(t) or x [n] by time shifting and time-scaling operations such that
y (t) = x(at − b) y [n] = x [an − b]

Notice that y (0) = x (−b) and y b
= x (0). The time shifting operation is applied first
b b b
v (t) = x(t − ) v [n] = x n − iff ∈ Z
a a a
and the time-scaling operation is performed in the last step by evaluating the intermediate signal v (t) at t = at (or v [n]
at n = an)
y (t) = v (at) = x a t − = x (at − b)
y [n] = v [an] = x a n − = x [an − b]

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Precedence Rule

We will present two approaches to determine the relationship between the original and the transformed

Approach 1

First, apply time shifting to the point x (0) in the original signal to obtain it at y a
v (t) = x t − (8)

Then, perform the time scaling by evaluating the intermediate signal v (t) at t = at
y (t) = v (at) = x a t − = x (at − b) (9)

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Precedence Rule

Approach 2
In the transformed signal, consider y (0)

y (0) = x (−b)
to identify b.
In the original signal, concentrate on x (0)
x (0) = y
to determine ba , and therefore find a. Thus

y (t) = x (at − b)

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Definition of Singularity Function

Definition (CT Singularity Function)

A (CT) singularity function is one that is discontinuous or has discontinuous derivatives

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CT Unit Step

The unit-step function is useful in
CT Unit Step or Heaviside
situations where we need to model a
signal that is turned on or off at a
The CT unit step function is defined as
specific time instant
1 t≥0
u(t) = (10)
0 t<0
The information or energy of CT
signals depends on not only
amplitude but also time duration Figure: CT unit step function
[Chen, 2004, Chen, 2009] [Alkin, 2014]

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CT Unit Step

Figure: Turning on a signal after t1 s (modeled by shifted CT unit step) [Alkin, 2014]

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CT Unit Step

Figure: Turning off a signal after t1 s (modeled by shifted and reversed CT unit step) [Alkin, 2014]

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DT Unit Step

DT Unit Step
The unit step sequence is defined as
1 n≥0
u [n] = (11)
0 n<0 Figure: DT unit step [Alkin, 2014]

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CT Unit Impulse

CT Unit Impulse
The unit impulse function, or Dirac-delta function, occurs at t = 0 and is defined as
∞ t=0
δ(t) = (12)
0 t 6= 0
and it has the property
Z ∞ Z 0+
δ(t)dt = δ(t)dt = 1 (13)
−∞ 0−

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CT Unit Impulse

Figure: CT unit impulse (delta-dirac function) [Alkin, 2014]

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How to Obtain a CT Unit Impulse?


Figure: Pulse approximation to unit impulse [Alkin, 2014]

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DT Unit Impulse

DT Unit Impulse
The unit impulse sequence (Kronecker delta function) is defined as
1 n=0
δ [n] = (14)
0 n 6= 0

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DT Unit Impulse

Figure: Shifted and scaled DT unit

Figure: DT unit impulse [Alkin, 2014]
impulse [Alkin, 2014]

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Sampling Property (CT)

Sampling Property (CT)
f (t) δ (t − t1 ) = f (t1 ) δ (t − t1 ) (15)

Figure: Sampling property of the CT unit impulse [Alkin, 2014]

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Sifting Property (CT)

Sifting Property (CT)

Z ∞
f (t) δ (t − t1 ) = f (t1 )
Z t1 +∆t (16)
f (t) δ (t − t1 ) = f (t1 )
t1 −∆t

Z ∞ Property
Z ∞
f (t) δ (t − t1 ) dt → f (t1 ) δ (t − t1 ) dt
−∞ −∞
Z ∞
=f (t1 ) δ (t − t1 ) dt
=f (t1 ) (1) = f (t1 )

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Impulse Decomposition for CT Signals

Impulse Decomposition for CT Signals

Z ∞
x (t) = x (τ ) δ (t − τ ) dτ (17)



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Sampling Property (DT)

Sampling Property (DT)

x [n] δ [n − n1 ] = x [n1 ] δ [n − n1 ] = x [n1 ] (18)

Figure: Sampling property of the CT unit impulse [Alkin, 2014]

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Sifting Property (DT)

Sifting Property (DT)

x [n] δ [n − n1 ] = x [n1 ] (19)


∞ ∞
X Property X
x [n] δ [n − n1 ] → x [n1 ] δ [n − n1 ]
n=−∞ n=−∞

=x [n1 ] δ [n − n1 ]

=x [n1 ] (1) = x [n1 ]

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Impulse Decomposition for DT Signals

Consider an arbitrary discrete-time signal x [n].Let us define a new signal by using the kth sample
of the signal x [n]
x [k] n = k
xk [n] = x [k] δ [n − k] = (20)
0 n 6= k
If we repeat this definition for all possible values of k (k = −∞, . . . , ∞), we would obtain an
infinite number of signals xk [n]. In each of these signals there would only be one non-trivial
sample, the amplitude of which equals the corresponding value of x [n] at n = k. If we add all of
those samples, we reconstruct the signal x [n]

X ∞
x [n] = xk [n] = x [k] δ [n − k] (21)
k=−∞ k=−∞

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Impulse Decomposition for DT Signals

 
 
x [n] = . . . , 3.7, 1.3 , −1.5, 3.4, 5.9, . . .
 ↑ 
   
   
x−1 [n] = . . . , 3.7, 0 , 0, 0, 0, . . . x2 [n] = . . . , 0, 0 , 0, 3.4, 0, . . .
 ↑   ↑ 
n=0 n=0
   
   
x0 [n] = . . . , 0, 1.3 , 0, 0, 0, . . . x3 [n] = . . . , 0, 0 , 0, 0, 5.9, . . .
 ↑   ↑ 
n=0 n=0
 
 
x1 [n] = . . . , 0, 0 , −1.5, 0, 0, . . .
 ↑ 

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Unit Ramp

Unit Ramp Function Unit Ramp Seqence

The unit ramp function is defined as: The unit ramp sequence is defined as
( (
t t≥0 n n≥0
r (t) = (22) r [n] = (23)
0 t<0 0 n<0

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Unit Ramp

Figure: CT unit ramp [Alkin, 2014] Figure: DT unit ramp [Alkin, 2014]

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Constructing CT Ramp

Figure: Constructing CT ramp [Alkin, 2014]

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Constructing DT Ramp

Figure: Constructing DT Ramp [Alkin, 2014]

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CT Steps and Impulses

Running Integral
Z t
u (t) = δ (τ ) dτ (24)

Figure: CT unit step as the running integral of the unit impulse [Alkin, 2014]

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CT Steps and Impulses

Step Derivative
δ (t) = [u (t)] (25)

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DT Steps and Impulses

Running Sum
u [n] = δ [k] (26)

Figure: DT unit step as the running sum of the unit impulse [Alkin, 2014]

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DT Steps and Impulses

First Difference
δ [n] = u [n] − u [n − 1] (27)

Figure: DT unit impulse as the first difference of the unit step [Alkin, 2014]

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Relationships between Singularity Functions

Continuous-Time Discrete-Time
I u(t) = dt [r (t)] I δ [n] = u [n] − u [n − 1]

I δ (t) = dt [u(t)] I u [n] = r [n] − r [n − 1]
Rt Pn
I r (t) = −∞ u (τ ) dτ
I u [n] = k=−∞ δ [k]

Rt Pn
u (t) = I r [n] = k=−∞ u [k]
−∞ δ (τ ) dτ

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Polynomial Singularity Functions

Polynomial Singularity Functions 4

Singularity functions

For n ≥ 0, we denote a polynomial

singularity function as 3

( Out[129]=
2 h(t)
n (t − a) t≥a k(t)
ht − ai = (28)
0 t<a 1

For instance, the step function can be -1 1 2 3

expressed as
( Figure: Plots of some polynomial
0 1 t≥a singularity functions
ht − ai = (29)
0 t<a

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Derivatives and Integrals of Polynomial Singularity Functions

For n ≥ 0
n 1 n+1
ht − ai dt = ht − ai (30)
and for n ≥ 1
d n n−1
ht − ai = n ht − ai (31)

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References I

Alkin, O. (2014).
Signals and Systems - A MATLAB Integrated Approach.
CRC Press.
Chen, C.-T. (2004).
Signals and Systems.
3 edition.
Chen, C.-T. (2009).
Signals and Systems : A Fresh Look.

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