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Improved Highly Resistant Tuberculosis Treatment Strategy Shows

Remarkable Treatment Efficacy

Soumya Shraddhya Paul, Amity University, Noida

Tuberculosis (TB) is a bacterial infection that is transmitted through the air from one person to
another. TB typically affects the lungs, but it can also damage the brain, kidneys, or spine. TB is
treatable and curable in the majority of instances; but, if not treated properly, persons with TB
can die.

Whenever germs acquire resistance to the medications used to treat TB, drug-resistant TB may
emerge. This implies that the medication is no longer effective against tuberculosis germs. Drug-
resistant tuberculosis (DR TB) is transmitted in the same manner as drug-susceptible TB is.
Tuberculosis is communicable disease that goes from one person to another through the air. The
reason why drug resistance occurs is due to incomplete treatments, prescription of wrong
treatments, affects drugs is not available; the drugs are of poor quality, etc. As of now two types
of drug resistance are noticed in people i.e., extensively Drug-resistant TB (XDR TB) and
Multidrug-Resistant TB (MDR TB).

According, to a presentation given at the virtual International AIDS Society (IAS) 2021
conference, positive outcomes from ZeNix, a phase 3 trial aimed at improving a key treatment
strategy for highly drug-resistant tuberculosis, could lead to changes in TB treatment guidelines
and have real benefits for people living with the disease.

Brief about the Study

In South Africa, Russia, Georgia, and Moldova, 181 individuals with extremely drug-resistant
tuberculosis were enrolled in the ZeNix trial. They were given daily bedaquiline, pretomanid,
and linezolid (a combination regimen known as BPaL) for six months, commencing at 1,200 mg
for six or two months or 600 mg for six or two months. This project showed relapse free cure
rates in all the studies.

Furthermore, those who took linezolid at lower dosages and/or for shorter periods of time were
less likely to develop peripheral neuropathy and myelosuppression side effects. They were also
less likely to need linezolid dosage adjustments, according to the researchers.

These findings, according to the researchers, corroborate the BPaL regimen's high relapse-free
cure rate in highly drug-resistant TB and show that lower dosages and/or shorter periods of
linezolid (1,200 mg) for six months have equal efficacy and safety.
Through this study, it was observed that there is a need for improved treatment for the drug
resistance TB, as the IAS 2021 Co-Chair Hendrik Streeck, MD, commented on the findings,
saying that there is an urgent need for new preventive and treatment options for all TB, but
notably for extremely drug-resistant TB. We can see how important it is for us to find alternate
methods to fight TB.


 Good Cure Rates Seen From Improved Strategy for Highly Resistant TB Treatment:


Tuberculosis, drug resistance, Multidrug-Resistant TB (MDR TB), communicable disease,

peripheral neuropathy, myelosuppression, treatments


Key Phrase: Drug Resistance

Meta description: The ineffectiveness of a medicine, such as an antibiotic or antineoplastic, not

treating a disease or condition is known as drug resistance. The word is used in the context of
pathogen or cancer resistance that has "acquired," that is, resistance that has developed.

About Author: Soumya Shraddhya Paul is an undergrad biotechnology student who worked in
building 3D prosthetics in Base Hospital Delhi Cantt, and holds a key interest in nutraceuticals
and enzymology.

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