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Evaluation Guide 5

Evaluation Evidence Temas a desarrollar Tiempo de entrega

Knowledge Evaluation
Knowledge 28 de junio

Este documento presenta explicaciones a los temas señalados además de ciertos

ejercicios prácticos que tienen por objetivo, fortalecer tus habilidades linguísticas
relacionadas con la guía y servir como derrotero teórico e ilustrativo para la realización de
la evidencias de aprendizaje. Además, te invitamos a consultar los temas listados, realizar
ejercicios por tu cuenta y hacer preguntas a tus instructor@s con el ánimo de que puedas
apropiarte de tu proceso formativo.

Ambiente: plataforma virtual Google Classroom, English Lab, tercer piso. Sede Maguaré.
Materiales: computador, lapicero, cuaderno de anotación, marcador y diccionario.

3.4. Actividades de Transferencia de Conocimientos.

3.4.1 Warm Up Activities: Reading Comprehension. Read the text about globalisation and decide if these statements are true (T) or false (F).
Correct the false statements. / Lee el texto sobre globalización y decide si las afirmaciones son
verdaderas (T) o falsas (F). Corrige las afirmaciones falsas.

Today we talk about the global market. This means

that the whole world has become a single marketplace
and is not formed by different national markets. In other
words, we are in an international market where
companies have more opportunities to sell their
products in any country in the world and customers
have more opportunities to buy products from all over
the world. In international economy this is called
globalisation: the process by which companies operate
in a lot of different countries all around the world.

What has facilitated this process of buying and selling

in the world market? One of the most important factors is that, over the past 20 years, there have
been developments in new technology and in communication systems: thanks to the use of the
Internet, email, mobile phones and video conferencing, companies can communicate 24 hours a
day, 7 days a week. Also, improvements in transport and the reduction in restrictions to commerce
(taxes on imports, for example) have given companies more opportunities in foreign markets and
have contributed to free trade.


1- Globalisation can be defined as the activity of buying and selling goods and services in all the
countries in the world. (T)

2- Globalisation started in 1920. ( F )

3- Today people can communicate at any time on any day.( T )

4- Taxes on imports is an example of free trade. ( F )

5- Today it is easier to transport goods from one country to another. ( T ) Globalisation is a very controversial problem. Read the list below. Then, listen to two
experts talking about it and tick the advantages and disadvantages of globalisation they mention./
La globalización es un problema muy controversial. Lee la lista de abajo. Luego, escucucha el
audio de dos expertos hablando del tema y selecciona las ventajas y desventajas de la
globalización que mencionaron.

Advantages Disadvantages
1- Poor countries can develop economically. 1- Only multinationals, like Coca Cola or Nike,
2- Poor countries can improve their standard of get the benefits.
living. 2- Rich countries become richer at the expense
3- Globalisation is a force for democratic of poor countries.
freedom. 3- Globalisation destroys the environment in
4- Companies can sell more goods and make poor countries.
more money. 4- People who work for big multinationals are
5- Globalisation creates more jobs. not
6- There is more circulation of money. well-paid .
7- Because of strong competition, prices are 5- Multinationals invest in poor countries so
lower. there are
8- Thanks to globa lisation, we know other fewer jobs in rich countries.
cultures better. 6- Multinationals control the economy of poor
7- Local cultures and traditions are not
respected .
8- Workers in poor countries are exploited.

3.4.2. Applying for a Job.

When you finish high school or university, you will look for a job. The first step will be contacting
the company you want to work for. How? With a job application which is a proposal to work for
them./ Cuando terminas el colegio o la universidad, buscarás un trabajo. El primer paso será
contactar la compañía con la que quieres trabajar. ¿Cómo?. Con una aplicación a un trabajo la
cual es una propuesta de trabajo para ellos. The application process involves different steps. How do you think this process works? Put
the steps in the correct order. / El proceso de aplicación involucra diferentes pasos. ¿Cómo crees
que este proceso funciona? Pon los pasos en el orden correcto.
( 3 ) The company reads your application, thinks you could be the right person and contacts you for
an interview.

( 7 ) You accept and start working for them .

( 5 ) They contact you and offer you the job.

( 6 ) You go to the interview.

( 2 ) You send your application.

( 1 ) You read an advertisement in which a company looks for a computer programmer.

( 4 ) Your interview is successful.

We can say that the three main steps in the application process are:

1- Advertisement
2- Application
3- Interview
Let's look at them in detail! First step: The advertisement
Job advertisements can be found on the Internet, on special sites or on company sites, but
also in newspapers and magazines. / Los anuncions pueden ser encontrados en la
internet, en sitios especiales o en los sitios de las compañias, pero también en los
periódicos y revistas.
Read these two advertisements and answer the questions. / Lee los dos anuncions y
responde las preguntas.


Which job is better for a student?

the cafeteria job is better, as it has flexible
working hours.
2- Which job is full-time only?
job: bank cashier
3- Which job is not permanent? When are you required to work?

4- Which job does not require a school diploma?
no school diploma required at party cafe in manchester
5- How can you apply for both of them?
in order to apply you must click on the mail to apply or send an email with your
resume to the head of personnel Second step: The application
After reading a job advertisement, if you are interested in the job, you send your
application, usually by email. Your application must include a CV (Curriculum Vitae). This
is a document with information about you and your work history. A CV must be clear and
easy to read, so it must be organised into sections. / Después de leer un anuncio de
trabajo, si estas interesado, envías tu aplicación, usualmente por email. Tu aplicación
debe incluir un CV (Curriculum Vitae). Este es un documento con información sobre ti y tu
historia laboral. Un CV debe ser claro y facil de leer, por lo tanto debes ser organizado en
las secciones. Look at this information from a CV and put it in the appropriate sections. / Mira la
información de este CV y ubicala en las secciones apropiadas.
- Excellent English both written and spoken Persona I information
- Email:
- 2008-2010: accountant at French Foods, 11 Avenue St Antoine, Nantes
- M. Gaston Artois, Directeur General at French Foods
- 2007: High school diploma in accountancy from Lycee Saint-Louis, Tours

Section Information

Personal Information Email:

Work experience 2008-2010: accountant at French Foods, 11

Avenue St Antoine, Nantes

Education 2007: High school diploma in accountancy

from Lycee Saint-Louis, Tours

Skills Excellent English both written and spoken

Persona I information

References M. Gaston Artois, Directeur General at
French Foods These are the CVs that Paul Ascott and Mary Burton have attached to their
applications. Read them and tick the table appropriately. / Estos son los CVs que Paul
Ascott y Mary Burton han añadido a sus aplicaciones. Leelos y marca la tabla

Who: Paul Ascott Mary Burton

Has a degree? X

Is still working? X

Does not provide any references? X

Can speak a foreign language? X

Is married? X

Has experience as a bank cashier? X

Can use a computer? X X

Lives in Boston? X X Having as a example Paul Ascott and Mary Burton´s Cvs, make your own filling
the same sections. Use the vocabulary from the CVs above to help . / Teniendo como
ejemplos los CVs de Paul Ascott y Mary Burton, haz el tuyo completando las mismas
secciones. Usa el vocabulario que hay en los CVs antes expuestos.


Name: Yenith Vanessa Guacan Guachaves.
Date: 07/07/2021
Phone: 3502474106



University since 2016 at the Putumayo Technological Institute.

university since February 2021 in the Sena


like to read to learn fast

I also listen to audios for a better understanding
I like to paint but not draw


4 years of sales experience

1 year cashier


3.4.3. Third step: The interview
If your application is successful, the company contacts you for an interview before deciding
whether to give you the job / Si tu aplicación tiene éxito, la compañía te contacta para una
entrevista antes de decidir si te da o no el trabajo. This is a list of typical questions and answers during a job interview. First match
these titles to the questions. Then match questions and answers. There may be more than
one answer for each question. / Esta es una lista de preguntas y respuestas durante una
entrevista de trabajo. Primero relaciona estos titulos con las pregunta. Luego, relaciona
las preguntas y respuestas. Podrían haber más de una respuesta para cada pregunta.

Skills / Work experience /

Education / Interest in the job

1. What are your qualifications? Education e, f
2. What school did you attend? ___ Education f
3. Tell me about your experience. ___ work experience _b
4. What work experience have you got? work experience _b__
5. What are your duties? _____ Interest in the job_____i__
6. What experience have you got in this field? ___ Work experience__g__
7. Do you speak any foreign languages? ___ skill____J __________
8. What are your computer skills and what programs can you use? _____ skill___a_____
9. Why do you want this job? ____ Interest in the job____d_________
10. What interests you about this job? ___ Interest in the job____c___
a. I am familiar with all the main computer programs.
b. I have a good knowledge of computers.
c. I think this job will improve my skills.

d. I want to get experience in this field.
e. I have a diploma in accountancy (and a degree in Economics).
f. I went to ITC Pascoli in Milan and got my diploma 3 years ago.
g. I worked for an import-export company called BC Ltd. from 2008 to 2010.
h. I have several years of office experience.
i. I am responsible for/My duties are entering data into the computer and preparing
statistical reports.
j. Yes, I can speak English fluently. Listen to Michael Green's interview for a job as an office clerk and decide if the
statements are True (T) or False (F). Correct the false statements. / Escuchen la
entrevista de Michael Green para un trabajo como secretario de oficina y decide si las
afirmaciones son Verdaderas (T) o Falsas (F). Corrige las afirmaciones falsas.
1. Michael is 32. Michael is 23
2. He finished school 2 months ago. he finihed school 2 years
3. He was a shop assistant in a sports store. T
4. He has been working as a clerk since he stopped working for SportCentre. T
5. He wants to leave his job because he wantsto improve his office skills. T
6. In his present job he does not use a computer. F
7. He has no experience of office work. T It yes you have experience in office work
8. He is good with computers. T
9. He can't speak Italian. F
10. He will be contacted in a couple of months. F We will contact you in a couple of weeks. After you finish the activities above, complete the letters soup about the technical
vocabulary from the texts and exercises in here. Remember there won’t be any clue about
the words in the soup you must pay attention and use your memory skill for solving this
job. Once you end it make a screenshoot with the soup results./ Después de que hayas
terminado con las actividades anteriores, complete la sopa de letras sobre vocabulario
técnico de los textos y los ejercicios de este documento. Recuerde que no habrá pista
alguna sobre las palabras, debe prestar atención y usar su habilidad de memorización

para resolver este trabajo. Una vez la termina, tome un pantallazo con los resultados de la
sopa de letra al 100%

You Will find the soup activity in this link:


Todas las actividades propuestas serán monitoreadas, apoyadas y las dudas que surjan en su desarrollo
serán resueltas a través de los medios de comunicación presencial y virtual.

Cada actividad les brindará un medio de realización específico, ya sea:

 Experimental en tiempo real.

 Tecnológico con el uso de las TIC

 Trabajo en sala de estudios, espacio de apendizaje o biblioteca.


 Touchstone (Libro Rojo), Cambridge Press. Se trabajarán algunos ejercicios de este libro,
especialmente audios. Es necesario traer una memoria USB debido al tamaño de los archivos.

 Learning English: Unidad 1-25, BBC.

 English – English Dictionary , Longman,

 Gramática Inglesa, Espasa, 2007

 Grammar Girl:: Quick and dirty tips. For better writing, Mignon Fogarty. 2006.


Nombre Cargo Dependencia Fecha

Autor (es) Instructores Bilingüismo BILINGÜISMO Junio 2020

Emmanuel Cabrera


Nombre Cargo Dependencia Fecha Razón del


Autor (es) Instructores Bilingüismo BILINGÜISMO Junio Mejora
Emmanuel Cabrera 2020

Nombre Cargo Dependencia Fecha Razón del

Autor (es)


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