Before Myclub Conversation - Useful Language: Mo Lec Ba Fran Fran

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Before myClub Conversation - Useful language

Here is some vocabulary associated with democracy. Do you know what it all means? Before
myClub - Conversation, use an online dictionary to look up any vocabulary that you don’t know.

 democracy dɪˈmɒk.rə.si  ballot ˈbæl.ət

 electoral system iˈlek.tər.əl ˈsɪs.təm  enfranchised / disenfranchised ɪnˈfræn
 campaign kæmˈpeɪn ˌtʃɑɪzd / dɪs.ɪnˈfræn.tʃaɪzd
 constitution kɒn.stɪˈtʃuː.ʃən  candidate ˈkæn.dɪ.dət
 parliament ˈpɑː.lɪ.mənt  first-past-the-post fɜːst.pɑːst.ðəˈpəʊst
 minority government maɪˈnɒr.ə.ti  proportional representation prə
ˈɡʌv.ən.mənt ˌpɔː.ʃən.əl rep.rɪ.zenˈteɪ.ʃən
 the opposition ði ɒp.əˈzɪʃ.ən  run for office rʌn fər ˈɒf.ɪs
 anarchy ˈæn.ə.ki

Pronunciation – main stress shown in orange and phonemic script shown in green

What’s the word / phrase for …?

1. a situation, especially in society, in which there is no organisation or control.
2. a system of voting, often secretly, or the paper on which you put your vote.
3. a person who is competing to get elected.
4. the situation arising when the governing party has most seats in parliament but still less than
half the total.
5. present yourself as a possible candidate for election.
6. a voting system in which political parties are represented according to the number of people
who voted for them.
7. a system of government based on the belief in freedom and equality.
8. has the right to vote.
9. a voting system in which a person is elected because they got more votes than other
candidates in the area they want to represent.
10. the method and rules used to determine the outcome of elections.
11. not having the right to vote or having that right taken away from you.
12. the largest political party not in government.

The United Kingdom’s international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity.
13. the period of time immediately before an election when politicians try to persuade people to
vote for them.
14. a set of laws which states people’s rights and obligations

During myClub Conversation – Discussion

During the session we will be discussing some of these questions

1. Do you feel you are fairly represented politically?

2. In some countries (Australia, Luxemburg and many Southern and Central American countries)
it is mandatory to vote. How do you feel about this?
3. Should everybody who lives in your country have the right to vote? (think about age, taxes,
nationality, criminal record)
4. Do you think it would be a good idea for all government jobs to be decided by democratic
means? (for example, a police chief or a head teacher)
5. What are the advantages of a first-past-the-post electoral system?
6. What are the disadvantages?
7. Why do people become politicians?
8. Do you think there are any completely honest politicians?
9. Is there a politician that you admire?
10. Have you ever campaigned for a candidate or a political party?
11. Do you ever get into political arguments with friends or family?
12. With regards to politics, which specific topics are best avoided?
13. How do you envisage democracy changing in the future?
14. How could democracy be improved in your country?
15. Is democracy the only way or is there a better option?

After myClub Conversation - Vocabulary review

Do you remember the meaning of the new words? Put the words in the gaps in the correct form.

1. After years of being marginalised, they felt completely unrepresented and _______________.
2. People around the world watched on in horror as the political unrest broke down into full-blown
3. The losing candidate blamed the _______________ system for losing his seat, even though
he had gained a large portion of the vote.

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4. Many voters decided to spoil their _______________ papers by writing protest messages on
them, which made them invalid.
5. When the President of the ruling party was accused of accepting bribes, _______________
immediately called for his resignation.
6. The first time she decided to _______________ in 2016 she asked political consultants to
organise her election _______________

Answers - Before myClub Conversation:

1. anarchy 2. ballot 3. candidate 4. minority government 5. to run for office 6. proportional
representation 7. democracy 8. enfranchised 9. first past the post 10. electoral system
11. disenfranchised 12. the opposition 13. campaign 14. constitution

Answers - After myClub Conversation:

1. disenfranchised 2. anarchy 3. first past the post 4. ballot 5. the opposition 6. run for office /

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