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Wireless Client Security Demystified initialization vector (IV) is concatenated to form the RC4

Jeanette Lee May-Jul, 2007 traffic key. A popular alternative is the 128-bit WEP
protocol, which uses a 104-bit key size. Users typically
enter a 128-bit WEP key as a string of 26 Hexadecimal
1. WEP (Hex) characters (0-9 and A-F). Each character represents
http://airheads.arub anetwork
4 bits of the key. 4 * 26 = 104 bits. Adding the 24-bit IV
creates what is then called a 128-bit WEP key. A 256-bit
Wireless client security can be an overwhelming alphabet WEP system is available and even larger sizes could
soup of acronyms, standards and protocols. In this series of theoretically be supported. Unfortunately, key size is not
articles, we will examine the more popular variants in the major security limitation in WEP.
detail; how they work and how they can be made to work
for you. Because RC4 is a stream cipher, the same traffic key must
never be used twice. The purpose of an IV, which is
The Fundamentals of Security transmitted as plain text, is to prevent any repetition, but a
Before we talk about wireless security as a whole, it’s 24-bit IV is not long enough to ensure this on a busy
worth examining the different types of protocols and network. The way in which the IV is used also opens WEP
security mechanisms available. These typically fall within to a related key attack. For a 24-bit IV, there is a 50%
one of three different categories: probability the same IV will repeat after 5000 packets.

• Encryption WEP was intended to provide confidentiality that was

comparable to a traditional wired network, hence the name.
• Authentication However it has been demonstrated many times that WEP is
• Access control inherently flawed and trivially broken. Numerous attacks
have been published which show how to recover WEP keys
Most wireless security schemes employ at least one passively as well as actively within minutes. It can be even
authentication and one encryption protocol. Some include worse if you consider the fact that most wireless equipment
access control as well. This ensures wireless devices are requires the key be entered in hexadecimal format and
authenticated (we know who they are), their data is many users enter numbers and letters that spell words they
encrypted (no-one can eavesdrop) and their ability to reach can remember. But given that hex is only the letters A-F
network resources is controlled. This last can be very and the numbers 0-9, this makes dictionary attacks even
important since not all wireless users or devices are trusted more trivial.
In this series, I will dedicate each article to a particular The major drawbacks of WEP include:
encryption, authentication or access control mechanism or • Static keys are easy to break – the IV value is too short
standard. and keys are constructed such that they are vulnerable
In this article, we’ll start at the beginning, with WEP. to reuse or weak key attacks; breaking the key
compromises every wireless device and all traffic
WEP Encryption
• Message integrity – there is no effective detection of
The first wireless security scheme was the Wired message tampering or replay
Equivalent Privacy (WEP) protocol. It was included in
the original IEEE 802.11 standard and was intended to • No key management – the protocol directly uses the
secure data transmitted over 802.11 networks. master key with all clients. This static key must be
shared somehow with all clients before they are allowed
WEP depends upon a static pre-shared key that is to associate with the WLAN. WEP makes no provision
configured on every wireless client before it can connect to for sending out new keys
the WLAN. The client passes this key to the wireless
access point (AP). This key is then used to encrypt the • No key rotation/updates – there is no automated
communications between the client and AP. WEP uses the mechanism for changing keys. Often, WEP networks go
stream cipher RC4 in combination with CRC-32 for months or years with the same key simply because
checksums for integrity. WEP keys can be of varying of the inconvenience of manual key updates
lengths, described as bits. Some vendors have offered a variation of WEP that
attempts to solve these issues with Dynamic WEP.
Basic WEP Encryption Dynamic WEP is typically an implementation of the
Standard 64-bit WEP uses a 40-bit key, to which a 24-bit 802.1x protocol that uses WEP for the encryption. Thus,
the 802.1x protocol is used for key management and
distribution; however, once the key is established it • A cryptographic message integrity check
functions like static WEP. (The 802.1x protocol will be
• An initialization-vector (IV) sequencing mechanism that
examined in a later part of this series.)
hashes the IV bits and changes the rules for the size,
When to use WEP reuse and values of the IV
Although WEP has been widely discredited as a wireless • Change the encryption key for every frame
security mechanism, it does have its uses even today. These
• A mechanism to distribute and change the broadcast
keys automatically – this creates a hierarchy of keys and
• Simple devices that do not support more advanced protects the master key
protocols, e.g. wireless phones or older wireless client
devices TKIP is superior to WEP in many ways and solves many
of its problems. However there are some things that TKIP
• Home use
just can't fix. These include:
• No key rotation/updates – the same static pre-shared
Whenever possible, dynamic WEP is preferable to static
master key (PSK) must be shared somehow with all
WEP – however not all devices support this. And of
clients before they are allowed to associate with the
course, wherever possible, apply other security measures
WLAN. The TKIP protocol makes no provision for
beyond wireless encryption. For example, the
automatically generating new master keys
Policy-Engine Firewall in the Aruba Network’s product
can protect these devices even further by examining all • Weak encryption algorithm – like WEP, TKIP relies on
traffic from weakly encrypted devices and limited what the RC4 cipher, which is not considered the highest
they can do on the network to the narrowest context level of security available. RC4 is not approved for
possible. government use

2. TKIP Encryption TKIP has been shown to be a cryptographically sound

protocol that has no known major weaknesses today.
However, the very security conscious may want to consider
TKIP is an encryption protocol used in 802.11 networks an entirely new protocol that does not rely on backwards
and is part of the IEEE 802.11i standard. TKIP was compatibility and thus could be made stronger and
designed as a successor to WEP that could be implemented incorporate new features.
without replacing legacy hardware. This was necessary due
to the ease with which WEP keys could be broken; leaving The 802.11i standard specifies the Advanced Encryption
Wi-Fi networks vulnerable and without a viable link-layer Standard (AES) in addition to TKIP. AES offers a higher
security solution. It was deemed that solving this problem level of security and is approved for government use. As
could not wait for new hardware to become available – organizations replace older wireless equipment, AES is
hence the imperative to provide legacy support. expected to become the accepted encryption standard for
WLAN security.
How TKIP Works 3. AES-CCMP Encryption
TKIP was designed to work in a way very similar to WEP.
This was by design and intention. TKIP is a suite of ystified-aes-ccmp-encryption
algorithms that works as a "wrapper" to WEP, which
allows users of legacy WLAN equipment to upgrade to This is the third in a series of articles discussing various
TKIP without replacing hardware. TKIP uses the original security protocols and mechanisms for wireless client
WEP programming and concept of a pre-shared key but security.
"wraps" additional code at the beginning and end to As mentioned last week, the 802.11i standard includes the
encapsulate and modify it. Like WEP, TKIP uses the RC4 Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) crypto cipher and an
stream encryption algorithm as its basis. The new protocol, accompanying operating mode, or encryption algorithm,
however, encrypts each data packet with a unique Counter-Mode/CBC MAC Protocol (CCMP). AES is often
encryption key. These keys are also much stronger, referred to as the encryption protocol used by 802.11i,
cryptographically speaking, than those of its predecessor, however AES itself is simply a block cipher. The actual
WEP. encryption protocol is CCMP. AES is the successor to the
TKIP includes four additional algorithms that set it apart Data Encryption Standard (DES) and satisfies US
from WEP: government security requirements.
Robust Security Network (RSN) is part of the 802.11i clients before they are allowed to associate with the
IEEE standard and negotiates authentication and WLAN. The AES-CCMP protocol makes no provision
encryption algorithms between access points and wireless for automatically generating new master keys
clients. This flexibility allows new algorithms to be added
• Hardware requirements – AES-CCMP is not backwards
at any time and supported alongside previous algorithms. It
compatible with legacy Wi-Fi hardware. This means
is important to note here that, although the 802.11i
AES-CCMP deployments may require a firmware or
standard allows for TKIP encryption, the use of
hardware upgrade
AES-CCMP is mandated for RSNs. This is discussed in
greater detail in a later article where we examine the 4. EAP Authentication
802.11i specification itself.
RSN uses the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), along ystified-eap-authentication
with 802.1x and EAP. The security protocol that RSN
The Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) or RFC
builds on AES is called the Counter Mode CBC MAC
3748 is, very simply, a transport protocol that has been
Protocol (CCMP). AES supports key lengths up to 256
optimized for authentication. It is important to note that
bits, but is often not compatible with older hardware.
EAP is not, in itself, an authentication protocol, even
However, there is a specification designed to allow RSN
though it is often referred to that way. The EAP protocol
and WEP to coexist on the same wireless LAN; it's called
expands on authentication methods used by the Point-
Transitional Security Network or TSN. It's important to
to-Point Protocol (PPP). EAP can support multiple
note, however, that a WLAN on which some devices are
authentication mechanisms such as token cards, smart
still using WEP is not optimally secured.
cards, digital certificates, one- time passwords, and public
How AES-CCMP Works key encryption. This section will focus on the popular
EAP/authentication combinations and discuss how each
The CCMP protocol is based on the AES encryption cipher
works within a wireless security framework.
using the Counter Mode with CBC-MAC (CCM) mode of
operation. The CCM mode combines Counter (CTR) mode In this article, EAP is always used in a wireless LAN
privacy and Cipher Block Chaining Message context – therefore a more correct name for the EAP
Authentication Code (CBC-MAC) authentication. CCMP, protocol is EAPOL, or EAP over LAN.
in the context of Wi-Fi security, is often referred to as
How EAP Works
AES-CCMP or simply AES. A more complete description
of AES can be found at Here's how it works: a user requests connection to a wireless network through an access point. The access point
requests identification data from the user and transmits that
AES processing in CCMP must use AES 128-bit key and
data to an authentication server. The authentication server
128-bit block size. Per FIPS 197 standard, the AES
asks the access point for proof of the validity of the
algorithm (a block cipher) uses blocks of 128 bits, cipher
credentials. After the access point obtains that verification
keys with lengths of 128, 192 and 256 bits, as well as a
from the user and sends it back to the authentication server,
number of rounds 10, 12 and 14 respectively.
the user is connected to the network as requested. There
AES-CCMP introduces a higher level of security from are many different types or "flavors" of EAP. The
past protocols by providing protection for the MAC difference between these is in how the identification
protocol data unit (MPDU) and parts of the 802.11 MAC credentials are requested and transmitted.
headers. This protects even more of the data packet from
EAP Flavors
eavesdropping and tampering.
There are many different combinations of EAP and
AES-CCMP is superior to WEP and TKIP in many ways:
authentication types. A complete listing is available at
• AES-CCMP was built from the ground up specifically numbers. The
for 802.11 encryption – it goes far beyond the RC4 following list offers a description of the most popular
steam cipher used by WEP and TKIP versions as well as some design considerations:
• AES-CCMP offers greater data privacy by encrypting EAP-MD-5 (Message Digest) is an EAP authentication
parts of the 802.11 header type that provides base-level EAP support. EAP-MD-5 is
typically not recommended for wireless LAN implementa-
The major drawbacks of AES include:
tions because it may allow a user's password to be derived.
• No key rotation/updates – the same static pre-shared
master key (PSK) must be shared somehow with all
It also provides for one-way authentication only - there is PEAP (Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol)
no mutual authentication of wireless client and the network. provides a method to transport securely authentication
More importantly it does not provide a means to derive data, including legacy password-based protocols, via
dynamic, per session wired equivalent privacy (WEP) keys 802.11 wireless networks. PEAP accomplishes this by
using tunneling between PEAP clients and an
EAP-TLS (Transport Layer Security) provides for
authentication server. Like the competing standard,
certificate-based and mutual authentication of the client
Tunneled Transport Layer Security (TTLS), PEAP
and the network. It relies on client-side and server-side
authenticates wireless LAN clients using only server-side
certificates to perform authentication and can be used to
certificates (although client certificates are allowed as an
dynamically generate user-based and session-based WEP
option), thus simplifying the implementation and
keys to secure subsequent communications between the
administration of a secure wireless LAN. There are two
WLAN client and the access point. One drawback of
competing versions today: PEAPv0
EAP-TLS is that certificates must be managed on both the
(PEAP-EAP-MSChapv2) from Microsoft and PEAPv1
client and server side. For a large WLAN installation, this
(PEAP-GTC) from Cisco. Microsoft PEAP is considered
could be a very cumbersome task.
the mainstream PEAP and user authentication protocol. As
EAP-TTLS (Tunneled Transport Layer Security) was mentioned before, PEAP requires a tunneling protocol that
developed by Funk Software and Certicom, as an extension actually performs the authentication.
of EAP-TLS. This security method provides for
EAP-MSCHAP2 is an EAP encapsulation of
certificate-based, mutual authentication of the client and
MS-CHAP-v2 (RFC- 2759). MS-CHAP-v2 requires a user
network through an encrypted channel (or "tunnel"), as well
name and password. This protocol is rarely used on its
as a means to derive dynamic, per-user, per-session WEP
own. Instead it is typically used inside of a
keys. Unlike EAP-TLS, EAP-TTLS requires only server-side
PEAP-encrypted tunnel as described above
EAP-GTC (Generic Token Card) is an alternative to
LEAP (Lightweight Extensible Authentication Protocol) is a
EAP-MSCHAPv2 and is used in Cisco's PEAPv1 protocol.
proprietary EAP authentication type used primarily in Cisco
This protocol makes use of digital certificates to establish
Aironet WLANs. It encrypts data transmissions using
the inner tunnel
dynamically generated WEP keys, and supports mutual
authentication. Like WEP, LEAP has also been broken with Each combination of EAP plus an authentication type
publicly available tools; compromising user credentials and offers a unique approach to authentication. Which one to
accounts. use is generally determined by the level of security
required, the amount of administrative/management
EAP-FAST (Flexible Authentication via Secure Tunneling)
overhead desired, and the limitations of the clients
is another proprietary EAP developed by Cisco. Instead of
(supplicants) that will implement EAP as well as the
using a certificate, mutual authentication is achieved by
capabilities of the RADIUS servers used in the deployment.
means of a PAC (Protected Access Credential), which can be
managed dynamically by the authentication server. The PAC The following table provides a side-by-side comparison of
can be provisioned (distributed one time) to the client either the EAP types:
manually or automatically. EAP-FAST has seen some
popularity, but has been shown to have security issues.


No Yes No No No No (PAC) No
authentication/certificate required
No Yes Yes Yes No No (PAC) Yes
authentication/certificate required

Authentication method One-way Mutual Mutual Mutual Mutual Mutual Mutual

Deployment complexity Low High Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate
to high
Security strength Low Highest High High Low High
to high
EAP Summary
Based on this table, we can draw some reasonably clear
TLS, while very secure, requires client certificates to be
installed on each wireless workstation. Installing and
maintaining a PKI infrastructure must be part of any TLS
installation and does create more administrative overhead.
If a working PKI already exists, TLS is a very good option
TTLS addresses the certificate issue by tunneling TLS, and
thus eliminating the need for a certificate on the client side. authorization and access control (AAA) for dial-up ISP
If a working PKI structure does not exist, this is an option connections. The 802.1x standard mandates an AAA server as
worth considering the back-end server. R ADIUS is the only AAA server
LEAP is one of the earliest EAP implementations; however supported today. Theoretically, other types of AAA servers
inherent security flaws have now made it less popular and could be used, but nothing has been standardized or
it is not recommended implemented as of this writing
Authenticator is a piece of software running on the device that
EAP-FAST promises to be as easy as LEAP but as secure
communicates with both the supplicant and the authentication
as PEAP, however it has different implementation and
server and enforces the authentication server’s deny or permit
operational modes that, ultimately, offer a compromise.
The highest security, ultimately, ends up looking very
similar to PEAP – without the widespread client support The supplicant and the authenticator use the Extensible
that PEAP enjoys Authentication Protocol (EAP) to securely negotiate
authentication. As we discussed last week, there are several
PEAP works similarly to EAP-TTLS in that it does not different types of EAP in use today that offer different
require a certificate on the client side and is natively advantages and disadvantages. During the authentication
supported by many client operating systems. PEAP is the process, the authentication server and the supplicant negotiate
protocol of choice when client-side certificates are not which type of EAP they will use for the authentication
required. When deploying PEAP, EAP-MSChapv2 is transaction. Both devices must mutually support the choice of
likewise the protocol of choice as compared to EAP-GTC. EAP. If they cannot agree on a mutual EAP authentication
This is primarily due to the fact that EAP-GTC it is not process, 802.1x fails.
supported by Microsoft’s IAS RADIUS server or the
native Windows supplicant
How 8 02.1x W orks
More information on the many different EAP protocols can Here are the steps that must occur before 802.1x will allow a
be found at device access to the network:
A wireless client device (supplicant) requests access to a
WLAN. An authenticator (access point/mobility controller)
5. 802.1x Access Control asks for the supplicant’s identity. No other traffic than EAP is
allowed at this point, i.e. the “port” is closed
rol The supplicant responds to the authenticator with identity data
that will estab lish its credentials. EAP, the protocol used to
transport authentication messages, was originally used for
802.1x is an IEEE standard designed to enforce authentication
dial-up PPP. The identity was the user name and was sent in
of a client before Layer 2 access to the network is permitted.
the clear (not encrypted). A malicious sniffer might capture
The 802.1x protocol consists of three parts:
this and learn the user’s identity. Identity hiding is therefore
Supplicant, or client, is software running on a device trying to used; the real identity is not sent before an encrypted session
gain access to the network is established
Authentication server is the system that validates client After the identity has been sent, the authentication process
credentials and determines if the client should be allowed begins. The authenticator re-encapsulates the EAPOL
access. The authentication server must be a RADIUS5 server. messages to RADIUS format and passes them to the
Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) is authentication server. During the authentication process, the
defined in RFC-2865 and other, later documents. It was authenticator simply translates and relays packets between the
originally designed to provide centralized authentication, supplicant and the authentication server
Each authentication process is slightly different, depending on • 802.1x, EAP and an authentication server for
the type of EAP authentication used, however, at some point authentication
the authentication server will send a success or failure message • RSN to keep track of associations and client-AP
If the authentication server transmits a success message, the security negotiations
authenticator opens the “port” for the supplicant and network
• AES-CCMP for confidentiality and integrity
access is granted. If a failure message is sent, the port is not
opened. This supplicant is free at this point to try again and • A four-way handshake
validation. 802.1x and EAP in 802.11
802.1x offers a powerful access control mechanism. Unlike We discussed 802.1x previously and how it works with
any other protocol discussed in this document, 802.1x ensures EAP to provide authentication within the wireless LAN
a client device has absolutely no network access before infrastructure. 8011.i includes 802.1x and EAP and further
authentication improves upon this model.
Robust Security Network (RSN)
The advantages of 802.1x are: 802.11i uses the concept of a Robust Security Network
• High level of network access control (RSN). In an RSN, wireless devices need to support
• Can work with other protocols to provide authentication additional capabilities. In a true RSN, WLAN access
and encryption points/system only allow RSN mobile devices to connect.
• Key distribution and rotation Because not all wireless NICs are RSN-capable, an
intermediate network has been defined called Transitional
Security Network (TSN). A TSN is similar to an RSN in
The major drawbacks of 802.1x are: concept and architecture, but does not implement all of the
• No encryption – the 802.1x protocol, in and of itself, mandatory capabilities and mechanisms.
does not include an encryption algorithm and must be AES-CCMP
used with an encryption protocol such as WEP, TKIP or
As discussed in a previous article, 802.11i makes use of
AES-CCMP for encryption and data integrity.
• No authentication – the 802.1x protocol does not include
Four-way Handshake
authentication, thus it must be coupled with a protocol
such as EAP In a wireless network, there are two authentications that
• RADIUS requirement – the 802.1x protocol only
need to happen:
supports RADIUS today as a de facto standard for The access point (controller in a thin network) must
authentication server messages. This means a RADIUS authenticate itself to the wireless client
authentication server, or proxy, must be used even if the The client and AP/controller must successfully derive keys
actual authentication server is some other protocol such to encrypt traffic
The earlier EAP exchange provides the shared secret key
Even with these issues, 802.1x is still an extremely effective PMK (Pairwise Master Key). This key is designed to last
security protocol when coupled with other standards such as the entire session and therefore should be exposed as little
EAP. as possible. This is performed with a process called the
four-way handshake. The entire mission of the handshake
is to establish another key called the PTK (Pairwise
6. 802.11i, WPA2 and xSec
Transient Key). The PTK is generated by concatenating the following attributes: PMK, AP nonce (ANonce), STA
nonce (SNonce), AP MAC address and STA MAC
IEEE 802.11i is an amendment to the original 802.11 address. The product is then put through a cryptographic
standard specifying security mechanisms for wireless hash function. This handshake also produces a Group
networks (Wi-Fi). The draft standard was ratified on June Transient Key (GTK) which is used for broadcast and
24, 2004, and supersedes the previous security multicast traffic. Here’s how it works:
specification, Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP), which was The AP sends a one-time random number (called the
shown to have severe security weaknesses. nonce-value) to the station (ANonce). The client now has
all the attributes to construct the PTK
How 802.11i Works The station (STA) sends its own nonce-value (SNonce) to
The 802.11i architecture contains four key components: the AP with a Message Integrity Checksum (MIC)
The AP sends the GTK and a sequence number together also goes farther by encrypting parts of the 802.11 header
with another MIC checksum. The sequence number is what Authentication – is offered using the industry standard
will be used in the next multicast or broadcast frame, so EAP and its associated authentication types
that the receiving station can do a basic replay detection
operation Key generation/distribution and rotation - the ability to
derive a hierarchy of keys from a master key, this is
The station then sends a confirmation to the AP typically performed by EAP and 802.1x
The PTK obtained from this handshake is divided into five WPA2
separate keys:
Wi-Fi Protected Access v2.0 (WPA2) is an implementation
Pairwise Transient Key (PTK) of the IEEE 802.11i standard tested and certified by the
EAPOL-Key Encryption Key (KEK) - AP uses this key to Wi-Fi Alliance. It is interoperable with any other
encrypt additional data sent (in the 'Key Data' field) to the 802.11i-compliant system. WPA2 implements the
client (for example, the RSN IE or the GTK) mandatory elements of 802.11i. In particular, the Michael
EAPOL-Key Confirmation Key (KCK)– Used to compute algorithm is replaced by a message authentication code,
MIC on WPA EAPOL Key message CCMP, that is considered fully secure and RC4 is replaced
by AES.
Temporal Key (TK) – Used to encrypt/decrypt Unicast
data packets How WPA2 Security Works
Michael MIC Authenticator Tx Key – Used to compute WPA2 works just like the 802.11i standard and supports
MIC on unicast data packets transmitted by the AP all of the mandatory features and capabilities. WPA2 is
often used interchangeably with 802.11i.
Note: the Michael MIC keys are only used if TKIP is used
A variant on the 802.11i standard is xSec. xSec is a joint
effort between Funk Software (now Juniper) and Aruba
Networks. It was created to meet the requirements of
FIPS-140-2 certification as a Layer 2 protocol. The
original 802.11i standard is, as specified, able to pass this
certification. xSec encompasses all of the benefits of
802.11i and improves upon them even further:
Access control – offers a high level of network access
control through mechanisms such as 802.1x
Encryption – offers AEC-CBC-256, a encryption protocol
approved for government use for Layer 2 data
transmissions, with HMAC-SHA1 for complete 802.11
header encryption
Authentication – is offered using the industry standard
EAP and its associated authentication types
to encrypt the data.
Key generation/distribution and rotation - the ability to
derive a hierarchy of keys from a master key, this is
802.11i has been designed from the ground up using typically performed by EAP and 802.1x
proven technologies. Although no security system can ever Universal media support - xSec is unique in that it works
be considered totally unbreakable, 802.11i security is a across both wired and wireless networks
dependable solution and shows no weaknesses at this time.
Although xSec offers benefits above and beyond the
As an entire security eco-system, 802.11i combines many 802.11i standard, it is worth mentioning that it does require
of the fundamental protocols discussed in this series of a specific supplicant that supports xSec. Today that client
articles. It offers a complete solution: is the Odyssey client sold by Funk, now Juniper Systems.
Access control – offers a high level of network access
control through mechanisms such as 802.1x
Encryption – offers AES-CCMP as proven, highly
regarded cryptographic algorithms that go far beyond the
RC4 stream cipher used by WEP and TKIP. AES-CCMP
7. WPA • MIC packet integrity checking prevents packet replay
mystified-wpa#top • Backwards-compatible with most 802.11 network cards
Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) was developed by the
Wi-Fi Alliance as an interim solution aimed at addressing The major drawbacks of WPA include:
the weakness of WEP-based wireless networks. WPA has, • Backwards-compatibility limits crypto operations – thus
rightly, been admired as a masterpiece of retro engineering. encryption is still ultimately based on RC4, as is WEP
It addresses the weaknesses of WEP and the result is a very • TKIP is not FIPS-certified or approved for US
secure security system that is backwardly compatible with government use
most existing Wi-Fi compliant equipment. WPA is a
practical solution that will provide more than adequate • WPA, as an interim solution, is not compatible with
security for most wireless network applications. pure 802.11i/RSN environments. Some vendors, such
as Aruba Networks, do offer a mixed mode which
How WPA Works allows both WPA-TKIP and WPA-AES on the same
WPA is designed for use with an 802.1X/EAP SSID
authentication server, which distributes different keys to
each user. However, it can also be used in a less secure
"pre-shared key" (PSK) mode, where every user is given Coming next: The Final Frontier: Wireless Client Security
the same passphrase – a passphrase is similar to a Guidelines
password. The Wi-Fi Alliance calls the pre-shared key
version WPA Personal and the 802.1X authentication
version WPA Enterprise.
Unlike the 802.11i standard that uses AES-CCMP by
default, WPA data is encrypted using TKIP’s RC4 stream
cipher, with a 128-bit key and a 48-bit initialization vector
(IV). One major improvement in WPA over WEP is the use
of the Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP), which
dynamically changes keys as the system is used. When
combined with the much larger IV, this defeats the
well-known key recovery attacks that were discovered with
In addition to authentication and encryption, WPA also
provides vastly improved payload integrity when compared
to WEP. The cyclic redundancy check (CRC) used in WEP
is inherently insecure; it is possible to alter the payload and
update the message CRC without knowing the WEP key. A
more secure message authentication code (MIC) is used in
WPA.( Called MIC for Message Integrity Code, it also
happens to be based on an algorithm called Michael._ The
MIC used in WPA includes a frame counter, which
prevents replay attacks from being executed; this was
another weakness in WEP.
By any measure, WPA is a strong security system. Any
system using WPA today will have addressed the major
shortcomings of the original 802.11 standard.
Major features of WPA include:
• Use of 802.1x for access control and authentication
• TKIP encryption that is far stronger than WEP and
fixes many issues with larger keys, IVs and changing
• Key management and distribution scheme (PSK is also
still supported)

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