Picster - MaxScore For Max and Ableton Live

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Picster is a Max patch for the creation of graphical content for
the MaxScore and LiveScore editors. It works like a bare-
bones paint program and was authored by Jacob Sello and
Georg Hajdu with an essential contribution by Ádám Siska
(sadam.canvas). It should be opened from the MaxScore
Picster menu.

How to open the Picster menu

The Picster environment

Creating graphical elements

Click on the new element icon, choose a shape from the

shape menu and use the mouse to draw it at the desired
location on the canvas.

Available shapes are:

linesegment, framerect, paintrect, frameoval, paintoval,

frameroundrect, paintroundrect, framearc, paintarc,
framepoly*, paintpoly*, freehand, text**, picture (bitmap and
vector graphics).

* Close the path of a framepoly or paintpoly object with the

tab key.

** Complete your entry with the return key.


Before creating an element you may want to set its color: click on Color: and choose a color from the color picker.

Adjust its transparency with the transparency slider.

Placing images

Click inside canvas (creates an image at original size) or click-drag to create a rectangle in which to place the image.

Editing elements

Click on the Move Element button. Every element’s anchor

should appear as a small red circle. Click inside one of the
circles and move the element to a different position. If you
want to move several elements at once, drag-enclose them
and move the group by dragging one of the red circles.

If you want edit the attributes of an element, click on one of

the red circle and press the return key. This will open a text
editor displaying the drawing commands, the transformation
values and the anchor position in JSON format. Change any of
those attributes, close the window and click on the Update
Selected elements can be deleted by pressing the delete key. Clear
button to make the change.
the canvas by clicking on the Clear icon.

Saving and opening library items

While Picster elements can be directly attached in the MaxScore editor to notes, staves and measures, it is wise to create library elements that can
be used repeatedly after saving them to the Picster User Library folder. For this, click and on the disk icon and either re-name the element or use
the name you have previously entered in the group name field. In the MaxScore editor the Library item will be displayed after manually refreshing
the content of the menu.

Groups can also be opened (click on the Folder icon) for further editing in the Picster editor. On the bottom left-hand side, you can choose between
three formats, the graphics will be saved in: native Picster (json format), .png and .svg.

Attaching groups to MaxScore elements

Once you’re done creating and/or editing your graphics, the group of objects can be attached to a note, a measure/staff or a measure. In the
Picster menu of the MaxScore Editor choose the appropriate destination, select the note(s), staves or measure the element is supposed to be
attached to and click on the Attach button. Now the element or group of elements should appear in the score. You can find further information on
how to move or edit Picster elements in the MaxScore/LiveScore editors.

Known issues

Currently there is no support for cut, copy, paste, send to back and bring to front. All actions are un/redoable though.

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